Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 401: Evil Ghosts Chasing Souls! 【One more subscription】

"Ying'er, I'm leaving right now. I will entrust you to take care of my family for the time being. If there is something urgent that needs me to go home to make a decision, you can fly along this route and use [Spiritual Rhinoceros Jade Pendant] to send a message to me."

"Also, every six months, I will summon someone from the nearest place to go home to report that I am safe. If you have not received my summons twice in a row, you can go directly to find me."

On Chihu Mountain, Zhou Yang, who had just returned to his family for half a month, bid farewell to his Taoist companion Xiao Ying.

When he left home this time, he was going to practice what he had said to his father Zhou Xuanzhen, and personally go to find his adoptive mother Zhou Xuanyu and foster sister Zhou Yuanyao who had been missing for decades.

This is also a last wish that Zhou Xuanhao made to him before his death, and it is also the last wish of the late old patriarch Zhou Minghan.

Whether it is to fulfill the last wishes of the two elders, or to find out the reason behind the disappearance of the two relatives, it is necessary for Zhou Yang to find these two people out of reason.

So after finishing all the things that should be done in a short period of time, Zhou Yang is going to spend a few years searching the entire Boundless Sand Sea of ​​Immortal Cultivation Realm, looking for the missing mother and daughter Zhou Xuanyu.

"Zhou Lang, don't worry, the concubine at home will definitely take care of it for you, and you must be careful when you are outside."

After getting along for many years, Xiao Ying also knew that this matter had become Zhou Yang's heart disease, so of course she would not stop Zhou Yang from doing it at this time.

"Then I'm leaving." Zhou Yang looked at the Taoist couple, nodded, and directly left the Chihu Mountain Oasis with a mortal man in his fifties.

The mortal man taken away by Zhou Yang was named Zhou Hong, and he was the grandson of Zhou Yang's seventh sister, Zhou Yuanchun, and Zhou Yuanchun was the daughter of Zhou Xuanyu.

In terms of bloodlines, Zhou Hong and Zhou Xuanyu have been separated by three generations, which is actually beyond the search range of the fourth-order high-grade magic "Moving Heaven and Earth Searching Curse".

However, the person who cast the spell to search for Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter this time was not Zhou Yang, but Xu Song, who was at the Jindan stage, so the gap between three generations was not a problem.

Casting low-level spells with a high-level cultivation base can greatly improve the spell's effect.

The Nascent Soul stage monk casts the "Moving Heaven and Earth Seeking Family Curse", which can track the whereabouts of blood relatives within ten generations, and the golden core stage monk casts this spell, and the tracking range will also be expanded to within five generations.

Therefore, it is not a problem to use Zhou Hong's blood as a medium to find people.

As an ordinary person, Zhou Hong naturally didn't dare to disobey the orders of the Supreme Elder who was the highest in the family.

Although he didn't know what the Supreme Elder was going to do with his own blood.

The existence of Zhou Xuanyu, of course, cannot be known to ordinary people like this. The only ones in the Zhou family who know about this matter are Zhou Yang, his wife and brother and sister Zhou Guangxiang.

You need to find someone, and of course you can't just look for someone.

Over the years, although the Zhou family has not found any clues about Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter, they have also found the area where their mother and daughter were active some time before their last disappearance.

At that time, Zhou Yuanyao was only practicing at the ninth level of qi training. Although Zhou Xuanyu was at the foundation establishment stage, in order to hide his identity and play a role in sharpening his daughter, he definitely would not take his daughter to fly with the sword.

So under normal circumstances, their mother and daughter should not have run far at that time.

So Zhou Yang set off this time and went directly to that area first, then collected a ball of Zhou Hong's blood, and asked Xu Song to cast a spell.

Xu Song is a ghost cultivator, and Zhou Hong couldn't discover this, so after the blood collection, Zhou Yang fainted him, and then watched Xu Song cast a spell.

