Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 641 The truth about Donglai, the ninth floor of the golden core!

The pursuit of longevity is the instinct of all creatures derived from blood, and the same is true for fear of death.

[Corpse Mandrill] This kind of creature has almost eternal life. Compared with other creatures, they are undoubtedly more afraid of death.

Facing the imminent threat of death, the [Corpse Mandrill] in the underground cave put down all its body, tempting and begging Zhou Yang to let it go.

From helping it out of trouble at the beginning, to just returning the crucial [Ten Thousand Years Corpse Orb] to it, and finally as long as Zhou Yang can spare its life, its bottom line has been lowering.

But none of these could shake Zhou Yang's determination to refine it.

[Donglai Xiandao] You don't need it, but [Corpse Mandrill] must die!

This is Zhou Yang's idea.

"You will have a bad death, I curse you, I curse you to die under [Heart Demon Tribulation] in the future, I curse you to die a bad death!"

Before dying, [Corpse Mandrill] stared at the seven-storey golden pagoda with eyes full of resentment. It seemed that Zhou Yang's pale and resolute face could be seen clearly through the golden pagoda, and he uttered its curse.

A black grimace rose from its body, and appeared on top of Zhou Yang's head in a flash. "Jie Jie" smiled strangely and wanted to jump into Zhou Yang's body.

But Zhou Yang just let out a cold snort, and the golden real fire rose from his body, quickly burning that black grimace into nothingness.

"Evil heretics, that's all there is to it!"

Zhou Yang stood up from the cross-legged position, took a step forward, and appeared outside the golden pagoda.

At this time, the zombie body of [Corpse Mandrill] has been completely refined into a pool of ashes by [Qianyang True Fire], and covered on the sapphire bed by the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] that suppressed it.


Zhou Yang pinched the magic formula with his hands, and played the treasure collection formula on the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], wanting to keep it in his hands.

An embarrassing thing happened.

The golden light flashed on that [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], and it scattered Zhou Yang's treasure collection formula.


Zhou Yang looked at this scene with a suspicious expression, and fell silent.

After being silent for a while, he didn't make any more attempts. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground, raised his hand, took out a piece of [Blood Dragon Rice], threw it into his mouth, chewed it up and swallowed it, and took out a elixir that can restore blood essence and vitality, and swallowed it together. Next, refining these spiritual creatures on the spot restored the vitality lost in the previous battle.

In the previous battles, he spurted out his natal essence several times to stimulate the power of the [Qianyang Orb], which also hurt his vitality, and his mana was nine out of ten in the fighting skills, and now he urgently needs to meditate to recover.

After a day and a night passed like this, Zhou Yang recovered all his mana, and the lost essence, blood and vitality were also recovered a lot with [Blood Dragon Rice] and the elixir. At least his face was no longer as pale and ugly as before, and there was a little more blood. .

However, Jiang Fengxian still hasn't left the customs and is still meditating in the golden pagoda to recuperate.

Zhou Yang observed the beauty's condition, and after confirming that there was nothing serious about her steady aura, he refocused on collecting the loot with confidence.

Thinking of the abnormality of the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] a few days ago, Zhou Yang's eyes flashed strangely, and instead of touching the treasure first, he looked at the silver chain that locked the [Corpse Mandrill] earlier.

When he saw this kind of chain for the first time, he thought it looked familiar. Now that he calmed down and compared it carefully, he found that both its style and material were the same as the seventh-order fairy formation he had seen in [Qiongtian Wonderland]. The chains used in Tiangang Fumo Formation are very similar.

It's just that the silver chains in his eyes are smaller now.

Looking at the four copper pillars, they seem to have the same style as those silver pillars in [Qiongtian Wonderland], but the size and material are different.

"It seems that these silver chains and copper pillars should be demon-subduing weapons handed down from the upper realm. This [Corpse Mandrill] can be suppressed and sealed by this demon-subduing weapon. It must have a very important history."

Zhou Yang's eyes flickered, and he was secretly amazed.

He naturally didn't believe the story that [Corpse Mandrill] told him at the time, but he saw that [Corpse Mandrill] mentioned [Donglai Immortal Island] many times, and he seemed to be very clear about the situation inside. Laixian Island] It cannot be separated, at least it should have been there.

