Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 634 Ten Thousand Years of Fire Coral

Although Jiang Fengxian saw through Zhou Yang's plan, he didn't really veto his proposal because of this.

A twisted melon is not sweet, since Zhou Yang's heart is no longer here, how could she do such a thing with her arrogance.

What's more, it's not only Zhou Yang who wants to give birth and return to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, she also wants to give birth and go back to seek revenge on Lou Feifeng.

So he stayed on "Peach Blossom Island" for another ten years. After Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng were promoted to the ninth and third levels of Jindan, Zhou Yang took his two daughters and left this overseas fairy who had lived for fifty-seven years. Island, went to the real overseas world of cultivating immortals.

Transforming alchemy into a baby is an extremely important hurdle for cultivators. If you pass this hurdle, you will really transform from a mere mortal into a real immortal, possessing an inhuman body, inhuman strength, and inhuman supernatural powers.

In the process of transforming pills into infants, it is necessary to gather a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy to supply monks with breakthroughs, which cannot be provided by this small fifth-level low-grade spiritual vein on "Peach Blossom Island".

Generally speaking, the fifth-order high-grade spiritual vein is the minimum requirement, and it is of course better to be able to find a sixth-order spiritual vein as a place to transform the alchemy into a baby.

And even in the overseas world of cultivating immortals with many spiritual veins, it is not easy to find a fifth-order top-grade spiritual vein without an owner. If only Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian searched for it by themselves, it would take many years to find it possible to find.

So they can only go to the place where the monks gather in the overseas world of cultivating immortals, inquire about relevant news from other monks, and then decide where to transform the pill and form the baby according to the situation.

Although this is also difficult, because if it is a high-level spiritual vein that is easy to occupy, it must have been occupied and developed by someone long ago, and it cannot be a no-man's land.

There is a high probability that they will end up snatching the spirit veins occupied by powerful monsters like what they did on "Peach Blossom Island".

In this vast sea, there are far more spirit veins and islands occupied by monsters than human monks.

Now those large islands in the overseas immortal world were snatched by the immortal cultivators from the demon kings.

However, since the Flood Dragon Clan in the East China Sea organized a monster army to counterattack and captured most of the overseas cultivation world thousands of years ago, no one has dared to do this kind of thing of snatching territory from the demon king.

However, the Flood Dragon Clan would not care about snatching territory from the monsters under the Monster King.

Only the monster kings of the sixth rank can be regarded as the monster clan, and those below the sixth rank are just monsters. There are so many monsters in the sea, and the Jiaolong clan can't control them if they want to, after all, they themselves don't have many clansmen.

It is said that after the monster in the East China Sea was promoted to the sixth-rank monster king, the first thing he did was to go on a pilgrimage to the "Donghai Dragon Palace", the headquarters of the Jiaolong Clan in the East China Sea, so as to gain the protection of the Jiaolong Clan.

Those monster kings who don't go to the pilgrimage, not only will the Jiaolong clan not care about their life and death, sometimes they will even send troops to attack them.

The sea area where "Peach Blossom Island" is located is still relatively far away from the center of the overseas immortal world where cultivators gather. After all, Zhou Yang was fleeing for his life at that time, so of course he had to choose this remote sea area where there were no people.

But it doesn't matter, he has a more detailed sea map of the overseas world of cultivating immortals in his hand, and he has a magic weapon to determine the direction. It will only take a year and a half to go there.

For the sake of safety, they still use the [Fish Dragon Shuttle] instead of the [Qingming Flying Boat] which is many times faster.

On this day, the three of Zhou Yang, who were on their way under the sea, suddenly sensed a strong fluctuation of fighting skills coming from the distant sea area, accompanied by thunderous beast roars.

Out of curiosity, Zhou Yang sent [Yulongshuo] to rush over there to check the situation.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, as soon as you look at it, his heart is immediately moved.

It turned out that the fluctuating fighting skills came from the two monsters in the sea, and the treasure that caused the two monsters to compete was a rare treasure under the sea [Ten Thousand Years of Fire Coral].

[Wannian Fire Coral] is a rare treasure in the East China Sea, which can be used as medicine and for refining weapons.

Zhou Yang's daughter, Jiang Yufeng, has been forming alchemy for more than 70 years, but due to the suppression of the Goddess Palace, she has not yet refined her natal magic weapon. This [Wannian Fire Coral] can just be used as the material for her natal magic weapon.

