Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 397: Zhou Xuanzhen sits down!

The successful advancement of the Gryphon means that the Zhou family has added another purple mansion force.

After such a major event happened, Zhou Yang naturally ignored the preaching and dharma conference. When he even waved his hand to the elder Zhou Guangxiang to take over from him to give answers to the monks behind him, he flew directly to the top of Chihu Mountain.

When he reached the top of the mountain, he saw that the Gryphon was pecking off the feathers from its wings one by one.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang was slightly taken aback.

Then, as if he remembered something, he muttered to himself suddenly: "Is this going to moult? It seems that this advanced step has indeed benefited you a lot!"

Ordinary birds moult every year, but the feathers of monster birds are tempered with mana all the year round, so they are so hard that they rarely need to molt.

Once the monster birds start to moult, there is only one reason, and that is their original feathers cannot keep up with the improvement of their strength, so they need to remove the old feathers and replace them with new feathers that match their own strength.

The promotion of the Gryphon from Tier 3 to Tier 4 is not only as simple as condensing the demon core from Tier 3 to Tier 4, but also fundamentally breaks the shackles of the Gryphon's bloodline, raising its bloodline level from the bloodline level.

So now it needs to remove the feathers grown from the previous lower bloodline and replace it with feathers grown from the new higher bloodline.

"Wait, these feathers are all high-quality refining materials. Peck them carefully, and slowly peck them off one by one. If I break one, I will pluck it out for you myself!"

Zhou Yang suddenly yelled loudly, frightened the beak of the Gryphon that was pecking its feathers, and pecked directly on the side of the fleshy wing, leaving a bloody mouth the size of a fist.

This pain was so painful that it couldn't help turning around and looking at Zhou Yang sadly, sobbing and screaming a few times, as if saying that you did a good thing.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang was immediately annoyed. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Hey, you bastard, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you're good at wisdom, and you know how to sell misery and get sympathy!"

After speaking, he jumped directly onto the Gryphon, and really pulled out the feathers on the Gripen's wings with his own hands.

This job would be too much for ordinary Zifu period monks. After all, those feathers are connected with the flesh and blood of the Gryphon, and flying swords are not easy to cut off.

However, Zhou Yang had mastered the first level of "Canglong Body Training Jue", his arms were extremely powerful, and trivial matters such as plucking hair were not a problem at all.

This time, Zhou Papi directly became Zhou Paomao!

When all the feathers on the Gryphon's wings were pulled out, demonic blood was already flowing from its body, and it looked extremely hideous.

But Zhou Yang knew that this was just a scary look, but in fact it was just some flesh wounds, which would recover soon.

Sure enough, not only did the Gryphon beast with demonic blood flow on its fleshy wings not show any signs of pain, but after Zhou Yang pulled out the last feathers on its body, it stood up abruptly, raised its neck, and uttered a joyful eagle cry. Voice.

I saw one of its wings, and on the pair of fleshy wings where the demon blood flowed, light blue feathers could be seen quickly drilled out by the naked eye. These feathers grew in the wind, and soon grew to about a foot long, and then grew The speed gradually slowed down.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang's eyes were full of splendor, and he was amazed.

He knew that the Gripen, whose mana was of wind and fire, did not have such a powerful regenerative ability.

The reason why he can grow a whole body of feathers so quickly now is all because of the laws of heaven.

However, even with the protection of the law of heaven, it will take a long time for these newborn feathers to fully stabilize.

He waited until the feathers on the Gryphon stopped growing, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a large piece of hard frozen turtle meat from the storage ring and threw it in front of the Gripen: "This piece of fifth-level monster meat is considered a right You have been rewarded for advancing, and in the future, as long as you guard my Zhou family loyally, the benefits will be indispensable to you."

The tortoise meat is the spiritual meat of the fifth-order monster "Genshan Turtle". Zhou Yang kept it in the storage ring, originally intending to keep it as rations for the adult Golden-winged Thunder Eagle, but now he wants to make the eagle cheaper Lion beast.

And the Gryphon has just completed its advanced stage, and it is the time when it needs to eat a lot to grow its body. At this time, after seeing the fifth-order monster meat exuding a strong aura, it doesn't care whether the meat is hard or not. , Dang even pounced on the frozen turtle meat on the ground and pecked at it.

For the next three months, the Gripen would ask Zhou Yang for several third-order Jingyuan Pills every two or three days, and after three months of this, it had just completely stabilized its size as a fourth-order monster. and strength.

At this time, the Gryphon, with its wings spread nearly fifteen or sixty feet wide, and its front and rear body over eight feet long, truly became a colossal beast.

In the past, this Gryphon was used as a camel by Zhou Yang to carry people. At that time, if it was crowded, it could transport twenty or thirty people at a time.

But now, the Gryphon's carrying capacity is undoubtedly stronger, and fifty people can stand on that broad lion's back more than enough.

The surge is not only in size, but also in strength.

Thanks to the savage heart that Zhou Yang subdued it, after becoming a fourth-order monster, Gryphon not only awakened several kinds of wind and fire talents, but also mastered the skills of savage beasts and savage birds. The general talent supernatural power "Rage".

In this way, relying on the excellent magical powers of the two systems of wind and fire, as well as the powerful monster body, although the Gryphon has just successfully advanced, its combat effectiveness is not inferior to any early-stage cultivator of the Purple Mansion.

Of course, outliers like Zhou Yang don't count.

