Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 643 Fighting against the Demon King

"Tianlan Outer Sea" is the territory of the monster clan, and it is the territory of [Black Bone Demon King].

Because it has been less than a thousand years since he became the sixth-level demon king, [Black-Bone Demon King] has a lot to learn.

Therefore, he usually stays in his water mansion on the bottom of the sea for retreat, practicing the monster clan skills and supernatural powers that he got from the Jiaolong clan, as well as learning about refining tools, alchemy, talisman making and other related knowledge.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't care at all.

The meaning of his sitting in the "Tianlan Outer Sea" is to ensure that this place still belongs to the monster race. Immortal cultivators of the human race can come here to take risks, but they can't occupy land and establish a family here. This is the bottom line given to it by the Jiaolong clan. .

Because "Tianlan Outer Sea" has been occupied by the monster clan for thousands of years, after the monks in the overseas cultivating world tried to regain this place and failed, they also acquiesced to the rules of the monster clan. Here a sect was founded and a base was established.

Therefore [Black Bone Demon King] has been living comfortably these years, except that he occasionally goes out to inspect the territory regularly, and has not been bothered by outside affairs.

However, a few days ago, while he was practicing in the deep sea mansion, he suddenly received a report from a fifth-order monster, saying that there was a cultivator at the Golden Core Stage who gave birth in the "Tianlan Outer Sea".

It's worth it!

[Black-Bone Demon King] After becoming the Demon King, his wisdom and knowledge have greatly increased, and he naturally understands where the threat of human monks to the demon tribe comes from.

This threat does not come from the number of ordinary human monks, but from the number of high-end human monks.

Even in the East China Sea, where the monster clan is the most powerful, there are only a hundred or so monster kings, and one third of them are the monster kings of the Jiaolong clan.

As for the human race, the number of Nascent Soul stage monks in the overseas immortal world alone has reached forty or fifty people, and there are as many as hundreds of Human Nascent Soul stage monks on the mainland to the west!

It is precisely because of the existence of these nascent stage monks who are far more numerous than the monster kings of the monster race, that the monster race is still firmly suppressed by the human race and unable to become The master of the "spirit world".

The "Dragon Rebellion" that occurred in the East China Sea thousands of years ago has been the last glory of the Yaozu in ten thousand years.

And even the "Jiaolong Rebellion", which is now sung and boasted by countless monster clans in the East China Sea, did not really achieve the purpose of the Jiaolong clan in launching this war because of the intervention of monks from the Nascent Soul Stage from the western mainland. Really drive the human monks out of the East China Sea.

Drive the human monks out of the East China Sea, and let the East China Sea truly become the East China Sea of ​​the monster race. This is when the [Black Bone Demon King] was promoted to become a demon king, and when he went to the "Donghai Dragon Palace", the base camp of the Jiaolong clan, for a pilgrimage, the senior demon kings from the Jiaolong clan The simple thoughts that came out of their mouths after learning about the situation of the Yaozu.

To do this, you must have a strong force, so [Black Bone Demon King] has been diligently cultivating the monster clan skills and supernatural powers secret techniques obtained from the Jiaolong clan these years.

To achieve this, we must fundamentally weaken the number of monks in the Nascent Soul stage of the human race. Therefore, [Black Bone Demon King] heard that there were human monks who gave birth in the "Tianlan Outer Sea", and immediately rushed over desperately , ready to kill the threat.

At this moment, [Black Bone Demon King] appeared in the sky above the "Devil Killing Island" with the magic weapon and halberd he obtained from the treasure house of the Jiaolong clan. Finally, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted loudly: "Listen up, juniors of the human race, the person who killed you is [Black Bone Demon King]!"

Before he finished drinking, the black halberd in his hand was thrown out suddenly, and he slashed towards the formation below with unrivaled power.

"Water Dragon Rage!"

In the formation, Zhou Yang let out a low shout with an extremely solemn expression, and quickly made a tactic with both hands, which inspired the strongest killing move of the [Water Dragon and Kuangtao Formation].

Only the sound of the dragon's chant was heard, and a blue water dragon of tens of feet suddenly soared into the sky from the formation, and headed straight for the chopped black halberd.


The black and blue auras occupy one side of the sky in mid-air, making it difficult to distinguish.

Is this the power of the human monk formation?

【Black Bone Demon King】When he saw this scene, his eyes flashed with astonishment, as if he was a little surprised.

But soon, the shock in his eyes subsided, and a smirk appeared instead.

"Scatter it to me!"

With a big wave of his hand, he threw a black aura and landed on the azure blue water dragon.

