Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 346 Shocked Duanmu Yong!

It should be said that Xiao Feng was able to cultivate to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion as a casual cultivator, and became a rare fourth-rank high-grade weapon refiner among casual cultivators. Apart from his good luck and aptitude, his strength must not be bad.

Facing a "pseudo-Golden Core" cultivator holding a fifth-order magic weapon, he was definitely lost, but he wouldn't be able to fight back at all.

A casual cultivator who can practice to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, who doesn't have a few cards in hand?

Zhou Yang was worried that Xiao Feng's defeat would lead to a complete failure of his treasure hunting trip. Of course, Xiao Feng himself was even more afraid of falling here.

So after the enemy exposed the "Golden Elixir of Heretics" and the fifth-order magic weapon, for the sake of his own life, he didn't dare to hide anything anymore.

With a wave of his sleeve, he took out a gleaming silver talisman and activated it.

With the cultivation of the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion and the help of the talisman, he finally got a little respite from the attack of the middle-aged monk in the purple robe.

Of course, this is not enough, no matter whether it is his cultivation base or the talisman in his hand, it is completely incomparable with the cultivation base of the "false golden elixir" and the fifth-order magic weapon.

So after gaining a little respite, he immediately took out another purple-red panacea with a strong medicinal fragrance and swallowed it.

The purplish-red panacea is a fourth-level top-grade panacea made from the heart of a fourth-level wild beast, plus many precious elixir. It can instantly replenish and restore the blood essence consumed by the monk.

And Xiao Feng took it out and swallowed it ahead of time, just to prepare for a secret technique to be performed next.

After he swallowed the elixir, he swiftly formed seals with his hands and pinched a certain spell, and the mana on his body suddenly nearly doubled!

Different from the golden elixir-level mana brought by the "Heterogeneous Golden Elixir", even if the mana in Xiao Feng's body doubled, it would still be at the level of the Purple Mansion, and the quality would still be much worse.

However, the surge in mana can support Xiao Feng to use more magic weapons at the same time and inspire more magic symbols.

After his mana surged, he not only immediately took out two fourth-tier magic weapons with one attack and one defense to join the battle, but also took out a fifth-tier low-tier defensive magic talisman to add a layer of protection to himself.

After playing all these trump cards, he finally blocked the violent attack of the purple-robed middle-aged monk, and he seemed to be safe for the time being.

Of course, this is only temporary. Whether it is his rapidly consuming talisman, or his mana that has increased dramatically through secret techniques, it is impossible to last. Once any of these two dissipate, what awaits him is death The situation of Taoism disappearing.

So after playing all the hole cards to hold back the opponent, Xiao Feng put his greatest hope on his teammates.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, Fellow Daoist Zhou, Xiao tried his best to hold this person for a quarter of an hour. The two fellow daoists, please solve the opponent as soon as possible and come to help Xiao, otherwise I will definitely lose today!"

Get rid of Duanmu Yong within a quarter of an hour!

Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian smiled wryly when they heard Xiao Feng's words.

This is easy to say, but difficult to do.

If the two of them played all their cards like Xiao Feng, it might not be difficult to turn defeat into victory and defeat Duanmu Yong, but it would be even more difficult to kill Duanmu Yong or make him lose the power to fight again!

Of course, the two of them didn't blame Xiao Feng for this, they both knew how much pressure Xiao Feng was facing.

If Xiao Feng couldn't hold back that "fake golden elixir" purple-robed middle-aged monk, they would not only be defeated and flee, but they might follow in Li Zhengwei's footsteps.

Therefore, although the two of them did not give Xiao Feng an affirmative answer verbally, their skills were not vague at all.


Zhou Yang flicked his wrist and shouted, a beam of blue-white ice light instantly shot from his hand towards the puppet giant ape trapped by his sword array.

The blue-white icy light was transformed from the fourth-order top-grade spiritual talisman "Ice Soul Cold Light Talisman" that he obtained by killing Zhu Wuya, a monk of the Xuanshui Sect, in the "Yunwu Ze". In an instant, a thick layer of solid ice was wrapped, and it was frozen in place on the spot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Yang immediately made a fist with both hands, and performed another big killing move.

