Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 659: Subdue the Shuangjiao! 【Subscribe】

When the incarnation outside the body is first practiced, it is in the Qi training period, and it needs to be improved through practice like a real monk.

Moreover, the incarnation is not a real physical body, so one cannot take spirit pills to increase one's cultivation, one can only improve one's cultivation by refining and absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. Environment related.

The advantage is that the avatar has no real meridians, so as long as it is not allowed to do other things, it can almost continue to practice the exercises, unlike real monks who need to rest to ease the pressure on the meridians and mental pressure.

In addition, unlike real monks, incarnations will not have any bottleneck restrictions, and even if they reach the Golden Core Stage, they will not form Golden Cores, and naturally there will be no Nascent Souls.

Because there is no golden elixir and nascent soul to store mana, even if the incarnation has reached the realm, its mana will be weaker than that of a real monk. The specific mana will be weaker, it depends on the spirit that refines the avatar and the practice It depends on several aspects such as exercises.

Zhou Yang's incarnation uses spiritual objects that are seventh-order spiritual objects, and the kung fu practiced is also the top kung fu method "Nine Heavens Yuanyang Longevity Creation Fairy Sutra" by [Donglai Daoist] to become an immortal.

Therefore, in terms of mana, his incarnation is only about 10% weaker than the real monks of the same level.

And because a lot of essence, blood and vitality were consumed during the refining of the incarnation, and a part of his soul source was torn apart when he "enlightened" the incarnation at the end, Zhou Yang had to retreat for a long time after the incarnation was completed. It took five years to get out.

The reason why he was able to leave the level so quickly was because he used the [Ten Thousand Years Nourishing Soul Wood] obtained on Xiandao to restore the damage to the soul. Otherwise, let alone five years, even fifty years, he may not be able to heal the damage caused by tearing the soul. fully recovered from his injuries.

Fortunately, the [Ten Thousand Years Soul Cultivation Tree] he got was big enough, and he only used less than one-tenth of it for this healing.

And five years later, his avatar has raised his cultivation level to the seventh level of foundation building. If this goes on, it will probably take less than twenty years for his avatar's cultivation to reach the golden core stage.

I saw the incarnation at this time, and I couldn't see the original wooden figure at all.

His appearance was specially shaped by Zhou Yang to look like that in his previous life. He looked ordinary, if it wasn't for his pair of purple eyes and long purple hair that were so conspicuous, no one would take a second look if he was thrown into the crowd.

And if it wasn't for the fact that it didn't have the unique flesh and blood breath of a living person, others would not be able to see that it was an incarnation.

After Zhou Yang sized up the avatar, he ordered in an orderly tone: "You are here to practice well, and without my order, you must not leave the secret room for half a step."


Turning into a pair of purple different pupils, he glanced at Zhou Yang and responded in a low voice.

In fact, with the intimate soul-soul connection between the main body and the avatar, there is no need for Zhou Yang to make such an unnecessary move.

However, he is still not quite used to this special state where the body and the avatar are two in one. He always feels that it would be more comfortable for him to express it in words.

Shaking his head, Zhou Yang suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, turned around and walked out of the cave.

When he got outside, he scanned his consciousness and found that Jiang Fengxian was not practicing in the cave, but was tending the elixir on the mountain.

"Zhou Lang, you are finally out of customs, is everything going well?"

Seeing that Zhou Yang was leaving the retreat, Jiang Fengxian hurriedly put down what she was doing and went back to him, and asked him about the gains of this retreat with a smile.

Of course, Zhou Yang would not hide such an important event as refining an avatar from the person next to his pillow, so Jiang Fengxian would ask this question.

"Everything is going well. Now that the avatar has been completed, we only need to let him improve his cultivation step by step, and it will really come in handy."

