The middle road of "Fengmo Cave" is difficult.

This road is difficult, not only because it is necessary to be on guard against the sneak attacks of monsters hidden in various places in the sky and underground, but also to avoid some natural dangers and broken formations inside.

Back then, the demon monks invaded the "Sealing Demon Cave" and fought against the immortal monks of the "Xuanqing Dao League". and sky environment.

For example, if a Jindan cultivator who practiced some kind of demonic poison attribute supernatural powers, the poison attribute supernatural powers displayed by him, or the power scattered after his fall combined with certain related laws in the Demon Realm Cave, would directly form a poisonous evil spirit. jedi.

This kind of poisonous power in the poisonous jedi, even the golden core stage monks must be careful to deal with it.

If a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage rushed into it rashly, it would be easy for the poisonous evil force to enter his body and die suddenly.

Then there are those demonic monks who entered the Demonic Cave, in order to fight against the various demonic formations set up by the "Xuanqing Taoist League".

Although most of these magic formations were destroyed in the great war at that time, some magic formations were not completely destroyed. These magic formations that were not completely destroyed were restored under the long-term nourishment of the pure magic energy in the magic cave. A lot of power, and it has become more hidden and difficult to find out.

To sum up, because of the special environment in the "Sealing Demon Cave", a cultivator like Zhou Yang who entered it to exterminate monsters did not dare to fly at will and fly at full speed like outside.

The safest way to advance here is to fly slowly at low altitude, so that you can avoid being directly attacked by the monsters hidden in the magic soil when you step on the magic soil, and you don't have to worry about breaking into a certain magic circle at a fast speed , or in a certain piece of Jedi.

Zhou Yang is doing the same now.

At this time, four days had passed since he entered the "Demon Sealing Cave". During the four days, a total of thirteen monsters died in his hands, twelve of which were third-level monsters equivalent to monks in the Foundation Establishment period. One monster is a fourth-order monster corresponding to the cultivator of the Zifu period.

To kill these monsters, Zhou Yang certainly didn't need the ultimate move of "Qianyang True Fire". There are quite a lot of treasures on him that can kill monsters.

Whether it's the newly refined "Tianlei Horn", or the "True Sun Fan" and "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" that were previously owned, they all have miraculous effects against monsters.

Among them, the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" had already handed over the "Clean Extinguishing Green Lotus Fire" stored in it to Taoist Xiao Ying to refine it before he came to the "Magic Sealing Cave" this time, and now this magic weapon is completely normal used.

On this day, Zhou Yang was flying to the northwest of the Demon Realm Dongtian, preparing to complete the task entrusted to him by Master Qingyang, when he passed a mound, he was suddenly attacked by a powerful monster.

The monster that attacked him was a human-shaped fourth-order demon corpse. This corpse was nearly two feet tall, covered with half-foot-long black corpse hair, and its human face had completely changed into that of a wild ghost Animal face, wide mouth and fangs, red eyes like blood.

It originally hid in the mound on Zhou Yang's way to absorb the magic energy of the demonic soil to improve its cultivation. After sensing that a living person had entered its territory, it jumped out of the mound and launched a sneak attack.

The Demonic Corpse Refining Corpse is physically as powerful as a savage beast of the same level, and its power is extremely astonishing. Under the nourishment of the demonic energy in the Demon Realm Cave, this demonic corpse is not only infinitely powerful, but also has a dark green corpse flame supernatural power.

The dark green corpse flame is extremely powerful, and it is best at polluting and destroying the spirituality of the cultivator's magic weapon. Zhou Yang didn't know it at the beginning, and used the flying sword to attack the demon corpse. As a result, the material of the "Da Yan Shen lightsaber" was almost destroyed by this The corpse flames were stained by demons.

"What a monster, you are courting death!"

Zhou Yang looked angry, and immediately reached out to pat the storage bag on his waist, and sacrificed the fourth-grade middle-grade magic weapon "Tianlei Horn" that he had refined.


Blue and white sky thunder burst out from the horn and fell on the demon corpse in an instant.

Heavenly thunder destroys evil, although the heavenly thunder emitted by the "Heavenly Thunder Horn" is not pure heavenly thunder, it also has some characteristics of heavenly thunder because of the "Sky Thunder Stone".

The demon corpse was struck by the lightning, and electric currents rushed down its body, and its hair was instantly ignited with a blue-white flame.


The demon corpse ate the pain, waved its arms like a wild beast and let out a roar, then opened its mouth and sucked in, a large amount of demonic energy gushed out from the demonic soil in all directions and rushed towards it.

At the same time, a dark green corpse flame rose from its body to confront the blue-white thunder fire, and quickly suppressed the thunder fire and extinguished it.

Of course, the price it paid for this was that most of its body hair was burnt, revealing the dark and shriveled corpse like metal under the body hair.

The corpse of the demon corpse has been nourished by the demonic energy in the cave for thousands of years, and its hardness has reached the point where ordinary fourth-order magic weapons are difficult to injure. Even if Zhou Yang's lightning struck it just now, it was only on its chest. Leave a little crack without hurting the root.

