Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 678 Uninvited guests!

The [Seraphim], which is more than a hundred feet long and has six blue wings on both ribs, hovered over Huohua Mountain. A pair of dark blue snake eyes as big as a baby's head coldly scanned the crowd of humans on the mountain, as if it was about to choose at any time. People eat.

On the top of this cold-blooded monster, "True Heavenly Snake" Xu Hanwen looked at Shan Zhouyang and the others with a smile on his face, holding what he called a "gift" in his hand.

"Zhou doesn't seem to have sent an invitation to the Beast Sect. Did Fellow Daoist Xu come to the wrong place?"

Zhou Yang looked at this Nascent Soul cultivator from the Beast Sect with a gloomy expression, and his tone was very unfriendly.

The relationship between him and the Emperor Beast Sect is not a friend, but an enemy. How could he send an invitation to this sect that has feuded with him for the Nascent Soul Ceremony, making him feel uncomfortable.

Now this "True Heavenly Snake" Xu Hanwen, after he killed Zhong Chuming, the Golden Core cultivator of the Beast Controlling Sect, even approached the Xuanyang Immortal Sect for this matter, and wanted the Xuanyang Immortal Sect to hand him over.

With this situation existing, how could Zhou Yang give the other party a good face.

Unexpectedly, when Xu Hanwen heard his questioning words, his face did not change at all, he laughed and said: "Hahaha, Xu also knows that it is a bit rude to invite himself, so he specially prepared a generous gift. Send it as an apology, and I hope Fellow Daoist Zhou will accept it!"

"Hehehe, what Fellow Daoist Xu said is exactly what I want, and this concubine wants to say the same thing!"

A burst of tender laughter suddenly came from outside Huohua Mountain, and a gust of fragrant wind quickly floated from outside the mountain, and soon a beautiful nun wearing a red lotus flower dress appeared in the air.

Seeing this beautiful female cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, Zhou Yang was still searching through his memory to find out her origin, but the "Tian Snake Master" Xu Hanwen had already revealed the origin of the female cultivator with a look of surprise on his face.

"It turned out to be Fairy Red Lotus from Ten Thousand Flowers Valley. Didn't Fellow Daoist Zhou send an invitation letter for someone like Fairy? This really surprised Xu!"

Wanhua Valley is one of the five most powerful factions in [Six Dao League]. There are now two Nascent Soul cultivators "Bai Lan Fairy" and "Red Lotus Fairy" sitting in the gate, and now the beauty in red dress who appears outside Huohua Mountain It is "Red Lotus Fairy" Zhao Honglian.

Although there is no distinction between male and female cultivators, the number of high-ranking female monks in the world of cultivating immortals is always much smaller than that of male cultivators. Female cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage who do not have dual monks like "Red Lotus Fairy" Zhao Honglian are even rarer. .

Naturally, in the social circle of Nascent Soul Stage monks, people like "Red Lotus Fairy" Zhao Honglian became people that many Nascent Soul Stage monks would like to befriend.

But Zhou Yang didn't send an invitation to this "Red Lotus Fairy" Zhao Honglian this time, so it's no wonder that "Sky Snake Master" Xu Hanwen was surprised.

Hearing his surprised words at this time, this extremely beautiful "Red Lotus Fairy" also had eyebrows, and said with a troubled look: "I am also worried about this matter! I asked myself that I have never met Zhou Daoyou before. There have been any intersections, I really don't know when I offended Zhou Daoyou, today I came here uninvited, and I just wanted to ask Zhou Daoyou for advice!"

Seeing the frowning of this beauty, in the eyes of the guests on Huohua Mountain, many monks couldn't help but want to care for and love each other, and they couldn't help but feel resentment towards Zhou Yang.

Of course, there are also some monks with advanced cultivation and some special magical weapons on their bodies, who were not attracted by the charming power of the "Red Lotus Fairy"'s stubborn smile. After seeing this scene, their expressions changed drastically and they quickly lowered their heads. Head, afraid to look at each other's face.


Zhou Yang snorted coldly, his voice roaring like thunder, and it exploded in the minds of those bewildered monks, instantly helping them wake up from the charm.

Then he didn't look at these frightened monks who came back to their senses, but just looked at the "Red Lotus Fairy" coldly and said: "Why do you ask the question knowingly? You [Six Dao League] and I [Xuanqing Dao League] It is an enemy, not a friend, and there has never been a tradition of sending invitations to the other party to invite to attend the Nascent Soul Ceremony of one's own monks, and Zhou is just doing things according to the tradition!"

"Zhou Daoyou's words are wrong!"

"The conflict between the [Six Dao League] and [Xuanqing Dao League] is just a conflict over the living space and resources, and it does not involve the personal enmity between the high-ranking monks of the two parties!"

"It is a grand event in the entire world of cultivating immortals, such as Daoyou Zhou, to be born in the world of immortal cultivation in Liuyunzhou. If you reject the guests because of the opinion of the sect, I am afraid that it will cause people to criticize and spread the reputation of fellow daoists. It's a big disadvantage!"