Zhou Yang said this with a smile on his face, and suddenly pointed to the large amount of replanted elixir on the mountain and asked, "Why do you suddenly want to learn the skills of spiritual planting? Don't you always want to be distracted from doing these things? "

Hearing him ask about this, Jiang Fengxian couldn't help but smiled slightly: "I didn't want to be distracted from learning these skills of cultivating immortals before. Firstly, it was because casual cultivators live without a fixed place. It is easy to make wedding dresses for others when doing this kind of thing. I don’t want to delay my practice because of this.”

"But now the concubine has conceived a baby, and this [Donglai Xiandao] doesn't have to worry about being taken over by others. Taking some time to learn a few skills can just pass some boring time."

Passing the boring time is of course an excuse. Zhou Yang knew that Jiang Fengxian would choose to learn the skills of Lingzhi because he wanted to help him manage this [Donglai Immortal Island].

Because if there is no accident, after they return to Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation Realm to seek revenge from the Goddess Palace, and then go back to Liuyun Continent Cultivation Realm to settle some matters, Jiang Fengxian will bring her daughter Jiang Yufeng back to [Donglai Immortal Island] to live in seclusion .

And he certainly couldn't come here with him so soon.

Knowing this in his heart, Zhou Yang didn't say anything about his thoughts, he just reached out and hugged the beauty into his arms, and walked into the cave.

In the cave mansion, after a spiritual and physical cultivation with his beloved, Zhou Yang got up a little bit, leaned against the bedrail and asked softly, "Fengxian, what have you gained from exploring the whole island in the past few years?" ?”

【Donglai Immortal Island】Thousands of miles across, in addition to rich elixir resources and spiritual wood resources, there are also rich mineral resources, but Zhou Yang has not had time to explore the island's resources in the future due to various reasons.

Before retreating to practice the secret art of incarnation outside the body this time, he entrusted this matter to Jiang Fengxian and asked him to help investigate.

Hearing him ask about this matter now, Jiang Fengxian also gently stretched out her hands to brush some messy hair, and replied softly: "Of course there are harvests, but this harvest may disappoint you, Zhou Lang."

"How do you say that?"

Zhou Yang frowned slightly, and looked at the beautiful woman in his arms in confusion.

"Let's talk about the most important giant spirit stone mine on Xiandao first. Although there are still a lot of low-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones stored in it, the number of high-grade spirit stones is not much. It is estimated that it is less than a thousand yuan. As for the top-grade spirit stones Not even a single stone!"

"Let's talk about the other spiritual mines on the island, the fifth-tier spiritual gold veins with higher grades, there are only a few scraps left, and the ordinary second- and third-tier spiritual mines are intact, but there is not much mining value! "

"Also, although the spiritual wood resources on the island are abundant, the fifth-order spiritual wood is almost hard to find. According to the two demon kings, the fifth-order spiritual wood is basically eaten by Mu Qingyun!"

"As for the elixir, most of the high-level elixir on the island was picked by the two demon kings and fell into our hands. Although there are still a large number of immature high-level elixir and middle and low-level elixir growing everywhere, in a short time It won't be of much use either."

Zhou Yang's complexion became more and more ugly with every sentence Jiang Fengxian said, and in the end, his complexion was as black as a pot of charcoal.

"This damn old wooden monster!"

He cursed bitterly with an ugly face, and couldn't help but think of the few "shape-changing elixir" that Mu Qingyun had wasted.

Except for the spirit objects he obtained in the Dao Palace, the real good things on this fairy island have undoubtedly fallen into Mu Qingyun's hands long ago.

And as Mu Qingyun died under the catastrophe, those treasures were also turned into dust in the thunder.

What is left to Zhou Yang now is not many good things except for a large number of middle and low-level spiritual objects that he no longer needs.

"Forget it, let's leave it at that, after I finish handling the remaining trivial matters, we will leave Xiandao and go back to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou!"

Shaking his head, Zhou Yang suppressed the anger in his heart, stopped thinking about these unchangeable things, and whispered his plan.

