Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 657 Who will the heavens spare! 【Subscribe】

"What a terrifying true spirit catastrophe! I don't know what is the origin of the demon clan senior who crossed the catastrophe, and it will trigger such a terrifying true spirit catastrophe!"

Outside [Donglai Xiandao], a middle-aged man with a golden horn on his head looked at the purple sky thunder falling from the thundercloud from a distance, his eyes were full of amazement and fear.

Because of the formation on the fairy island, the demon kings outside couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the fairy island, they could only see the sky thunder emerging from the thunder clouds, so he sighed.

"According to the records in the clan, this place should be the place where the true immortal of the human race [Donglai Zhenren] practiced ten thousand years ago. It is said that the entire fairy island here is hidden by the seventh-order fairy formation, which once made many human races Both the True Immortal and the True Spirit of my Monster Race returned without success, and are not allowed to enter!"

"I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, there would be such a powerful Yaozu senior on the island. Could it be that the heavens want to revive my Yaozu?"

Beside the one-horned middle-aged man, an old man in blue clothes who also had a blue one-horn on his head looked at the purple thundercloud in the sky with surprise and joy, and said his own words. known intelligence.

"If that senior can survive this catastrophe, of course it is Tianxing our monster clan, but judging by the power of this catastrophe, I think it is probably useless!"

The unicorn middle-aged man shook his head, but he was not optimistic at all.

Then his eyes flashed, and suddenly he looked at the old man in blue and asked: "You said earlier that there were monks of the Nascent Soul stage who stayed here not long ago, and there were more than one of them. Have you found any traces of them now?"

"This matter is quite strange. I did confirm it from the low-level beasts fleeing in the nearby sea area, but now I asked my son below to ask the low-level beasts fleeing in all directions, and they all said that they did not see any traces of those humans. , I suspect that they may have entered the fairy island!"

The old man in blue lightly stroked his beard under his jaw, frowned and expressed his doubts.

After hearing his words, the single-horned middle-aged man immediately nodded in agreement and said, "That's probably the case. As far as I know, there are very few human monks who know the exact location of [Donglai Immortal Island]. Several human monks were able to find this place, mostly because they found the tokens to enter the island from somewhere."

After finishing speaking, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said with a stern face: "Since they can enter the island, they must also be able to leave the island. Let's order our subordinates to seal off the nearby sea area, and kill them as soon as they come out. Divide the treasures they obtained from Xiandao equally!"

The old man in blue didn't object to this, but said with a serious face: "If they can really bring out the treasures from the fairy island, you and I alone may not be able to get them. We must call some more helpers."

When the middle-aged man heard the words, he immediately said with a proud expression: "Don't worry about that, I've already sent a message to Huoxu and Binglan, and they should be on their way by now."

"If Huoshou and the others help each other, this matter will be settled!"

The blue-clothed old man nodded slightly, then exchanged glances with the unicorn middle-aged man, and laughed out loud.

In Xiandao, Zhou Yang didn't know that a conspiracy against him had already taken shape.

Now he and the two demon kings have increased the distance of observing the catastrophe by thousands of miles, in order to be able to better observe Mu Qingyun's situation of crossing the catastrophe, and to find opportunities to collect some scattered thunderbolts.

"It's already the eighteenth sky thunder, and the power of the next sky thunder will increase by 30% compared to the one just now. I should use the magic weapon of crossing the catastrophe of Old Monster Mu!"

On a mountain with a height of hundreds of feet, Zhou Yang looked at the giant tree that was more than 3,000 miles away, and muttered to himself with a solemn expression on his face.

Under the previous catastrophe, Mu Qingyun had already destroyed several powerful sixth-order magic weapons, and his body was also blown up several times by the lightning strike. trunk.

But no matter how serious the injury was, Mu Qingyun could quickly display the powerful recovery ability of the dryad, quickly recover the damaged tree trunk, and continue to fight against the tribulation and thunder during the catastrophe.

This made Zhou Yang, who had witnessed all this the whole time, start to worry in his heart, worried that the other party would really be able to survive the catastrophe.


As if in response to Zhou Yang's words, the heavenly tribulation thunderclouds in the sky paused for half a quarter of an hour, and then suddenly landed the nineteenth tribulation thunder.