"Sword array, cut!"

I saw twelve "Da Yan Shen lightsabers" closing in the middle, instantly gathered into a red giant sword several feet long, and slashed towards the puppet giant ape.

Creak creak creak!

After a tooth-piercing sound of metal cutting, the puppet giant ape, who was frozen in the solid ice, had his chest cut open by the red giant sword, and the spirit stone groove hidden deep inside his chest was smashed into pieces on the spot. .

Without the power provided by the spirit stone, the puppet giant ape naturally cannot continue to operate.

After killing the puppet giant ape with such a sword, Zhou Yang moved, but first flew out of the battlefield on Xiao Feng's side, and handed over the only defensive talisman in his hand to Xiao Feng.

"Xiao Daoyou, this talisman is for you to use, and Zhou will help Jiang Daoyou solve Duanmu Yong!"

Xiao Feng was also moved by Zhou Yang's generosity and trust as he gave away a defensive talisman that had never been used before.

After he took the talisman from Zhou Yang, his face flushed and he nodded heavily: "Okay, since Fellow Daoist Zhou trusts Xiao so much, Xiao will definitely live up to the expectations of Fellow Daoist. Fate, Xiao will also help the two fellow Taoists hold this person for a quarter of an hour!"

Two quarters of an hour is still not long, but it is at least twice as long as fifteen minutes, which means that Zhou Yang's chances of winning are also doubled.

So after Zhou Yang heard Xiao Feng's words, he was still very satisfied, knowing that he did not give this talisman in vain.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao hold on, wait for Zhou to come back!"

He silently transmitted a word of encouragement, and then raised his sword to kill Duanmu Yong who was fighting fiercely with Jiang Fengxian.

With his help, the pressure on Jiang Fengxian's body was relieved, and the two of them joined forces, and quickly turned back the defeat and started to attack.

"Boy, the old man admitted that he was mistaken. You were able to force the beast master to issue a hunting order. You really have a few tricks!"

On the battlefield, Duanmuyong resisted Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian's attacks one after another with a livid complexion, looking at Zhou Yang with a look of shock.

Zhou Yang's displayed strength, compared with his cultivation, is nothing short of shocking.

In particular, Duanmu Yong knew better than anyone else that Zhou Yang seven or eight years ago was only at the first level of Zifu.

Originally, the fact that his cultivation base had been raised from the first floor of the Purple Mansion to the third floor of the Purple Mansion in seven or eight years was shocking enough.

But compared with Zhou Yang's combat power now, it seems that his ability to fight across realms is even more surprising.

Originally, Duanmu Yong didn't have a deep impression of Zhou Yang, but it was just the same as Zhou Yang's impression of him, staying on the surface of a nodding acquaintance.

But now, he deeply remembered this young man in his heart.

But after Zhou Yang heard Duanmu Yong's words, he shouted sharply with a cold face: "Duanmu Yong, for the sake of the Xuanding Sect, you retreat now, Zhou can still persuade the two fellow Taoists not to care about today's affairs, Otherwise, next year today will be your death day!"

When he said this, not only did the offensive in his hand not stop at all, but it became a little bit fiercer, as if he was warning Duanmu Yong, don't say it is unexpected!

It's a pity that Duanmuyong will be threatened by him, after hearing the words, his face turned cold, and he snorted heavily: "Hmph, I also forwarded this sentence to you, get out of here now, because you have worked so hard to break the formation For the sake of this old man, I can also persuade Fellow Daoist Lin not to argue with you, or you will all leave your lives here today for this old man!"

"Then you go to die!"

Zhou Yang shouted loudly, and with the golden flames on his body, a golden flame dragon rushed towards Duanmu Yong with an angry roar.

At the same time, as if a discussion had been made, Jiang Fengxian also suddenly shouted coquettishly, raised her jade hand, took out a fifth-order attack charm and hit Duanmu Yong.