I don't know what kind of magical power this black aura is. The azure blue water dragon was swept away by it, and a large piece of its huge body disappeared in an instant, and then it was directly smashed into countless rainwater by the black war halberd, which fell to the ground.


Zhou Yang groaned, his shoulders sank slightly, and he fixed his eyes on the [Black Bone Demon King] in the air, his eyes full of fear.

Only when he really fought against a sixth-level demon king like [Black Bone Demon King], did he know how strong an enemy at this level really is.

This is not a parallel importer whose strength has been suppressed like [Corpse Mandrill] and restrained by his magical powers, but a truly unrestricted demon king level existence.

Even with the help of the formation, it is difficult for him to have any chance of winning against the opponent. No, it should mean how many moves he can go through under the opponent's hands!

"Fengxian, you have to hurry up, whether you can survive today depends on you!"

Silently looking back at the entrance of the crypt behind him, Zhou Yang let out a low shout, and suddenly cast [Canglong Transformation] supernatural powers into a half-dragon, half-human form.

"[Black Bone Demon King] Right, let Zhou weigh you today, and see how the demon king of the demon clan can compare with the Nascent Soul cultivator of my human race!"

With a movement of Zhou Yang's body, he suddenly appeared outside the formation, looked at the [Black-Bone Demon King] with a fighting spirit, and issued a declaration of battle to the opponent with great arrogance.


[Black Bone Demon King] His eyes turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "A little golden core monk dares to challenge this king. Today, I will let you understand how big the gap between the fifth and sixth ranks is!"

Before the voice fell, his body moved, and his body instantly turned into a phantom that could not be caught by the naked eye and rushed towards Zhou Yang.

With a chill in his heart, Zhou Yang clenched his fists with both claws and turned around to strike fiercely. The fist instantly seemed to be hit by a hammer, and his whole body was instantly blasted away by that huge force.

Then before he stopped in mid-air, a strong sense of danger came into his heart from above.

Before he could think about it, he hastily urged the power of [Qianyang Orb] to display the supernatural power of [Qianyang Sky Fire Shield].


After a loud noise, the golden flame shield that had just risen was instantly shattered, and even Zhou Yang was blasted to the ground, smashed into the ground heavily, and directly smashed a human-shaped pit on the ground.


The figure of the [Black Bone Demon King] appeared above the human-shaped pit, and suddenly swung the black halberd in his hand and slashed at Zhou Yang in the pit.

It's just that the halberd failed to strike in the end, because Zhou Yang was protected by a scarlet gold shield.

It was [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], a sixth-order middle-grade magic weapon, that was activated by Zhou Yang.

As a pure defensive magic weapon, [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] is naturally much stronger in defensive power than the seriously damaged and non-defense magic weapon [Qianyang Orb].

"The sixth-order defensive magic weapon, is this what you rely on so arrogantly?"

【Black Bone Demon King】Looking at the red-gold shield that was deadlocked with the black halberd in his hand, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Very good, now it belongs to me!"

Before he finished his voice, he took out a hand and slapped the red-gold shield, emitting the black aura from before.

Chi Chi Chi!

The black spiritual light fell on the red gold shield, and soon the thick shield weakened visibly as if it had been corroded by strong acid.


Zhou Yang shouted angrily, and a little golden light flew out of his mouth, quickly turning into a seven-story pagoda and crashing towards [Black Bone Demon King].

Seemingly aware of the extraordinaryness of the golden pagoda, [Black Bone Demon King] didn't dare to let him get close, but with a movement of his body, he quickly retreated thousands of feet away.

"Use my blood to burn my soul, my blood to burn my soul, success!"

Zhou Yang forced the [Black Bone Demon King] back with one blow, and when Dang even made a magic seal with his hands, a green soul fire ignited in his eyebrows.


As soon as the green soul fire appeared, the mana aura on Zhou Yang's body suddenly doubled.

Although his realm is still at the ninth level of the golden core at this time, his mana is far beyond that of a monk at the ninth level of the golden core.

Powerful mana was poured into the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], and the red-gold shield that was almost exhausted under the supernatural power of [Black-Bone Demon King] returned to its original state in an instant, and became much more solid.

"The demon king of the demon clan only has this ability?"

Looking directly at the [Black Bone Demon King] who showed surprise in the distance, Zhou Yang spat out a mouthful of blood in his throat, and said with a disdainful smile: "If you only have such a little ability, then your monster race will be defeated by my human monks." It's really a matter of course to rush to the poor mountains and rivers!"

"Boy, you are courting death!"