I saw a bright purple thunder pillar penetrating the sky and falling from the sky, and landed directly on the top of the giant tree on Donglai Xianshan.

At this time, Donglai Xianshan was completely devastated by the aftermath of the eighteen thunderstorms, and it was no longer as beautiful as it was before.

And when the nineteenth tribulation thunder fell, an emerald green wooden shield magic weapon that was originally blocking the top of the giant tree was directly vaporized into a puff of green smoke in the sky-reaching thunder pillar, and then the power of the thunder pillar could not be suppressed. The reduced amount continued to fall towards the giant wood itself.

At this moment, waves of beast roars full of resentment and anger suddenly resounded throughout the island.

I saw countless ghosts of monsters transformed by black mist suddenly rushed out of the giant tree under the pillar of thunder.

As soon as these monster soul shadows appeared, they pounced one after another towards the Thunder Pillar of Heavenly Tribulation above them, unexpectedly obliterating the Thunder Pillar of Heavenly Tribulation with their huge numbers!

"So many demon souls! How many monsters did Old Monster Mu kill to refine this evil weapon!"

Zhou Yang, who saw this situation for the first time, couldn't help but change his face in horror, his face was full of shock.

The so-called hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

Even though he had already learned from the two demon kings that Mu Qingyun extracted the souls of ten thousand demons to refine a [Thousand Demons Gathering Soul Banner], Zhou Yang didn't have a specific concept about it, he just knew that this magic weapon must be very powerful , can not provoke.

But now that he saw the scene of this magic weapon showing its power, he still couldn't help but be shocked by it.

"How many monsters have been killed? You can see that there is not a single beast on this fairy island, so you know how much murder this old monster has caused!"

Lu Caixia smiled miserably, as if recalling some unbearable past, she murmured in a gloomy voice: "Tens of thousands of years, in tens of thousands of years, the monsters on this island have been harvested by him for generations. One generation, in the end even ordinary beasts know that they must never be promoted to monster beasts, and would rather jump into the sea and die than live on the island any longer!"

"Old Monster Mu's death is not a pity!"

The Thunder Feather Demon King looked at the demon souls guarding the giant trees in the distance, and uttered these words with a cold expression.

Even among the monster clans who believe in the law of the jungle, like Mu Qingyun's behavior of massacring monsters whose cultivation level is lower than his own to refine magic weapons, is also an evil deed of Heaven's Wrath and Monster Resentment, and is hated by all monsters.

The monster clan's predation of the weak is just to compete for food and living space, but Mu Qingyun's behavior has completely exceeded this limit, and it is an outright demonic behavior.

Everyone yelled at the demon monks, and the demonized demon clan was also despised by all demons.

"Heavenly Punish the Devil, Old Monster Mu has committed many evil deeds and will surely die under the Heavenly Tribulation!"

Zhou Yang straightened his face and said with a straight face.

The Thunder Feather Demon King and Lu Caixia couldn't help but glance at him when they heard his words, and there was something different in their eyes.

That thing is called identity.

Their previous cooperation with Zhou Yang was a helpless choice in desperation.

But now, Zhou Yang's words of upholding justice for those monsters who died under Mu Qingyun's hands made them truly identify with Zhou Yang as a human being.

Zhou Yang naturally noticed the strangeness in the eyes of the two demon kings. Although he didn't understand what the two demon kings were thinking, he could feel the kindness in their eyes. Secretly happy.

With the previous experience of cooperating with the "Suzaku Demon King" Zhu Zizhen, Zhou Yang's perception of the demon kings is not as bad as that of ordinary human monks.

When he was in a difficult time, a demon king of the demon clan was willing to lend a helping hand to him, but the Nascent Soul stage monks of the same race were unable to ask for help.

This made him realize at the time that narrow racism was not advisable. Immortal cultivators should not be bound by racial differences like ordinary mortals and be hostile to all existences that are not of their own race.

There are bad people among the human race, and there are good monsters among the demon race.

Under the premise of not involving race wars, it is not impossible for human monks and monster kings of the monster race to cooperate, and it is not impossible to become close friends.

Compared with those demon kings in the outside world, the two demon kings in [Donglai Immortal Island] are undoubtedly much "cleaner". At least they have not had any human life in their hands, nor have they been persecuted by human monks. The heart is far less intense than those demon kings from the outside world.

