Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 531 Moon Toad True Blood

I don't know what Jiang Fengxian was thinking, anyway, after Zhou Yang expressed his feelings, she didn't force Zhou Yang to give her a satisfactory explanation.

Probably she was also conflicted in her heart, not knowing exactly what she wanted to explain.

Zhou Yang's words certainly have some rhetoric in them, but the truth is not wrong.

If Zhou Yang abandoned his current Taoist companion to be with her because of her persecution, with her arrogance, she would probably not be willing to accept such a result.

But for this reason, she is willing to be humble and share a Taoist partner with other women, she will never do this.

So this matter was temporarily shelved indefinitely as Zhou Yang expected, and was not brought up again.

Jiang Fengxian acted as if nothing had happened, and her attitude towards him returned to the way it was before she met Mu Ji, and she didn't show any unusual intimacy with him because of the lingering love in the blue tripod, at least on the surface. of.

For Zhou Yang, he is already very satisfied with this result.

Although sometimes, he would still recall the wonderful taste of those three days and three nights in the blue treasure tripod.

But he knew very well in his heart that before he and Jiang Fengxian sorted out the relationship, it was impossible and unsuitable for the two of them to have that kind of relationship again, otherwise it would only become more and more difficult to sort it out.

But no matter what Jiang Fengxian thinks, in Zhou Yang's heart, he already regards her as his own woman.

Therefore, in the following journey, he obviously paid more attention to some details than before.

For example, every time he rests, he will take the initiative to undertake the work of protecting the Dharma, so that Jiang Fengxian can rest better.

Another example is that when encountering a difficult enemy, he would stand in front of him much more bravely than before, preferring to get himself injured rather than let Jiang Fengxian suffer any harm.

Also, when distributing spoils, he would always let Jiang Fengxian choose first, even when encountering treasures that he was very excited about.

Jiang Fengxian is not a wooden man, so naturally she would not fail to notice the changes in the details.

Therefore, although she didn't say anything, her attitude towards Zhou Yang had indeed softened a lot, and her tone of voice was also much softer.

After Zhou Yang discovered this, he was of course very happy and more motivated.

If he was pursuing Xiao Ying at the beginning, he still had a sense of utilitarianism, but now he is pursuing Jiang Fengxian, he is really pure and only pursues her because of love.

Zhou Yang didn't expect that Jiang Fengxian would be moved to agree to be his concubine because of these small things he did, that was impossible.

If Jiang Fengxian was such an unprincipled person, it would be impossible for him to cultivate to this level by himself.

So he only hoped that through these small things, Jiang Fengxian could feel his love for her and his sincerity, that was enough.

Just like what he said to Jiang Fengxian, what a cultivator pursues is longevity and happiness. As long as Jiang Fengxian does not reject him or reject him, he believes that after a hundred or a thousand years of getting along, Jiang Fengxian is just a stone, and he will let her open Flowers come out.

I don't know if the bad luck has been exhausted by the wooden mandrill. During the next journey through the "Sky Crack Canyon", Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian did not encounter that kind of powerful existence that could threaten their lives. After sleeping out for more than three months, they successfully crossed the entire "Sky Rift Canyon".

After walking out of the "Sky Crack Canyon", without the threat of space cracks hidden somewhere above the canyon, Zhou Yang and the two can finally fly on the clouds.

However, this does not mean that they can run amok, because the "Cold Wind Plain" bordering the "Sky Rift Canyon" is also a dangerous place.

This "cold wind plain" is not so much a plain as an ice field.

The ground is covered with permafrost and snow all year round, and the plants are tall and hardy trees and low shrubs, and there is a biting cold wind blowing all year round.

There are quite a few powerful monsters active on this ice sheet, both in the air and on the ground.

When Zhou and Yang first entered this place, they flew high on the clouds for a while on a whim, and attracted a group of "two-headed ice-wind vultures" to besiege them.

As the name suggests, the "Double-headed Ice Wind Vulture" has two heads. One head can release wind spells, and the other can release ice spells. It is a third-order monster when it is an adult.

If it is a fourth-order monster that successfully condenses the demon core, it can also use the mixed spells of the two systems of ice and wind, which can be said to be the master of this "cold wind plain".

At that time, there were over a hundred "Double-headed Ice Wind Vultures" besieging Zhou Yang and the others, including more than a dozen fourth-level monsters and two fifth-level monsters.

If it was just this lineup, with Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian's means, they might not be afraid of these monsters.

However, group-living monsters like the "Double-headed Ice Wind Vulture" often have one thing in common, that is, when the number of groups reaches a certain size, and there are high-level monsters above Tier 4, they will trigger mutual conflicts. The resonance of the blood, mastering the joint spellcasting ability.

At that time, hundreds of "Double-headed Ice Wind Vultures" led by two fifth-level monster leaders, released their spells in succession, causing a terrible snowstorm and natural disaster to envelop Zhou Yang and the two of them. .

There are grades of spells, but the power of spells is not completely limited by grades.

A simple second-level low-grade spell "Wind Blade Technique", the power displayed in the hands of monks in the Qi training period, and the power displayed in the hands of monks in the Nascent Soul period are simply worlds apart.