Of course, [Ten Thousand Years Fire Coral] is not only useful for immortal cultivators, if some fire attribute monsters in the sea can swallow [Ten Thousand Years Fire Coral], it will also be of great benefit.

Now the two monsters fighting at the bottom of the sea are fighting for this spiritual creature.

The two monsters are a [Flame Dragon Turtle] that can breathe fire, and a different species of fire eel that looks like an eel.

Both are fifth-order high-grade monsters, and they are extremely powerful.

They fought against each other on the bottom of the sea, using all kinds of fire-type supernatural powers, and the surrounding sea water was boiled and bubbling, and the momentum was extremely loud.

However, when the two fought against each other, they deliberately avoided the [Wannian Fire Coral] that grew next to the submarine volcano, so as not to hurt this very rare underwater treasure.

"Let's step back and see how these two goblins fight. It won't be a few days before we can tell the result. Let's wait for them to get tired and separate, and then destroy them separately."

In the [Fish Dragon Shuttle], Zhou Yang operated the [Hiding Dragon Avoiding Tribulation Art] and sneaked into the periphery of the battlefield to see the situation clearly. After returning, he whispered the whole story and his own decision to the mother and daughter Jiang Fengxian who stayed inside.

Among the three of them, because he had practiced the "Canglong Body Refining Art", he could move freely on the bottom of the sea without using any magical powers, so the matter of inquiring about the situation was naturally entrusted to him.

Regarding his decision, Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter did not have any objections.

If they were to be eliminated separately, with the strength of the three Golden Core stage monks, even under this deep sea, it would not be too difficult to kill a fifth-rank high-grade monster.

Things did not go as expected by Zhou Yang. After a full two days and three nights of fighting, the two monsters in the sea finally decided the winner.

The [Flame Dragon Turtle] successfully defended the [Wannian Fire Coral], while the alien fire eel escaped after being severely injured.

【Flame Dragon Turtle】Because they want to protect 【Wannian Fire Coral】, of course they will not leave easily to chase the alien fire eels, but Zhou Yang's family, who have been ambushing outside for a long time, will not let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

The three of them were going to ambush separately in three directions tens of thousands of miles away from the battlefield, and the strange fire eel just happened to escape towards Zhou Yang.

Immediately, Zhou Yang didn't even wait for Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter to come to help, and directly used the supernatural power of [Canglong Transformation], and quickly blew the head of this alien fire eel, which was already badly injured.

After killing the alien fire eel, Zhou Yang maintained his half-dragon half-human transformation form, and directly killed the [flame dragon turtle].

[Flame Dragon Turtle] When Zhou Yang suddenly attacked the fleeing alien fire eel, he felt that something was wrong. It was not low in intelligence, and soon realized that someone wanted to make a profit.

Therefore, it immediately uprooted the [Ten Thousand Years Fire Coral] and swallowed it into its stomach, and then fled this place directly.

It's just that it didn't expect that there were not only one fisherman, but three.

Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng, who didn't wait for the alien fire eel, found out [Flame Dragon Turtle]'s movements, and hurriedly gave up supporting Zhou Yang, intercepting it halfway.

Jiang Fengxian's own fighting skills are extremely strong. After obtaining the two top-level fifth-order magic weapons from Zhou Yang, the [Golden Flood Sword] and the [Chixuan Golden Bead], she has no shortcomings in offense and defense.

【Flame Dragon Turtle】After a battle with the alien fire eel, its own condition was not good. At this time, it was intercepted by her, and after a few moves, she cut off a part of its tail with the 【Golden Flood Sword】.

And whenever [Flame Dragon Turtle] wanted to run away regardless, she would use that seven-color spiritual power to imprison and interrupt the opponent, making it impossible to escape easily.

After Zhou Yang, who maintained a half-human half-dragon body, also came, the fate of [Flame Dragon Turtle] was already predictable.

After a not-so-intense battle, [Flame Dragon Turtle] finally died under Jiang Fengxian's [Golden Flood Sword], and was beheaded by a sword.

Because the fighting time was not too long, the stomach of [Flame Dragon Turtle] was dug open after the battle, and the [Wannian Fire Coral] that was swallowed by it was found again and fell into Zhou Yang's hands.

With the addition of the demon pills, demon souls and corpses of two fifth-rank top-rank monster beasts, they can be said to have made a lot of money in this battle.

After tidying up the battlefield a bit and making sure that no other treasures were missed, the three of Zhou Yang continued to go to the overseas world of cultivating immortals as planned with a rich harvest.