It's not that he's not interested in [Donglai Immortal Island], but he doesn't trust [Corpse Mandrill], and he doesn't dare to act according to the other party's words, so as not to fall into some trap.

Compared with the illusory [Donglai Immortal Island], he obviously valued the harvest after destroying the [Corpse Mandrill].

Now, it's time to pick up the harvest.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yang suddenly let out a low shout, displayed the supernatural power of [Canglong Transformation], and strode towards the sapphire bed.

Nothing unusual happened until he walked in front of the sapphire bed.

But when he reached out his claws to grab the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] on the bed, the magic weapon suddenly rolled up towards him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Zhou Yang yelled, and the golden fire on the dragon claws came together, and the claws with the raging golden flames grabbed the rolled-up magic robe fiercely.

When the dragon claws came into contact with the robe, a cold chill penetrated into Zhou Yang's body, but as soon as his mana turned around, the evil spirit that invaded his body was dispelled and refined.

[Evil Repelling Treasure Clothes] is just a defensive magical weapon after all, without any offensive magical powers. When caught by Zhou Yang's claws, it has no action other than releasing a layer of red glow to block the refining of [Qianyang True Fire].

What really wanted to plot against Zhou Yang was the remnant soul of the [Corpse Mandrill] hiding in this magic weapon.

Before it died, it split off a part of its primordial spirit and escaped into the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], and temporarily gained control of this magic weapon. It originally wanted to plot against Zhou Yang when Zhou Yang collected the treasure clothes.

It's a pity that Baoyi has a spirit and was not completely controlled by it. Zhou Yang took the initiative to give a warning when he played the treasure collection formula a few days ago.

Now that Zhou Yang has taken precautions, and has restored his mana to complete the state, how can the plan of [Corpse Mandrill] be realized.

After a stalemate for about half an hour, the power of the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] was exhausted by Zhou Yang, and the remnant soul of the [Corpse Mandrill] hiding in it also disappeared under the refining of the golden real fire, never to return again. exist.

"Centured insects, dead but not stiff, can cultivate to the existence of the Nascent Soul stage, as expected, no one should be underestimated!"

Zhou Yang looked at the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] in his hand, and sighed: "If it wasn't for the treasure clothes that had spirits and took the initiative to warn the police, I would have survived the plot of [Corpse Mandrill]. It will make your face look ashamed and your vitality will be seriously injured!"

He held the treasure garment in his hand, and quickly sprayed a stream of blood essence onto the treasure garment, refining the sixth-order magic weapon on the spot.

With his current cultivation level of the eighth level of the golden core, without the [Blood Soul Sacrifice Artifact] obtained from the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, it is barely enough to refine this sixth-level magic weapon.

Of course, the mana consumption of the sixth-order magic weapon is astonishing. Even if it can be refined, Zhou Yang can't use it for normal battles before conceiving a baby, and can only use it as a trump card to save the field at a critical moment.

It took a lot of time to refine the sixth-order magic weapon. It took Zhou Yang more than a month to initially refine the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], so that it can be retracted freely.

And when he refined [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], he also knew the specific grade of this magic weapon.

Like the [Tiantian Canglong Cauldron], this [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] is also a sixth-order middle-grade magic weapon.

And after refining the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], Zhou Yang also obtained a piece of inheritance information from it.

This inheritance information happens to be related to [Donglai Immortal Island]. According to the information above, [Evil Repelling Treasure Clothes] is the key token for entering [Donglai Immortal Island].

And to enter the [Donglai Immortal Island], in addition to having the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], one must also learn the supernatural powers of the [Golden Photovoltaic Curse] recorded on the Treasure Clothes.

What surprised Zhou Yang even more was that the reason why [Donglai Xiandao] was closed had nothing to do with the story told by [Corpse Mandrill].

The pure reason is that after [Donglai Immortal] disappeared suddenly, his disciples fought for the ownership of Xiandao. In the end, no one knew who touched the backhand left by [Donglai Immortal], causing the guardian formation of Xiandao to be destroyed. Excited, he hid himself.

In addition, regarding the origin of [Corpse Mandrill], there are a few words mentioned in the inheritance information.

It turns out that this [corpse mandrill] was a disciple of [Donglai Immortal] when he was young, and he did practice with his master in [Donglai Immortal Island] for a long time when he was young. ] know many things.

