Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 329 Killing Demons and Seizing Treasures

There are a lot of monsters living in "Yunwu Ze", no matter it is day or night, there will be many strange beast roars, which is not worthy of Zhou Yang's attention.

But the aura that came from the roar of the beast just now clearly has reached the fourth rank, and it is likely to be more than a fourth rank inferior.

The most important thing is that the beast's roar sounded to Zhou Yang like the roar of monsters like tigers and leopards.

As we all know, tigers and leopards are land monsters that like to inhabit mountains and forests.

That is to say, there is land in the direction from which the roar of the beast came.

Zhou Yang has been looking for land for several days, now that he finds this situation, how can he not pay attention to it?

So even though he knew that there might be some trouble in the past, he couldn't help but rushed towards the direction of the beast's roar.

After flying for dozens of miles in this way, he sensed the fierce fluctuations in fighting skills, and even faintly heard the angry shouts of the immortal cultivators.

Then he got closer, and soon found land within the range of his consciousness.

Because sight and consciousness are greatly restricted in the foggy area, Zhou Yang doesn't know how big the land is.

However, according to common sense, if the fourth-order monsters can live here, the area will definitely not be too small.

However, he didn't have time to measure the size of the land at this time, because as he approached, the fourth-order monster occupying this land quickly discovered his existence and attacked him from the air .

At this moment, even if he wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, he couldn't do it, so he had to show his body and plunge into the battlefield.

On the battlefield, a middle-aged male monk wearing a blue robe was using several magic weapons to fight a ferocious monster.

The monster looks like a fourth-order monster "Canglan Yunhu". It is more than ten feet long and one foot seven feet high. There is a pair of wings made of clouds and mist.

The cloud and mist wings are the unique supernatural power of the "Canglan Yunhu" family. With this supernatural power, "Canglan Yunhu" can gain the ability to fly at the third level.

But what is different from the normal "Canglan Yunhu" is that this monster in Zhou Yang's sight has a blue unicorn about three feet long on its head, which can be released by the blue unicorn. Unleashed a powerful blue thunder and lightning supernatural power.

It is with the help of this blue thunder and lightning supernatural power, and "Yunwuze" which is extremely suitable for the fighting environment of the "Canglan Yunhu" clan, the "Canglan Yunhu" in Zhou Yang's sight is obviously only a middle-level fourth-order beast. On the contrary, he had the upper hand in the battle with the middle-aged human monks who were cultivated on the sixth floor of the Purple Mansion, beating the opponent to the point where he was only able to defend but not to counterattack.

At this time, seeing Zhou Yang being forced to show his body by the monster, the middle-aged human monk was startled at first, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

Then the look in his eyes moved, and he quickly took the initiative to remind Zhou Yang loudly: "Daoist friend, be careful, this evil beast is a hybrid of [Canglan Yunhu] and [Shanlei Leopard], and it perfectly inherited The supernatural powers of both parents are extremely difficult to deal with!"

At first hearing these words, it was full of concerns.

But in fact, Zhou Yang never expressed his intention to join forces with him to deal with monsters.

If it was a monk who was less responsive, he would really be tricked by his words immediately. Not only should he thank him for his reminder, but also foolishly deal with the monsters together with him.

And Zhou Yang is obviously not this kind of person.

When he heard the words of the middle-aged human monk, his eyes flashed strangely, and he immediately shouted: "Thank you for reminding me, fellow Taoist, Zhu Ziyu of the Purple Star Sect, if the outside world can meet again in the future, I will definitely prepare some thin wine for later." Reporter!"

After he finished speaking, a golden light flashed on his body, and he took advantage of the chance that the monster beast's main attention was still on the middle-aged human monk, and directly cast "Rainbow Golden Escape" and flew away from the battlefield.

His resolute escape action made the middle-aged human monk stunned, and then he couldn't help opening his mouth and shouting angrily: "Damn! Zhu Zi'an dares to deceive me! If we meet again in the future, I will kill him!"

He thought he could get away with the help of Zhou Yang, but he was easily seen through by Zhou Yang and put himself together, which made him feel ashamed and angry.

However, Zhou Yang didn't pay attention to what the middle-aged human monk was thinking. After he escaped from the battlefield with "Rainbow Golden Escape", he didn't really leave, but restrained his breath and waited in secret.

According to what he saw just now, he concluded that the middle-aged human monk would not be the opponent of the monster. After the two fought for a while, the middle-aged human monk would definitely retreat.

At that time, he can just take advantage of the situation and enter the battlefield to clean up the monster that has just experienced a big battle.

The facts are similar to what Zhou Yang expected.

After seeing him fleeing the battlefield, the middle-aged human monk fought fiercely with the monster for half an hour, but finally lost to the monster and fled the battlefield injured.

And for some unknown reason, the monster didn't even pursue the fleeing enemy. After winning, it let out a roar full of pride to demonstrate to those who watched in the dark, and then retreated back to its lair to rest.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang, who had been peeping outside, immediately moved and flew towards the land again.

Same as last time, as soon as Zhou Yang reached the sky above the land, the monster discovered his existence by some means, and then directly attacked him in a rage.

But Zhou Yang is not that middle-aged human monk. He has already killed several fourth-order monsters and several late-stage cultivators of Zifu, so how can he be afraid of a mere fourth-level middle-grade monster!