Nothing worth mentioning happened during the subsequent journey. About ten months after leaving "Peach Blossom Island", Zhou Yang and the others finally entered the "Inner Sea" area marked on the chart.

The so-called "inner sea" is not the "inner sea" in the sense of Zhou Yang's previous life, but the collective name of the sea area where monks in the overseas immortal cultivator's activities are frequent, which is where the overseas immortal cultivator world is located in a narrow sense.

Outside the "inner sea" is the outer sea. Islands like "Peach Blossom Island", as well as islands where many overseas monks live in seclusion, and a large number of islands occupied by monsters are all located in the outer sea.

Generally speaking, the "inner sea" is densely populated because of the frequent activities of immortal cultivators. The number of high-level monsters in it has been hunted and killed by immortal cultivators for many years. Even if there are, they are all active in the deep sea. won't show up.

Therefore, the "inner sea" is considered safe for immortal cultivators. They can fly over the sea with relative peace of mind. They don't have to worry about being shot down by a high-level monster hidden in the sea below and swallowed as food.

Of course, this safety is only relative. Sometimes the danger does not only come from alien races and monsters. Those bandit cultivators with malicious intentions are sometimes much more dangerous than monsters.

For Zhou Yang and his group, the "inner sea" where immortal cultivators are more active is undoubtedly more dangerous than the outer sea.

Although more than 50 years have passed, the pursuit of the Yulong family is definitely not as strong as it was at the beginning, but Zhou Yang still dare not underestimate the threat of the Yulong family.

Back then in Liuyunzhou's immortal cultivation world, a wanted order issued by the Beast Sect could take effect for a hundred or two hundred years, not to mention the Dragon Clan that was far more powerful than the Beast Sect.

The Yulong family whose base camp is in the East China Sea also has great influence in this overseas world of cultivating immortals.

Zhou Yang believed that if he dared to show his true colors to others, he would be immediately dispatched by Yuanying stage monks from the overseas immortal world to arrest him and go to the Yulong family to receive the reward.

Fortunately, he has many ways to hide his identity, whether it is the mask that Lu Xuanji gave him back then, or the fifth-order high-grade magic weapon [Phantom Orb] obtained from Yulong Jinhuang, they can help cover his face, which is enough for Jindan to hide his identity. The monks did not see anything unusual.

So after traveling through the "inner sea" area for another month, Zhou Yang opened a temporary cave in a seabed spiritual vein, and let his daughter Jiang Fengxian live in seclusion in it, and began to refine her own natal magic weapon.

He himself and Jiang Fengxian used the [Illusory Orb] and the mask given by Lu Xuanji to hide their faces respectively, and also used the [Hiding Dragon Avoiding Tribulation Art] to restrain their breath, and turned into a cultivator in the purple mansion, and went to several nearby sea area workshops separately. Shi Xiancheng inquired about the spiritual vein news.

Zhou Yang's disguised identity was a ninth-floor cultivator in the Purple Mansion, who came from the immortal cultivation world of Donghuazhou to the overseas immortal cultivation world to find opportunities to form alchemy.

This level of cultivation allowed him to barely infiltrate into the circle of some Jindan stage monks to inquire about news without attracting too much attention.

Of course, he wouldn't easily get in close contact with those Jindan stage monks unless necessary.

And the first place he went to was an island called "Golden Turtle Island".

Golden Turtle Island is a large island with fifth-order top-grade spiritual veins. This island is jointly controlled by a sect of cultivating immortals and two families of cultivating immortals. Nascent Soul Stage monks sit in Fangshi on the Big Island.

On the way to Golden Turtle Island, Zhou Yang also saw the "characteristics" of the overseas cultivating world.

On the journey of just over ten thousand miles, he saw as many as six battles between immortal cultivators. Among them were battles where pirates robbed merchant ships sailing in the sea, and there were also battles where monks simply intercepted and killed passing by.

Fortunately, his disguised monk status is not low, so no one who is not good-looking dares to take him as a target.

Even because of the fact that he showed a high level of cultivation, other immortal cultivators on the road saw his sword light from a distance, judged his cultivation level based on the speed of his sword light escape, and directly detoured away from him in advance. Dare to approach him within hundreds of miles.

This kind of thing happened to Zhou Yang who had been to several worlds of cultivating immortals, and he also encountered it in this overseas world of cultivating immortals. This shows how insecure the monks here are.