Next, Zhou Yang and Jiaren kept warm for a few more days, then entered the refining room, took out the Tribulation Thunder that had been collected earlier, and refined the Thunder Beads with a secret method.

After many failures, Zhou Yang exhausted all three thunder balls, and finally refined four [Sky Thunder Balls].

Because it is refined by using the power of thunder from the true spirit, the power of each of these four [Sky Thunder Beads] is comparable to a full-strength strike by a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the four are used together If so, the power might not be worse than the first thunderbolt of the True Spirit Tribulation.

With these four thunder beads as his hole cards, and the complete seventh-order fairy artifact [Suzaku Fan], even if he meets a late Nascent Soul cultivator, Zhou Yang dares to fight him.

After Leizhu was refined, Zhou Yang took care of another matter that had dragged on for hundreds of years.

He walked out of the cave and came to the fairy mountain outside, then with a wave of his hand, two flood dragons, one green and one silver, flew out from the [Linglong Jade Bracelet] on his wrist.

After he got the magical artifact [Linglong Jade Bracelet] from Yulong Jinhuang, he discovered that the two dragons who were the imperial emissary of the other party at that time were sleeping and recuperating in it.

Over the years, because he hadn't figured out what to do with these two flood dragons, he hadn't awakened them.

Now that he is at the Nascent Soul stage, and the two dragons have recovered from their injuries after sleeping for hundreds of years, he is ready to deal with this matter.

"Thief, die!"

As soon as the two dragons came out, they roared and released lightning, and the wind blades attacked Zhou Yang. It seemed that although they were sleeping, they also knew that the owner of the [Linglong Jade Bracelet] had changed, and that it was Zhou Yang who killed their former owner. Owner.


Zhou Yang's face darkened, he raised his hand and punched out, directly blasting away all the lightning and wind blades, and then punched out two more, hitting the two flood dragons on the spot until they vomited blood and collapsed to the ground.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

His eyes shot across the faces of the two dragons like lightning, and the aura and coercion of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage pressed hard on the two dragons, making it difficult for them to even raise their heads.

"Yuanying period! How is this possible!"

The silver dragon exclaimed, and looked at Zhou Yang in disbelief, almost suspecting that he was wrong.

And the cyan flood dragon also stared at a pair of dragon eyes, it was difficult to accept this fact.

Zhou Yang was very satisfied with the reaction of the two flood dragons. If he didn't have the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, the way he would deal with these two flood dragons would basically be to kill the skinning and cramp.

But now, he looked at the two dragons sharply, and said coldly, "Tell me, do you want to die or live?"

"You want our sisters to submit to you? Impossible! It is impossible for me, the East China Sea Dragon Clan, to submit to a human being, absolutely impossible!"

The eyes of the silver flood dragon widened immediately, and roared with anger.

They are all grown-up dragons, how could they be willing to submit to a human monk, an enemy who killed their original master!

"Hey, what Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, a mere Jiaolong, dares to brag and put money on their faces. Why didn't you say that when you were driven by the Yulong Clan like dogs?"

Zhou Yang sneered, and slapped the silver dragon mercilessly in the face.


The silver flood dragon was so angry that its dragon scales stood on end, but it stimulated the internal injury that Zhou Yang punched on her just now, causing her dragon body to writhe in pain, and dared not say anything else.

The green dragon was still calmer, but he looked at Zhou Yang coldly without showing any timidity in his eyes: "If you think that you can make us surrender with your profound cultivation and strong strength, then you should dispel it as soon as possible. Here's the idea!"

"So, did you choose to die?"

Zhou Yang's face darkened, but he didn't expect the reaction of these two female dragons to be so strong.

"In short, if we are to be slaves for life, we would rather die!"

Qingjiao raised his head high, his eyes were full of unyielding color, and he said his choice.

"Sister is right, we would rather die than be slaves of humans!"

The silver dragon hurriedly yelled to respond to the words of the green dragon, looking at Zhou Yang with hatred in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang was naturally very annoyed.

