Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 639 Fierce Fighting Corpse Mandrill 【Subscription】

[Donglai Immortal Island] turned out to be the place where a true immortal in the Transcendence Tribulation Period practiced in the cave, which was somewhat different from what Zhou Yang had speculated in advance.

But it also made him pay more attention to this matter.

The cultivation cave of a true immortal in the tribulation period may even retain the inheritance of a true immortal in the tribulation period. I am afraid that even those "half-step true immortals" on the ninth floor of the Nascent Soul will not be tempted by this temptation.

Zhou Yang is now only one step away from turning into an infant. Once he successfully conceives, it will be almost impossible for him to make rapid progress like before.

The pills and spirits that can improve the cultivation of Nascent Soul stage monks are all treasures that are hard to find in this world, and even those Nascent Soul stage monks of the top sects can only get some every few hundred years, not to mention It was a monk with no background like him.

However, if one can inherit the inheritance of a true immortal in the Transcendence Tribulation Period, then such an impossible thing is not impossible.

Moreover, the inheritance left by a true immortal in the Transcendence Tribulation Period is very likely to have a seventh-order fairy weapon left behind. No matter how bad it is, there will definitely be a variety of powerful sixth-order magic weapons.

If you don't leave some powerful magic tools for the successors as treasures to protect the Dao, how can you guarantee that the inheritance you left will not be stolen by others?

In short, this is definitely a huge treasure worth fighting for even the Nascent Soul stage monks!

It's just that what is important is what is important, and what is tempting is what is tempting. He would never dare to let Zhou Yang release [Corpse Mandrill].

[Corpse Mandrill] Being banned and suppressed, he still has a certain degree of confidence in destroying the opponent.

But once 【ZiDrill】 got out of trouble, it would be a problem for him to protect himself, let alone destroy the other party.

This kind of cooperation with unequal strength is no longer as simple as "seeking skin with a tiger".

Of course, he definitely can't say such things directly, at least before he squeezes out the value of [Corpse Mandrill], he can't turn his face directly like this.

Therefore, after he heard the words of [Zhou Drill], his face changed for a while, and his eyes showed obvious fiery greed.

Then, as if he had some idea, his face suddenly turned cold, and he smiled coldly: "Your Excellency has a good plan, an illusory promise, just to fool Zhou into letting you go, and an eight-year-old child will not be so easy Be fooled!"

[Corpse Mandrill] has been paying attention to the changes in Zhou Yang's expression. At this time, after hearing what Zhou Yang said, a green light flashed in its eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I am not fooling you. If you know the origin of this seat, you can I know that what I said is true!"

What Zhou Yang was waiting for was his words.

Dang even said, "Zhou is all ears."

This relaxed attitude gave [Corpse Mandrill] a lot more confidence in persuading him, so he quickly revealed its origin.

It turns out that this [Corpse Mandrill] turned out to be a person ten thousand years ago. He was originally a disciple of the Overseas Sanxian [Donglai Zhenren], and he became a Nascent Soul before he was eight hundred years old. It can be said that the future is bright.

However, less than a hundred years after it became a Nascent Soul, [Donglai Immortal] suddenly said that he was going to seek a way to ascend, and then closed [Donglai Immortal Island], and disappeared without a trace.

[Donglai Immortal Island] is the place where [Donglai Immortal] practiced in his cave, and [Donglai Immortal] himself is a seventh-order formation mage who is proficient in space formations. The entire fairy island is surrounded by a seventh-level fairy formation. covered by.

After the fairy island is sealed off, if it is in a different space, if there is no entry and exit token left by [Dong Lai Zhenren], even the true immortals of the same level during the tribulation period will probably not be able to enter it.

I don't know for what reason [Donglai Zhenren] did not give the token of entry and exit to a certain disciple individually, but divided the token into four and handed it to the four disciples for safekeeping.

If the four disciples unite the tokens, they can send one person directly to the core area of ​​[Donglai Immortal Island], find the formation control token left by [Donglai Immortal], and control the [Donglai Immortal] Island】 formation.