[Black Bone Demon King] His eyes sharpened, and a flash of obvious anger flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Yang insulted him, he could not take it seriously, but he dared to use him to insult the entire monster clan, this is absolutely intolerable for him who became the monster king and devoted himself to strengthening the monster clan.

"This king will let you see today, what is a demon king!"

He shouted angrily, and his body suddenly transformed, revealing his real body.

His real body is a huge seahorse-like monster, the difference is that there are two dragon claws under his belly, and he has a certain dragon blood.

As we all know, once the demon king of the demon clan shows his body in the battle, it means that he has really started to go all out.

【Black Bone Demon King】After the main body appeared, he opened his mouth and let out a neighing sound, and a white sound wave condensed into a thin line and charged towards Zhou Yang. It turned out to be an extremely rare sound wave supernatural power!

This sonic supernatural power is as strange and difficult to defend as the divine sense attacking supernatural power, and it can be resisted by extraordinary means.

Zhou Yang originally thought that he would definitely be injured this time.

But to his surprise, the red-gold shield magical power formed by the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] actually has a strong defensive effect on the sonic magical attack, helping him directly block nearly 80% of the power.

The remaining 20% ​​of the power fell on him, but his body shook slightly, and then he fell silent.

"Suppress me!"

Surprise flashed on his face, and Zhou Yang waved his hands, and the two magical artifacts [Golden Pagoda of Qianyang] and [Sacred Earth Mountain] shot across the sky towards the giant seahorse tens of feet long in the sky.


【Black Bone Demon King】roared out, and sent the black halberd directly to the 【Sacred Earth Mountain】, then flicked its long tail, and slammed it hard into the golden pagoda.

As soon as he knocked these two instruments into the air, a blue-golden dragon roared towards them again.

When he crushed the blue-gold blue dragon with his claws, a golden fireball smashed towards it again.

The full mana brought by the "Blood Burning Soul Art" allowed Zhou Yang to squander mana without any scruples and launch his strongest offensive.

[Black Bone Demon King] Never imagined before that a small Jindan ninth-level monk could actually possess so many powerful magic weapons, and could really fight against him.

The more he fought, the angrier he became, and the more he fought, the more he wanted to kill Zhou Yang.

Such a monstrous human genius is definitely no less threatening than that human monk who conceived a baby, or even greater.

"Black Dragon Cracks the Sea, kill!"

A phantom of a real black dragon suddenly emerged from [Black Bone Demon King], and appeared beside Zhou Yang in a flash. The dragon claws the size of a house suddenly condensed into real dragon claws, and slammed towards Zhou Yang. It went down.


Under the attack of this nascent infant stage supernatural power, the red gold shield formed by the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] finally couldn't bear the pressure anymore and exploded on the spot.

Fortunately, the body of this cassock also has a strong defensive power, which narrowly protected Zhou Yang from escaping from the dragon's claws, without being dismembered on the spot.

"Your sixth-order magic weapon is temporarily useless, let's see how you die!"

An angry voice came from the mouth of [Black Bone Demon King]. He looked at Zhou Yang angrily, and when he moved, he rushed towards Zhou Yang.

Only by tearing Zhou Yang to pieces with his own hands can the hatred in his heart be relieved.

It is a shame for him to be forced by a human golden core stage monk to display his natal supernatural powers awakened after becoming a demon king.

If other demon kings knew about this, they would definitely laugh at him for hundreds of thousands of years, which would greatly affect his reputation in the circle of demon kings.

"Who said I only have one sixth-order magic weapon? Get down on the ground!"

With a loud shout, Zhou Yang brazenly sacrificed his other sixth-order magic weapon [Tiantian Canglong Cauldron], sealing the void in a radius of dozens of miles.

[Suppressing Heaven Canglong Cauldron] is a sixth-order middle-grade magic weapon. If it is in the hands of a monk at the Nascent Soul stage, it can prohibit all monks with a cultivation level below the Nascent Soul stage from flying.

Although Zhou Yang was not a monk at the Nascent Soul stage, [Black Bone Demon King] was only at the early stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, and was unable to be immune to the influence of the air-forbidden power. Just like Zhou Yang said, he fell to the ground and lay down on the spot.


[Black Bone Demon King] Struggled hard, roared again and again, and was directly driven mad by Zhou Yang's humiliating suppression.

Since he was promoted to become the demon king, he has never suffered such humiliation.

Even when he went on a pilgrimage to the "Donghai Dragon Palace", the base camp of the Jiaolong clan, to see the king of the Jiaolong clan who was only one step away from being promoted to the seventh-level true spirit, he just bowed down and paid respects, but he did not bow his head to the ground like he is now!