I saw Xu Song holding the blood collected from Zhou Hong's body in one hand, while muttering words in his mouth, doing the exercises.

After a while, he finished the practice, and with a flick of his sleeve, the ball of blood congealed into a blood sword, circled around the unconscious Zhou Hong three times, and then dissipated immediately!

"No, the mother and daughter you mentioned are not within the range of the spell."

In fact, Xu Song didn't need to explain, Zhou Yang knew this situation.

He himself was tracked by the ancestor of the Chen family using this spell, and he is very clear about the effect of this spell.

If the tracker is within the range of the spell, the blood sword will follow the induction to track it. If it is not within the range of the spell, the blood sword will automatically disperse and the spell will fail.

Therefore, he is not surprised to see this situation now, nor does he show any disappointment, he just nodded and said: "With the cultivation base of the senior Jindan period, the search range of one spellcasting can reach at least ten thousand miles, then we will first Try searching for a range of 300,000 miles along the east side!"

Centering on the ten thousand li area where Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter disappeared last, the southeast, north and west each searched for 300,000 li. This was Zhou Yang's preliminary plan.

It is not easy to complete this plan. Without the help of a Jindan stage monk like Xu Song, even if Zhou Yang can learn the magic of "Moving Heaven and Earth Seeking Family Curse", it will take at least ten years. It will take eight years to complete the program.

But now, with Xu Song's help, they have searched the area hundreds of thousands of miles to the east in just half a year.

Two years later, Zhou Yang and Xu Song searched all the surrounding areas, millions of miles away, but they still found nothing!

"According to what you said, there are only two situations for the mother and daughter. Either they have left the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm, at least the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm you know, or they are trapped in a certain world. In the secret realm with the Forbidden Formation, the effect of the spell is blocked by the Forbidden Formation!"

In the vast sea of ​​sand, Zhou Yang and Xu Song stopped on a sand dune. The two of them looked at the endless sand sea. Thinking of the two years of running around with nothing to gain, their complexions were a little ugly.

"If it is true as what the senior said, then the only way is to use the method that the senior said. If this method is not enough, Zhou will be worthy of the two elders under Jiuquan!"

Zhou Yang muttered to himself with a gloomy face, raised his palm, and took out a black wooden sign.

This black wooden tablet is Zhou Xuanyu's soul tablet, which entrusts a strand of Zhou Xuanyu's soul. Over the years, the Zhou family has judged Zhou Xuanyu's life and death through the integrity of the soul card.

Now that Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter could not be found using the ordinary "Moving Heaven and Earth Tracing Curse", Zhou Yang could only try to use more extreme methods to find them.

You must know that various secret methods of finding people emerge in endlessly in the world of cultivating immortals, and the "Moving Heaven and Earth Searching Curse" is just a magic that requires the least use and has the widest application range.

When it comes to the person-seeking effect, many mystic powers are much stronger than it.

The most obvious one is the "Devil Crow" used by the Beast Sect to track Zhou Yang. This bird can track Zhou Yang's whereabouts across hundreds of thousands of miles, which shows its strong tracking effect.

However, this kind of mysterious power of finding people usually needs the person's own blood or spirit to be successful. Under normal circumstances, few immortal cultivators will give their blood and spirit to other people.

The method Zhou Yang wants to use now is to ask Xu Song to use Zhou Xuanyu's ray of spirit left in the soul card as a medium to use the magical secret technique "Evil Ghost Chasing Soul" to find Zhou Xuanyu's location.

And once he did this, regardless of whether he succeeded or not, Zhou Xuanyu would permanently lose this ray of divine soul, and the Zhou family would no longer be able to determine Zhou Xuanyu's life and death through the soul card in the future.

"Since you have made up your mind, the old man will naturally help you."

Xu Song glanced at the black wooden sign in Zhou Yang's hand, stretched out his hand, and recruited it into his own hand, and then directly performed the trick.