If it is just a single keepsake, you can send a monk whose cultivation base is below the Nascent Soul stage to practice in the outer area of ​​[Donglai Immortal Island], and pass the assessment left by [Donglai Immortal] to enter the core area, inheriting the [ Donglai Daoist] The true orthodox inheritance, in charge of the entire [Donglai Immortal Island].

From this arrangement, it can be seen that [Donglai Zhenren] is actually not very satisfied with the four disciples, and does not think that the four can really inherit his own orthodox lineage, so he borrows the hands of these four disciples to choose the real one for himself. orthodox heirs.

But, after all, the four disciples have followed him for many years, and they have worked hard without credit. If they don't give them a chance, it will be too heartless.

So he gave the four of them another chance. If the four of them could unite as one and gather four tokens to let someone accept his orthodox inheritance, it would be considered a master-student fate.

It's just obvious that [Zi Yao] and the other three brothers were obviously unable to unite as one to help someone.

Therefore, after [Dong Lai Zhenren] disappeared, the four brothers were arguing and arguing, fighting openly and secretly. They all wanted to take the tokens in the hands of the other three into their own hands and let themselves inherit the master [Donglai Zhenren] true morality.

And because these four disciples had made blood oaths and Dao heart oaths in front of [Donglai Daoist] when they entered the gate, they would never do anything to harm their fellow disciples in this life, which made them want to take it from other people's hands. The token, the difficulty has risen in a straight line and I don't know how many times.

【Corpse Mandrill】Because he was the last to conceive a baby and had the lowest cultivation level during his lifetime, he became the first choice of the other three.

The reason why it was banned and suppressed here was that it was captured by a senior brother during his lifetime and was secretly imprisoned.

The place where the person imprisoned it was in the deep sea, but because of the vicissitudes of the sea and the changes in the land veins, the place where it was held surfaced and became an island.

"Your Excellency's story seems to be true, but how can Mr. Zhou believe that what you said is true? Empty words have no basis. You don't think you can make Mr. Zhou believe you by making up a random story?"

Zhou Yang looked at the [Corpse Mandrill] who had told the story, his eyes flickered, and he said suspiciously: "And even if what you said is true, since you have been imprisoned here for so many years, you must have been in and out of [East Mandrill]. The token of Lai Xiandao] has also been lost, so why do you say that you took Zhou to [Donglai Xiandao] to inherit the orthodoxy of [Donglai Immortal]? Maybe during the long years you were imprisoned, [Donglai Immortal] Xiandao] has been occupied and inherited by your senior brothers!"

[Corpse Mandrill] Hearing his words, he couldn't help but argue: "You don't need to worry about this, I once asked Ruan Xiong, he didn't know anything about [Donglai Xiandao], and he had never heard of Donghai There is such an island with strong spiritual energy, which shows that [Donglai Xiandao] is still in a closed state and has not appeared in the world!"

"Although I have been imprisoned, ever since I got the token from Master, I knew that it would be missed by others. I had hidden it in a secret place that only I knew, and I didn't disclose it to anyone. People know."

When Zhou Yang heard this explanation, the suspicion on his face dissipated a lot, but he still asked in a questioning tone: "But Zhou still said that, how do you prove that all of this is true, and how can you prove that everything is true? Wasn't it the lie you spun to trick Zhou into helping you out of trouble?"

[Corpse Mandrill] Being questioned repeatedly by him, the skinny monkey face with green corpse hair twitched for a while, and the eyes were even more fierce. It was obvious that he was already very impatient, and he was about to be unable to restrain the killing intent in his heart.

But it still restrained itself in the end, and replied hoarsely: "This matter is also simple, I will tell you where [Donglai Xiandao] is located, and you will know the truth if you go to verify it yourself!"

"This is indeed a good idea, but Your Excellency also said before that [Donglai Immortal Island] was hidden and sealed by the seventh-order fairy formation. Even monks in the Nascent Soul stage could not find any abnormalities in the past, and Zhou was only in the Golden Core stage. Cultivation, how can we verify the authenticity?"

Zhou Yang nodded slightly at first, agreeing with the words of 【尸魈】, but then shook his head again, expressing his concerns.

