Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 594: Spiritual Beasts Overcome Tribulation! 【One more subscription】


There was a loud thunder, and thick blue-purple thunders fell from the sky, one after another, blasting towards the colorful figure in the sky.

The colorful figure is a colorful peacock with a wingspan of more than 20 feet. Its wings are fluttering and fighting in the sky thunder. A colorful phoenix tail with a length of 40 to 50 feet is swaying in the air like a colorful flame. Very dazzling.

Except for the extremely talented heaven and earth spirit beasts such as Jiaolong, most of the monsters have to go through the sky thunder calamity once to advance to the fifth level, and use the power of the sky thunder to sublimate their own blood.

This thunder catastrophe is very dangerous for monsters, because if they want their bloodlines to be sublimated successfully, and if they want to not only stop at the fifth level in the future, they must use their bodies to withstand the thunder bombardment without any protection, using themselves as iron, Using Tianlei as a hammer, with the help of Tianlei's forging, impurities are removed, and finally it becomes a piece of refined steel.

According to incomplete statistics, if no protection is really done, at least 90% of the demon beasts will fall under the thunder disaster, and less than 10% of the monsters will succeed in the end. It can be said that they are close to death!

Even so, in order to be able to successfully advance to the fifth rank, many monsters whose bloodlines are not strong enough would rather die than retreat, rather than use supernatural powers to counteract the thunder.

The colorful peacock is not included in this list. Its bloodline is relatively advanced, and it has a weak phoenix bloodline in its body. It can survive the nine thunders and be promoted to a fifth-order monster as long as it survives five. .

But that doesn't mean it's willing to stop there.

You must know that the Heavenly Thunder Calamity is both a catastrophe and an opportunity. If you miss this opportunity to sublimate your bloodline with the help of the Heavenly Thunder Calamity, if you want to use the power of the Heavenly Thunder to temper yourself in the future, then you have to wait until you are promoted to the seventh-level true spirit to pass the "True Spirit Thunder Calamity" Only then can it be.

And ninety-nine out of ten monsters would not have that opportunity.

Therefore, the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation that they encountered when they were promoted to the fifth-level monsters was probably the only opportunity in their life to sublimate their bloodlines.

Of course, the colorful peacock is not willing to give up this opportunity easily!

If it can completely survive the nine heavenly thunder tribulations, the Phoenix blood in its body may form the "Phoenix True Blood". At that time, it will become a true descendant of the true spirit, and it may be promoted to the sixth-order demon king in the future will increase significantly.

So after surviving five thunderstorms, it continued to howl and pounce on the falling blue-purple sky thunder, even if it was struck by the sky thunder, feathers flew around and blood flowed horizontally, it did not flinch.

This beautiful and proud bird is fighting the sky with its life, and wants to win a great future for itself from the hands of the sky.

"Sure enough, if there is a master, there must be a favor?"

"Fengxian, Fengxian, the temperament of your spiritual pet really resembles you!"

"It's just where are you now? Why haven't you come back!"

On a barren mountain dozens of miles away from the thunder disaster erupted, Zhou Yang looked up at the beautiful big bird in the sky that was bathing in blood and fighting against the sky. .

The voice and smile of the beauty in colorful clothes has long been deeply imprinted in his heart, and he will never forget it in this life.

Even though he hadn't seen each other in the past hundred years, that stunningly beautiful face was still as clear in his mind as if it was yesterday, and it never faded in the slightest.

Then he silently clenched his fists, and whispered softly: "Fengxian, don't worry, no matter it's a hundred years or a thousand years, I will still wait for you. You, even if you search through the three major worlds of cultivating immortals, I will definitely find you!"

After muttering to himself like this, Zhou Yang finally recovered from his absent-minded state, and continued to cheer up and watch the colorful bird in the sky.

At this time, it was already the seventh sky thunder calamity, and the power of the blue-purple thunder and lightning that fell was more than double that of the first sky thunder calamity.

After the colorful peacock was hit by the thunder, it immediately fell to the ground with a miserable cry.

