Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 395: People in Dresses!

But it is said that after Zhou Yang left Huangshamen, he did not go back to Zhou's house directly, but returned to the Yinpuppet Sect ruins.

While releasing Xu Song here, he also handed over the beast soul, belly skin, and bones of the "Gen Mountain Turtle", as well as the fourth-order monster beast souls he had killed over the years, to Xu Song.

"Senior's practice problem, the junior has no way to solve it for the time being, but the junior also understands the mood of the senior who wants to improve the strength of the cultivation base, these beast souls and these materials, give the senior to refine a demon soul banner!"

Guidao demon cultivators are good at controlling souls and exorcising ghosts. The most favorite and most used magic weapons are ghost banners and ghost flags refined from human souls and animal souls.

"Genshan Tortoise" is a low-rank monster beast of the fifth rank. Even though its beast soul can't catch up with the primordial spirit of a human golden core stage monk, it is still much stronger than the soul of a purple mansion stage monk.

With Xu Song's refining level, as long as the materials Zhou Yang gave him were refined well, it might not be impossible to refine a fifth-order magic weapon.

This can be regarded as Zhou Yang's compensation for his inability to practice.

"It's rare for you kid to be so generous, and the old man is not polite."

Xu Song's ghostly eyes swept over Zhou Yang, his eyes flashed strangely, but he flicked his sleeves politely and put away all the things.

At the end, he still didn't forget to say to Zhou Yang: "By the way, it's useless to keep your corpse bead anyway, why don't you give it to the old man to cultivate that demon corpse."

When Zhou Yang heard his words, his eyelids twitched immediately, and after looking up at him for a long time, he nodded and said: "Since the senior has spoken, how can the junior not let go of this mere dead thing. "

After speaking, he gave Xu Song the "Corpse Orb" he had obtained from killing the fourth-order demon corpse in the "Sealing Demon Cave".

Xu Song had coveted this "corpse bead" for a long time, and now that he finally got it, he was overjoyed.

After playing with the dark green corpse bead the size of a fist a few times, he turned his palm to put it away, then waved his hand, and threw a jade slip which landed in front of Zhou Yang.

"I don't take your things in vain. This jade slip records the old man's detailed annotations on the ten third-tier formations. As long as your junior is not so stupid that he is hopelessly stupid, after reading these annotations, he will be promoted to the third-tier formation." There shouldn't be any problems with top-ranking formation masters!"

Although Zhou Guangxiang has successfully established the foundation for sixty or seventy years, his level of formation is still at the low level of the third level. This is not because his talent for formation is too poor, but because he has no one to teach him, so he can only explore it by himself.

Moreover, the array is extensive and profound, and it takes a long time to experiment and study before it can be harvested.

However, Zhou Guangxiang has been handling clan affairs on behalf of Zhou Yang in the past few decades, so it has been difficult for Zhou Guangxiang to spare time to study the formation method in depth.

Zhou Yang saw this situation in his eyes and kept it in his heart. He mentioned this matter to Xu Song several times and asked him to guide Zhou Guangxiang in the way of formation.

Now that he finally got his wish, he couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

He took the jade slip with one hand and put it away, while cupping his hands with a smile on his face, he said in thanks: "On behalf of Guangxiang, the younger generation would like to thank the senior for his kindness."

More than ten days later, Huang Yi, who appeased his family, embarked on the journey to Xijiaozhou alone with dozens of "yuan magnetic traction array disks" refined by Zhou Guangxiang.

At the same time, after handing over the jade slips that Xu Song had given to Zhou Guangxiang, Zhou Yang also took over the duties of the patriarch temporarily, taking over the family affairs for Zhou Guangxiang, who had retreated and comprehended the formation.

The Zhou family has developed to the present, with seven deacons and elders each performing their own duties, and there are many management personnel at the entrance of the Nine Halls. In fact, there are not many things that the patriarch has to deal with.

Take the Law Enforcement Hall as an example. When the erring clansmen who have cultivated below the ninth level of qi training are punished with low-level punishments such as fines of up to three years and caning, they only need to make relevant records for inspection. The elders decide.

Only when it involves violations of law and discipline by the middle and high levels of the clan, or when it is necessary to impose a major penalty on the wrong clansman, before the punishment, the law enforcement elders will report to the clan leader to confirm whether it will be implemented.

Besides the financial hall, the financial elders of the financial hall have the right to independently approve the financial affairs below 1,000 spirit stones, and can accumulate an annual quota of 3,000 low-grade spirit stones. To use these spirit stones, you only need to make relevant account books and records for inquiries.

Only when it comes to large-scale project expenditures that require more than 1,000 spirit stones, it is necessary to report to the patriarch for approval.

Finally, let’s talk about the Security Hall. The Security Hall is said to be in charge of public security. In fact, the power of law enforcement within the Zhou family is in the hands of the Law Enforcement Hall, so the Security Hall is actually in charge of the security of the Zhou family’s Waifang City and Oasis.

When managing public security outside the clan, as long as it does not involve monks in the foundation establishment period, or conflicts between members of the Huangshamen, Chen family, and Nie family at the same level, the security elders have the right to follow the security management regulations issued by the Zhou family. Disposal is carried out, and the results of the disposal are filed and announced, without the need to report to the patriarch.

As for the Chuangong Hall, General Affairs Hall, Internal Affairs Hall, Foreign Affairs Hall, Baiyi Hall, and Zhan Hall, etc., they usually only accept orders from the patriarch and family elders, and only when doing year-end summaries, or when encountering When it comes to some more important events, the patriarch will be needed to come forward.