However, after [Donglai Immortal Island] was closed, this beast plotted against the injured master, and took away the token magic weapon [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] that could enter [Donglai Immortal Island]. He wanted to use this treasure to enter [ Donglai Xiandao] to obtain the inheritance of the master.

Later, how this beast became a [Corpse Mandrill] was not mentioned in the inheritance information, and the owner who left the inheritance information only said that [Donglai Xiandao] had undergone unknown changes after it hid, and it is expected that it will not be able to reappear in thousands of years. into it, and it probably won't live until then.

Therefore, he suppressed the [Corpse Mandrill] with the [Evil-Repelling Treasure Clothes] here, and left it for future generations who are destined to come here to kill demons and slay demons, so as to obtain this opportunity of unknown good or bad.

"I didn't expect there to be such a tortuous and complicated story. It seems that my judgment at the time was not wrong. If I left the [Corpse Mandrill] alive and listened to it to find some token, I'm afraid I would really fall for it. Plotting, being led into some Jedi by it!"

Zhou Yang looked at the precious clothes in his hands, and a look of joy and fear flashed across his face.

At that time, even if he felt a little greedy, he compromised with [Corpse Mandrill], and the result was completely different from now.

"Zhou Lang, what are you thinking? Why did his expression suddenly change so much?"

The beautiful woman's crisp and sweet voice brought Zhou Yang's consciousness back to reality. He looked up and saw that Jiang Fengxian had walked out of the [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] at some point, together with the [Refuge] who was guarding outside the burrow. Water Golden Eyed Beast] has also arrived in this underground cave.

"Fengxian, how do you feel? This injury shouldn't have any effect on your subsequent transformation into an infant, right?"

Zhou Yang looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with concern, and didn't rush to answer the beautiful woman's question, but cared about her injury first.

Hearing his words, Jiang Fengxian's eyes flashed with emotion, and she replied softly: "It is impossible to say that there will be no influence at all, but the influence will not be too great, and if you rest for ten or eight years at most, there will be no problem at all. gone."

"That's good, so I can rest assured."

Zhou Yang felt relieved, and couldn't help but smile and nod repeatedly with a reassured look on his face.

This time, if Jiang Fengxian hadn't appeared at the critical moment to help him collect the [Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bead] from the [Corpse Mandrill], he really wouldn't have been able to win.

If Jiang Fengxian affected Jieying because of this matter, then he would really be in a state of uneasy peace for the rest of his life.

Next, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian searched together in the underground cave, and found more than ten storage rings in the corner behind the sapphire bed. Corpse Mandrill] is collected here.

In fact, that sapphire bed itself is a treasure, which is just placed on the spiritual eye of the spiritual vein in the underground cave. And the effect of condensing and purifying aura is an excellent auxiliary practice.

But Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian didn't move the sapphire bed, but let it stay there.

They will practice penance here in the future, and this sapphire bed is just right for them.

On the other hand, the four red gold copper pillars and the four silver chains were all disassembled by Zhou Yang and put into the storage ring for later use.

He remembered that back then Lu Xuanji took away all the [Tiangang Subduing Demon Formation] in the [Qiongtian Fairyland] and brought them back to the Xuanyang Immortal Sect. In the future, even if you don't need it, you can give it to Xuanyang Xianzong in exchange for what you want.

After tidying up everything like this, Zhou Yang asked Jiang Fengxian to recuperate in the underground cave, and let the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] continue to pretend to be an ownerless monster outside to frighten other monsters and immortal cultivators.

Of course he already knew at this time that what Ruan Xiong said about the injury of the demon king of "Tian Lan Wai Hai" was purely fabricated, so naturally he dared not take this aspect lightly.

After setting everything up, Zhou Yang went back to the "Inner Sea" alone, and took his daughter Jiang Yufeng to the island he named "Devil Killing Island".

It has been four or five months since he went back and forth. When he came back, Jiang Fengxian had transformed the underground cave into a real cave.

The core of this cave is, of course, where the sapphire bed is located. This is the place where Jiang Fengxian turned into a pill and gave birth to a baby in retreat. Now it is also given to her by Zhou Yang to heal her injuries.

Zhou Yang himself and his daughter Jiang Yufeng practiced in two separate training rooms.

