Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 603 Complete victory!

Because things need to be kept confidential, Zhou Yang didn't let the fourth person in Suyun Sect know about the news sent to him by Yuqing Daozong except Liu Yunxiang and Taoist companion Xiao Ying.

After Liu Yunxiang heard the news, she couldn't restrain the joy in her heart, applauding again and again.

Then, this heroine-like woman immediately discussed with Zhou Yang a joint response strategy based on the information contained in the news.

In the next period of time, the [Six Dao League] monks who attacked the mountain protection formation suddenly discovered that the resistance in the Suyun sect seemed to be weakened, and the same attack power fell on the mountain protection formation, and the effect produced was stronger than before. A little bit better.

After discovering this situation, the high-ranking monks of the [Six Dao League] outside the mountain asked people to continue to intensify the attack to test whether the situation was true, and at the same time investigated the cause of this situation through various means.

The so-called various means, of course, include sending messages to the hidden traitors in the Suyun sect for verification.

Before the [Six Paths League] encircled the mountain, Suyunzong accepted dozens of cultivating families and two small sect monks to settle in. Among these people, there were naturally traitors bought and trained by [Six Paths League], and even Suyunzong's own Among the disciples, this possibility is not ruled out.

These internal traitors don’t need to be too high-level, as long as they can pass on all kinds of news and information inside the mountain gate. They have special communication methods in their hands, and they can ignore the barriers of the mountain protection formation and pass the news to the [Six Dao League] outside the formation. 】Senior monk.

Therefore, through their own external observation and testing, combined with the news from the insider, the high-ranking monks of [Six Dao League] finally made a judgment.

The reason why the defensive power of Suyunzong's mountain protection formation began to weaken was because the continuous defense for several months provided mana supply for the mountain protection formation. Due to the force of the waves of shocks, he was constantly injured and torn, and he had to rest and recuperate for a long time to recover, which would not affect his future practice.

These monks withdrew from the defensive sequence to recuperate, which weakened the energy supply of the mountain protection formation, and naturally weakened the defense.

"Except for Zhou Yang, who has been recuperating in the cave, the rest of the Golden Core cultivators show up every day, and the two fifth-order spirit birds are also staying on the mountain. Don’t reduce the energy supply of the formation, it’s not that they are playing some tricks to plot against us.”

"Furthermore, even if they have any conspiracy, breaking the mountain protection formation will only benefit us and not harm us. As long as we stick to this goal and do not change, what can they do to us?"

Outside the Suyun Sect, after a group of Jindan stage monks from [Six Dao League] gathered together to discuss, they quickly made a decision to increase their attack power in order to break through the Suyun Sect's mountain guard formation as quickly as possible. .

The pressure on the mountain guard formation suddenly increased, and those monks in the Suyun sect who had retreated to rest had to return to their posts to guard. This news was soon spread by the insiders.

So the [Six Dao League] Jindan monks outside finally confirmed the fact that the enemy was about to be unable to hold on, and then the offensive became more violent.

What the enemy wants to do, we refuse to let them do.

This is the basic principle of war.

So even though this continuous onslaught puts the monks on their own side under tremendous pressure and exhausts them physically and mentally, the Golden Core monks of [Six Dao League] have no intention of changing their strategy at all.

The fierce war in the Suyun Sect had little to do with Zhou Yang, and he had already left Suyun Sect through a secret teleportation array inside the Suyun Sect's mountain gate.

The secret teleportation array is just a short-distance teleportation array, which can only teleport up to five people at a time, and it is also a one-way teleportation array.

This one-way teleportation array was originally a backup method used by Suyunzong to preserve the sect's inheritance at the critical moment of life and death.

When it started, the momentum was very small, and it was almost impossible for monks below the Nascent Soul stage to notice it. This provided a guarantee for Zhou Yang to leave Suyunzong secretly.

And he left Suyunzong secretly this time, just to gather a Jindan monk who came to support him, and to deal a fatal blow to the [Six Dao League] monks outside Suyunzong.

The Jindan stage monk who supported Suyunzong was named "Kan Dispersed Man", a Jindan nine-level casual cultivator with a great reputation.

This person is practicing a very rare water and fire mixed cultivation technique "Kanyuan Lihuo Zhenjing". This kind of cultivation method is several times more difficult than ordinary advanced cultivation methods, and it is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may go crazy Exploded and died.