If you can become friends with them, whether you ask them to help with things in the future, or use them to exchange precious spiritual objects from other demon kings of the demon clan, there is a lot to do.

Not to mention the changes in the mentality of Zhou Yang and the two demon kings, but it is said that Mu Qingyun was indeed much more relaxed after he sacrificed the magic weapon [Wan Yao Gathering Soul Banner] that he had prepared for a long time.

A series of nine heavenly tribulation thunder pillars fell, all of which were obliterated by the demon soul rushing out of his body.

It's just that Zhou Yang also discovered that when the ninth thunder pillar of heavenly tribulation fell, the number of demon souls that rushed out of the giant tree was less than one-third of the previous one. Several demon king-level demon souls who had cultivated to the sixth level in their lifetime did so by self-destructing.

Apparently, after being bombarded by the Thunder Pillar of the Nine Heavens Tribulations, the demon souls imprisoned and stored in Mu Qingyun's [Thousand Monsters Gathering Soul Banner] magic weapon have almost been completely exhausted.

Without these demon souls that have been accumulated for tens of thousands of years, [Thousand Demon Gathering Soul Banner] will no longer be able to play any role.

"There are still nine tribulation thunders, without the help of [Wan Yao Hun Gathering Banner], I see what old monster Mu will use to resist the last nine most powerful tribulation thunders!"

Lu Caixia looked at the giant tree in the distance with hatred in her eyes, wishing that Mu Qingyun would be killed by Jie Lei immediately.

The last round of tribulation thunder came a bit late, giving Mu Qingyun nearly a quarter of an hour to recover before it landed belatedly.

However, the power of this round of tribulation thunder also makes people tremble.

The tribulation thunder of the third round is already a pillar of thunder from the sky, and the thunder of the fourth round directly turns into a thunder soldier of the sky!

I saw the vast thunder light shining in the sky, and a pure sky-lifting giant sword formed by purple thunderbolts suddenly fell from the thunder clouds in the sky, aiming at the bald tree on the fairy island. Cyan giant tree.

When the sword fell, the thousand-foot-high giant tree that held up to the sky was cut off by the sword, and nearly half of the trunk above it was destroyed.

And after the sword of tribulation thunder dissipated, there were still traces of purple lightning wandering around the fractured part of the trunk, preventing the trunk from recovering.

When Mu Qingyun managed to disperse the wandering purple lightning and recovered some tree trunks that had been chopped down, there was another flash of thunder in the sky, and a Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Knife formed by purple thunderbolts fell down.

With the previous lessons, Mu Qingyun dared not let the Thunder Saber strike him this time, and immediately sacrificed a dark blue-black flag to block the Thunder Saber.

The black air surged above the blue-black flag, and the deep roar of the beast faintly came from within, which actually blocked the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Saber!

But after wearing away the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Knife, this magic weapon that Mu Qingyun painstakingly refined for tens of thousands of years also produced countless tiny cracks, and the black air emanating from the surface was almost invisible.

After seeing this scene from a distance, Lu Caixia, who hated Mu Qingyun the most, couldn't help shouting loudly: "Okay! The main body of [Wan Yao Hun Gathering Banner] has been severely damaged, and the biggest support of Old Monster Mu has lost its effect. There are still seven tribulation thunders to come, let's see how he dies!"

However, when the third Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Spear transformed from Jielei fell, a dark and thick tortoise shell magic weapon suddenly blocked Mu Qingyun's body, smashing the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Gun directly.

"Damn old turtle, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Lu Caixia stared at the thick turtle shield with her eyes, and then looked towards a certain direction on the island, her eyes were full of deep-seated hatred.

That direction is where the Xuanjia Demon King is currently, and the tortoise shield that helps Mu Qingyun resist the thunderstorm is the tortoise shell that the Xuanjia Demon King has sacrificed for thousands of years.

This tortoise shell has been sacrificially refined by the Xuanjia Demon King for thousands of years, and its defense is incredibly strong. Even the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Gun that shattered everything just now couldn't penetrate its defense.

No one thought before that the Xuanjia Demon King would be willing to lend the tortoise shell that he regarded as his life to Mu Qingyun for crossing the catastrophe.