[Corpse Mandrill] Hearing his words, he immediately replied: "You don't have to worry about this. Now more than 10,000 years have passed, and it is the seventh-order fairy formation. If it has not been maintained for a long time, something will happen. The area itself has relatively strong ley line activities, as long as you follow what this seat says and observe carefully, it is not difficult to find any abnormalities in it."

"It sounds feasible, so please senior give advice to this junior. After this junior verifies the authenticity, I will definitely return here immediately to rescue my senior out of trouble!"

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, then arched his claws, and immediately replaced the word "Your Excellency" with the word "Senior", as if he had been persuaded by [Corpse Mandrill].

Seeing this, [Corpse Mandrill] finally showed a smile on that shaggy face, a ferocious smile.

It looked at Zhou Yang with green eyes and said, "Do you have a blank jade slip on your body? Give me a jade slip and a sea chart, and I will draw a map for you."

"Then there will be Senior Lao."

As Zhou Yang said, as he said, he took out a chart of the overseas world of cultivating immortals and a blank jade slip from the storage ring and threw them over.

[Corpse Mandrill] First, I put my spiritual consciousness into the sea map to check the current division of the sea area map, and then compared my memory, recorded the route map and specific directions to the area where [Donglai Xiandao] is located in detail in the blank In the jade slip, it was returned to Zhou Yang.

"If you follow the instructions in the jade slip, you will be able to find [Donglai Immortal Island]."

It returned the jade slip to Zhou Yang, and said with a sneer: "But don't blame me for not reminding you, even if the formation of [Donglai Xiandao] is not as good as before, it is definitely not something that you, a monk at the Jindan stage, can rashly break into." If you want to leave this seat after finding the place, and go hunting for treasure by yourself, you will definitely die without knowing how to die!"

"Senior, don't worry, this junior is not a fool, how could he do such unwise things."

Zhou Yang took the jade slip, glanced at the information inside, smiled and responded to [Corpse Mandrill]'s warning.

He flipped his hand, put the jade slip into the storage ring, and then slapped his head and said: "By the way, it seems that the senior hasn't told the junior how you became a [Corpse Mandrill]. Curious!"

[Corpse Mandrill]'s complexion suddenly became gloomy, and it stared at Zhou Yang with a fierce gleam in its eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, too much curiosity, sometimes it's not a good thing!"

However, Zhou Yang seemed to have not heard the threat in his words, and continued to ask with a smile on his face: "Since the senior is unwilling to talk about this matter, the junior will change the question. Where did the treasure clothes come from? Could it be that after your senior brother imprisoned you, he knew in advance that you would become a [corpse mandrill], so he deliberately left this demon-suppressing treasure to suppress you, so that you will not be able to escape after death? Get out of trouble?"

"Boy, don't you think you have too many questions?"

[Corpse Mandrill] looked at Zhou Yang with a gloomy expression, as if he had realized something, and there was a trace of killing intent in his tone.

"The senior refused to answer the junior's question again and again, which made the junior feel very embarrassed. Could it be that the senior doesn't trust the junior at all?"

Zhou Yang's complexion also changed, he looked at [Corpse Mandrill] coldly, without any fear.

After staring at each other for a long time, [Corpse Mandrill]'s thin monkey face twisted slightly, and finally said first: "You also know that after becoming [Corpse Mandrill], you can only retain most of the memories of your life, not all. I don’t know how it became the [Corpse Mandrill], but it is the origin of the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], I know that it was originally a treasure in the hands of [Donglai Daoist], and was later given to his eldest disciple.”

"I see!"

Zhou Yang's face softened, as if he believed the words of [Zi Drill].

He nodded slightly and said: "Since that's the case, this junior has no doubts."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to be about to leave as soon as he took a step.

[Corpse Mandrill] Seeing this scene, joy flashed in the dark green eyes, and a smile appeared on the monkey's face, which was very ferocious.

But its smile didn't last long, and it turned into a look of incomparable shock and anger.