This fifth-order attack talisman is a wind-type talisman, and when it is activated, it forms a blue wind blade several feet long and flies towards Duanmu Yong.

The cyan wind blade came later, and first slashed on the shield, the first defensive magic weapon of Imperial Envoy Duanmu Yong.

Under the powerful fifth-order magic attack, Duanmu Yong's defensive magic shield, which was used to protect his body, was up to the fourth-rank top-rank, but it was still blown away by it, leaving a nearly penetrating crack on the shield.

But Duanmu Yong didn't stop with this body-protecting magic weapon. Although the cyan wind blade was powerful, after beheading a fourth-tier high-grade defensive magic weapon, most of its power had been consumed.

So when it slashed on the second defensive magic weapon ring that had been suspended above Duanmu Yong's head, it just left a not-so-light mark on the khaki-colored magic ring magic weapon and then disappeared.

But with this cyan wind blade opening the way, the golden flame dragon condensed by Zhou Yang followed closely behind Duanmu Yong and exploded.


Golden flames shot up into the sky, and Duanmu Yong's ring defensive magic weapon was also overwhelmed, and it instantly split into several pieces and fell down.

At the same time, the golden flame blazed fiercely against the defensive shield he propped up, and it couldn't be extinguished no matter how much he mobilized his mana.

"Damn it, what kind of flame is this? Xuanyang True Fire? No, you are not from the Xuanyang Immortal Sect. It is impossible for you to know their suppressing technique "Xuanyang Treasure", and it is even more impossible to have [Xuanyang Spirit Body] ]!"

"Ah! I see, this is Qianyang True Fire! You actually have the [Qianyang Treasure Body] among the special treasure bodies!"

In the sky, Duanmu Yong screamed again and again, looking at the burning golden flame attached to his defensive shield, his face was full of panic.

He was born in a famous school, of course he had heard of the prestige of "Qianyang True Fire", the top fire supernatural power, and now he found himself covered by this top real fire, how could he not panic.

"No wonder, no wonder the old man heard that Xu Zhengyang of the Xuanyang Xianzong would not hesitate to use his sword against Zhong Chuming of the Royal Beast Sect in Xianyang City in order to protect you. !"

"But it's not right. Since you have [Qianyang Treasure Physique], besides [Xuanyang Spiritual Body], the special physique that is most suitable for Xuanyang Xianzong's core technique "Xuanyang Treasure", Xuanyang Xianzong should directly Taking you into the sect as a core disciple and cultivating it with all your strength, why would you let the Manxiu Immortal Realm of the Beastmaster Sect hunt you down? It doesn't make sense!"

Duanmu Yong, who was in a panic, yelled in surprise and confusion, but his mind was a little confused, and he was completely confused by the fact that Zhou Yang was pregnant with the "Qianyang Precious Body".

He naturally didn't know that Master Qingyang had personally said that he wanted to accept Zhou Yang as a disciple, but based on the information he knew, he instinctively thought that people from the Xuanyang Immortal Sect would not sit back and watch Zhou Yang who could inherit their sect's inheritance The good seedlings were wandering outside, and were hunted and killed outside.

As we all know, each of the core disciples of Xuanyang Xianzong will leave a soul lamp in the sect.

If his soul lamp is extinguished, the monks in the Yuanying period of Xuanyang Xianzong can quickly find out the location of the disciple's fall through the secret method, and personally go to the scene and use the magical power of "round light backtracking" to find out the origin of the murderer.

Zhou Yang possesses the "Qianyang Precious Body", and with this alone, he can ignore the many rules of Xuanyang Xianzong's recruitment of core disciples and directly become a core disciple, and he is the kind of true disciple who can truly inherit the inheritance of Xuanyang Xianzong!

Knowing this, Duanmuyong was full of doubts about the series of things that happened to Zhou Yang, and it caused countless associations.

It's a pity that Zhou Yang didn't have any intention of resolving his confusion, he just wanted to kill him quickly, and then help Xiao Feng deal with that "fake golden elixir" purple-robed middle-aged monk.

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