Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 333: There Are Universes Inside the Cauldron

Zhou Yang was indeed approaching the end of his life.

The power of Tuobagui's sword talisman was not compromised at all.

If it hadn't been for some accidents, Zhou Yang might really have fallen under that sword energy on the spot.

But he who was approaching exhaustion was not really exhausted, let alone that he was completely powerless to fight back.

He counter-killed Zhu Wuya who was still in good condition, using the secret technique of "Mie Shen Needle" and the sharp gold sword in "Pure Yang Heavenly Sword".

When Tuobagui, who thought he had seen through him, also came with his sword and attacked the valley's guardian formation, he used the mana he had just recovered to use the real fire sword in "Qianyang Tianjian" again.

At that time, Tuobagui was mustering up all his strength to break the valley's guardian formation, and it was precisely because he was full of ambition that he wanted to kill Zhou Yang himself.

How could he have such a hole card.

Ever since, Tuobagui was in tragedy.

His body was directly hit by the sword of real fire, and then his whole body was engulfed by the raging real fire and burned to ashes.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang, who played the last hole card, was finally relieved and sat down on the ground, completely relieved.

Tuobagui guessed right before, he was indeed bluffing.

If he chose to retreat at that time, he would not be able to chase the opponent at all.

However, while he was bluffing, he was also prepared for both hands, so he uttered those threatening words like superfluous.

If Tuobagui chose to retreat then, it would be fine.

And if he was enraged by his words and stepped forward, it would be in his favor, so that he could completely keep the other party once and for all, so as to avoid being known by the Xuanshuizong that he killed Zhu Wuya.

So when Tuobagui thought he saw through his reality and stepped forward, he deliberately retreated into the valley to show his weakness to the enemy. While delaying the recovery of mana through the valley guard formation, he paralyzed the enemy and made the enemy think that he was really brave. There was no power left to fight back.

As expected, Tuoba Gui had fallen for the trick, and offered to send him to his door, creating an opportunity for him to make a phone call.

At this moment, recalling the battle just now, Zhou Yang was also full of fear, and on his pale face, he muttered to himself with emotion:

"What happened today is really a lesson!"

"No one who can cultivate to the purple mansion stage is really weak!"

"With the help of various treasures, I can cross the small realm and kill powerful enemies many times. Why can't others do the same?"

"If the [Canglong Cauldron]'s true face hadn't been revealed today, I'm afraid that the person who died at this moment would be replaced by me!"

First Luo Yunqing, and then Murong Qianqian and Zhu Ziyu. After he opened up the Purple Mansion, he had killed three late-stage cultivators of the Purple Mansion without counting monsters.

This made his mentality a little inflated, thinking that the late monks in the Zifu were nothing more than that, and he could completely achieve a single kill by himself.

But is this really the case?

Obviously not!

To kill Luo Yunqing and Murong Qianqian, he was able to kill the enemy instantly with the help of the "Golden Light Fixing Mirror" talisman.

As for killing Zhu Ziyu, he took advantage of the other party's underestimation of the enemy to trap him with a sword array, and then succeeded in killing him with the help of the seventh-level magic weapon "Qianyang Orb".

Without the help of the talisman, and without the power of the seventh-order magic weapon "Qianyang Orb", his strength would at most be a tie with the late-stage monks of the Zifu, and it would be impossible to kill him.

Even if the battle lasts for a long time, he will still be the loser, because his mana is far inferior to that of the late monks of the Zifu.

At the same time, the premise of all this is still based on the fact that the monks in the late Zifu do not have as strong a hole card as him.

If the cultivators in the later stage of the Purple Mansion also possess such a powerful talisman as the "Golden Light Fixing the Sky Mirror" talisman, or a protective sword talisman like the white-shirted youth Tuoba Gui, or some kind of fifth-order spiritual talisman.

Then the person who dies, will most likely be replaced by him!

And who has a strong hole card and who doesn't, this can't be seen at all before the real battle of life and death.

Therefore, in order not to let him die young at the hands of the enemy, the best way is to make fewer enemies and less grudges with monks of the same rank.

Zhou Yang now thinks back and reflects on the cause of today's battle, and finds that the main reason lies in Zhu Wuya and Tuobagui. sparked this fight.

But if he hadn't been so rude and arrogant in rejecting the other party's words earlier, could he have avoided this battle?

Or even if the fight cannot be avoided, after he has demonstrated his formidable strength, will the young man in white shirt Tuoba Gui, who has not hurt his self-esteem by his words, choose to use his hole cards to fight him for life and death less violently, but Follow Zhu Wuya's advice and retreat temporarily?

With the death of Zhu Wuya and Tuobagui, this question is destined to never be answered.

But Zhou Yang told himself in his heart that he must not make the same mistake again in the future.

Don't underestimate any opponent, and don't underestimate anyone.

This is the profound lesson he has learned through today's incident.

Two days later, the "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" was fully ripe. Zhou Yang, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately picked it and put it in the storage ring, and then he dared to enter the cave to retreat and heal his injuries.