But such a fall didn't last for a few breaths, it tried its best to shake the damaged wings to stabilize its body, looked up stubbornly at the sky thunder cloud in the sky, opened its mouth and bit it into pieces. A small jade bottle.

There is a drop of "Rejuvenation Immortal Dew" in the small jade bottle, which is a life-saving thing given to it by Zhou Yang before it crosses the catastrophe.

At this moment, as it swallowed this life-saving thing, a powerful force of vitality surged out of its body, quickly repairing and healing those hideous wounds on its body.


Before the wounds on the colorful peacock could fully heal, the eighth thunderstorm had already landed on its back.

Immediately, the healed or unhealed wounds on its body burst and expanded again, and some intact places were also ruptured due to the bombardment of the sky thunder, and bright red blood flowed out.

Fortunately, the power of "Rejuvenation Fairy Dew" has not been exhausted, and it was rescued from the state of serious injuries and frequent deaths in time.

"Forget it! You have done a good job. The power of the ninth thunder tribulation is twice as powerful as before. With your current state, it is absolutely impossible to survive!"

In the distance, Zhou Yang shouted loudly, persuading it to give up.

The Ninth Heavenly Thunder Tribulation is also called the "King's Tribulation" by the monster clan, which means that if one can survive the ninth Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, one will have a chance to aspire to the sixth-order Demon King realm in the future.

If this thunder disaster is so easy to overcome, based on the huge number of monsters, there will not be a situation where the number of sixth-level monsters is less than that of monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

But what made Zhou Yang's face change suddenly was that the colorful peacock ignored his words at all, and still spread its wings and soared into the sky, soaring up to meet the ninth thunder calamity.

"Damn it! This damned miscellaneous bird!"

Zhou Yang's face turned red with anger, he couldn't help cursing angrily, and then hurriedly flew to the battlefield of Lei Jie.

Now that the ninth heavenly thunder tribulation has fallen, even if he passes by, he will not attract the thunder calamity, so that if he fails to help, he will not kill the monster that crosses the tribulation.

And the colorful peacock must never die, otherwise Zhou Yang really didn't know how he would explain to Jiang Fengxian after he came back.

He was on the way, and he had already taken out the remaining two drops of "Rejuvenation Fairy Dew" in his hand. With this treasure, as long as the colorful peacock still has a breath, he can rescue it.

It's just a pity for this treasure, after all, this is the only stock in his hand.

But when he flew over the battlefield, he was stunned.

Because he thought that the colorful peacock was bound to die, or must be seriously injured and dying, but at this moment, it was bathed in colorful flames and suspended in mid-air, exuding the majestic aura of a fifth-order monster.

"What a bird of shit luck, it all made you succeed!"

Seeing this familiar scene, he couldn't help but stop in resentment, blurted out a curse with mixed joy and anger on his face, and then put away the jade bottle containing "Rejuvenation Fairy Dew" in his hand.

If there is any supernatural power in the world that can heal injuries better than "Rejuvenation Immortal Dew", then the "Nirvana" supernatural power that belongs to the Phoenix clan must be one of them.

The colorful peacock successfully sublimated its own Phoenix bloodline under the ninth thunder disaster, condensed the "Phoenix True Blood", and fortunately awakened and mastered the "Nirvana" magical power of the Phoenix clan, thus saving his dying life.

This kind of luck really made Zhou Yang envious and jealous.

He is one of the very few human monks who has personally experienced the "Nirvana" supernatural power. He is very clear about the defying nature of this supernatural power. Having this supernatural power in his body is really equivalent to having a second life.

The colorful peacock can awaken and master this supernatural power. In the future, among the five-level monsters, it will also be the top existence, and even have a great chance to be promoted to the sixth level in the future.

Not long after, the colorful peacock "Nirvana" succeeded. Not only did the feathers that were burned in the sky thunder calamity recover completely at this time, but the color was much brighter and more beautiful than before. The two colors turned into colorful phoenix tails.

Perhaps it is more vivid to call it a colorful peacock at this time.

However, Zhou Yang looked at the colorful peacock flying over energetically, but he didn't mean to congratulate and praise him at all. Instead, he scolded angrily: "You really didn't want to die just now! It doesn't matter if you die. When the time comes, your master Ask me to compensate her bird, where can I find another stupid bird like you to compensate her?"