But danger and opportunity exist together. Although "Kan Yuan Li Huo Zhen Jing" is difficult and dangerous to practice, once it is practiced, it will make the monk's combat power far surpass that of the same level. Both Dan and babysitting have been extremely helpful.

"Kan Dispersed Man" is a casual cultivator, it would be great if he can practice advanced exercises, and this exercise can also increase the success rate of alchemy formation and infant formation, so he was lucky enough to get this "Kan Yuan Li Huo" After reading the "Mantra", he chose this exercise as his main exercise without much hesitation, and after that, he really let him practice it, and he has been practicing it to the present level.

Over the past few hundred years, with the help of several kinds of water and fire fusion supernatural powers attached to this "Kan Yuanli Fire Sutra", the name "Kan Dispersed People" has been recognized in the circle of high-ranking monks in the entire Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation World. spread.

Zhou Yang didn't know how the high-level officials of [Xuanqing Daomeng] moved this "Kan scattered person" to dare to participate in the war between the two superpowers, but he knew that if this person came to help, Suyunzong will definitely achieve gratifying results soon.

And now he is going to go out to join this person, and then the two will launch a surprise attack from the outside, and Liu Yunxiang will lead the others to fight out from the Suyun Sect, attacking both inside and outside, and defeating the [Six Dao League] army that is attacking the mountain protection formation in one fell swoop ,beat.

At this time, Zhou Yang had already mastered the practice of "Hidden Dragon Avoiding Tribulation Art". Although he still couldn't deceive even Jindan monks like Wu Biao back then, he used it to deceive those [Six Daoists] all over the territory of Chang Kingdom. Alliance] Eyeliner for low-level monks is still more than enough.

Although the "Kan Dispersed Man" does not have the supernatural power of holding breath and stealth like him, he also has similar means to hide from the eyes of those low-level monks, sneak into the territory of Chang Kingdom and come outside Suyun Sect.

According to the agreement, Zhou Yang rushed to a small mortal city thousands of miles away from Suyunzong, and soon found a "Kan scattered man" posing as a fisherman by a small river outside the city.

This "Kan scattered man" should be more than 800 years old. His body looks a little old, but his mental state is very energetic. When Zhou Yang saw him, he somehow remembered the real Qingyang.

At that time, Daoist Qingyang was still a Daoist of Qingyang, also at the ninth level of Jindan, and was making the final preparations for the transformation of the alchemy into a baby.

In Zhou Yang's eyes, the "Kan Dispersed Man" in front of him was in a very similar state to the Qingyang Taoist at that time.

Zhou Yang was stunned by this discovery. He originally wanted to greet the other party with an attitude of peers, but he immediately changed his attitude. Pass Senior Feng Zhen."

The real name of "Kan Dispersed Man" is Feng Zhen, but the Taoist names and nicknames of those elderly cultivators are widely circulated, and it is easy for people to forget their own names.

At this time, seeing Zhou Yang calling himself by his real name, which he hadn't used for a long time, and also using the honorific title of "senior", "Kan Dispersed People" has a good impression of Zhou Yang at least from the first impression.

It is really rare to see such polite young juniors nowadays, and more young juniors shouted "Swallow a golden pill into the stomach, and my fate is up to me", the sky is the boss The second child respects no one and ignores no one.

Although there are many objective factors that can cause this situation, for example, before the Golden Core stage, many monks could only behave with their tails between their legs, and they could often see seniors whose cultivation base was a big realm higher than their own.

And after reaching the Golden Core stage, when the Nascent Soul stage monks can't easily go out of the mountain, the Golden Core stage monks are the top existence among the active people in the world of cultivating immortals.

At this time, there is a chance to be proud, and of course no one wants to do the old thing of being a man with his tail between his legs.

But in the eyes of "Kan Dispersed People" who have been famous for many years and have been famous for many years, the Golden Core monks who have just successfully formed the core are actually no different from some Zifu period juniors, and they are all juniors who can be easily shot to death.

The difference is that killing a cultivator at the Zifu stage and a cultivator at the Golden Core stage will have a very different impact.