Outside Huohua Mountain, a sword came to the east, and the silver-white sword light flashed away, and a handsome and extraordinary young man in white appeared. The words just now were exactly what this person said.

"This is Li Shuhua from Taiyi Immortal Sword Sect [Lightning Master] Li Shuhua, who conceived less than 300 years ago. He is a rare gold and lightning attribute spiritual root monk, and his combat power is not weak!"

Master Qingyang knew that Zhou Yang was not very familiar with the other Nascent Soul cultivators in Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation Realm. At this time, he was afraid that he would lose his temper if he didn't know the origin of the other party, so he quickly sent him a voice transmission to clarify the identity of the person who came.

But before Zhou Yang could respond after hearing Master Qingyang's words, someone refuted Li Shuhua's words for him.

"Li Daoyou's words are really beautiful, but when Daoist held the Nascent Soul Ceremony more than 200 years ago, why didn't you invite me to cheer for Daoist? Could it be that you look down on me?"

Outside the Huohua Mountain, another golden sword light flew quickly, falling outside the mountain, and an old man in golden robe appeared.

This golden-robed old man is Ning Daoxuan, the Supreme Elder of Qian Tianzong of Chang Kingdom, a five-level monk of Yuanying, who has practiced for more than two thousand years, and is extremely influential in the [Xuanqing Dao League].

Hearing Ning Daoxuan's words at this time, Li Fufeng on Huohua Mountain immediately responded loudly: "What fellow Daoist Ning said is very true. As far as I know, Daoist Li held the Nascent Soul celebration back then. A Nascent Soul cultivator has never been invited, so how can fellow Daoist Li do this, and my monks from [Xuanqing Daomeng] are not allowed to do the same?"

When Li Shuhua was asked such a rhetorical question, he immediately looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

After a long while, he said with an ugly expression: "[Fufeng Daoist] why should you be so aggressive, the so-called visitor is a guest, today is the day of Daoist Zhou's great joy, it's a bit rude for me to wait uninvited, but I don't have any malice. If Fellow Daoist Zhou really wants to reject people thousands of miles away, I'll just leave!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Yang finally seemed to have seized the opportunity, and said coldly: "It's true that visitors are guests, but guests can also be divided into hospitable guests and bad guests. If you are willing to be guests, Zhou will naturally welcome you with both hands If you want to be a bad guest, please forgive Zhou Mou and send it away!"

"Hehehe, fellow Daoist Zhou thought there was a misunderstanding, but I really came to be a guest with sincerity, not to mention that this is the territory of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, I have ten courages, and I dare not speak in front of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect. Are you making trouble here in front of me!"

"Red Lotus Fairy" Zhao Honglian smiled coquettishly, and showed goodwill in her first statement, it seems that she does not intend to leave just like this.

And with her taking the lead, Li Yushu, the "Real Thunder Sword", seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment before, and said with a smile: "What Fairy Zhao said is very true. Li also brought a gift to congratulate Zhou Daoyou. He will never be overjoyed here. Those days are bad news for Fellow Daoist Zhou."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou definitely misunderstood Xu. Although you and our Beast Sect had some unhappiness in the early years, but many years have passed, and fellow Daoist Zhou can see that our Beast Sect has troubled you again? This time Xu came here with a reconciliation Sincerity, if you don’t believe me, please take a look at the gift that Xu prepared for you!”

Xu Hanwen cried out for being wronged and misunderstood, while opening the jade box in his hand, revealing the congratulatory gift inside.

What I saw in the jade box was a gray-black spiritual fruit the size of a fist, which was about the size of a mangosteen.

This gray-black spiritual fruit may seem inconspicuous, but it contains a huge aura, and it seems to have reached the sixth rank.

"Could it be? The congratulatory gift prepared by Fellow Daoist Xu, could it not be your Zongzong's Zhenzong Spiritual Object【Reborn Fruit】?"

"Reverend Thunder Sword" Li Yushu looked at the gray-black spiritual fruit in the jade box in Xu Hanwen's hand, his face was full of shock, he couldn't help but blurted out its origin.

Xu Hanwen didn't pay attention to him, but looked at Zhou Yang solemnly and asked, "What do you think, Fellow Daoist Zhou? Does this gift show the sincerity of Xu and the Beast Sect?"

Zhou Yang couldn't help hesitating when he heard this.

Originally, he didn't believe that Xu Hanwen came here out of good intentions and wanted to reconcile. After all, the other party came without warning, which in itself was an act of rudeness.

But the [Reborn Fruit] that Xu Hanwen took out made him a little confused.

The Emperor Beast Sect is a top sect that has been passed down for nearly ten thousand years. Naturally, its background is much stronger than that of the Suyun Sect, which has just squeezed into the big sect. This sixth-order spiritual fruit [Reborn Fruit] is the strongest One of the great foundations.

This [Reborn Fruit] was produced on a strange ancient tree in the Beast Controlling Sect. The ancient tree is said to have become a demon through psychics, and it is an extremely rare sixth-level tree demon king.