When the colorful peacock heard his words, it immediately refuted loudly.

It's a pity that one person and one bird is a bull's head and a horse's mouth. You scold you, and I call mine. The scolding and shouting are mixed together, and the noise is like a vegetable market.

In the end, after Zhou Yang finished cursing, most of his anger dissipated, and he just flicked his sleeves and said: "Forget it this time, if you dare to ignore my order next time, I will send you back to the wild jungle and let you continue to stay there Stay trapped for a hundred years, a thousand years to wait for your master to return!"

When the colorful peacock heard what he said, he immediately stopped crying, and just looked at him with aggrieved eyes, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"Hmph, it's useless to look at me, Zhou has always said what he says, and next time, he will never let it go lightly!"

Zhou Yang let out a cold snort, and immediately took the colorful peacock back into the ring of spirit beasts, and flew towards Chongxuan Mountain on a cloud.

It is impossible to hide the fact that monsters crossing the sky and thunder. He didn't want to rush to Xuanshan because this matter attracted too much attention, so he deliberately left Anguo with the colorful peacock and came to this wilderness.

Because the thunder calamity didn't last long, even if someone saw the thunder clouds gathering from a distance and rushed over to check the situation, they would not know what monster was crossing the calamity, let alone who the owner of the monster was.

Half a year later, Zhou Yang also left Chongxuan Mountain with the golden-winged Thunder Eagle who was about to cross the catastrophe, and went to another place to cross the sky thunder catastrophe.

With the lessons learned from the previous time, Zhou Yang was afraid that the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle would also die recklessly, so he specially gave it two drops of "Rejuvenation Immortal Dew" to keep in his mouth for later use.

But in fact, Zhou Yang somewhat underestimated the strength of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle.

Although the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle does not have the blood of the Phoenix like the colorful peacock, and was lucky enough to awaken and condense the "true blood of the Phoenix" after surviving the catastrophe, but it has awakened a certain blood of the wild beast by taking the heart of the wild beast, and its physical strength is relatively strong. The colorful peacocks of the same level are much stronger.

And as a thunder attribute monster, its resistance to sky thunder is far stronger than other attribute monsters, and it can even absorb the power of sky thunder to temper its body.

Therefore, after all the nine thunder tribulations were completed, the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle only took a drop of "Rejuvenation Immortal Dew" before the ninth thunder calamity fell, and survived all nine thunder calamities intact. .

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle who survived the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation did not awaken any true spirit blood like the colorful peacock, but his own blood has also been greatly sublimated, and he also has the possibility of aspiring to become the sixth-order demon king in the future.

In this way, both spirit birds were successfully promoted to fifth-order monsters, and Zhou Yang added a bit of confidence to the future battle of Chongxuan Mountain out of thin air.

And Master Qingyang later sent the news that the magic weapon has been refined, which made him very happy, and soon he secretly rushed to Xuanyang Xianzong with two spirit birds, asking Master Qingyang to refine them Henggu, by the way, collect your new magic weapon.

"The fifth-rank high-grade magic weapon [Flame Dragon Shield] was personally smelted by the sixth-level craftsman master, using the ten pieces of sixth-level red fire dragon scales and [Scorching Sun Iron] provided by you as materials. The material of the magic weapon itself Comparable to a sixth-order magic weapon, it can even unleash a flame dragon to guard and attack, and its power is even stronger than ordinary fifth-order top-rank spells!"

"Besides, when the master craftsman refined this magic weapon, he left a socket. If you can find a fifth-level spiritual object like [Glass Fire Crystal], put it on the socket , you can rely on the power of the [Glass Fire spar] to inspire the Flame Flame Dragon without consuming its own mana, and the Flame Flame Dragon will also turn into a Glaze Fire Dragon because of the power of the [Glass Fire Spat].”

In the "Qingyang Cave", Zhou Yang was holding a crimson shield shaped like dragon scales in his hand and kept looking at it, while the master of the cave, Master Qingyang, explained the role of the shield to him with a calm face.