Although most of the power of the "Taibai Gengjin Sword Qi" was blocked by the "Canglong Cauldron", the remaining sword energy still caused great damage to Zhou Yang's body.

If it wasn't for the extremely high quality mana he obtained from practicing the "Qianyang Immortal Scripture", and the "Qianyang Orb" in the sea of ​​dantian qi was guarded by the seventh-order magic weapon, those extremely sharp sword qi would have defeated him long ago His protection pierced through his dantian!

After recuperating for more than a month, Zhou Yang finally refined all the remaining sword energy in his body with "Qianyang True Fire" and truly recovered.

After recovering completely from his injuries, Zhou Yang had time to check the results of the battle a month ago.

In the battle a month ago, although he killed Zhu Wuya and Tuobagui, two Zifu period monks, because Tuobagui's whole body and storage bags were burned to ashes by the "Qianyang True Fire", Zhou Yang had to He arrived at the flying sword he had carried on his back earlier.

The quality of this flying sword is extremely high, it is a fourth-rank high-grade flying sword, named "Feihong".

In terms of quality alone, this sword is even better than Zhou Yang's "Da Yan Shen Light Sword".

With such a precious sword, it's no wonder that Tuoba Gui still chose to carry it on his back even though he was already a cultivator of the Zifu stage.

It was also with this precious sword that Tuobagui was able to support Zhou Yang's sword array for an hour without being defeated.

"The sword is a good sword, but it's a pity that it's not very useful to me!"

Holding the silver-white sword in both hands, Zhou Yang admired it, shook his head and put it into the storage ring.

He has twelve "Da Yan Shen Light Swords" which are enough for him. Although this "Flying Rainbow Sword" is good, it is of no great use to him.

Then he checked Zhu Wuya's storage bag.

In Zhu Wuya's storage bag, Zhou Yang harvested a total of more than 80,000 spirit stones, as well as a lot of elixir grown in the "cloud and mist lake", as well as some magic tools, elixir, and talismans.

But the biggest harvest is two pieces of mature "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" and a fourth-level top-grade attack charm "Ice Soul Cold Light Talisman".

Two slices of mature "Yunwu Immortal Tea" plus four slices in Zhou Yang's own hands, a total of six slices of immortal tea, just enough for two Zifu period monks to take.

And that "Ice Soul Cold Light Talisman", as a rare ice attribute attacking charm, is much more valuable than ordinary fourth-level top-grade magic charms with five elements attributes, and is only below the same level of lightning charms.

Except for the green flying knife talisman treasure obtained from Murong Qianqian, Zhou Yang now has no powerful attacking talisman and talisman. This talisman can barely be kept as a trump card.

Of course, neither Tuoba Gui's "Flying Rainbow Sword" nor the Lingshi treasure in Zhu Wuya's storage bag are Zhou Yang's biggest gains from this battle.

His biggest gain in this battle was the "Canglong Cauldron" that revealed its true colors under the attack of "Taibaigeng Golden Sword Qi".

The magic weapon "Canglong Ding" was originally owned by Xiao Bufan, a cultivator from the Purple Mansion of the Yellow Shamen, but later Xiao Bufan was killed by Xue Youming, a golden core cultivator from the Blood Fiend Sect, and this object fell into the hands of Xue Youming.

After Zhou Yang obtained the relic of Xue Youming, he also obtained this magic weapon, and sacrificed it to become his own body protection magic weapon.

It's just that although he sacrificed this magic weapon in the past, and knew that this magic weapon is a rare and exquisite defensive magic weapon, he never thought that under the simple appearance, this magic weapon is actually an inner treasure. There are things.

At this time, he took out this magic weapon and placed it in front of him, only to see the huge bronze cauldron, which was about Zhang Xu high, facing his side of the cauldron, and a deep sword mark penetrated more than two inches into the body of the cauldron.

In the depths of the sword marks, there is a faint cyan-purple light, which is completely different from the cyan material on the surface of the bronze giant tripod.

"It's actually a hidden cauldron in the cauldron! And even I, the master of the magic weapon who has refined the magic weapon, can't find any abnormalities!"

"Such refining methods are truly unheard of!"

The golden light in Zhou Yang's eyes flickered, looking at the blue-purple strange light emerging from the depths of the sword mark, his face was full of amazement.

As a fourth-level master craftsman, he already has a lot of attainments in the art of refining, and his own inheritance of refining is as high as the fifth level.

But even so, he has never heard of the fact that there is another magic weapon hidden in this magic weapon. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely sneer at such a statement.

"Let me take a look, what kind of treasure is the magic weapon hidden inside you!"

He muttered to himself, raised his palm, and sacrificed "Qianyang True Fire" to burn the huge bronze cauldron in front of him.

The original "Canglong Cauldron" had already been cut through by the "Taibai Gengjin Sword Qi" to break through the inner law barrier, and lost the possibility of repair, so Zhou Yang didn't feel distressed when he burned this magic weapon now.

What's more, Zhou Yang would do the same even if the "Canglong Cauldron" was still intact when he knew that there was heaven and earth in the magic weapon.

Anyway, this magic weapon was "picked up" by him, so it doesn't hurt very much if it breaks.

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