And this also made him secretly vigilant, and secretly warned himself that if he met a monk of the golden core period, it would be best to behave like a normal overseas monk in the world of cultivating immortals and stay away from him directly.

After flying for more than ten thousand miles without incident, Zhou Yang finally entered the waters near Golden Turtle Island.

In the waters near the Golden Turtle Island, the kind of murder and treasure hunting is finally relatively rare.

It's not that there are people here to maintain law and order, but because of the relatively prosperous Golden Turtle Island, monks often come in and out nearby.

If you kill people here to seize treasures, unless your cultivation is as high as the Golden Core Stage, there is no guarantee that there will be no such thing as praying mantises catching cicadas and orioles behind.

This weird situation of mutual fear has formed a safe environment here, which has to be said to be a kind of irony.

Golden Turtle Island is a large island. The longest distance from east to west of the island is more than 13,000 miles, and the widest distance from north to south is more than 8,000 miles. There are three to four million mortals living on the island.

Speaking of which, these overseas mortals in the world of cultivating immortals, apart from being killed by sea monsters sneaking into the shore from time to time, their lives are actually very nourishing.

Many large islands like Golden Turtle Island in the sea are rich in products. Not only is the land fertile, there are also very rich fishery resources in the surrounding waters, so there is no need to worry about food issues.

This situation is completely different from that of the desert oasis in the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm.

In some oases in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, the Zhou family and other cultivating families need to use various means to control the population growth, but basically no force in the world of cultivating immortals overseas will do so.

If the population on the island is too large, they can easily build the kind of large ship that transports tens of thousands of people at a time, and transport the excess population to other nearby islands for settlement, including those uninhabited desert islands without spiritual veins.

But in fact, this kind of situation will not happen at all, because there are too many low-level monsters in the sea. Even on the big island with Nascent Soul stage monks, there will often be low-level monsters sneaking ashore to hunt mortals for a living. Food.

As long as one of these low-level monsters sneaks into the island, it can kill hundreds of mortals overnight, making it impossible to defend against.

Therefore, the greatest wish of the mortals on these islands is to have a cultivator in their family, and then lead their family to move to those towns protected by low-level formations. At least then they don't have to worry about being torn alive by monsters in their sleep at night.

After Zhou Yang entered the Golden Turtle Island, he stayed in mid-air for a while, observed the living conditions of the mortals on the island, and then went directly to the [Golden Turtle Square City] on the island without staying any longer.

This [Golden Turtle Square City] is said to be a square city, but its area is not worse than those fairy cities. The difference is that it is built on a fourth-order spirit vein.

Another special situation in the overseas world of cultivating immortals is that the high-level monks here usually do not rent caves to practice in the fairy cities and square cities of other forces, even casual cultivators are no exception.

So the distinction between Xiancheng and Fangshi here is not very meaningful, they are just a place to trade items.

[Jingguifang City] is indeed worthy of its prosperous name. After Zhou Yang paid the "head tax" and entered the city, he saw a large number of cultivators coming and going. A cultivator who set up a stall for special spiritual things in the sea.

This is probably also a characteristic of the overseas cultivating world, um, the characteristic of casual cultivators.

But don't get me wrong, thinking that the monks who set up the stalls are the kind of low-level monks with low cultivation.

Perhaps this is the case in other immortal worlds, but this is not the case in overseas immortal worlds.

Those low-level monks, they know that the things they can get are of low value, and they are not easy to sell even if they sell them at a stall, so they often hold their noses and sell them to the store they bought at a low price, or set up a stall after hoarding them for a period of time sell.

After all, the time cost is also a big cost for these qi-training monks who are eager to build a foundation, especially when the detention fee in [Golden Turtle Workshop] is not cheap.

The main force of the monks who set up stalls are actually those monks in the foundation period. These monks can venture out to sea to get some good spiritual objects, and they can also afford a certain time cost. Set up a stall here to sell for a period of time, and then sell it in a store after it can't be sold.

Zhou Yang even saw the cultivator of Zifu Qi who set up a stall in it. The stalls were filled with materials from some fourth-order monsters, as well as spiritual materials such as orbs and corals that abound in the sea.

When he discovered this situation, his heart moved, and he secretly decided that if he couldn't find out the news of the spiritual pulse in other places, he could also try to infiltrate among these monks who set up a stall to find out the news.