After accepting Zhou Yang's entrustment, he personally went to the Yuqing Daozong, and at the price of two [Demon Blood Ancient Lotus] lotus seeds, invited a monk of the Yuqing Daozong who had reached the sixth-level refining level to personally He made a move and helped Zhou Yang refine this [Flame Dragon Shield] magic weapon and a fifth-order alchemy furnace.

Now, after a few years, the magic weapon was finally refined and warmed, and it was delivered to him by someone, who inspected and accepted it himself.

At this time, after Zhou Yang finished checking the [Flame Dragon Shield], he waved his hand again, and flung out a crimson pill furnace that fell in front of Zhou Yang.

"The fifth-level middle-grade alchemy furnace [Yanxing Furnace] is also made by the sixth-level refining master, using the [Yanxing Iron] you provided. If you do alchemy, you can greatly increase the speed of alchemy and reduce the time for accumulating alchemy."

Magical artifacts such as alchemy furnace and vessel tripod are extremely difficult to refine, and the [Flame Star Iron] provided by Zhou Yang is only enough for one refining, so in order to ensure success, even a sixth-level refining master can only use Its grade is lowered to the fifth grade middle grade.

Of course, Zhou Yang knew that there was actually a hidden secret hidden in it, that is, the top sects would never let the fifth-level high-grade alchemy furnace, which can be said to be a strategic treasure, flow out of their hands easily.

In fact, if the client hadn't been Master Qingyang, if he had gone to find someone himself, even if it was a fifth-level low-grade alchemy furnace, few alchemists would be willing to help him refine it.

It is precisely because a good alchemy furnace is so rare that Zhou Yang finally chose to refine the alchemy furnace instead of the vessel tripod.

At this time, after checking the two magical artifacts, he waved them all into the storage ring, and then gave a big gift to Master Qingyang with gratitude on his face: "Thank you for your trouble, senior. , this junior will always remember it in his heart, and if there is an opportunity in the future, he will definitely try his best to repay the kindness of the senior!"

Master Qingyang heard his words, and immediately said with a smile: "If someone else said this, the old man would just listen to it casually, but what you say, my friend, the old man believes it 100% and looks forward to that day s arrival."

Zhou Yang must repay his kindness, which he knew from the last time he resolutely chose to follow to [Qiongtian Wonderland] to exterminate demons.

Moreover, with Zhou Yang's help, Xu Zhengyang snatched [Crystal Ice Orchid] to prolong his life, Master Qingyang already knew.

Even Xu Zhengyang, who just obeyed his orders and helped Zhou Yang do some things, Zhou Yang was willing to spare no effort to accompany him to the boundless snowfield to capture [Crystal Ice Orchid] if he was able.

Master Qingyang doesn't believe that if Zhou Yang Huadan successfully conceives a baby in the future, he will forget his support and help along the way.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't gossip, this time you come, you should ask the old Taoist to help you refine the two spirit birds into the bones, right? Do this as soon as possible Come on, then you should go back to Xuanshan quickly, so as not to be discovered by others."

It was rare for him to take the initiative to mention this matter, of course Zhou Yang would not refuse, Dang even entered the spirit beast room in the cave mansion with Daoist Qingyang, and released the two spirit birds.

Compared with beasts, it is much easier for spiritual birds to refine their transverse bones. After all, parrots and starlings among ordinary birds can learn to speak from humans through training their tongue skills.

Master Qingyang, a Nascent Soul cultivator, personally helped them. It took less than five days to successfully refine the transverse bones of the two spirit birds, allowing them to master the ability to speak human words.

However, the refinement of Henggu only gave the two spirit birds the ability to speak human words. If they really want to use this ability well, they need to communicate with people more and become familiar with this way of speaking.

Therefore, after Zhou Yang returned to Chongxuan Mountain, the two young juniors, Ye Yunshan and Zhou Shengyu, were arrested by him to teach the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle and the Colorful Peacock to speak and read.

It just so happened that Ye Yunshan taught the colorful peacock who is a female, and Zhou Shengyu taught the golden-winged Thunder Eagle who is a male, so that the two would not have their accents reversed, the male would speak female, and the female would be male.

