Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 356 Jiang Fengxian Forms a Pill

"The third-tier high-grade monster [Four-winged Wind Snake], this is a relatively rare monster, Jin Peng, you can even hunt this kind of monster snake, you are really good at it!"

In Qingyun Garden, Zhou Yang looked at the blue long snake thrown to the ground by the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Four-winged Wind Snake", as the name suggests, is a flying snake-like monster with four fleshy wings.

This kind of flying snake monster is not good at size, but as a wind monster, their bodies are extremely flexible, and they are very good at invisibility.

In addition, the fangs of the "Four-winged Wind Snake" are also extremely poisonous. Even if a cultivator in the Zifu period is bitten by it, if he does not take the detoxification pill in time, it may be fatal.

Zhou Yang was a little surprised that the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle could even hunt such monsters.

Undoubtedly, compared to those wild Golden-winged Thunderhawks, his Golden-winged Thunderhawk grew at an astonishingly fast rate due to taking ten "Beast Spirit Pills" one after another. The juvenile eagle has grown into a third-tier high-grade monster.

But just because it grows too fast, its hunting methods and fighting skills are more than a step behind those of the same kind with normal growth speed.

Zhou Yang is not a golden-winged thunder eagle, so he can't teach his golden-winged thunder eagle how to hunt, right?

So until now, his golden-winged Thunderhawk has been groping for hunting and fighting skills by himself.

Under such circumstances, how could Zhou Yang not be surprised that the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle was able to catch and kill a "Four-winged Wind Snake" that was very good at hiding and escaping when he went out.


The golden-winged thunder eagle "Jinpeng" was also quite proud of his master's surprise, and couldn't help but happily stretched his head in front of him to beg for reward.

In the past, every time it came back with its prey, Zhou Yang would give it a "Jingyuan Pill" refined with the essence of the flesh and blood of a third-order monster as a reward.

This time is no exception.

Zhou Yang took out a "Jingyuan Pill" and threw it into its open mouth, while gently stroking the feathers on its head and said: "Don't be complacent, let me ask you, the guardian of [Four-winged Wind Snake] What about the elixir? You shouldn't be stealing it again, right?"

Hearing his words, the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle quickly shook its head like a rattle, its eyes were full of anger and it stared at the corpse of the "Four-winged Wind Snake" on the ground, then stretched out its claws to point at the corpse's belly, It means that the elixir has been eaten by the "Four-winged Wind Snake".

"Okay, don't be angry, just eat it, it has eaten the elixir, let's stew it into snake soup and eat it together, it's a great tonic!"

Zhou Yang looked at the childish Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, shook his head with a smile, and waved out the "Shanhe Cauldron" magic weapon that Duanmuyong used at the beginning, and actually cooked snake meat soup on the spot.

It's just that before the pot of snake meat soup was cooked, the aura in the entire Qingyun Garden suddenly exploded.

"Spiritual energy vortex, alchemy celestial phenomena!"

Zhou Yang suddenly stood up from the ground, and looked in the direction of the main hall of Qingyun Garden in surprise and joy.

I saw above the main hall where Jiang Fengxian retreated, a funnel-shaped seven-color aura vortex suddenly appeared at some point in the width, and the entire Qingyun Garden, including the aura of heaven and earth within tens of miles outside, was crazily heading towards the aura vortex just like the tide of the sea Tide away.

Under the supply of this massive amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, the vortex of colorful spiritual energy became bigger and bigger, expanding rapidly visible to the naked eye.

A quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

Six quarters of an hour.

Six quarters of an hour after the aura vortex appeared, the aura vortex in the sky had expanded to hundreds of feet wide.

But at this moment, Zhou Yangming was above the fifth-order spiritual vein, and the concentration of spiritual energy that could be sensed around him couldn't even keep up with the third-order spiritual vein.

More than 80% of the spiritual energy of the entire spiritual vein poured into the huge vortex of seven-color spiritual energy because of the alchemy phenomenon caused by Jiang Fengxian's alchemy.

And after absorbing such a huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, the colorful spiritual energy vortex finally stopped absorbing external spiritual energy, and began to slowly sink down towards the hall below.

Zhou Yang knew that whether Jiang Fengxian could successfully form the alchemy depended on whether she could refine all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this spiritual energy vortex into her own golden core and true essence.

A golden pill is only the size of a chicken, but the majestic energy it contains is as vast as the sea.

Moreover, the essence of Jindan Zhenyuan is extremely high, and it also has ten parts of aura. After absorbing and refining, monks in the Qi training period can transform into seven parts of mana; after absorbing and refining, monks in the foundation building period can transform into five parts of mana; After absorbing and refining, three parts of mana can be converted into it; when it comes to Jindan stage monks, after ten parts of spiritual energy is absorbed and refined, it is not bad to be able to convert one part of mana.

Therefore, when the cultivators of the Zifu stage attack the golden elixir stage, they must choose a place full of aura as a place of retreat, so that they can gather enough aura of heaven and earth to support themselves to condense the golden elixir after the celestial phenomenon of alchemy is triggered.

If there is not enough aura of heaven and earth gathered, not to mention that the alchemy is likely to fail, even if it succeeds by luck, it will also make your golden core foundation unstable, weaker than others, and directly affect the future path.

But this gathering of heaven and earth spiritual energy does not mean that the more the better.