I saw that he first went to several big shops in Fangshi to inquire about the information about the auxiliary alchemy spiritual objects, but of course he found nothing.

Auxiliary alchemy objects are best-selling and scarce items everywhere. If there is no background relationship, if you want to buy them through normal trading methods, it really depends on luck.

After walking around like this, Zhou Yang arrived at the most crowded place in Fang City, a square specially used to provide monks on the island to freely form a team to go out to sea for adventure.

In the center of this square, there are two giant walls with a height of hundreds of feet and a width of tens of feet. Portraits of various monks are posted on one giant wall, and there are detailed text introduction information beside it.

Those are all important criminals wanted by the Seventy-two Islands Alliance in the overseas cultivating world, and the monks who can be wanted on this wall must have the lowest cultivation level of the Purple Mansion.

Obviously, the three members of Zhou Yang's family are one of them, and they are located in a very conspicuous place in the first row, second only to the three Nascent Soul Stage monks who have been posted on the wall for hundreds of thousands of years.

And the so-called alliance of the seventy-two islands in the overseas immortal world is actually a loose alliance formed by the seventy-two most powerful islands in the overseas immortal world.

There are 72 elder seats in this alliance, which are held by the 72 most powerful island owners. More than 80% of the cultivators in the overseas immortal world are almost all in the alliance.

At the beginning, this alliance was established to unite the forces of the entire overseas cultivating world to fight against the monster army led by the Jiaolong clan. Later, after the catastrophe, the alliance did not disband.

However, this kind of alliance does not have any binding force on the members. Members join or quit voluntarily. Unless there is a war between the human race and the demon race, the elders of the alliance do not have any power to order any member to do things.

The current role of this alliance is somewhat similar to that of a well-known international organization with little real power in Zhou Yang's previous life. It is dedicated to coordinating conflicts among members and publishing the most wanted list of the entire alliance.

However, it is not easy for someone to be on the most wanted list of the entire alliance. One must obtain the consent of one-third of the elder seats in the alliance, or the leader or two deputy leaders of the alliance will personally issue the leader's order.

From this it can be seen that the influence of the Yulong family in the overseas world of cultivating immortals is definitely not low.

It's just that Zhou Yang only took a few glances at the wanted list, and didn't pay attention to it. This kind of wanted list has never been of much use, as evidenced by the fact that those strong men in the front row of the list are still at large for so many years.

The world of cultivating immortals is so big, how many monks can recognize him if he changes his identity and face like him?

His gaze was on another huge wall.

On that wall, there are various employment missions posted, and there are two kinds of missions inside. One is the missions issued by various forces in the Seventy-two Islands Alliance facing the entire overseas immortal world. [Golden Turtle Square City] These tasks can be seen in such a square city. Usually, such tasks are extremely rewarding and dangerous, and cannot be completed by ordinary monks.

Another type of mission was released by the monks in the sea area near [Jingguifang City], including hiring people to go out to sea to hunt some monsters, seeking some kind of elixir, asking people to help protect the island, etc. There are various tasks.

Even ordinary foundation-building monks, as long as they pay a middle-grade spirit stone to the [Golden Turtle Square City] personnel under the wall, they can issue tasks and have the tasks hang on the wall for ten days.

If no one accepts the task after ten days, if the task wants to stay on the wall, you have to pay a "retention fee". list fee".

Zhou Yang looked at the tasks one by one, and suddenly, a task attracted his attention.

"Go to Tianlan's outer sea to hunt the fifth-level top-grade monsters [water-avoiding golden-eyed beasts], and seek the help of five Jindan monks to help fight the battle. It is best to be in the middle of the Jindan stage. The rewards are good. Those who are interested can go to Thunder Whale Island to discuss. .”

To answer a question from a certain book friend earlier, it is true that Donghua Immortal Palace is powerful, but the sect is not someone's sect. Ling Chao got into trouble and was caught by someone. Why did his father continue to be stubborn? And they didn't intend to provide protection for the protagonists with all their strength. Besides, the Yulong family and the Changsheng Xianmeng are so powerful, why don't they take the opportunity to bring down Donghua Immortal Palace? What are the benefits of the Donghua Immortal Palace to the Longevity Immortal Alliance? They are the third eldest, and it is not their turn to take over if the boss is removed. Besides, this organization has said before that it is only a half-commercial and half-political alliance. How could it be so easy to fight Donghua Immortal Palace for a Goddess Palace? ? Triangular politics is the most stable, which has been proven in reality.

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