Before the "Kan Dispersed Man" came, he had already heard about Zhou Yang's deeds. He thought that such a Jindan stage monk who was less than five hundred years old and became famous at a young age would be very arrogant and difficult to deal with. He was even prepared in his heart to give Zhou Yang a blow after the meeting.

But now, he had to change his original thinking, put on a smile and said with a smile: "You Daoist Zhou is too polite. Before I came, I heard about the outstanding achievements of You Daoist Zhou. Only then did I know that the rumors were true, that he was indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men, and a gift from heaven."

"Senior, it's absurdly praised. Compared with the illustrious reputation that you have achieved in your life, senior, what is this little achievement of this junior? It is really unbearable to be praised by senior!"

Zhou Yang shook his head again and again, showing a very modest look of not being able to bear it, and then looked at the other party with a little compliment and said: "If you do it yourself, senior, this time you will definitely be able to teach those [six ways The thieves of the League can’t eat it, so they walk around and make them regret coming here!”

I never thought that "Kan Dispersed Man" frowned when he heard his words, and suddenly said: "Speaking of this, I still have something to clarify with Fellow Daoist Zhou. Good thing, I promised to help in the war, but after all, the old man does not have a deep background like you, once you kill too many [Six Daomeng] people, after the war is over, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape the liquidation of those Nascent Soul stage monks."

"So this time to rescue Suyunzong, this old man will not kill people easily, but will only injure people and leave them to you to deal with. I hope you can understand this point!"

Zhou Yang can understand the difficulty of "Kan scattered people", but the problem is that he can't make the decision on this matter!

So after his complexion changed, Dang even smiled wryly and shook his head, "This junior understands senior's difficulties, but this junior can't make the decision. I have to ask seniors for instructions."

After speaking, he was going to take out the "Fairy Spirit Jade Book" and communicate with Yuqing Daozong to see if they agreed with the conditions of "Kan Sanren".

When "Kan Dispersed Man" saw his action, he immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhou, this matter is also one of the conditions for the old man's promise to help. Seniors have already known about it. Now that the old man is talking about this with Fellow Daoist, It’s just to let fellow Taoists have a psychological preparation in advance.”

Zhou Yang stopped immediately when he heard the words, and smiled with a reassuring expression: "If that's the case, the younger generation naturally has no objections."

What he did made the "Kan Dispersed" feel extremely comfortable, and he couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha, since Fellow Daoist Zhou has no objection, let's go now. I believe that Fellow Daoist Liu of Suyun Sect and others will definitely be able to wait." Anxious."

Liu Yunxiang was really eager to wait. Ever since Zhou Yang secretly left Suyunzong, she has been in a state of anxiety.

In her heart, she hoped that Zhou Yang and "Kan Sanren" would show up soon and help Suyunzong completely solve the crisis of extermination.

But I was afraid that this incident would cause side effects and cause unforeseen and terrible consequences.

And as the [Six Dao League] monks' offensive outside the mountain gate became more and more fierce, and the pressure on the mountain guard formation and the monks on the mountain increased, her anxiety became more and more serious.

In order to keep it secret, she couldn't tell the whole plan before Zhou Yang and "Kan Sanren" showed up.

It was also thanks to the fact that she was a strong-willed woman who had a good control over her emotions and expressions, and that the other monks focused more on the enemies outside the mountain gate, so she didn't notice anything unusual about her.

It's just that as the Jindanqi monks from the [Six Dao League] outside the mountain gate all joined the attack sequence, and after the defensive pressure increased, finally some monks couldn't help asking about Zhou Yang's situation, and wanted Zhou Yang to take two The fifth-order spirit birds also joined the defensive array.

After she heard this, she immediately said without thinking: "Good steel must be used on the blade, and the situation has not yet reached such a serious situation. How can I disturb Zhou Daoyou to recuperate rashly? No, I don't agree." this way."

But as the situation became more and more critical, more and more monks asked this question, and some people even began to look at her suspiciously. When their eyes flickered, she had to soften her attitude and change her words.

"It's not that I don't want to ask Fellow Daoist Zhou to come out to help, but that he is currently retreating to use a secret healing method to restore his hidden wounds, so that he can recover his full strength and participate in the crucial battle. He also specifically explained his concubine before retreating. I really can't hold it anymore, otherwise I absolutely don't want to forcefully wake him up and interrupt him."