And Zhou Yang, as a cultivator in the Zifu stage, had no energy and consciousness comparable to that of a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment stage.

For example, when reviewing the law enforcement records and financial revenue and expenditure records submitted by law enforcement halls, financial halls, etc., he can fully concentrate on counting, reading several account books and files at the same time, and quickly find out suspicious points and loopholes, and find out whether There are things like bending the law for personal gain and being greedy for money.

Basically, he only needs to work for one day to handle a month's worth of official duties.

So as long as he doesn't encounter the kind of things that require the approval and decision of the patriarch, his personal practice will not be delayed much because of handling these clan affairs.

Of course, these are just an ideal situation in which Zhou Yang does not take the initiative to intervene in other matters.

In fact, there are quite a few things he has to take the initiative to do.

For example, he would go to the school every day to visit his father, Zhou Xuanzhen, who taught the Zhou family's young monks together with the old masters, and by the way, taught some underage monks who had not left the school, of course, including his Apprentice Lu Xuewei.

Then he also had to clear up the doubts of the few Zhou Family Foundation Establishment Stage monks who occasionally asked to come to his door, and imparted his practice experience.

In addition, take time to ride your pet Golden Wing Thunder Eagle to patrol the oasis, to enhance the relationship between pets, and to deter outsiders.

In short, as the only Supreme Elder of the Zhou family, Zhou Yang actually has nothing to do when he is not retreating.

Busy time always passes quickly, and half a year passes in a flash.

Half a year later, Jiang Yuyan's 450th birthday was held as scheduled.

In order to boost people's morale this time, the Huang Shamen specially ordered all the affiliated families under his command, as long as they are not in closed life or missing, they must send a foundation-building monk to the Huang Shamen to celebrate their birthdays.

Ever since, on the day of the birthday celebration, two or three hundred Foundation Establishment cultivators descended on the celebration site with their swords, and the scene was very spectacular.

Then there is the gift link of birthday celebration.

The gifts offered for birthday celebrations like this, unless they have a good relationship with the birthday man, or they are asking for something, otherwise the gifts are only for good looks and festiveness, not expensive.

After all, all immortal cultivators have a long lifespan. If people are required to present precious treasures every birthday, who would dare to come to celebrate their birthdays in the long run?

That's why people don't pay much attention to the gift link on this birthday.

At that time, after the monks who participated in the birthday celebration presented gifts and entered the arena, they were all in twos and threes looking for good friends to sit down and eat wine, or talking about some strange things in the world of cultivating immortals, or showing off their own and refining. What kind of elixir, magic weapon, or to show off what kind of genius children have come out of the family.

Occasionally, when someone presented some rare treasure, some people would discuss it, but most of them were jokes.

Because everyone knows that when offering rare treasures at this time, it must be because something happened to the family and wanted to ask to go to the Huangshamen, so they took this opportunity to present treasures as a congratulatory gift, and behaved honestly.

Generally, for this kind of thing, as long as the matter is not too difficult, the monks who receive the ceremony will save face and will help a bunch afterwards.

However, under such circumstances, an extremely excited and excited singing sound suddenly shocked the audience.

"Zhou Yang, the grand elder of the Zhou family in Chihu Mountain, presents a fifth-rank low-grade demon pill as a congratulatory gift!"


Extremely shocked!

Like a thunderclap on the flat ground, the whole celebration venue suddenly became lively like a vegetable market.

Everyone craned their necks to look at the fifth-order demon pill being carried by the gift recipient.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, the jade box containing the demon pill was opened and not closed, and all the monks who established the foundation could clearly see the earthy yellow demon pill that was the size of a baby's head inside.

As the saying goes, I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs walking.

Although those foundation-building monks had hardly seen what a real fifth-order demon pill looked like before, when they saw the huge demon pill exuding pure earth-type spiritual power, they immediately knew that it was absolutely It is a genuine fifth-order demon pill.

Huang Shamen got another fifth-order demon pill!

Why do you say again?

Because of Jiang Yuyan's short life, many monks present today have heard about it.

And with its fall, Huang Shamen no longer has any monks who can display the combat power of the golden core.

Once the "Golden Elixir of Heretics" is practiced, it is closely related to the life of the monk himself. Once the monk who has cultivated the "Golden Elixir of Heretics" falls or sits down, this object will also dissipate together, unlike magic weapons that can be inherited by future generations.

Originally, many people believed that as Jiang Yuyan's life energy was exhausted, Huang Shamen, who had lost its mainstay, would definitely decline further.

Even some ambitious people are ready to wait for the decline of Huang Shamen, and quietly pounce on it to take a bite.

It doesn't have to be rebellion, it can also be infiltration and bribery.

After all, many of the cultivating families are inextricably linked with some foundation-building monks in the Huangshamen.

As long as the number of monks in the Purple Mansion Period is insufficient for the Huang Shamen, the power of speech held by those foundation-building monks will naturally increase. At that time, various materials that are severely controlled by the Huang Shamen may be revealed by their hands.

But now, Zhou Yang sent a congratulatory gift of a fifth-order demon pill, which completely ruined the hope of these people and made them realize a cruel reality.

Even if Jiang Yuyan is dead, Zhang Yunpeng, who has been cultivated at the ninth level of the Purple Mansion, can also refine the fifth-level demon pill as the "Heterogenetic Golden Pill", and continue to suppress the entire world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

And the Zhou family, which they supposedly could use against the Huang Shamen, actually wore the same pair of trousers with the Huang Shamen. The relationship between the two parties was far more intimate than they had expected!

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