Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 512: Phoenix Immortal Life Experience!

Seven-colored phoenix wings emerged from behind Jiang Fengxian, making her, who was already as beautiful as a fairy, even more glamorous and unrivalled.

But Zhou Yang was not in the mood to appreciate this kind of beauty at the moment. Compared to Jiang Fengxian's peerless face that surpassed the heavenly fairy, he cared more about the pair of colorful phoenix wings that suddenly appeared behind her.

Of course he could tell that those were not wings conjured up by some kind of spell or supernatural power, but wings with real flesh and blood.

Humans will never grow wings!

So Jiang Fengxian is definitely not a human, at least not a pure-blooded human!

"Fengxian, are you not human?"

Zhou Yang looked at Jiang Fengxian with his mouth wide open, and after enduring it again and again, he finally couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked this question.

"This matter is a bit complicated to talk about. If Brother Zhou can trust me, let's wait until this hurdle is over before discussing this matter!"

Jiang Fengxian lowered her head slightly, looked back at Zhou Yang, and said in a clear voice.

Zhou Yang's breathing stopped suddenly.


So beautiful!

Looking back, Jiang Fengxian really made Zhou Yang understand what it means to "look back and smile, Bai Meisheng, Liugong Fendai colorless".

Although she didn't actually have any smiles or smiles on her face and eyes, it could even be said to be a little cold.

But pure beauty is not enough to make Zhou Yang lose his composure.

Another important reason why he lost his composure was that Jiang Fengxian looked back, and he discovered something different about him from a human being.

What makes this different from humans is her pair of beautiful eyes that make one's heartbeat stop.

Those are definitely not the eyes of normal humans, but the eyes of birds of prey like eagle eagles, golden in color, noble and majestic.

For a moment, various speculations flashed through Zhou Yang's mind, and finally suppressed all thoughts, nodded lightly and said: "Okay, then Zhou will depend on Fengxian's methods."

After finishing speaking, he kicked his legs and started to run wildly again.

At this time, the dark red insect cloud composed of hundreds of thousands of mutated "spirit-eating flying fire ants" was less than two miles away from them.

For a Jindan stage monk, the distance of two miles is no different from being close at hand.

Jiang Fengxian looked at the rapidly approaching insect cloud, a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and immediately made a preemptive strike.

Seeing the pair of colorful phoenix wings behind her, an invisible gust of wind roared and blew towards the insect cloud in the sky.

The strong wind howled, and the insect cloud was caught off guard, and was blown away into countless tiny insect clouds. Many "spirit-eating flying fire ants" were directly blown off by the strong wind, losing their ability to fly.

But the good times didn't last long. After the strong wind passed, the remaining "spirit-eating flying fire ants" quickly reunited to form an insect cloud.

And this time, they seemed to have learned their lesson, and quickly spit out their mana to connect together, turning into dozens of spears composed of a large number of "spirit-eating flying fire ants" in midair.

Then these dark red spears accelerated violently, and shot towards Zhou Yang and Zhou Yang on the ground at a speed several times faster than that of Chongyun.

Seeing this, Jiang Fengxian immediately made a tactic with her jade hands, and a seven-color spiritual light shot out from the seven-colored phoenix wings behind her, brushing towards the dark red spears that were shot.

But all the dark red spears brushed by the seven-color aura will immediately lose their aura and turn into a pile of ant corpses and fall to the ground.

It's just that this seven-color aura killed at least half of the "spirit-eating flying fire ants" that originally formed the worm cloud!

If it is that kind of intelligent monster, encountering such a situation where more than half of the casualties are instantaneous, it will definitely be frightened and suspend the offensive to wait and see the situation.

But the group of "Spirit-eating Flying Fire Ants" didn't know what fear was at all, and the death of a large number of their own species was not enough to make them feel any emotional fluctuations.

This is the most troublesome part of the insect swarm. As long as the leader of the insect swarm who gave them the order did not give the order to retreat, they would not retreat half a step even if they fought to the last soldier.

Jiang Fengxian also knew that this would be the case, so after releasing the seven-color aura, she opened her mouth and sprayed out a cloud of seven-color flames.

After this group of colorful flames spewed out from her mouth, it turned into a flame phoenix bird full of spirituality and pounced on those "soul-eating flying fire ants".

Ordinary "spirit-eating fire ants" are extremely fire-resistant, and it is difficult for monks in the foundation building period to burn them to death with real fire. Now these "spirit-eating fire ants" attacking Zhou Yang and the others are even stronger enough to kill them on the ground. The point of short survival in fire.

From this, we can know that using fire spells and supernatural powers to attack the "spirit-eating flying fire ants" is definitely a bad idea.

But the group of colorful flames that Jiang Fengxian spewed out seemed to be different from ordinary fire-type supernatural powers.

The "Spirit-eating Flying Fire Ant" was not burned to ashes by the colorful flames after being touched by the colorful flames, but exploded in mid-air directly with a "bang bang bang".

In this way, after two waves of blows, the originally menacing group of "Spirit-eating Flying Fire Ants" were directly slaughtered, and the remaining number was no longer to be feared.