The spell casted by hundreds of "Double-headed Ice Wind Vultures" together is not as powerful as that of a Nascent Soul stage monk casting spells in person, but it is far beyond the spellcasting level of a Golden Core stage monk.

After Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian barely survived the first round of magic attacks, they decisively chose to flee into the underground ice field to escape.

This is the advantage of immortal cultivators. Although they do not have the ability to jointly cast spells through blood resonance like monsters, they can master spells of various attributes that are not limited to the skills they have cultivated. They are far superior to monsters in terms of adaptability.

Because of the threat of the "Double-headed Ice Wind Vulture", Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian had to choose to fly at low altitude to avoid the attention of these monster birds.

But flying at low altitude, they also encountered another overlord level monster "Ice Demon" on the ice field!

"Ice demon" is a very ugly monster with a body like an ape, a head like a wolf, claws like a tiger, and a tail like a scorpion.

This kind of monster doesn't like to fly, but likes to run on snow and ice. Their running is not just running with their bodies, but a special body technique that uses magic power. Poor flight speed.

The most frightening thing is that this kind of monsters also have the ability to be invisible on snow and ice. Their invisibility can hide from the spiritual consciousness of monks of the same level and most of the magical powers of pupils. Only a few magical powers of pupils or monsters , can detect the invisible "ice demon" through sight, smell and hearing.

At that time, the ice demon that attacked Zhou Yang and the others was a fifth-order ice demon. This ice demon probably chose Zhou Yang, who had a low cultivation base, as the target of the sneak attack out of the principle of picking the softest persimmon.

Before its sneak attack, neither Zhou Yang nor Jiang Fengxian, who were flying at low altitude, noticed any signs of it.

It wasn't until it leaped up stealthily that Zhou Yang discovered the anomaly through his divine consciousness comparable to that of a late Jindan monk.

At that time, if it were an ordinary Jindan stage monk, at most they would use the protective magic weapon and magical powers for emergency defense, and there would be no time to fight back.

But Zhou Yang decisively chose to swing his fist and shake with the ice demon's claws in a matter of milliseconds.

As a result of the fight, although Zhou Yang left several blood-stained paw prints on the palm of his hand, but the Ice Demon was punched by him, and he also broke the bone of a sharp claw, which can be said to be a lose-lose situation.

But Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian failed to keep the ice demon in the end.

Because after this ferocious and cunning monster missed a hit, it found that its prey was not as good as expected, so it decisively fled the scene in stealth, without giving them a chance to fight back.

Later on the journey, Zhou Yang and the others discovered two more ice demons, which Zhou Yang took the initiative to discover through the magical power of "Lihuo Jintong".

Because those two ice demons only existed at the fourth level, and out of curiosity about this kind of alien monsters, he acted preemptively, and killed the two ice demons whose whereabouts were found but still did not know.

In the body of the dead fourth-order ice demon, Zhou Yang did not find the demon core, but found a white crystal core exuding cold air in its brain, which should be the source of ice demon power similar to the demon core, so Zhou Yang It is named "Demon Core".

On this day, when Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian were on their way on the "Cold Wind Plain", they suddenly sensed a powerful wave of fighting skills from afar.

When the two rushed out of a frozen lake following the fluctuations in their fighting skills, they saw a beautiful woman in a blue dress fighting a giant white toad.

"The two fellow Taoists came just in time. My concubine, Baifeng, is the elder of the Snow Toad Palace in the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Beitingzhou. If the two fellow Taoists are willing to help my concubine take down this alien ice toad, I am willing to use this ice toad." The [Ice Crystal Snow Lotus] guarded by Toad rewards you two!"

The beauty in the blue dress, Beigong Baifeng, is at the eighth level of Golden Core. She had already discovered Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian's closeness. Feeling relaxed, he quickly took the initiative to send a voice transmission to the two of them for help.

When Zhou Yang heard that Beigong Baifeng reported his family name, he was also quite surprised. He didn't expect to meet a monk from Beitingzhou's world of cultivating immortals here.

He had heard of Beitingzhou Immortal Cultivation World when he was in Liuyun Continent, and knew that it was a larger area than Liuyun Continent.

However, according to what he heard, although the area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation World in Beitingzhou is large, most of the places are uninhabited ice fields and deserts, and those places are dominated by monsters and beasts.

There are very few places that are really occupied by immortal cultivators in Beitingzhou, and the number and level of immortal cultivators there are far inferior to those in Liuyunzhou.

As for the Snow Toad Palace mentioned by Beigong Baifeng, Zhou Yang has never heard of this sect, but seeing Beigong Baifeng's confident face, it seems that this sect should be quite famous in the world of cultivating immortals in Beitingzhou, maybe it is also a There is a great sect with monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

While Zhou Yang was thinking about this, Jiang Fengxian suddenly said to Beigong Baifeng: "[Ice Crystal Snow Lotus] we don't need it, but you have to share the [Moon Toad True Blood] in this alien ice toad with us." One copy, otherwise nothing will be discussed!"

Moon Toad true blood?

Zhou Yang looked at Jiang Fengxian in surprise, and then at the alien ice toad who was fighting Beigong Baifeng evenly, the strangeness in his eyes flashed away.

Now write the third chapter, try to update one chapter at noon tomorrow, and then update two chapters at night!

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