You must know that without this tortoise shell, the strength of the Xuanjia Demon King will be weakened by at least several tenths. Even if he can re-grow a tortoise shell, it will not be possible without thousands of years of hard work if he wants to achieve the defensive power of the original tortoise shell. can't do it.

This kind of thing of making wedding dresses for others, the Xuanjia Demon King is willing to do it, which is really unexpected.

"Xuan Jia, that bastard, what good did Old Monster Mu give him to make it worth his life?"

The Thunder Feather Demon King gritted his teeth and looked at the Xuanjia Demon King's direction, and was also very resentful towards the Xuanjia Demon King for this sudden change.

The three demon kings have known each other since they became fifth-order monsters, and they have known each other for thousands of years. Even though the Xuanjia demon king helped Mu Qingyun deal with them before, the Leiyu demon king and Lu Caixia did not resent each other too much, because they also Understand the difficulties of the other party at that time.

But now, the actions of the Xuanjia Demon King have completely exceeded their tolerance limit, making them really have a deep-rooted killing intent towards this former close friend.

It's a pity that the Xuanjia Demon King can't hear their roars now, or he won't care if he hears them, and the tribulation thunder in the sky will not change because of this.

I saw the fourth and fifth Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Soldiers falling down one after another with very short intervals.

And after the tortoise shell blocked the three lightning strikes, it finally exhausted its power and was smashed into pieces by the fifth lightning axe.

But at this time, Mu Qingyun had successfully absorbed the pure aura contained in a large amount of elixir through the precious time bought by the turtle shell, restored the tree trunk that was destroyed by the robbery before, and re-grown the branches to form an umbrella-shaped tree. The canopy is much denser and stronger than the previous canopy.


The giant hammer thunder soldier transformed from the sixth tribulation thunder descended from the sky, and smashed on the umbrella-shaped tree crown with one hammer, smashing the tree crown and half of the trunk into pieces on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the halberd and thunder soldiers transformed by the seventh tribulation thunder also fell down, smashing most of Mu Qingyun's remaining trunk, leaving only the trunk less than a hundred feet away standing still.

When the eighth Zhange thunder soldier transformed by the robbery thunder fell, several cyan beast shadows flew out of Mu Qingyun's body, and they took the initiative to meet the falling thunder soldier.

Zhou Yang's eyes turned red instantly when he saw those cyan animal shadows.

Because one of the rabbits and one of the pony is the two "transfiguration elixir" that he has seen before, Shentu and Zhima, but now even this grass and tree monster has been erased by Mu Qingyun's spiritual consciousness. A doppelganger for robbery.

Relying on these avatars to consume Jielei's power, Zhange Leibing cut off Mu Qingyun's body by tens of feet, and then disappeared.

"It's over, is it true that this old monster will successfully overcome the calamity? The heavens are not fair, the heavens are not fair!"

Lu Caixia's body softened, and she fell to the ground. With two lines of blood and tears streaming out of her eyes, she looked at the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Cloud in the sky that had shrunk to less than a hundred miles, and complained with blood and tears.


The Thundercloud of Heaven's Tribulation seemed to be enraged, and the remaining Thundercloud of Heaven's Tribulation suddenly shrank in the middle, shrinking and condensing into a thousand-foot-long purple Thunder Dragon, which swooped down and pounced on the already On top of Mu Qingyun's body, which is less than twenty feet high, remains.


During the whole process of crossing the tribulation, Mu Qingyun, who had not said a word, finally spoke out at this time, and let out a piercing scream full of horror.


An earth-shattering explosion of thunder rose from the center of Xiandao, piercing Zhou Yang and the others with their eyes closed tightly, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from their eyes.

But at this time, no one cared about the injury, and forced their eyes to open their eyes to look at the explosion site immediately after the explosion.

I saw that Donglai Xianshan, which was originally majestic and tall, was directly cut down half of the top of the mountain at this time, and a huge pit with an area of ​​hundreds of miles appeared at the foot of the mountain.

"There is no breath of that old monster, no breath of that old monster!"

"Hahaha, hahahaha, open your eyes! The old monster is dead, and the old monster finally died under the catastrophe!"

The five-color glow flashed, and Lu Caixia's figure was the first to appear above the huge pit.

She stared at the huge pit below with her eyes wide open, and after carefully sensing the surrounding situation, she knelt down on top of Yunxia below her, waving her hands in tears of joy and laughing wildly, with tears all over her face.