"You want to squeeze my soul and refine my soul, and I want to squeeze your skin!"

Zhou Yang smiled, and suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood, and cold sweat broke out on his face instantly.

Just now [Black Bone Demon King]'s natal supernatural attack was not easy to receive. Although [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] helped him block more than half of the power, the remaining power also caused him to suffer a lot of internal injuries.

Moreover, [Tiantian Canglong Cauldron] is a big consumer of mana, and the target of suppression is a sixth-level demon king. The mana flow is really as fast as opening a gate to release a flood.

[Black Bone Demon King] Seeing this scene, he suddenly turned his anger into joy and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, boy, you are looking for your own death. This king sees how much mana you still have to drive this sixth-order magic weapon. Wait for you!" If you run out of mana, this king will let you understand how extravagant death is!"

"Damn you!"

A cold female voice mixed with anger suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, a golden sword light came through the air and pierced the long mouth of [Black Bone Demon King], piercing his upper jaw on the spot, and the tip of the sword reached the lower jaw.

Immediately, sharp and sharp sword energy burst out from the golden flying sword, instantly smashing the [Black Bone Demon King]'s tongue into countless pieces, and all the flesh and blood in the mouth except the bones and teeth were smashed by the sword energy It became minced meat.

"Zhou Lang, rest first, I will leave this beast to my concubine to deal with!"

The figure of Jiang Fengxian in fluttering colorful clothes flashed and appeared next to Zhou Yang in an instant, looking at him with gratitude and concern and said.

"Be careful, this beast's strength is not bad. You just gave birth and your realm is not yet stable. Just drive him away!"

Zhou Yang's tense face relaxed, and he tried his best to smile at the beautiful woman. After a few words of advice, he decisively withdrew his supernatural powers, and directly retreated to the side. Escorted by his daughter Jiang Yufeng who came later, he retreated to the underground cave to recuperate.

He knew very well that if he persisted, he might be able to help Jiang Fengxian severely injure the [Black-Bone Demon King], but he would also suffer serious injuries as a result, which might hinder his subsequent baby formation.

It's not worth it to do so.

But without Zhou Yang urging the [Tiantian Canglong Cauldron] to suppress it, the [Black Bone Demon King] quickly returned to the sky, forcing out the [Golden Flood Sword] that stabbed his mouth, looking at Jiang Fengxian with fierce eyes, angrily Inexhaustible.

He can't even speak now, but the look in his eyes, as well as the violent aura on his body, can fully explain how angry he is now.

"Naughty beast, if you dare to disturb my cultivation and hurt my lover, I will ask you to come here today, and you will never come back!"

Jiang Fengxian looked at [Black-Bone Demon King] coldly, but she was not afraid at all.

Even though she just succeeded in conceiving a baby, she is already a serious Nascent Soul cultivator after all, and with the help of a sharp sword in her hand, of course she is not afraid of the [Black Bone Demon King].

Moreover, although she has just successfully conceived a baby, she has not had time to practice other powerful supernatural powers, but the seven-color aura of innate supernatural powers has transformed into a great supernatural power at the Nascent Soul stage along with her breakthrough in cultivation. The power also agreed to be greatly enhanced.

Ever since, a battle broke out between the Nascent Soul stage monks and the sixth-rank demon king on this "Devil Killing Island".

A man and a monster fought over the island, and the aftermath fell on the island, directly tearing the earth and shattering the mountain peaks. The entire island was traumatized by their battle.

Fortunately, the underground cave was located a thousand feet deep underground, and it was reinforced by the array laid down by the senior monks. Zhou Yang, who hid in it to heal his wounds, did not have to worry about being buried alive because of it.

After the battle lasted for half a day, it finally ended with [Black Bone Demon King] leaving with injuries.

After he exhausted all means and couldn't take Jiang Fengxian down, he knew that if he continued to fight, there would be no result. On the contrary, if Zhou Yang stabilized his injuries and fought out, he might still fall here.

Of course, retreating now is only temporary, and it won't be long before [Black Bone Demon King] will definitely come back with his helpers.

So after confirming that the [Black Bone Demon King] was gone, Jiang Fengxian immediately took Zhou Yang and his daughter, who had just stabilized their injuries, and left "Devil Execution Island", and flew directly to the "Inner Sea" area through the "Nine Heavens Absolute Territory".

She is already a Nascent Soul cultivator, and she can fly for a long time even in the windy layer of the "Nine Heavens Absolute Territory", and she doesn't have to worry about being followed by those monsters in the sea.

After flying away for several days in a row, she landed on an uninhabited desert island.