And the function of this [Reborn Fruit], just like its name, can make the monster that takes it undergo a reborn change.

The reason why the [Seraphim Serpent] under the feet of "True Heavenly Snake" Xu Hanwen was able to become a sixth-level demon king was because he swallowed a [Reborn Fruit] when he was in the fifth-level high-level monster realm, and successfully transformed into a bloodline Inspired the blood of the ancient sky snake, thus being able to advance to the sixth level.

Although not every monster will be like this after consuming the [Bonborn Fruit], but it is an indisputable fact that this [Bonborn Fruit] helps the monster transform its bloodline and advance to the sixth level.

Such a precious treasure, even if it cannot be compared with the [Holy Infant Fruit] that can help people conceive babies, it can still be compared with a [Conception Pill].

Now Xu Hanwen and Yu Beast Sect gave such a precious treasure to Zhou Yang as a congratulatory gift, which really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even the most critical person cannot say that he is not sincere at this time.

"The reason why Zhou Daoyou and my Beastmaster Sect had an enmity back then was because of a heterogeneous spirit bird, the Golden-winged Thunderhawk. However, although the Golden-winged Thunderhawk is born with a different species, few people can advance to the sixth level, but if you can take this [ Reborn Fruit], there is an opportunity to turn the impossible into a possibility, my Beast Sect uses this thing as a congratulatory gift for the Daoist Yuanying Ceremony, it can be said to be full of sincerity!"

Seeing that Zhou Yang hadn't spoken for a long time, Xu Hanwen took the initiative to explain the significance of this congratulatory gift, and what he said was so logical that no one could argue with it.

And because the matter of Zhou Yang's arrest by the Beastmaster Sect was quite a big deal, when other people investigated Zhou Yang's origin, they almost all knew about it, and almost all the guests on Huohua Mountain today knew about it.

Hearing what Xu Hanwen said now, and looking at the [Reborn Fruit] in the jade box in his hand, although these people did not dare to speak out because of the presence of many Nascent Soul stage monks, the gazes they looked at Zhou Yang and Xu Hanwen were indeed There are some changes.

Previously, Xu Hanwen's high-profile appearance made them, like Zhou Yang, think that Xu Hanwen came here this time because he came here on purpose to cause trouble.

But now, they feel that Xu Hanwen sincerely wants to reconcile with Zhou Yang and resolve the past grievances between the two parties.

The opinions of these people may seem unimportant, but in fact they are.

Because they are all figures in power of various forces, and they are the absolute high-level leaders of all forces. Today's participation in Zhou Yang's Nascent Soul Ceremony is also to observe and contact this new Nascent Soul cultivator at close range, and then make a decision based on the results of the observation and contact. In the future, should we keep it at a respectful distance, or deepen cooperation and exchanges.

If Zhou Yang left them with an impression of being difficult to deal with, of being narrow-minded and penny-pinching, it would be a great loss to his own reputation and interests.

Therefore, after noticing the change in the expressions of these people, Zhou Yang didn't hesitate to think about the other meanings of Xu Hanwen and Yushouzong's move. I can't ask for more, Zhou is ashamed to accept the kindness of Fellow Daoist Xu and Yushouzong, please take a seat first."

"Hahaha, if you can get the words of Zhou Daoyou, Xu's trip is worthwhile."

Xu Hanwen laughed for a while, and then bowed his hands to the many monks on the mountain and said: "Then I invite all the fellow Taoists who are present today to be witnesses. From today onwards, all the personal enmities and grievances between my Beast Master Sect and fellow Taoist Zhou Yang have been cancelled. Retaliate against the other party on the grounds of past grievances!"

"Zhou has no objection."

A gleam flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and he expressed his attitude in a deep voice.

No matter how many doubts he had in his heart, he must not be sloppy in his attitude at this time, as it would be easy to lose his tongue.

As for whether the Emperor Beast Sect really wanted to reconcile with him, or wanted to play some other tricks and tricks, he could also frankly say that soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up, and it's just a trick.

In this way, after Xu Hanwen and others stirred up, a lot of time passed. After these people were seated, the Nascent Soul cultivators who came to attend the Zhou Yang Yuanying Ceremony just got together and appeared together, and they were too lazy to go out one by one to waste time.

In the end, including some uninvited [Six Dao League] Nascent Soul monks, there were as many as 28 Nascent Soul monks who came to attend the Zhou Yang Nascent Soul Ceremony, occupying all the Nascent Soul monks in the Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm More than 20%!

At the same time, there were as many as two hundred and forty-five Golden Core monks present, including nearly a hundred leaders of small and medium sects and Golden Core families.

Nascent Soul Grand Ceremony of this scale rarely occurs in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. Presumably, this time the Nascent Soul Grand Ceremony and the name of Zhou Yang, a newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator, will soon spread throughout Liuyun The continent of cultivating immortals is known to most monks.

I'm not in a good state today. I only wrote 4,000 words after deleting, deleting, and writing, which is barely enough for full attendance. In order to ensure full attendance, I can only post like this!

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