Linghu Sisi's voice was full of urgency, and she wanted to tell all the information in one breath.

"Master, calm down. This slave has absolutely no intention of harming his master. Your life is in your master's hands. The skill that you practice is called [Yuanhu Jing]. It is the most popular skill of the Hehuan Sect besides [Yin Yang Hehuan Kung Fu]." It is a powerful skill. It has a special characteristic. When you practice this skill, a 'Yuan Fox Bead' will be born. With the help of this bead to breathe in the yin and yang energy, you can not only speed up your practice, but also condense a little fox baby in advance. What the master sees The little pink fox is the little fox infant condensed by the slave. When the golden elixir of the slave reaches perfection, the little fox infant grows into a human form. The slave can directly break the shackles of the Nascent Soul, condense the real Nascent Soul, and achieve the realm of the Nascent Soul. "

"This technique can break the shackles of the Nascent Soul, which is why Hehuan Sect can become one of the three major demon sects in Tianluo Kingdom. However, this technique has a huge flaw and weakness. When a little fox baby is born, the slave will give birth to a little fox. If the baby dies, the slave will die.”

"Before reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, if someone plants a mark of consciousness on the little fox infant, not only can he control the slave's life and death with a single thought, but he can also... order the slave to do anything, and the slave will not have any thoughts of resistance."

"Whatever is on the slave's mind, the master will know immediately."

"This is one of the biggest secrets of the Hehuan Sect. The slave thought that the master knew this secret, so she just spit out the 'Yuanhu Pearl'..."

At the end of the transmission, Linghu Sisi's voice became smaller and smaller. On the one hand, it was due to physical suffocation and imminent death, but on the other hand, it was due to grievance.

"This slave wants to live and doesn't dare to have any evil intentions. Please... the master imprints the mark of divine consciousness... then everything will be clear."

When Wang Fu heard what Linghu Sisi said, his expression did not change at all, but the iron palm holding the other person's fair neck relaxed.

Feeling her throat loosen, Linghu Sisi immediately breathed greedily, but just after she took a few breaths, her neck was pinched again, and at the same time, Wang Fu's voice also poured into her ears:

"No need to go to such trouble. Wang has practiced a technique to enslave others. All you need to do is let go of your soul and let Wang cast the 'Slave God Seal'."

"If you hesitate to resist in the slightest, your neck will be crushed directly by Wang."

"Wang Yan's" cold words made Linghu Sisi's heart tremble. She was eager to survive and she didn't dare to have any objections. However, she admired "Wang Yan"'s caution from the bottom of her heart.

Even after saying this, I still don’t believe it.

This man is really thoughtful and considerate.

When she thought that such a person would become her master, Linghu Sisi felt that her life would be difficult in the future, but she had no choice but to live.

She immediately let go of her guard and sent a message:

"Master, don't worry, this slave will not resist at all."

When Wang Fu saw this, he immediately used the "Slave God Seal". A spiritual seal with the word "Slave" emerged from the ground and quietly and accurately disappeared into Linghu Sisi's eyebrows.

Soon the "Slave God Seal" was under his control and came to the depths of Linghu Sisi's sea of ​​consciousness to find her soul.

Linghu Sisi suddenly felt the alarm bell of Yuan Shen ringing loudly, but she tried her best to suppress the guardian of spiritual consciousness, and just watched the "slave" spirit seal heading towards the unsuspecting Yuan Shen.

Seeing that the spiritual seal with the word "slave" was about to disappear into the consciousness, but just before it was a short distance away, the spiritual seal suddenly flew out and left the sea of ​​consciousness.

This puzzled Linghu Sisi, but the next moment, she smiled bitterly. She deeply felt that the "Yuanhu Pearl" related to her life had been imprinted with a mark of spiritual consciousness.

After thinking about it, Linghu Sisi understood the reason.

"Okay, from now on, you will be my slave, Wang Fu. If you have any objections, your soul will be driven to pieces." Wang Fu said while playing with Linghu Sisi's "Yuanhu Pearl" on the ground.

Wang Fu just used the "Slave God Seal" to test Linghu Sisi. As long as she was not willing at all, then what she said before would be deemed untrue, and he would not hesitate to kill her. But even at the last moment when the "Slave God Seal" enslaved her, she did not have the slightest idea of ​​resistance, which can prove that everything about the "Yuanhu Pearl" is true.

Since the "Yuanhu Bead" can enslave Linghu Sisi, Wang Fu will naturally not waste the "Slave God Seal". After all, if he operates it properly, he can use the "Slave God Seal" to enslave another top-notch player. A monk who practices Dzogchen.

For example, Mr. Bones is a good candidate.

So Wang Fu directly separated a ray of spiritual consciousness and left a spiritual mark on the "Yuanhu Pearl", and thus knew the various magical functions of the "Yuanhu Pearl", which was exactly the same as what Linghu Sisi said.

Especially after planting the brand of spiritual consciousness on the "Yuanhu Bead", not only can he absolutely control Linghu Sisi's life and death with a single thought, but he will also subtly make him a willing and obedient slave.

"As you command, Master." Linghu Sisi replied through a message, "From now on, this slave will always obey his master and will never betray him."

But I thought: It turns out that the master’s real name is Wang Fu, and that Taoist Gu is really stupid.

Wang Fu heard Linghu Sisi's thoughts and suddenly felt that the control power of this "Yuanhu Pearl" was very strong, much more effective than the "Slave God Seal", which did not have the ability to listen to other people's voices.

Thinking of this, Wang Fu completely let go of Linghu Sisi's big hand on his neck, and at the same time returned the "Yuanhu Pearl" that had been imprinted with his divine consciousness, and then said:

"Wang Yan is my pseudonym, used to confuse others. My real name is Wang Fu."

Linghu Sisi just took two greedy breaths, and suddenly felt that the "Yuanhu Pearl" had returned to the sea of ​​consciousness. Before she could be happy, she heard what Wang Fu said, and her cheeks immediately turned red. She forgot that at the moment when her "Yuanhu Pearl" was planted with the spiritual consciousness, all her thoughts in her heart would be known clearly by her master Wang Fu.

"Yes, master, I can wake up."

Seeing Linghu Sisi so obedient, Wang Fu was relieved.

Not long after, Lu Feng and the woman surnamed Qiao finally left. Linghu Sisi took out her clothes and put them on, and then stuffed a few pills to restore spiritual power and some healing pills into her mouth.

She quickly sat cross-legged and recovered, but she didn't even have any defensive measures.

Now that she has become Wang Fu's maid, she doesn't have to worry about any blind monsters attacking her, after all, her master Wang Fu is still nearby.

Wang Fu naturally knew what Linghu Sisi was thinking, and he was not annoyed. After emerging from the ground, he glanced at Linghu Sisi who was healing and recovering her spiritual power, and then ignored her and began to plan the next action.

He murmured in his heart:

"Slaving this witch is equivalent to having an additional helper with great charm. It will be much easier to enslave the White Bone Master with the "Slave God Seal".

"When the time comes, I will lead the two of them to appear in front of the Gu Taoist, and his expression will definitely be very exciting."

After nearly two hours, Linghu Sisi opened her eyes, and her peach blossom eyes returned to their seductive state. Obviously, not only has her strength been fully restored, but her injuries have also basically healed.

She immediately stood up, knelt on one knee, and saluted Wang Fu respectfully:

"Your servant Linghu Sisi greets the master..."

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