A month passed quickly.

Taking advantage of the ten-year "Sacred Fire Festival" held in Hellfire City, Zhou Yang and the others who had lived in seclusion in Ruxiang Beppu for more than a year finally officially embarked on a journey to the depths of the wild jungle to hunt for treasure.

This journey is not destined to be smooth sailing.

The savage jungle is fierce and powerful, and it has swallowed the lives of countless immortal cultivators who went deep into it for treasure hunting and exploration.

There are too many existences here that can threaten the lives of cultivators.

Wild aliens, wild beasts, monsters, these are only visible dangers.

There's more to those hard-to-see dangers than these.

For example, after Zhou Yang and the others went deep into the wild jungle for thousands of miles, when they flew over a large lake with dark green water, countless black shadows suddenly shot out from the lake and attacked them.

Those black shadows are of course not arrows, but black strange fish ranging in length from five feet to ten feet. These black strange fish are covered with fine scales, like a snake, and their mouths are full of sharp teeth like piranhas.

In terms of aura, the aura emitted by these black monster fish is comparable to that of second- and third-order monsters.

But there are too many of them, tens of thousands of them appear at a time, and there is no warning in advance.

The four of Zhou Yang were caught off guard and were immediately surrounded by these strange black fish.

In the end, the four of them spent a lot of effort to fight a bloody road and retreat to the shore of the lake, and passed the big lake after a detour of thousands of miles.

Another example is that when they chose to walk through the territory of a fifth-level flying beast, they accidentally bumped into the territory of a wild man-eating vine, and encountered countless wild man-eating vines.

These wild man-eating vines can be regarded as a kind of plant monsters. Their vines are tough and strong. The barbaric man-eating vines have grown for thousands of years.

And these monsters are very good at camouflage. Before they make a move, their vines look no different from all kinds of vines that can be seen everywhere in the wild jungle, and their breath is not leaking at all.

Only when enough of the prey they are interested in enters their hunting range will they suddenly entangle their prey and launch a surprise attack.

Zhou Yang and the others broke into the wild man-eating vine territory, among which there were many thousand-year-old wild man-eating vines. As soon as they shot, the countless vines woven into a vine net covered the sky and cut off their ability to escape in the air. possible.

If Zhou Yang hadn't seen that the situation was not right, he did not hesitate to reveal the secret of being pregnant with the "Qianyang Treasure Body", and used the "Qianyang True Fire" to burn those barbaric man-eating vines, the team would definitely have attrition.

After this battle, it was revealed that Zhou Yang, who had saved the whole team with his "Baby Body of Qianyang", no one dared to underestimate him anymore.

In the following journey, Zhou Yang and others fought against the fourth-order wild beasts, killed the fourth-order monsters, and fled in a panic under the pursuit of the fifth-order wild beasts.

And the biggest crisis they encountered was when they passed through a wild mountain range and encountered a group of wild strange insects "blood-striped dragon-eating ants".

"Blood-patterned Dragon-eating Ant" is a wild and strange insect that existed in ancient times. A mature "Blood-patterned Dragon-eating Ant" has sharp teeth that can even bite through the scale armor of a fifth-order dragon.

This kind of savage worm does not belong to the genus of monsters, nor is it among savage beasts, but together with some equally powerful and rare savage worms, they are collectively called savage strange worms by immortal cultivators.

The group of "blood-patterned dragon-eating ants" that Zhou Yang and the others encountered did not have mature bodies, because if this kind of savage insect wanted to become a mature body, it needed to devour a large amount of dragon's flesh and blood to mature.

But even so, in the face of a group of thousands of "blood-striped dragon-eating ants" chasing and killing them, all they can do is run for their lives.

Zhou Yang also tried to use the "True Qianyang Fire" to burn those "Blood-patterned Dragon Devouring Ants", but the effect was not satisfactory. Even if these savage insects were burned by the "True Qianyang Fire", they would not die immediately.

Maybe he can do this by using the power of "Qianyang Orb", but if it is not a last resort, how can he be willing to use this hole card in front of outsiders.

So the only way for them in the end is to escape, far away from the range of activities of the "Blood-patterned Dragon Devouring Ant".

After going through hardships and obstacles along the way, after overcoming various difficulties, Zhou Yang and others finally set foot in the wild jungle area one hundred thousand miles away after a month.

When they arrived in this area, they might encounter wild aliens at any time, so the four of them kept a low profile after arriving in this area, and they would not fly high into the sky to become a living target unless they had to.

"Li Daoyou, we have searched this tens of thousands of miles several times, but we haven't found the boulder marked on your map at all. Could it be that your information is wrong, and the boulder is not in this area at all?"

In a temporarily opened cave, four people including Zhou Yang sat cross-legged in it, and everyone looked a little ugly.

The three looked suspiciously at the chunky figure flipping through the book in the cave from time to time, with an undisguised look of anxiety in their eyes.