On the deserted island, after Jiang Fengxian opened up a temporary cave, she looked at Zhou Yang with concern and said, "Zhou Lang, you should recover from your injuries first, and I will guard and protect you, so that no one will disturb you." your turn."

Although Zhou Yang took a drop of [Rejuvenation Immortal Dew] to temporarily stabilize the injury that day, the damage to the soul caused by the "Blood Burning Soul Art" was still serious.

During these few days on the road, his complexion also became worse day by day, and now his complexion is as sluggish as a person who has been ill for a long time, and his energy is not even as good as that of ordinary people.

Jiang Fengxian worried that if the delay continued, his injuries would be more serious, so he hastily chose such an uninhabited desert island to stop and let him recuperate first.

The injury on the soul needs special spiritual objects or special panacea to heal, and Zhou Yang happens to have a rare sea treasure [Sea Soul Pearl] in his hand that can restore the soul's injury.

He sat cross-legged in the cave, directly took the egg-sized lavender pearl in his mouth, and slowly refined it.

After half a month passed like this, [Sea Soul Pearl] was completely refined by him.

Thanks to the help of this rare treasure in the sea, the injuries on Zhou Yang's soul quickly recovered.

Once the soul's injuries are healed, the injuries on the physical meridians are only minor problems for him. He has various panacea to restore such injuries, and he only needs to recuperate for a year or two to avoid any future troubles.

However, Zhou Yang did not retreat on this deserted island to heal his injuries all the time. Instead, he left the retreat after Shenhun recovered from his injuries.

As soon as he left the customs, he said solemnly to Jiang Fengxian, who was protecting the law outside: "You and I both missed the details of the battle on Execution Island, and the [Black Bone Demon King] will definitely tell the news to the dragon behind him after he returns. Clan, I am afraid that the Nascent Soul stage monks of the Yulong family have rushed to the overseas world of cultivating immortals at this time, and they will join forces with the Jiaolong clan to search for you and me!"

Hearing his words, Jiang Fengxian nodded in agreement and said: "What Zhou Lang said is very true. I am also worried about this these days. Although I have successfully conceived a baby, but with those Nascent Souls who have been conceived for many years Compared with monk Qi, it is far inferior, you and I are afraid that you still have to be careful to avoid those people!"

She also knows her own family affairs. She is a [Black Bone Demon King] who is not strong among the sixth-level demon kings. She can only beat him a little bit. It's the monster king of the Jiaolong clan, I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to even escape for her life.

"Actually, it's not difficult to evade their arrest. What's difficult is that I will conceive a baby next time. As long as the members of the Yulong family are not stupid, they can guess through the mouth of the [Black Bone Demon King] that I will also find a place to attack the Nascent Soul. In the future, they will definitely closely monitor the places in the overseas cultivation world that can provide the aura needed for baby formation, and they will spread eyeliner to monitor all sea areas, and try their best to prevent me from having a baby!"

Zhou Yang nodded first, then shook his head, and whispered his real worry.

Once the infant formation phenomenon appears, high-level beings within ten thousand miles can sense it, and if the Yulong family and the Jiaolong family join forces, at least 80% of the places in the overseas immortal world that are suitable for infant formation can be monitored.

As long as these people see this point and sit on the sidelines, it will be almost impossible for Zhou Yang to conceive a baby in the overseas world of immortal cultivation. Forcibly conceiving a baby is just a dead end.

"Why don't we go back to Donghua Continent to cultivate immortals? It's been so many years, and I'm still a Nascent Soul cultivator now. Maybe Donghua Immortal Palace will change its mind and help us!"

Jiang Fengxian looked at the heavy-faced Zhou Yang, hesitated for a moment, and then expressed her thoughts.

"No, you can't pin this hope on others!"

Zhou Yang shook his head without hesitation and rejected her unreliable suggestion.

Then there was a flash of hesitation in his eyes, and he suddenly said: "Actually, there is a place where I can give birth to a baby that the Yulong family will never find, but it may be more dangerous there!"

"Oh, where?"

Jiang Fengxian looked at him curiously.

"Donglai Immortal Island!"

Zhou Yang spit out four words slowly.

Cough cough, I didn't expect that you guys would be so "enthusiastic" and said that you expected to finish writing three million words, because I really didn't think about how to write the real fairy world, because I didn't even write the fairy world chapter of Wang Yu. , and I am afraid that the writing will be too long, and no one will read the writing, and I will not know how to do it if I want to finish it! But now everyone is talking about writing four to five million words, so I can only say that I will give it a try, maybe you will abandon the nest before I write three million words (crying loudly)!

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