Because Zhou Yang had just turned around, and the next moment he flicked his sleeves, and threw all three [Xuantian Fire Thunder Beads] at the eight Golden Core Stages including Wei Tao and Huang Yunxing beside the sapphire bed. monk.

Boom boom boom!

There were three loud bangs in a row, and the raging golden thunder and fire engulfed half of the underground cave hall, causing the earth to shake violently.

Fortunately, the location of the underground cave hall itself was firmly reinforced by the formation, so that it would not be damaged much in this violent explosion. Otherwise, Zhou Yang would have buried himself alive in this thousand-foot-deep underground.

"Boy, you should die!"

After the explosion, in the aftermath of the golden thunder and fire, [Corpse Mandrill] stared at Zhou Yang with a pair of dark green ghost eyes, and let out a desperate roar from his throat.

Naturally, it didn't suffer much damage from the explosion just now, but Wei Tao, Huang Yunxing and other eight Golden Core stage monks were all blown to pieces and burned to ashes in the explosion.

This means that its plan to get out of trouble by itself has completely failed. How can it not be angry?

"Damn you!"

Zhou Yang stared at [Corpse Mandrill] coldly, and said with a cold smile: "You think Zhou doesn't know what your plan is? You want to use the news of [Donglai Immortal Island] to stabilize Zhou and trick Zhou into leaving Here, and then you take the opportunity to absorb the essence of the eight of them and get out of trouble, and then set up a trap to wait for Zhou to come back and catch them all, it is a good plan!"

[Corpse Mandrill] His complexion suddenly changed, he didn't expect his plan to be seen through by Zhou Yang long ago.

But it is worthy of being [Corpse Mandrill], the most evil and evil existence, and soon roared with a ferocious face: "So what? Do you really think that with your strength, you can leapfrog and kill me?" ?"

Zhou Yang heard it's words, but he replied loudly: "If you can do it, you will know after you have done it!"

Then his face froze, and he shouted angrily: "Devil, take your life!"

Before he finished speaking, he had directly sacrificed [Qianyang Orb], a seventh-order fairy weapon, turning it into a golden fireball and smashing it towards [Corpse Mandrill].

Zhou Yang knew that his other methods would not be effective when dealing with this Nascent Soul stage [Corpse Mandrill], only the [Qianyang True Fire] could really hurt the opponent, and there was a real hope of refining the opponent.

Even better, [Corpse Mandrill] is now banned and suppressed on the sapphire bed and unable to leave. Facing the burning of [Qianyang True Fire], there is no other way to go except to fight hard.

"Seventh-level fairy weapon! I never thought that you, a small Jindan period monk, could own a seventh-level fairy weapon! It turns out that the power of your [Qianyang True Fire] is so powerful because of the increase of this seventh-level fairy weapon. !"

【Corpse Mandrill】Looking at the incoming golden fireball, his eyes were startled and angry, and his face was full of disbelief.

Zhou Yang's strength was beyond its expectation time and time again, which caught it off guard.

However, it will naturally not sit still, and will not allow Zhou Yang to slaughter it.


A roar sounded from the mouth of [Corpse Mandrill]. Its body, which was originally sitting cross-legged on the sapphire bed, suddenly stood up. Its thin body swelled rapidly as if it had been inflated. Burly giant.


Because [Corpse Mandrill] stood up and changed in size, the four silver chains that locked it were suddenly tightened to the limit, and it was locked on the sapphire bed, unable to leave the bed for half a foot.

At the same time, the 【Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes】 that it was wearing suddenly burst into golden light, trying to suppress the turbulent gray-white corpse energy on it.

Whoosh whoosh!

There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and [Corpse Mandrill] launched a fierce counterattack against Zhou Yang even though he was under shackles and his strength was suppressed.

Its gray-white long hair suddenly burst into a gray-white light, forming a gray-white hairnet covering the attacking golden fireball.

At the same time, with a wave of its claws, ten gray-green nails with a length of two feet suddenly snapped off at the same root, turning into ten gray-green sword lights and shooting towards Zhou Yang.

Using hair and fingernails as magic weapons, this is the only material that [Corpse Mandrill] can obtain for refining magic weapons under the ban and suppression.