Originally, the Gryphon was promoted to a fourth-tier monster, which was worthy of congratulations from the Zhou family. After all, this is still a purple mansion stage combat power.

However, Zhou Yang thought that the big auction that the Zhou family was preparing to hold would be held in less than a year, so he stopped thinking about it and concentrated on preparing for it.

The news about this big auction has spread to almost the entire Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation World, but all the monks who are not completely ignorant of the news have already heard that there will be an auction of the Foundation Establishment Pill in this big auction.

Therefore, although there is still more than half a year before the official holding of the big auction, many monks have already embarked on the journey to the Red Tiger Mountain Oasis in advance.

A large number of monks rushed to the Chihushan Oasis, which is of course a good thing for the Zhou family, because as long as these people come, they will more or less come back empty-handed. To a considerable sum.

It's just that the gathering of a large number of monks can easily lead to quarrels, and it is easy to attract the peeps of bandits, who intercept and kill those monks who come to the Chihu Mountain Oasis along the way.

Zhou Yang naturally didn't want this kind of thing to happen, so as not to damage his family's reputation and scare away those monks who came from afar.

Therefore, at his order, the Zhou family's newly formed battle hall monks were divided into three teams and patrolled several main roads leading to the Chihu Mountain Oasis in turn to protect the monks from being looted by sand bandits.

In addition, Guo Shaoyang, Ma Xingrui and other five vassals of the Zhou family, the patriarchs of the Jianji family, were recruited by Zhou Yang for a year, and they were ordered to serve as mobile patrol monks to fight against those hidden sand bandits.

However, just when Zhou Yang was ambitiously planning to turn this big auction into a once-in-a-thousand-year event in the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals, a bad news suddenly came.

After two hundred and fourteen years, the only surviving elder of the "Xuan" generation of the Zhou family, Zhou Yang's father, Zhou Xuanzhen, passed away!

The normal lifespan limit of foundation-building monks is two hundred and forty years old. Although there are few foundation-building monks who can really live to this age safely, most of the foundation-building monks who have naturally sat down will survive until the age of two hundred and thirty. Not a problem.

For example, Zhou Minghan, the third-generation patriarch of the Zhou family, although the old patriarch committed suicide, his life span was over 230 years old before he committed suicide.

It's a pity that Zhou Xuanhao is different. At the age of more than ninety years old, he forcibly succeeded in building the foundation without taking the foundation-building pill, and became the first foundation-building cultivator of the Zhou family who did not use the foundation-building pill.

For him, this is certainly an honor worthy of being recorded in the history of the Zhou family, and it has greatly inspired future generations.

But because of this, he also hurt his vitality during the foundation establishment, and his lifespan was originally less than that of normal foundation establishment monks.

Later, in the battle of exterminating demons that swept across the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals, Zhou Xuanzhen was unfortunately eroded by the magic energy of the purple mansion stage demon cultivator's meridians, which further damaged his vitality. Restoring the meridians, this part of the damaged vitality also failed to make up.

These two damages to his vitality caused him to sit in a cave on Chihu Mountain at the end of his life at the age of two hundred and fourteen.

As the only surviving monk of the "Xuan" generation of the Zhou family and the elder of the Zhou family who established the foundation, Zhou Xuanhao's death, the Zhou family naturally couldn't just bury the matter hastily.

According to the Zhou family's family rules, when an elder dies, unless he is in the middle of a war, the entire clan's masters must mourn in plain clothes, and send people to each vassal family and friendly family to report the funeral, and stay for a month.

The Zhou family is now the number one cultivating family in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea. Naturally, this rule cannot be missed or missed.

Therefore, the funeral must not only be held, but also be held in a grand and special manner, so that all forces can send people to mourn the funeral. Only in this way can the influence of the Zhou family be displayed, and the living members of the Zhou family will be more loyal and loving to the family. .

You must know that even in a big family like the Zhou family, most of the cultivators have not practiced at the Zifu stage or the Jindan stage, and the foundation stage is almost the culmination of their dreams.

In such a situation where the cultivation base cannot be improved, most monks will turn to pursue fame and fortune. The Zhou family invited many monks from outside the clan to mourn for most of the elders who passed away. Of course, these are nothing to the dead. Neither worked.

But in the eyes of the living, many people will have the idea that "if I die in the future, there will be so many people mourning for me, so it will be worth it to die".

Funerals are never for the dead!

So, because of Zhou Xuanzhen's death, many cultivators from the Cultivation Clan who would have delayed their departure for more than half a year had to leave early for the Chihu Mountain Oasis.

If Zhou Xuanhao was just an elder of the Zhou family at the Foundation Establishment Stage, they would at most send a Qi Training Stage junior to mourn the funeral.

But Zhou Xuanhao also has another identity as the father of Zhou Yang, a cultivator in the Zifu period. With this identity, even Zhang Yunpeng, the head of the Huangshamen, rushed to the Zhou family in Chihushan after hearing the news. condole.

Zhou Yang didn't pay attention to all of this, and let Zhou Guangxiang, the patriarch, and the elders take care of it all.

After Zhou Xuanhao passed away, following his last wish, he cremated his body and buried it with his mother Lin Yuting. Afterwards, he sat in front of his parents' graves, thinking about his life experience.

A hundred years ago, he personally sent away his mother Lin Yuting, and now he personally sent off his father Zhou Xuanhao. He has experienced all the joys and sorrows in the world, life and death, and he has a deep feeling in his heart.

ps: I was left to work overtime at night, so I can only write one chapter, and the second chapter will be updated in the afternoon!

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