At this time, after it extinguished the thunder fire on its body, it immediately took off and flew towards Zhou Yang like a shell fired from its chamber. The speed was so fast that it could almost be compared with the flying sword of the same level.

Boom boom boom!

The ear-piercing sonic boom exploded in the air, accompanied by the sparks produced by the friction between the demon corpse's body and the air.

The speed can exceed the speed of sound only by the strength of the body, which shows how strong the body of this demon corpse is.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang's complexion changed, and he quickly sacrificed another magic weapon again.

A black shadow flashed, and a big black cauldron shot out from the storage ring in his hand, and quickly expanded into a huge cauldron with a height of more than ten feet, smashing it head-on at the demon corpse.


The demon corpse ejected like a cannonball collided with the giant black cauldron, and there was a roar like a bell.

Then the huge black cauldron, which was more than ten feet high and weighed ten thousand jun, was directly sent flying by the demon corpse.

Of course, although the demon corpse flew the "Mountain and River Cauldron" sacrificed by Zhou Yang, its bursting momentum was also interrupted, and its body stagnated for a short time in mid-air, and even retreated a little more than ten feet.

And at this moment, Zhou Yang's follow-up attack followed closely.

There was a flash of fire, and a red cauldron flew out of the storage bag at Zhou Yang's waist again, and then rushed towards the demon corpse with raging flames.

The demon corpse was in mid-air, and there was no way to avoid it. He could only ignite dark green corpse flames with both arms, and slapped towards the crimson cauldron again as before.

However, it soon suffered bad results.

The flame released by the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" is Suzaku Lihuo, and Suzaku Lihuo is not inferior to the "Qianyang True Fire" mastered by Zhou Yang in the process of exorcising evil spirits.

Although the Suzaku Lihuo released by the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" is not pure, but for a monster like a demon corpse, once the Suzaku Lihuo gets on it, it is not as easy to extinguish it as it was before extinguishing the thunder fire.


I saw crimson flames rising from the demon's body, causing the monster to howl and fall to the ground below, trying to extinguish the flames on its body with the help of the demonic energy overflowing from the ground as before.

But how could Zhou Yang let it get what it wanted.

As soon as he urged him with mana, a blue-white thunderbolt burst out from the "Sky Thunder Horn" again and bombarded the demon corpse, igniting it with electricity.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity that the demon corpse was surrounded by thunder, lightning and fire and had no time to attack, he quickly pinched the sword formula with both hands, and displayed the secret skill of "Liuhe Tianjian".

"Sword array, unite!"

Zhou Yang shouted loudly, and ten "Da Yan Shen Light Swords" immediately gathered to form a red giant sword and chopped towards the demon corpse.

The giant sword flew across the sky, and the red sword light emanating from the sword illuminated the sky like a scorching red sun, and then flew down towards the struggling and roaring demon corpse like a scorching sun falling.


After a loud noise like landslides and ground cracks, a large pit with a diameter of more than ten feet appeared in the place where the demon corpse was.

Yes, just be suppressed!

The body of the demon corpse is really too strong, even harder than a fourth-order high-grade magic weapon. Although the "Da Yan Shen Light Sword" is extremely sharp, it is still a fourth-level low-grade magic weapon in essence. I want to get rid of it at once. Devil corpse, unrealistic.

However, the demon corpse is not completely intact. Although the blow of the scarlet giant sword did not shatter it, it also caused countless cracks on its indestructible corpse, just like a piece of glass that was hit by a boulder but not shattered. like that.

"You're still alive like this? Then I'll give you another knife!"

Surprise flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and with a thought, the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" in the sky roared and fell into the big pit.


When the red flames lit up from the ground, Zhou Yang knew that everything was all right.

He stepped forward and looked down, only to see the seriously injured demon corpse howling and struggling under the flames of Suzaku Li, but he couldn't get rid of the suppression of the red giant sword, and was eventually burned to ashes alive. A dark green corpse orb the size of a fist was left behind, still resisting Suzaku from burning.

"It turned out to be a corpse bead, no wonder it's so hard to kill!"

Zhou Yang looked at the dark green corpse bead, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Corpse orbs are rare. Generally speaking, only fifth-order demon corpses equivalent to golden core stage monks can be condensed. Its nature is equivalent to the demon core of monsters, and it condenses the purest power of a demon corpse. .

But just like monsters can condense demon pills at the fourth level, some fourth-level demon corpses sometimes have the opportunity to condense corpse beads before the fifth level.

Generally speaking, this kind of demon corpse that has condensed corpse beads can evolve into a fifth-order demon corpse without any accidents in the future, and its supernatural power is much stronger than that of the same rank demon corpse without condensed corpse beads.

"It is said that if the corpse beads are handled well, they can also be used by immortal cultivators. Why don't you accept them first, and it won't be too late to ask Senior Xu Zhengyang how to deal with them after you go back!"

Zhou Yang looked at the corpse bead that was stubbornly resisting in Suzaku Lihuo and thought for a while, then waved his hand, extinguished the flame and put it away in a storage bag.

ps: It has been changed three times for 4 consecutive days. It was supposed to be changed three times tomorrow, but recently a big event happened in the online novel world. No more!

This is the first time I ask for leave since the book was opened, hope you understand!

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