Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 331 Uninvited Guest!

"about there!"

"Looking at it like this, these two pieces of fairy tea will be fully mature in a month at most!"

"I have been here for two years, and it is almost time to leave here to do business."

On the unnamed island, Zhou Yang walked out of the cave, looked at the two pieces of "cloud fairy tea" filled with aura on the tall tea tree outside the cave, his eyes were full of anticipation.

After waiting here for more than two years, he finally waited for these two pieces of "Yunwu Fairy Tea" to mature.

Just in case, in the next month, Zhou Yang didn't go deep into meditation practice, and just waited under the tea tree.

He waited hard for two years, but he didn't want to wait in vain.

If someone or a monster sneaked into the island and stole two pieces of ripe "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" while he was practicing, it would be too late for him to cry.

Facts have proved that his approach is necessary.

Because just a few days before the "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" was officially mature, the fragrance of the tea floated out of the valley, attracting many monsters to attack the formation that enveloped the valley.

Although the strongest of these monsters is only the third-order monsters, they can't stand the large number. Under their simultaneous attacks, the formation formed by Zhou Yang can't stand it for long.

Naturally, Zhou Yang would not let these monsters break the formation, so he could only release the flying sword to start a killing spree.

After the massacre, those monsters attracted by the scent of tea either died under Zhou Yang's sword, or fled the island in fright.

After killing the peeping monsters, Zhou Yang thought he could sit back and wait for the tea to mature and pick.

But what he didn't expect was that, two days before the celestial tea was fully ripe, the island attracted another uninvited visitor.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

On the unnamed island, the two people who saw each other through their spiritual consciousness after being separated by several miles, both exclaimed in surprise.

Zhou Yang looked at the uninvited guest. Although he couldn't see the man's appearance through the mist, his spiritual sense could clearly see the change of the other's face.

I saw that this uninvited guest was the middle-aged human monk in blue who was injured and driven away by the "Canglan Cloud Tiger" two years ago.

After two years, this person actually found this island again, and he also brought a helper with a fifth-level cultivation in the Purple Mansion.

"Why is Brother Zhu surprised? Do you know the monk on the island?"

In mid-air, another young man in white shirt with a sword came together with the middle-aged human monk in blue. Hearing the exclamation of his companion, he couldn't help frowning and asked why.

Hearing that his companion wanted to ask, the middle-aged monk in blue came back to his senses, and immediately said with a solemn expression: "Brother Tuoba, you don't know something. This person was attracted by Zhu's fight with that evil animal two years ago. Later, when Zhu was fighting fiercely with monsters, he used a powerful escape technique and escaped from the battlefield."

"At the time, Zhu Mou was just angry at this person's shameless behavior, but now it seems that this person chose to escape at that time, not necessarily because he was afraid of the monster, but probably because he didn't want to share the island's spiritual things with Zhu Mou Dao!"

Hearing this, the young man in the white shirt with a sword in his hand had a look of surprise in his eyes, and he couldn't help shouting: "Brother Zhu, what you mean is that the fourth-tier middle-grade monster has already been slaughtered by this kid on the island?"

"Besides this explanation, Zhu can't figure out why that monster has any reason to give up the spiritual objects and veins on the island and leave this place!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged monk in blue clothes surnamed Zhu opened his mouth and shouted loudly at Zhou Yang: "This fellow Taoist, do you know if what Zhu said is right?"

What the two of them said just now was not covered up by sound transmission, so Zhou Yang heard it clearly.

At this time, when he heard the middle-aged monk surnamed Zhu in blue asking, Zhou Yang was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then smiled lightly and said, "What fellow Taoist Zhu said is very true, that evil beast has indeed died under Huang's sword long ago!"

When the middle-aged monk surnamed Zhu in blue heard him directly admitting his guess, he was also shocked, and the seriousness on his face deepened a lot.

Then, as if he remembered something, he looked at Zhou Yang with an ugly face and said, "Huang? Fellow Daoist said last time that he was Zhu Ziyu of the Purple Star Sect, so Zhu did a special search after he went out, and found that this Two years ago, I happened to fall outside Qixia Fairy City, and now a fellow Taoist says his surname is Huang, should Zhu believe in fellow Taoist? Or should he not?"

"The name is just a code name. Fellow Daoist Zhu and Huang also met by chance, so why should you care about these? I think you should talk about your reason for coming!"

Zhou Yang squinted his eyes, but he was impatient to waste time chatting with the other party, so he went straight to the showdown and asked the other party why he came.

Although he didn't need to ask this point, he already had the answer in his heart.

When the middle-aged monk surnamed Zhu in blue heard him asking this question, his eyes flickered and he didn't immediately answer his question.

On the contrary, after Zhou Yang finished speaking, the young monk in the white shirt with the sword in his hand snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, brother Zhu, don't ask him. From my point of view, this person must be the one who killed the Purple Star Sect Zhu Ziyu." murderer!"

"It is said that Zhu Ziyu is not only the eighth-level cultivator of the Zifu himself, but also a couple of Zifu monks from Huoyun Kingdom as helpers."