With a flash of golden and silver light, Zhou Yang and the Thunder Feather Demon King also appeared above the giant pit.

He glanced at Lu Caixia, who was losing her temper, and instead of rushing to appease her, he immediately released his consciousness to search the huge pit below.

Lu Caixia's induction was correct, there was indeed no aura of Mu Qingyun in the huge pit below.

Heavenly Tribulations are all directly locked on to the original breath of the soul of the escaper. Unless they survive the Heavenly Tribulation, they can't cheat the Heavenly Tribulation by any means of feigning death.

Since Mu Qingyun's aura no longer exists, it means that he has fallen into the last thunderbolt just now, and all the aura that existed has been completely wiped out by the thunderbolt.

Since Mu Qingyun's aura no longer exists, it means that he has fallen into the last thunderbolt just now, and all the aura that existed has been completely wiped out by the thunderbolt.

At this time, there was still some power of robbery thunder left in the huge pit. When Zhou Yang's divine sense shot over and encountered these power of robbery thunder, he was almost injured by it. After he suffered a loss, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous .

After he withdrew his consciousness, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly looked at the Thunder Feather Demon King and Lu Caixia beside him and said, "The power of the thunderstorm left in this pit can be used to refine the Thunder Bead Magical Artifact, if the two fellow Taoists don't want it , Zhou is not welcome."

Hearing his words, Lu Caixia didn't react, but the Thunder Feather Demon King said with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "Original Daoist Zhou has taken a fancy to these things, so it's not good for me to compete with you, but I also want to collect them." I hope fellow Taoists can help me with some studies on the power of tribulation thunder."

"Fellow Daoist Lei is too worried. We are the ones who see the power of the tribulation thunder. Since fellow daoists need it, we should naturally share it with fellow daoists."

Zhou Yang waved his hand and said very generously.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhou, I'm just doing enlightenment research, it won't cost much."

As the Thunder Feather Demon King spoke, he immediately cast a spell to condense some purple lightning and turned it into a big thunderball with a fist and put it away.

The thunderbolt power collected by him is less than one-tenth of what was left in the giant pit.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang didn't say anything on the surface, but he was still very happy in his heart.

The success rate of refining thunder beads is not high, if the power of tribulation thunder is too little, he may not be able to refine it successfully.

And now, if all the power of tribulation thunder left in this huge pit is collected, it is enough for him to refine it more than ten times, and it will not be any problem to succeed once or twice.

Moreover, he saw that the Thunder Feather Demon King's method of collecting the power of robbery was obviously much better than his own, so even if he asked the other party to help collect all the power of robbery left in the giant pit, condensing it into three thunderballs the size of a human head, Put it into three jade boxes made of thunder-attribute spiritual wood and seal it up.

After collecting all the power of the thunderbolt, Zhou Yang released his consciousness to search inch by inch in the huge pit, and searched tens of feet underground, and finally found something else.


With a wave of his hand, a golden sword light shot out and fell into the ground at the bottom of the huge pit.

Not long after that, the golden sword light wrapped in a piece of scorched "black charcoal" fell in front of Zhou Yang.

This piece of scorched black "black charcoal" was nearly two feet long, much larger than Zhou Yang himself, and its surface was pitch black, like charcoal that had been burned by fire.

"Hey, this thing is..."

The Thunder Feather Demon King looked at the "black charcoal" in front of Zhou Yang with a suspicious expression, and looked at Zhou Yang with a questioning look.

"If Zhou's guess is correct, this thing should be the [Dryant Heart] of Old Monster Mu!"

Zhou Yang nodded slightly and expressed his guess.

Then he pinched the sword formula with both hands, and [Da Yan Geng Golden Sword] sent out streaks of sword light to cut towards the piece of "black charcoal", peeling off all the outer layer of black charcoal.

After cutting like this for about half an hour, the true face of this piece of "black charcoal" was exposed to Zhou Yang and others' sight.

After most of the outer layer of charcoal was peeled off, the thing wrapped in charcoal inside was a blue-purple wooden figure covered in cracks!

Thanks to book friend Lingtaoge Qingyuanzi and book friend Wutong Form for rewarding 10,000 starting coins

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