Jiang Yufeng's natal magic weapon has not yet started to be refined, and she is still working hard to prepare for refining the natal magic weapon.

Zhou Yang was not busy practicing the [Golden Photovoltaic Curse] magical power, but first counted the gains from the battle with [Corpse Mandrill].

In the battle with [Corpse Mandrill], he obtained a sixth-level middle-grade magic weapon [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] and a sixth-level rare treasure [Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bead]. This is the biggest gain.

Then, in the storage rings of Ruan Xiong and others, he also found five top-rank magic artifacts, eight middle-grade magic artifacts, and seven low-grade magic artifacts, including six natal magic artifacts.

Among these magical artifacts, Zhou Yang only selected the fifth-grade top-grade magical artifact [Shutu Shenshan] used by Ruan Xiong at that time for sacrifice, and then gave Jiang Fengxian the silver flying boat magical artifact that Ruan Xiong used, and then handed over the rest of the magical artifacts. The utensils are all put away, and they are ready to be disposed of casually in the future.

He is now a Tier 5 Artifact Refiner himself, and ordinary Tier 5 Magical Artifacts are not in his eyes at all, and only the exquisite Magical Artifacts like [Shutu Shenshan] can make his eyes shine.

But these magic tools are actually just transitional magic tools. When he succeeds in transforming the alchemy into a baby in the future, these magic tools will be eliminated.

In addition to magic weapons, Ruan Xiong and others' relics also contained many pills, talismans, and formations.

Although there is nothing in it that can enter Zhou Yang's eyes, if it is processed into spirit stones, at least it can sell nearly a million low-grade spirit stones.

After that, there are spiritual materials. There are quite a few spiritual materials in the storage rings of these Jindan stage monks, most of which are refining materials obtained from various monsters in the sea, and there are also some preserved demon pills and spirit materials. medicine, and some relatively rare mineral spirit gold.

As long as these things have reached the fifth level, Zhou Yang can basically use them for himself, whether it is refining equipment or alchemy.

Among them, there are two spiritual objects that Zhou Yang values ​​the most, one is the rare treasure in the sea [Sea Soul Pearl], and the other is the special product in the sea [Thousand-year Blood Coral].

[Sea Soul Pearl] is an extremely rare treasure of nourishing the soul, which can restore the injury of the soul. With it, Zhou Yang can use the [Blood Burning Soul Art] without any scruples to increase his strength and fight the enemy desperately.

The role of [Thousand-year Blood Coral] is to quickly restore essence, blood and vitality. Its effect is slightly worse than that of the [Demon Blood Ancient Lotus] lotus seed in his hand, but it is much stronger than [Blood Dragon Rice]. This thing can also be used to refine many kinds of healing spirits Dan.

What's interesting is that these two treasures were originally collected by [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], but they were all given to Ruan Xiong by [Corpse Mandrill] after it was taken over by [Corpse Mandrill].

In addition, Zhou Yang searched the storage rings of many golden alchemy monks this time, and found two fifth-tier alchemy formulas, seven fourth-tier alchemy formulas, and even found a baby-making experience in Ruan Xiong's storage ring.

That is the experience recorded by Master Ruan Xiong after he successfully conceived a baby, and he specially asked to study and figure it out.

As for other skills and secret arts, of course they are also indispensable. There are many casual practitioners overseas, and there are not many people who carry such things with them.

Finally, Lingshi.

This time, Zhou Yang gained another one hundred and thirty-two yuan from the top-grade spirit stones alone. If the middle-grade spirit stones and the low-grade spirit stones were combined, if converted into low-grade spirit stones, it would reach more than 3.5 million. It is no less than what he got from Yulong Jinhuang back then.

As a result, the number of high-grade spirit stones on Zhou Yang's body reached more than 250 pieces, and his net worth exceeded ten million spirit stones for the first time!

"It's true that people can't get rich without windfall, and horses can't get fat without night grass. It's no wonder that the trend of killing and seizing treasures is prevalent in the overseas immortal cultivation world. It's really too fast to get money like this!"

Zhou Yang suddenly let out a long sigh with emotion, and there was not much joy on his face.

He has been poor and rich, and he has already looked down on things outside of his body such as Lingshi.