If he really wanted to kill these two flood dragons, he would have killed them long ago. How could he have waited until today.

It is estimated that his thoughts have already been guessed by the green dragon, so the other party contradicts him so confidently.

After understanding this, he could only show his cards and say: "Who said that you will be slaves for life? You just need to obediently donate your demon souls to let Zhou refine the [Natal Soul Card], and wait until Zhou ascends or sits in a certain day." , will let you go back to freedom!"

Hearing his words, before Qing Jiao could speak, Yin Jiao scolded with disdain in his eyes: "Hmph, do you think we will be tricked by you? If you really donate a demon soul and be refined by you [ The natal soul card], don’t you really want to be your cow and horse for the rest of your life? Maybe after you die, you will be driven by your descendants, do you really think we are fools?”

Qing Jiao also strongly agreed with Yin Jiao's words this time, looked at Zhou Yang coldly and said: "What Lingmei said is very true, you should stop mentioning the matter of refining [Natal Soul Card], even if you are pregnant with a real dragon The direct members of the Yulong family who are bloodlines did not ask us to offer the demon soul to refine [Natal Soul Card] for their encouragement, let alone a pure-blooded human being like Your Excellency!"

"The [Natal Soul Card] must be refined. If Zhou doesn't have your [Natal Soul Card] in hand, how can he ensure that you will sincerely surrender?"

Zhou Yang looked at the two dragons, and said in an uncompromising tone: "This is a matter of principle, if you don't even agree to this point, then Zhou can only fulfill you and send you to reunite with Yulong Jinhuang! "

"Death is death, do you think we will be afraid of death? We would rather die than be your slaves!"

Yinjiao responded to Zhou Yang's words very stubbornly, really not afraid of death at all.

However, Zhou Yang didn't pay attention to the silver dragon who was not very smart, and just looked at the green dragon with deep eyes.

He already knew that this blue dragon was the key to subdue the two dragons.

Sure enough, Qing Jiao was not as reckless as Yin Jiao, but looked at him calmly and said: "Your Excellency is worried that we will not surrender sincerely, but you don't know how to ensure that we will not go back on our word? Just like what Lingmei said just now, in case - After your own death, you handed over our [natal soul card] to future generations to inherit, isn't it too late for us to regret it?"

"There is one more thing that you seem to have forgotten. With the longevity of your Nascent Soul, if we submit to you, we will not have many years to live until your real life is exhausted. At that time, even if you keep your promise Return the 【Natal Soul Card】, and our life is over!"

This is talking about conditions!

Zhou Yang was overjoyed in his heart, but said without showing any joy on his face: "What you said is also reasonable, so change the conditions a little bit. You will work for Zhou for a thousand years. After a thousand years, if you don't want to follow Zhou anymore , Zhou will return your [natal soul card] to you, so the head office will be fine!"

Unexpectedly, when Qing Jiao heard his words, she shouted loudly: "One thousand years is still too long, five hundred years, at most five hundred years, and what you say is unfounded, you must swear that you will keep your promise!"

She's getting ready for it.

Of course Zhou Yang would not condone this kind of thing. Five hundred years is not a long time for him now.

He stared at Qing Jiao coldly, flicked his sleeves and said: "No, a thousand years is already the bottom line of this seat, and there is no need to bargain on this point. As for the oath, this seat can agree!"

The disappointment in Qingjiao's eyes flashed away, and he probably understood that Zhou Yang really couldn't make any more concessions, so he hesitated for a while, and replied, "Okay, then it's settled!"

"Sister Qingluo, you..."

Yin Jiao looked at Qing Jiao in shock, he never thought that his trusted sister from the same clan would succumb to the enemy's silver prestige like this.

And Qingjiao seemed to know what Yinjiao wanted to say, and before she finished speaking, she interrupted: "Sister Yinling, we are all long-lived species with a lifespan of thousands of years, there is no need to give it away for a moment of pride." own life."