After she said this step, no matter whether other people believed it or not, they had no choice but to choose to believe it. No one brought up this matter again, and no one dared to question Zhou Yang as a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death because of this matter.

What Liu Yunxiang didn't know was that Zhou Yang and the "Kan Sanren" had long been lurking in a hidden place hundreds of miles away from the Suyunzong Mountain Gate, watching the battlefield from afar and waiting for a good opportunity to attack.

This time their goal is to completely defeat the [Six Path Alliance] army outside the Suyun Sect.

Therefore, the timing of this shot is very important, it is best not to make a shot, and once you make a shot, you will be shocked, directly beheading two or three Jindan stage monks of the opponent, laying the foundation for victory.

"The enemy has three Jindan late-stage monks, one Jindan ninth-level monk, and two Jindan seventh-level monks. If the old man makes a sneak attack, he is 80% sure that he can directly injure a Jindan seventh-level monk and put him in a critical state. , and intercept that Jindan ninth-level cultivator."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, if you can defeat another late Golden Core cultivator, then fellow Taoist Liu Yunxiang in the Suyun Sect will be free to slaughter those early Golden Core cultivators!"

On a small hill that belongs to the same mountain range as Lingshan, the gate of Suyunzong, "Kan Dispersed Man" stared at the battlefield in the distance with flickering eyes. plan.

Now [Xuanqing Daomeng] and [Six Daomeng] have a ratio of 12 to 13 of the Jindan stage monks. If Zhou Yang's two fifth-order spirit birds are counted, it is 14 to 13. The number of strong ones is on the contrary Beyond the [Six Dao League] side.

As the "Kan Dispersed Man" said, if you can kill a late-stage Golden Core cultivator on the opponent in an instant after the battle, and then let Liu Yunxiang, an eighth-level Golden Core cultivator, free up his hands to help others, the situation on the battlefield will happen immediately. Reversed, [Six Dao League] will no longer be able to win the war, and it is even impossible to get out of the whole body.

So Zhou Yang just pondered for a moment, then immediately nodded his head and said: "What the senior said is very true, the junior has no objection."

Seeing that he agreed, "Kan Dispersed Man" immediately made a decision and said: "Then wait another hour and do it. The old man sees that the Suyun Zong's mountain protection formation can't last long, and the enemy can't really break the formation. In that way, the monks who provide mana supply for the formation will suffer great backlash damage!"

It wasn't until this time that Zhou Yang used the magic weapon "Spiritual Rhinoceros Jade Pendant" on his body to pass the news to Xiao Ying, a Taoist companion who was still in the Suyun Sect, and then relayed the news to Liu Yunxiang through her hand.

After receiving Zhou Yang's news, Liu Yunxiang's tense nerves finally relaxed, and then counted the time silently.

When the time was less than half a quarter of an hour before the agreed activation time, she moved her lips slightly, and finally relayed the news to all the Golden Core stage monks in the mountain gate.

Unsurprisingly, everyone who heard the good news suddenly was surprised and delighted. The tension and exhaustion on their faces was instantly wiped away, and their faces were full of joy.

By this time, no one blamed Liu Yunxiang for not telling them the truth beforehand. All the monks who heard the news were gearing up and getting ready to fight back.

After half a quarter of an hour, the "Kan Dispersed Man" and Zhou Yang himself, who restrained their aura by relying on the "Hidden Spirit Fragrance" provided by Zhou Yang, suddenly rushed out from behind the base camp of the [Six Dao League] monks, directly facing the The two Jindan stage monks who attacked the mountain protection formation launched a sneak attack.

In the eyes of Liu Yunxiang and others on the mountain, they only saw a blue-red beam of light suddenly shot through the air, and with a "bang", a late-stage Jindan monk who was attacking the mountain protection formation was blown up and fell to the ground.

Then, before the overthrown Jindan late-stage cultivator could save himself, a purple spear followed closely, piercing him and nailing him to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yunxiang's blood boiled with excitement, her fair and pretty face was flushed with excitement, and she couldn't help shouting loudly: "Everyone, it's time to fight back, kill!"

Before she finished drinking, she was the first to rush out of the formation and kill.