He didn't use any other means, just resorted to the "Ten Directions Extermination Sword Formation" to trap the monster in the sword formation, and then beat the monster until it screamed in pain.

Compared to dealing with immortal cultivators with many methods, the sword array is undoubtedly more effective in dealing with monsters with large bodies and single methods.

As for the blue thunder and lightning supernatural power of the monster, although its power is indeed extraordinary, it cannot break Zhou Yang's "Canglong Cauldron" protection.

After the two sides fought like this for nearly an hour, the monster was first wounded by Zhou Yang with the "Mie Shen Needle", and the beast's soul was injured, and then he was directly hit by the "Liu He Tian Sword" that he used against Murong Qianqian that day. Beheaded.

After beheading the monster with a single sword, the first thing Zhou Yang did was to step forward to extract the beast's soul.

This monster has the blood of "Canglan Yunhu" and "Shanlei Leopard", and its own strength is quite extraordinary. Whether the beast soul is used to make a weapon soul or to refine "beast soul charms", it is stronger than ordinary fourth-order monsters. The beast has a lot of strength, so naturally it can't be wasted.

I saw Zhou Yang standing in front of the huge corpse of the monster and beating the "spirit drawing technique", and a pocket-sized "Canglan Yunhu" beast soul the size of an ordinary cat came out of the monster's nostrils.

As soon as the beast soul got out of the body, it bared its teeth and roared at Zhou Yang, trying its best to resist the restraint of the "spirit drawing technique".

But after all, it is just the beast soul of a fourth-order monster. Without any physical sustenance, its strength is not even as good as that of a foundation-building monk. How can it resist Zhou Yang's secret technique?

So after struggling for a few breaths, Zhou Yang forcibly pulled out the beast soul of "Canglan Yunhu" and put it into a black jade bottle.

The jet-black jade bottle is inconspicuous, but it is made of the extremely precious fourth-order spiritual object "Soul Cultivation Jade". It is one of the many treasures that Zhou Yang obtained from the Blood Nether relic.

Only by placing the beast soul of the monster in a container made of this nourishing material can it be guaranteed that the beast soul will not dissipate with the passage of time.

Otherwise, the beast souls of mere fourth-order monsters would completely disappear in less than half a day.

After extracting the beast soul, Zhou Yang began to deal with the corpse left behind by the monster beast.

Because the monsters were left with many scars by his sword array during the battle, the fur of the corpses could not be used for refining weapons, so he could only pick some intact parts to make talismans, and the blood of the beasts was also put away for later. The use of talismans, and animal meat, animal bones, and animal teeth Zhou Yang prepared to be used for food and refining.

As for the most valuable demon pill on the monster's body and the one-horn on its head that can release the thunder and lightning supernatural powers, they were kept by Zhou Yang alone and kept.

Leaving aside the role of the demon pill, what Zhou Yang is most interested in is the unicorn.

After the death of "Canglan Yunhu", there are still traces of blue lightning flashing on this object.

This means that if he refines the weapon with this object, once he succeeds, the magic weapon can completely inherit the blue lightning supernatural power of the monster.

This kind of material that can retain the characteristics of supernatural powers after the death of monsters is rare.

Every craftsman hopes that he can use this material to refine crafts, because it not only means that he can refine a high-quality magic weapon, greatly improve his crafting skills, but also help him deepen his understanding of related magical powers .

For example, the animal horn in Zhou Yang's hand is a thunder-attribute material. If he refines a magic weapon from this thing, he will have some understanding of thunder magic in the refining weapon, and thus indirectly improve his understanding of the "God of Qianyang." Ray" comprehension.

Pill Artifacts and Talisman Arrays, the various arts of cultivating immortals, are more than just a simple skill.

Once these skills have been practiced to a certain level, they can be used to enlighten the Tao.

Practice all the way to the back, and they all lead to the same goal by different routes.

After dismembering the body of "Canglan Yunhu", Zhou Yang carefully measured the size of this piece of land, and searched for spiritual objects on the land by the way.

What made Zhou Yang extremely happy was that this piece of land was not only huge, it was as big as the Yuquan Lake oasis, and there was a fourth-order low-grade spiritual vein on it.

The lair of "Canglan Yunhu" is above the spiritual eye of the spiritual vein.

It was a small valley with an area of ​​only a thousand acres. The valley was full of aura, and there were many unique elixir of "Yunwuze", including a fourth-order elixir "Millennium Blue Star Taro".

However, the treasure that Zhou Yang valued the most was not the fourth-order elixir "Millennium Blue Star Taro", but two pieces of spiritual tea on a tall tea tree in the valley.

Those two pieces of spirit tea were exactly the same as the "Yunwu Immortal Tea" he got from Zixing Pavilion, but the size and color were a bit worse, obviously not fully mature yet.

After seeing these two pieces of "Yunwu Immortal Tea" that were not yet ripe but ready to drink, Zhou Yang finally understood why "Canglan Yunhu" didn't choose to chase after the middle-aged human monk after he had injured the middle-aged human monk earlier.

I also understood why the middle-aged human monk knew that he was not the opponent of "Canglan Yunhu", but he was still reluctant to fight this monster.

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