"Yulong Jinhuang was good to our sisters, but our sisters never disobeyed any of his orders when he was alive, and did not do anything sorry for him, so naturally there is no need to be buried with him!"

"In short, that's all for my sister's words. If you really want to die for Yulong Jinhuang, I will respect your decision!"

Yin Jiao immediately stood on the spot in a daze.

Only then did she know that from the very beginning, Qing Jiao, whom she trusted so much, never thought of repaying the Lord's favor on the death festival. All the words before were just posturing to sell herself for a good price.

As innocent as she is, she is so foolish as to really think that Qing Jiao and herself are sisters!

"Tsk tsk tsk, so there really are such stupid dragons in this world!"

"Do you think that you would rather die than surrender to be great? Very upright?"

"As everyone knows, even if you die, no one will remember you, and no one will feel sorry for you or shed a tear for you!"

"Oh, maybe you will think that Yulong Jinhuang can see your loyalty, but unfortunately he has been beaten to death by this seat, and even the illusory reincarnation has no hope!"

Zhou Yang looked at Yinjiao, who looked like "the revolutionary friendship was betrayed" and was born unlovable, and laughed with sarcasm on his face. The laughter was full of contempt and disdain, and his eyes seemed to be looking at a fool Same.

When Yinjiao heard his words, he was trembling with anger and stared at him angrily. He opened his mouth to scold, but he didn't know where to start.

Although Zhou Yang's words were ugly, they were all true.

She recalled Zhou Yang's words now, and then looked at Qing Jiao who had "betrayed" next to her, and she couldn't refute it even if she wanted to.

Seeing this scene, Qing Jiao also moved her mouth slightly, and the sound transmission comforted her: "My good sister, you can have everything if you live, and you can hope to realize your ideals and wishes in your heart if you live. If you die, wouldn't the bold words you said before Has it all become empty talk?"


Yin Jiao turned his eyes and looked at Qing Jiao who was looking at him with eyes full of encouragement. Tears burst out of his eyes instantly, and shed tears of grievance.

The next thing will be easy to handle, with Qing Jiao doing ideological work, although Yin Jiao still has no idea of ​​convincing Zhou Yang in his heart, he still offers a part of the demon soul along with Qing Jiao, and let Zhou Yang refine the [Natural Soul Card] 】.

Zhou Yang found out the refining method of [Natal Soul Card] from the refining classics collected by [Donglai Daoist]. Nowadays, there are not many monks who know how to refine this kind of treasure in the world of immortality.

After the [Natal Soul Card] was refined, the two flood dragons, Qingluo and Yinling, officially became Zhou Yang's spiritual pets.

The task Zhou Yang gave to the two dragons was to guard the fairy island after he left, and help him take care of the spiritual herbs and medicines on the fairy island.

In addition, he also specially opened up an acre of spiritual field on Donglai Xianshan Mountain to plant [Blood Dragon Rice]. The two dragons need to water the spiritual field with their own dragon blood from time to time to ensure the normal growth of [Blood Dragon Rice].

For Zhou Yang's arrangement, the two dragons are undoubtedly very satisfied.

[Donglai Xiandao] Needless to say, the practice environment above is much better than the Longtan specially prepared for them by the Yulong family.

The most important thing is that they don't have to follow Zhou Yang, which means that they don't have to see Zhou Yang, a human being whom they find annoying, and don't have to risk their lives to participate in various wars.

After arranging the tasks of the two dragons and confirming that they can handle all kinds of rare elixir on the mountain well, Zhou Yang sent a message to the Thunder Feather Demon King and Lu Caixia to fly the sword, preparing to take the two monsters Wang left Xiandao and went to the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Donghuazhou to seek revenge from the Goddess Palace.

With the help of the Thunder Feather Demon King who is unparalleled in the Yuanying period, and the [Five-Colored Deer] who can break all spells, even if Lou Feifeng, the owner of the Goddess Palace, reaches the sixth level of Yuanying, he is absolutely dead!

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