After dozens of breaths, he finished the practice, and with a wave of his hand, a grimace with green face and fangs suddenly appeared, swallowing the black wooden tablet that sealed Zhou Xuanyu's soul in one gulp.

However, just a ray of soul of a monk in the foundation-building period didn't seem to satisfy the grimace. After it swallowed that ray of soul, a pair of ghost eyes shining with ferocious and tyrannical colors looked at Xu Song, the caster again.

And Xu Song didn't seem to be surprised by this. When he even took out a black flag and waved it at Grimace, a bird and beast soul full of yin was thrown into Grimace's mouth and was swallowed by it as a sacrifice.

After devouring the sacrifice, Grimace seemed to be satisfied at last, and immediately opened his mouth to Xu Song, spit out a ghost aura and landed on Xu Song's palm, condensing into a Grimace imprint.

Seeing this, Xu Song immediately put away the black flag and streamer magic weapon, then raised his hand to Zhou Yang and said, "This mark can last for ten days, within ten days, we must find out the whereabouts of your adoptive mother, Otherwise, the imprint will dissipate automatically."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly."

Zhou Yang waved his hand immediately, released the "Phantom Cloud Boat" and jumped on it, then waved the mortal junior Zhou Hong to the flying boat, and followed Xu Song's guidance to leave the place.

After flying like this for eight days, when flying over a sandy field, the imprint of the grimace on Xu Song's hand suddenly came out of his body, Jie Jie threw himself into the sandy field below with a strange smile, and disappeared soon In the sight of a person and a ghost.

"That's right, it's here."

One person and one ghost in the sky looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

Immediately, one person and one ghost fell directly to the ground and began to explore the underground.

"It's a bit difficult. The old man can only judge that the level of the formation here is as high as the fifth level, but he doesn't know the origin of it."

"If you want to break through the formation to save people, unless you can find a few Jindan stage monks to attack, or you can only wait for the old man to study the weakness of this formation, and then help you break through the formation and save people."

In a cave deep underground, Zhou Yang and Xu Song stopped in the cave, one person and one ghost, both of them looked a little unhappy.

It turned out that after they followed the grimace mark all the way deep into the ground, they found a large underground relic. However, this underground relic was protected by a powerful fifth-tier high-grade formation. With the power of one person and one ghost, they couldn't Break through this big formation.

If the formation is not broken, Zhou Xuanyu's mother and daughter, who already know that they are trapped in the underground ruins, will naturally be unable to escape.

Hearing Xu Song's words at this time, Zhou Yang's face darkened, and he couldn't help asking: "How long do you expect, Senior Xu, to study the weakness of this formation?"

"It's hard to say. This old man was only a middle-rank fifth-rank formation mage before his death, but the rank of this formation is as high as the fifth-rank top-rank. With the old man's ability, if he wants to study the weakness of this formation and break the formation, it may take three to five years if he is lucky. Well, if you’re unlucky, it’s possible in ten or twenty years!”

Xu Song shook his head repeatedly, knowing why Zhou Yang asked such a question, so he immediately told the whole situation.

Sure enough, upon hearing his words, Zhou Yang's face darkened instantly.

Zhou Xuanyu is also a monk of the "Xuan" generation of the Zhou family, only a few years younger than Zhou Xuanyu, and he succeeded in building the foundation when he was nearly a hundred years old.

If it really took more than ten or twenty years to break the formation, it is very likely that Zhou Xuanyu would have died of old age sitting in it by the time they broke the relic formation.

But black face is black face, Zhou Yang knew in his heart that Xu Song had no need to lie to himself.

Moreover, the opponent, who is a fifth-order formation mage, is his only hope to break the formation and save people, and he can't even blame the opponent.

There is no way, he can only grit his teeth and nod his head: "Then I will trouble seniors, if seniors need anything to break the formation, just mention it to Zhou, as long as Zhou is not going to kill you and draw your soul, there is no problem .”

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