At this time, more than two months have passed since the three of them set out to hunt for treasure, and now they are in a place that is 140,000 miles deep into the wild jungle.

But they still haven't found the senior monk's cave.

Before Li Zhengwei set off, he vowed that he had fully investigated and prepared the road map. After everyone followed his road map and came here, they searched thousands of miles and could not find a reference marked on his treasure map. .

Without a reference, no one dared to proceed further, so they could only temporarily stop here to watch the chunky monk Li Zhengwei proofread the map against a large amount of information.

But going on like this is not an option.

In particular, a few days ago, when everyone went out to look for that reference object, Xiao Feng unexpectedly found the warrior figure of the wild alien race "Tianmu Clan" in the wild jungle.

The "Tianmu Clan" is a relatively large population among the barbaric alien races. Its members look like a gorilla. In addition to having normal eyes, the members of the "Tianmu Clan" will get a "Tianmu Clan" once they are born. ".

This "Tianmu" is usually located on the back or chest of the "Tianmu Clan".

The "Tianmu" is the same as the spiritual roots of human monks, and it also has attributes. Generally, members of the "Tianmu Clan" can gain the power to manipulate any attribute such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and ice through this "Tianmu".

As for some particularly outstanding "Tianmu Clan" people, their "Tianmu" will allow them to gain the ability to manipulate the power of various attributes.

Basically, a natural adult "Tianmu Clan" person, through the power controlled by his own "Tianmu", can completely match the nine-level Qi training monks of human immortal cultivators.

As long as a person from the "Tianmu Clan" has a little bit of cultivation aptitude and knows how to practice the practice of the "Tianmu Clan" clan, he can gain power comparable to that of human foundation-building monks.

The "Tianmu Clan" that Xiao Feng discovered only possessed third-level strength, which is why they dare to stay here now.

But the other bad news is that since there will be "Tianmu" fighters with a third-level strength here, it means that there must be a "Tianmu" tribe outside the village tens of thousands of miles away, because this kind of low-strength member of the barbaric alien race , usually not too far away from the tribe's location.

And a barbaric alien tribe, at least there will be a leader whose strength is equivalent to that of a Jindan stage monk. If they are found by the patrolling "Tianmu tribe", they will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

So now they are all a little restless and want to leave this dangerous area as soon as possible.

"It's not wrong. I re-compared with the wild experience recorded by a senior. The blood fruit forest and the Chishui River we experienced along the way are all consistent with this route, so the giant rock peak must be in the In this area!"

In the cave, the chunky monk Li Zhengwei put down the data map in his hand, and reconfirmed the authenticity of the map in his hand with a decisive tone.

Hearing what he said, the three of Zhou Yang couldn't help but look at each other, and finally Xiao Feng said: "But according to what you said, that giant rock peak is thousands of feet high, if it really exists, we can't fail to discover it! "

"So now there are only two possibilities. Either hundreds of years have passed, and the giant stone peak was destroyed by wild beasts or alien races, or it was hidden by the formation!"

Li Zhengwei looked at Xiao Feng, and said his conjecture in a deep voice.

"Even so, is there any way you can find it?"

"I am more inclined to the first speculation, so we can fly at low altitudes to find places where a large number of rocks are scattered. Such a large rock peak, even if it collapses and shatters, will leave obvious traces."

"That's what you say, but this is a wild jungle. With the growth and reproduction speed of the plants here, it only takes ten years to turn all the rocky forests you mentioned into forests!"

"So we have to look carefully. Even if the Stone Forest is covered by vegetation, it still cannot be hidden from our spiritual sense. I don't believe that we can't find it even if we search it all!"


Although Zhou Yang and the others complained a lot, no one wanted to give up the treasure hunt, so in the end, after some discussion, they basically followed Li Zhengwei's proposal.

After half a month passed like this, the four of them searched the tens of thousands of miles area again, and finally found a large number of dumped rubble near a hill covered with countless green vines. According to the Based on the calculation of the collapsed area, it should be what was left after the giant rock peak they were looking for collapsed.

After finding the reference, they finally matched the route on the treasure map by restoring the model form of the giant stone peak when it was intact.

However, less than ten thousand miles away from the area where Jushifeng is located, they were suddenly attacked by a group of "Tianmu clan".

These "Tianmu clan" people seemed to know in advance that they would come this way, they had ambushed in advance on the way they must pass, and then made a sudden move, dragging them into the battle in an instant.

Some book friends said that no updates have been added recently, which is indeed the case, because I don’t know if it is because of the impact of the epidemic recently, many book friends have no way to support the original version, or because many book friends abandon books because of writing adventure plots. The original 1,200 after the exemption period has plummeted to the current 600. When I was in a very sad mood, I didn't even think about adding more!

Of course, I have figured it out now, no matter what the reason is, things have already happened, and it is too late to change, so continue to write according to your own ideas!

It happens that there are five days off on May 1st, so I promise everyone here that starting from May 1st, there will be three shifts every day to repay those book friends who are still supporting the original version!

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