"If he really killed the beast that brother Zhu said, then he must be the murderer who killed Zhu Ziyu!"

I don't know if this person was naturally courageous or he had something to rely on, but he knew that Zhou Yang was the murderer of Zhu Ziyu, yet he dared to bring up this matter in front of Zhou Yang without saving any face, his attitude was very arrogant.

After Zhou Yang heard his words, his eyes became sharp instantly.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, I wish that for the time being, I believe that Fellow Daoist's surname is Huang!"

"As long as Fellow Daoist Huang gives those two pieces of [Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea] to Zhumou and Brother Tuoba, we will not take any other spiritual objects in the valley, and we will not spread the news that Fellow Daoist is here, and we are willing to take each of them. In exchange for offering 20,000 low-grade spirit stones to fellow daoist, what do fellow daoist Huang think?"

As if aware of Zhou Yang's killing intent, the middle-aged monk surnamed Zhu in blue quickly responded to Zhou Yang's question loudly.

While explaining his intentions and conditions, he quickly sent a voice transmission to his companion who was unhappy after hearing his words: "Brother Tuoba, please be careful, this person can kill the Purple Star Sect!" No matter what method Zhu Ziyu and that fourth-tier middle-grade monster use, it shows that he is not easy to mess with. If we can exchange tens of thousands of spirit stones for [Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea], why bother with this kind of monster? Ruthless as an enemy?"

"Furthermore, isn't brother Tuoba strange? This person discovered this place two years ago after Zhu, and seems to have been staying on this small island for two years. What does this mean?"

"It means that this person either has some means and treasures that can accurately locate the small island, so that he can find it every time he enters [Yunwuze], or has some powerful means and treasures that can help him resist the strange power in the extended fog Time to erupt!"

"No matter which one it is, it means that this person is difficult to deal with. It's not a last resort for you and me. It's better not to fight against this person!"

After hearing the words of the middle-aged monk surnamed Zhu in blue, the young man in the white shirt with the sword in his hand froze his eyes. If he hadn't been reminded by his companion, he really didn't think so much.

However, unlike the middle-aged monk surnamed Zhu in blue, although he temporarily suppressed his eagerness to move because of the other party's words, the desire to kill Zhou Yang in his heart became stronger.

Just like what the middle-aged monk surnamed Zhu said, no matter what situation Zhou Yang is in, the powerful secret techniques and treasures he masters will have a great effect on those forces that are close to the "Yunwu Lake".

If my sect can get these...

When the young man in the white shirt and holding the sword thought about this, his heart became extremely hot.

Although a piece of "Yunwu Immortal Tea" is good, how can it compare to the countless pieces of "Yunwu Immortal Tea" that may be found in the future?

He immediately said loudly: "Brother Zhu is right, as long as Fellow Huang Daoist agrees to our conditions, Tuobagui will definitely give the 20,000 spirit stones with both hands!"

20,000 low-grade spirit stones in exchange for a piece of "Yunwu Immortal Tea", this price is already very generous.

You must know that the price for the major forces to purchase "Yunwu Immortal Tea" is only 10,000 low-grade spirit stones.

After all, although this fairy tea is good, it is impossible to get a high price because each monk can only produce one effect.

But in the past, when the "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" appeared, most of them would flow into the hands of various Jindan stage monks.

Because it is obviously more cost-effective for Jindan stage monks to consume this immortal tea than Zifu stage monks.

Therefore, if the two middle-aged monks surnamed Zhu in blue used 20,000 low-grade spirit stones to buy a piece of "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" for their own use, it would not be too bad a loss.

It's just that Zhou Yang doesn't care about these.

How could he sell the "Yunwu Immortal Tea" that he had waited so hard for two years to mature for just tens of thousands of spirit stones?

Does he look like someone who lacks Lingshi flowers?

"Have you finished? If you have finished speaking, you can go away!"

He looked at the direction of the two with a stern face, his voice was cold and emotionless, and his patience was completely exhausted.

"Boy, you..."

The young man in the white shirt with the sword in his hand was stunned for a moment, then his face flushed red, and he was instantly irritated by Zhou Yang's contemptuous words.

Since he was a child because of his outstanding aptitude, he has been praised by his elders and admired by his peers. How could he have been treated like this by a monk who looked much younger than himself?

Zhou Yang's words "you can get out" deeply hurt his self-esteem and pride.

After he took a deep breath, he waved his hand, and the flying sword on his back shot out from the scabbard with a "clang", hovered above his head, and pointed at Zhou Yang.

Then his eyes sharpened, and he exhaled like thunder and shouted loudly: "Tuobagui of Baiyun Sword Sect, please teach fellow Huang Daoist a brilliant move!"

Before the sound of drinking finished, the silver flying sword turned into a silver sword rainbow and swished towards Zhou Yangfei.

"Brother Tuoba, you..."

The middle-aged monk in blue clothes surnamed Zhu opened his mouth, then gritted his teeth. He also reached out and patted the storage bag, took out a blue crescent halberd and threw it at Zhou Yang. Ya, to learn from Huang Daoyou's brilliant tricks!"

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