In an instant, including the fifth-tier formation mage who had been in charge of the mountain-protecting formation, all the Jindan stage monks in the Suyun Sect rushed out together, and each found a monk of the same level to fight against each other.

At this time, Zhou Yang and "Kan Dispersed Man" had already fought a powerful opponent according to the plan.

The outcome of this battle was actually doomed long before the war started.

"Kan Dispersed Man" is worthy of its great name. At the beginning of the battle, he helped Zhou Yang kill a Jindan seventh-level monk in the enemy, and quickly intercepted the only Jindan ninth-level monk among the enemy. A layer of cultivators, and quickly gained a clear advantage, making it impossible for him to be distracted and intervene in other people's battles.

And Zhou Yang held back another Jindan seventh-level monk, which also gave Liu Yunxiang the foundation to kill all directions.

Her cultivation base of the eighth level of Golden Core roamed the battlefield, and it didn't take much effort to cooperate with her own monks to kill an enemy Golden Core.

In this way, after fighting for less than half an hour, three monks of the Golden Core stage of the [Six Dao League] fell under her hands.

Then the expected big defeat occurred, and the remaining [Six Dao League] Golden Core stage monks were in a life-and-death crisis, and they couldn't care about anything else. They tried their best to escape from the battlefield and dared not stay any longer.

The others fled as well, but the Jindan ninth-level monk and the Jindan seventh-level monk Zhou Yang dealt with were forced to stay by Zhou Yang and the "Kan Dispersed Man", and they were surrounded by everyone. middle.

Surrounded by more than a dozen Golden Core stage monks of the same rank, the two Golden Core monks from [Six Dao League] were pale, showing signs of despair.

Both of them knew that at this point, they had no choice but to risk their lives and try to get someone to be buried with them.

Surrender, that is impossible!

If they break the Suyun Sect's mountain gate, Liu Yunxiang can lead the entire sect's disciples to surrender, and join the [Six Dao League] like those sects who surrendered in Anguo, becoming a vassal of a certain sect.

But now they are alone, and there are countless monks from the entire sect and family behind them. If they surrender to the enemy on the battlefield, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Maybe there is a kind of person who doesn't care about all this and can do everything to survive, but the two Golden Core monks who are surrounded now obviously cannot do this.

Therefore, in the despairing eyes of the two of them, the determination to die has already been born.

They are ready to fight to the death, and they can pull the enemy one by one to die together!

After Zhou Yang and other Jindan monks of [Xuanqing Daomeng] discovered this, they all tacitly slowed down their offensive a little bit, widened the distance a bit, and used various defensive methods for themselves, and made the final move. bad intentions.

But just when this battle of trapped beasts was about to break out, a helpless voice suddenly resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Win the king and lose the bandit, we [Six Dao League] lost this battle, all our people will withdraw from the battlefield of Chang Kingdom, what do fellow Daoists Jade Dragon think?"

This voice sounded from nowhere, and it resounded throughout the battlefield as soon as it appeared.

Zhou Yang and other Golden Core cultivators who heard this voice all changed their faces, and they had already guessed the identity of the owner of the voice, which must be a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator from the [Six Dao League].

But what reassures them is that shortly after the sound, the voice of Yulong Zhenren, a Yuanying monk of Yuqing Daozong, also resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanjian is really good at joking. After the battle of Suyunzong, even if you don't take the initiative to withdraw, can you still stop us from counterattacking? This move of the white wolf with empty gloves is too disrespectful as a fellow Daoist!"

"Then what does Fellow Daoist Yulong want to do? You might as well draw up a charter."

"It's very simple. You take the initiative to withdraw from the Kingdom of Chang. This is a prerequisite. Then you must leave behind all the treasures you have looted in this war, and pay for the casualties and material losses caused to us during this war. For war compensation, the amount of compensation should be tentatively set at 200 million spirit stones!"

"Fellow Daoist Jade Dragon are you joking? We just lost on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Chang, not the entire war. It would be too ridiculous for you to ask for war compensation now."

"If you really have no sincerity in the conversation, then continue to fight and see who wins in the end!"

"Who is not sincere? Fellow Daoist Xuanjian knows it well. You come to our territory to kill people and exterminate the family. After you are done, you still want to retreat without paying anything. You really think that we [Xuanqing Daomeng] are at your will. Soft persimmon?"

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