However, what Zhou Yang and others didn't expect was that after the two spirit birds initially learned the human language, they met on the mountain once, and suddenly they cursed at each other with profane words.

"Quack quack, Jiang Cai'er, you are such a stupid miscellaneous bird. I heard from the master that you were almost struck to death by lightning when you crossed the sky thunder calamity. You can eat roast chicken!"

"Hey, Zhou Jinpeng, you big-eyed chicken is a cheap bird. You have survived nine thunder disasters and have not awakened any real blood. Your blood is really low. A weak chicken with a low blood like you For the rest of my life, I can only peck at the ground with the weak chickens, and watch my aunt fly up the branches and become a phoenix!"


If the spiritual pet of a cultivator can grow to a high level, it usually has the last name of the owner, so the colorful peacock is naturally called Jiang Cai'er, and the golden-winged thunder eagle is called Zhou Jinpeng.

The spiritual wisdom of the fifth-order monsters is comparable to that of human teenagers. Because Jiang Caier and Golden Winged Thunder Eagle have both taken the "Enlightenment Pill", their spiritual wisdom is not inferior to that of humans at all, and their respective personalities are still very distinct.

Jiang Cai'er, with noble blood, has a personality as proud as her master, Jiang Fengxian, but she only has that kind of arrogance, not that kind of elegance, so she turns into an arrogant and savage little pepper, very pungent.

Zhou Jinpeng's personality is also arrogant, but it is not the arrogance that comes with Jiang Caier's blood, but a kind of arrogance that a goshawk looks down on the earth and sees everything on the earth as its prey. It can be said to be arrogant.

This kind of arrogance makes it easy to open its mouth and offend people without thinking about it, and in its arrogant personality, it has somehow formed a habit of talking cheaply. The combination of the two is almost perfect. With the supernatural power of "opening your mouth and turning into hatred", you are definitely the strongest when it comes to pulling hatred.

Even if Zhou Yang, the master, came forward to talk to it in person, he would easily be so angry that he wanted to pluck it.

In short, after Zhou Yang knew that these two birds were swearing and fighting every day, the thing he regretted the most was why he helped them refine their bones so that they had the opportunity to speak human words.

"Do they speak human language? That's the language of flat-haired beasts!"

This is what he often said when he was angry with these two birds in the future.

But what I have to say is that the frequent bickering of these two birds has indeed eased the tense atmosphere on the mountain a lot.

The appearance of at least two fifth-order spirit birds made the disciples on the mountain who knew about this situation secretly relieved.

With two Jindan stage monks and two fifth-order spirit birds, this lineup is already comparable to a middle school. With such strength, even if there is a war, Chongxuan Mountain may not be unable to defend.

So did Zhou Yang himself.

However, the reason why he was relieved was because of the confidence he brought after refining the magic weapon [Flame Dragon Shield].

This defensive magic weapon can be said to be the most precious of all the fifth-order magic weapons in his hands, and it is also the most powerful one. With this thing in hand, his survivability on the battlefield has been greatly improved.

In the next few years, Zhou Yang never left Chongxuan Mountain for half a step, and devoted himself to cultivating supernatural powers behind closed doors in the cave mansion and diligently improving his cultivation.

Six years later, the expected war finally broke out.

After several years of trial and error, the "Six Dao League" finally confirmed that Lu Xuanji had passed away, and while spreading the news to hit the morale of the "Xuanqing Dao League", they brazenly launched an expansion war.

In this war, the "Six Paths Alliance" launched attacks from three locations on the border between the two sides. Chongxuan Mountain, which is located in the territory of Anguo but backed by Changguo and serves as the bridgehead of Changguo, is one of the main attack points.

When the news of the massive attack by the "Six Dao League" reached Chongxuan Mountain, Zhou Yang, who was in seclusion, immediately went out to call all the disciples on the mountain, and completely opened the "Five Elements Guiyuan Formation" to protect the mountain. The attitude of sticking to Chongxuan Mountain.

Then within half a day, several sword lights arrived outside Chongxuan Mountain accompanied by seven or eight large air travel boats.

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