And at this time, the leader of the ant colony who controlled the "Spirit-eating Flying Fire Ants" colony from afar also seemed to find that the enemy's strength this time was beyond his own hunting scope, so he took the initiative to stop losses and conveyed to the "Spirit-eating Flying Fire Ants" group Retreat order.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yang stopped running after feeling safe enough, and put down Jiang Fengxian who was on his back.

At this time, Jiang Fengxian had also retracted the colorful phoenix wings on her back, and her beautiful eyes had regained the black and white color of human eyes. Although her demeanor was still noble and gorgeous, she lacked the sense of majesty and inviolability before.

"Let's take a rest here first, it should be considered safe for the time being."

Zhou Yang looked at the stunning beauty in front of him, and after moving his throat, he still held back his doubts.

He knew that Jiang Fengxian would definitely take the initiative to give himself an explanation, so there was no need for him to be so impatient.

Sure enough, after resting for half a day, Jiang Fengxian recovered the mana consumed by the previous attack, and took the initiative to enter the tent where Zhou Yang was resting, and told him about her life experience.

"Brother Zhou has also been to the wild jungle. You should know that there are many wild and alien races of different races living in the wild jungle, and my concubine's father is actually from a wild and alien tribe called [Tianfeng Clan] deep in the wild jungle."

"[Tianfeng Clan] It is said that the blood of the true holy phoenix flows in their bodies. Their appearance is generally similar to that of humans, except that they have wings on their backs and are born with the ability to fly. They also have bird down feathers on their bodies, eyes, noses, The palm will also bear some of the characteristics of the bird of prey."

"However, just like the sixth-order monsters can transform into human forms, those powerful beings in the [Tianfeng Clan] whose strength is comparable to the monks of the Jindan stage can also slightly restrain some of the bird's characteristics that are different from humans in appearance, and only keep a part of it. To the wings that represent the source of their power and identity."

"My concubine's father rescued his concubine's mother who was about to die from a group of wild aliens when he was practicing in the wild jungle, and developed a love affair across races."

"It's just that Brother Zhou also knows that barbaric aliens are generally hostile to human monks. The concubine's father can fall in love with his concubine's mother as a human monk, but those [Tianfeng Clan] aliens will not agree with him. In particular, the concubine’s father is the son of an elder whose strength is comparable to that of a Nascent Soul cultivator in the [Tianfeng Clan].”

"So shortly after the concubine's mother became pregnant with the concubine, the concubine's father was forcibly taken back to the [Tianfeng Clan] by the concubine's grandfather, and the two have never seen each other since then."

"Later, when the concubine was growing up in her mother's womb, because the blood of the human race and the blood of the barbaric alien race repelled each other, there were signs of miscarriage and premature death. Introduce your own essence into the concubine's body to maintain the concubine's life."

"The result of this is that less than five years after my concubine's safe birth, my concubine's mother, a cultivator at the golden core stage, died at the concubine's age at the age of less than five hundred years because she had exhausted all her life energy. In front of you!"

"Before my mother passed away, I repeatedly told my concubine not to reveal that I am carrying the blood of the [Tianfeng clan] in front of others, let alone use the natural ability of the [Tianfeng clan] lightly, and not to allow my concubine to reach the level of cultivation. Before the golden core stage, contact with the human monks of the Nascent Soul stage, and the concubine is not allowed to go deep into the wild jungle to find the concubine's father before reaching the Nascent Soul stage!"

"So over the years, I only dared to open up caves in the wild jungle to practice. Even if I occasionally need to go to the Nanman Kingdom to purchase the things needed for practice, I should be careful in everything, and I dare not let people find out my secrets!"

In the quiet tent, only Jiang Fengxian's deep and sad voice echoed.

For so many years, she has never talked about these things like others. She has kept the secret of her life experience for hundreds of years.

Sometimes she also really wants to find someone to talk to, to relieve her depressed mood alone.

But she didn't dare, she didn't dare to share this with those so-called "comrades" who knew people, face but didn't know their hearts, because as long as anyone leaked this secret, the fate waiting for her would definitely not be any better.

If those Nascent Soul stage monks heard the news, they would be very interested in taking her back to study, and even raising her as a concubine.

If she encounters some nascent soul cultivators who are vicious, she will probably find a way to extract the "Phoenix blood" from her body.

This time, she met Zhou Yang again in the "Kunxu Realm". She saw that Zhou Yangming knew the risk of hunting poisonous dragons with her, but she was still willing to take the risk to accompany her, and she also confessed her true origin to herself. Zhou Yang exposed his secret in front of him and revealed all this.

From this point, it can be seen that she has really regarded Zhou Yang as a trustworthy confidant.

Life is alive, confidant is hard to find.

It is naturally an excellent thing to have a confidant who can share the unknown secrets in one's heart.

After listening to her narration at this time, Zhou Yang sighed with emotion all over his face: "I never imagined that you, Fengxian, would have such a bizarre life experience with twists and turns!"

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