The net worth is tens of millions, which seems a lot, but just look at the auction in Yujing Xiancheng, where a sixth-order low-grade magic weapon [Flame Dragon Whip] was auctioned for a price of 11 million low-grade spirit stones, and you will know this. In the eyes of those top beings in this world, there are not many spirit stones at all.

"It will take a long time for the phoenix immortal to transform into an infant. Next, I can try to hit the ninth floor of the golden core, and then practice the [Golden Photovoltaic Curse] magical power to prepare for entering the [Donglai Immortal Island] in the future. .”

Zhou Yang couldn't help showing a fiery look in his eyes when he thought about the various spiritual creatures in the [Donglai Immortal Island] in the mouth of [Zhou Mandrill].

If he can really enter [Donglai Immortal Island] and obtain the True Immortal Remains inside, then not only will his practice resources after conceiving a baby be available, but his Taoist lovers, sons and daughters will no longer be used as practice resources Worry about.

Compared with the spiritual creatures in [Donglai Immortal Island], these things on him now are really nothing.

When Zhou Yang's family lived in seclusion on "Devil Killing Island" to practice, because of the fall of Ruan Xiong, Huang Yunxing and others, it really caused a lot of trouble in Thunder Whale Island and other places.

At that time, there were six of them, except Zhou Yang, Qian Bingyun, and Liu Xingping, a couple of casual monks, all of them had family sect backgrounds, and their families and sects also knew that they went to "Heavenly Heaven" with Ruan Xiong. "Lanwaihai" hunting [water-avoiding golden-eyed beast].

At this time, I suddenly found that the soul lamp left by my elders in the family sect was extinguished, and the Wei family from which Wei Tao was born, and the Dongji sect from which Huang Yunxing was born, all Jindan stage monks went to Leijing Island to ask for punishment.

And when those who brought up the teacher and questioned the crime learned that Ruan Xiong's soul lamp was also extinguished, several forces suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

So in the next few years, several forces sent many people to the "Tianlan Outer Sea" to look for the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast], wanting to find out the truth about the fall of their own Golden Core Stage monks.

But the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] on "Magic Execution Island" has long been ordered by Zhou Yang, and will not show up easily except to deal with the patrolling monsters sent by the demon king and to deter other monsters in the nearby sea area.

Occasionally, a cultivator who came to the "Devil Killing Island" would be directly killed and silenced by it, and no news could be sent back.

Some years later, Thunder Whale Island and other forces could only place the blame on the monster clan, thinking that it was the monster king of "Tianlan Outer Sea" who shot and killed six Jindan stage monks.

In the face of a demon king, none of the powers are opponents, so naturally they can only admit this matter with a pinch of their noses, and no longer spend manpower and material resources to find the traces of the dead.

Although Ruan Xiong has a master who is a monk of the Nascent Soul Stage, but that monk of the Nascent Soul Stage wanders around all the year round and doesn't pay much attention to his disciples.

Even though he knew that Ruan Xiong had fallen into the open sea, he didn't have the idea of ​​coming to trouble the Demon King just because of a disciple.

In this overseas world of cultivating immortals, monks go out to sea to hunt and kill monsters, and monsters devour monks are happening every day. Everyone is used to this, and revenge is not very popular at all.

Spring goes and autumn comes, and twelve years have passed in the blink of an eye.

After 12 years of recuperation, Jiang Fengxian finally fully recovered from the injuries caused by the damage to the magic weapon of her natal life, and began to retreat to try to transform into a pill and form a baby.

And after Zhou Yang practiced for twelve years, he also succeeded in making his cultivation reach the ninth level of Jindan.

At this time, Zhou Yang's lifespan was only a few years away from six hundred.

Cultivating to the ninth level of the golden core at the age of less than six hundred years old, this practice speed is much better than those of the spirit monks.

For example, when Jiang Fengxian reached this level of cultivation, she was over six hundred and sixty years old.

With his cultivation base reaching the ninth level of the Golden Core, Zhou Yang only needs to wait for the result of Jiang Fengxian's baby conceiving, and then he can retreat to the Nascent Soul Stage.

And according to the plan, when Jiang Fengxian was in retreat, he and his daughter Jiang Yufeng protected her, while deciphering and comprehending the practice method of the [Golden Photovoltaic Curse] supernatural power, trying to cultivate this supernatural power .

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