If there is too much aura of heaven and earth gathered, which exceeds the absorption and refining limit of the monk who is forming the alchemy, then it is possible to directly explode the monk who is forming the alchemy, causing him to explode and die.

Therefore, if the cultivators of the Zifu period want to form pills, they cannot retreat on the fourth-order spiritual veins with a low concentration of spiritual energy, nor can they retreat on the sixth-order spiritual veins with too high concentration of spiritual energy. It is best to choose to retreat on the fifth-order spiritual veins .

The spiritual vortex formed by Jiang Fengxian's alchemy celestial phenomenon this time is as wide as a hundred feet, which is stronger than most Jindan monks' alchemy celestial phenomena that Zhou Yang has read in the classics. This situation also seems to be normal.

"Once the alchemy celestial phenomenon comes out, it can be seen within a thousand miles. Golden core monks or fifth-level monsters within ten thousand miles will feel it. I hope it won't attract those troublesome guys!"

Taking a deep look at the aura vortex that was about to completely sink into the closed room under the main hall, Zhou Yang moved, and immediately walked out of Qingyun Garden to the outside of the courtyard, and went to preside over the formation outside the valley basin.

At this time, because of the alchemy celestial phenomenon that suddenly occurred outside the valley basin, it indeed attracted many monsters to gather.

These monsters didn't know what happened, but they sensed something in the valley basin that was attracting them.

This is actually the way of heaven in the dark, a test for the alchemy monks. Those monsters are all guided by the hint of the will of heaven to destroy the alchemy monks.

Fortunately, Jiang Fengxian is currently forming alchemy in the depths of the wild jungle, and there are no human monks around.

Otherwise, seeing this alchemy celestial phenomenon appear, maybe there will be human monks who will be amplified by the will of the heavens in the dark, and they will not be able to bear the greed and jealousy to destroy Jiang Fengxian's alchemy.

Immortal cultivators who are forming alchemy don't have any combat power. Even a cultivator at the foundation building stage, or even a cultivator at the qi training stage, can easily interrupt his alchemy as long as he walks in front of him, causing the aura and mana in his body to run wild and explode. body and die.

Therefore, ordinary cultivators who form alchemy will invite absolutely trustworthy relatives and friends to protect themselves and protect themselves from disturbance.

If there is no trustworthy person to help protect the law, some monks will use spiritual pets, puppets and formations to protect themselves.

For example, Jiang Fengxian's alchemy this time is not only guarded by the fifth-order formation on the outermost side, but also by Zhou Yang's guardian law inside, and in the main hall, there are also her "colorful cloud-swallowing python" and five-color peacock guarding the last level for her .

Under such layers of protection, even if it is a Jindan stage monk or a fifth-order monster attacking, they cannot easily destroy her alchemy.

At this time, many monsters and savage beasts gathered outside the cave, and soon they couldn't restrain themselves from attacking the valley basin.

These monsters and wild beasts that rushed into the formation were naturally quickly killed by the power of the formation, but Zhou Yang did not show any joy when he saw this scene.

He knew that these low and mid-level monsters and wild beasts were nothing to worry about, no matter how many of them there were, they would not be able to last a quarter of an hour within the formation.

However, the impact of these low- and middle-level monsters will consume the spiritual power stored in the formation, and now most of the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins in the cave has been sucked away by Jiang Fengxian to form pills, which cannot supply the continuous operation of the formation.

"I can only add some spirit stones first, and I hope that there will not be many powerful characters coming later, otherwise I am afraid that most of the rest of my family will be wiped out!"

Zhou Yang glanced sternly at the beasts breaking into the formation outside, and with a wave of his sleeves, Dang even took out hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones and filled them into the formation to provide reserve spiritual power for the operation of the formation.

Facts have proved that his approach is very wise, because after some low-level and middle-level monsters went forward one after another to activate the formation, some fourth-level monsters immediately attacked the formation desperately outside the formation, causing the formation's power to sharply increase. consumed.

Regarding these monsters attacking the formation outside the formation, Zhou Yang didn't get used to them, and even manipulated the formation to launch a counterattack.

Today is different from the past. Back then they were able to break through the formation with internal and external cooperation because no one presided over the formation and could not take the initiative to manifest and attack the enemy.

But now, Zhou Yang has control over the entire formation.

I saw him hit a formula against the formation, and a dozen ice spears several feet long shot out from the formation, instantly piercing through two fourth-rank monsters and a dozen third-rank top-rank monsters. Frozen on the ground.

Then with a thought in his mind, ten red sword rainbows flew out of the formation immediately, and quickly chopped off the heads of the two fourth-order monsters that were seriously injured and survived.

Without the two fourth-level monsters making trouble, the remaining low- and middle-level monsters under the ten "Da Yan Shen lightsabers" were leeks waiting to be harvested, and they were easily brought down piece by piece and their lives were harvested.

It's just that Zhou Yang finished killing a batch of monsters, and soon more monsters came from all directions.

Later, the fluctuations caused by the spiritual vortex and the strong smell of blood here directly attracted a fourth-order high-grade savage beast "Blood-eyed Wild Lion".

ps: There are more than 400 monthly tickets a day. If you don’t try it, you really don’t know that you have this appeal! Although I am very clear that this is just a flash in the pan and cannot become the norm, but I am very satisfied. Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards, and thank you readers who have always insisted on genuine subscriptions. Thank you very much! There will be a third chapter added in the morning.

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