These hairs and nails have been sacrificed by it for many years with its own corpse energy. Although limited by its own material and its refining technique, it cannot be compared with the sixth-order magic weapon, but the power that erupts in an instant is no better than the sixth-order magic weapon. Where is the device so small.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yang's reaction was much faster than he expected.

When he saw the change in its body, Zhou Yang suddenly threw away the golden pagoda he had been holding in his hand, made it bigger and took himself into it, leaving only a golden pagoda with a height of more than ten feet in place to welcome him. Those gray-green sword lights.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Ten gray-green sword lights kept chopping on the golden pagoda, shaking the pagoda, but they couldn't break the pagoda and hurt Zhou Yang inside.

And Zhou Yang was sitting in the golden pagoda, pinching the spell with both hands, a layer of golden flame rose from the bottom of the golden pagoda, quickly covering the entire golden pagoda.

With the blessing of this layer of golden flame protection, every time the ten gray-green sword lights slash on the top of the golden pagoda, a layer of power will be consumed. After a few attacks, [Corpse Mandrill] will be heartbroken by the ten nail-flying swords. Due to the loss, I took it back on my own initiative.

If the loss of these fingernails and flying swords only made [Corpse Mandrill] a little distressed, then the loss of its gray-white corpse hair made it feel so distressed that it would bleed.

How domineering is the power of [Qianyang Orb], even though it is constantly exhaling the blessing of the corpse energy of life, the off-white hairnet is still burnt by the domineering golden fire.

These strands of hair are all treasures that the [Corpse Mandrill] has sacrificed for countless years, and each strand of hair that is destroyed means that it has turned into running water after decades of hard work.

"Boy, do you really want to work hard with this seat? Don't you really want [Donglai Daoist] to pass on the orthodoxy? Without this seat telling you where the token is buried, it means that your cultivation has reached the Nascent Soul Stage. It is absolutely impossible to enter [Donglai Immortal Island]!"

[Corpse Mandrill] roared angrily, it can be seen that Zhou Yang's attack really made him feel great pressure.

"Heh heh heh, now that things are going on, do you devil still want to use this kind of trick to fool Zhou? Don't even think about how many mistakes and omissions there are in your own story. Although Zhou dare not say how smart it is, but It's not something you can fool with such a simple trick!"

Zhou Yang kept snorting coldly, and the magic power of [Qianyang Orb] increased a bit, and he didn't have any intention of giving up at all.

In an instant, two long hairs of the gray-white hairnet of [Corpse Mandrill] were burnt because of this, and it couldn't help shouting out of heartache: "No, I definitely didn't fool you, I do know [Dong Lai] Where is Xiandao], the map given to you is also true, if you don't believe me, I can swear!"

It looked at Zhou Yang with horror in its eyes, and shouted: "I can sign a blood oath with you, as long as you stop now and sincerely help me out of trouble, after I get out of trouble, I will definitely take you to find that token, use the token Send you into [Donglai Xiandao], "

Zhou Yang heard the words, but he couldn't help but hehe: "Hehehe, you signed a blood oath, do you really think Zhou is the kind of fledgling kid who doesn't understand anything? You have a [corpse mandrill], and you can't improve your cultivation in this life. You don't have any worries about your longevity, you are loathed and rejected by the heavens, and you don't enter the cycle of the nether world, so how can the blood oath restrict you?"

Before the voice fell, he stared at him, and suddenly shouted: "Don't talk too much, the devil, today is your death day!"

"Hey! Boy, you are too deceitful, I will fight with you!"

[Corpse Mandrill] Roaring incessantly, he finally realized that it was impossible for him to make peace.

It directly opened its mouth, and spewed out the [Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bead] that it had painstakingly condensed for tens of thousands of years.

This is my first anti-theft, and I feel very helpless. I used to have a high tolerance, and I never wanted to do such troublesome things. I thought that as long as I could get by, it would be fine, but now watching theft really seriously hit my creative enthusiasm. , I have no choice but to make a bad decision. I hope everyone can understand the helplessness of a humble author!

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