"What a man, huh!"

Hearing this, Xiao Bailong raised his head and opened his mouth again to hear a somewhat embarrassed female voice:

"You want to say that I am not a male dragon, but a female dragon."

Wang Fu heard this and touched his nose. He was a little dumbfounded and did not answer. Instead, he stretched out his hand and manipulated the "Tianhuan Pearl" three feet away to fall into the palm of his hand. Then he spoke slowly:

"No matter who you are, male or female, you should tell me what is going on, and who are you? Where is your identity? Also, I would like to remind you, don't use the words of the Tianhuan Sect's leader again. ”

Although the "Tianhuan Pearl" was only initially refined, as long as he had this pearl in his hand, he was not worried about the sudden appearance of the little white dragon having any evil intentions.

"What's going on? Origin? Haha... You have refined the 'Tian Huan Pearl', and you still ask me about its origin? Am I not the spirit of this bead?" Xiao Bailong shook his paw, and finally felt a little After adapting, he stood on the white jade ground with his head held high and spoke with a sneer.

"Of course I know that you are the weapon spirit of the 'Tianhuan Pearl', and I already knew that you are not the master of the Tianhuan Sect. From the beginning to the end, you are just the weapon spirit. What I want to know is that you have been here since After tens of thousands of years, why did you choose me to trick me?" Wang Fu's expression turned cold, his brows furrowed, and his voice became cold.

"You think I'm willing to spend all my energy to cast illusions on you? If it weren't for the unique ability of your spiritual beast that helps me, I wouldn't even pay attention to you. It's a pity that I fell short in the end." Xiao Bailong seemed to curl his lips and said in a cold voice At first he was nonchalant, then he sighed, and then he seemed to have discovered something crucial, and his eyes widened, "Wait a minute, you knew I was a weapon spirit?"

"Someone must have leaked it to those three old guys, huh!"

After Wang Fu heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly. As for Xiao Bailong's last words, he had no intention of responding at all.

After a moment, he suddenly held the "Tianhuan Pearl" in one hand and raised the other hand, and the Ziyun Dan Fire reappeared.

"What are you going to do? Although your Purple Rhyme Pill Fire can restrain magic weapons, the 'Heavenly Magic Pearl' is not as simple as magic weapons. What you can initially refine is already incredible, and you want to go further? Unless you condense the Nascent Soul, it's almost the same." When Xiao Bailong saw Wang Fu's actions, a vague look of vigilance suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then he immediately made a mocking expression.

"Really?" Wang Fu smiled softly and spoke calmly, "Although Wang has only preliminary refined the 'Tian Huan Bead' and can only drive a small part of the power of this bead, it happens that Wang can activate it. There is a jade bone in the area. I don't know if this bone can withstand the burning of my Ziyun Dan fire. Maybe refining this bone can enhance my control over the 'Tianhuan Pearl'."

Upon hearing this, the little white dragon's expression suddenly changed, and the dragon eyes staring at Wang Fu suddenly became fierce. But just a moment later, it seemed to be deflated, and all of its momentum suddenly disappeared.

"Hey..." it sighed heavily, a little depressed, "You don't have to test me anymore. The jade bone in the 'Tianhuan Pearl' is my natal dragon bone. If you destroy it, my sanity will be lost." It will completely dissipate and become a walking zombie that only obeys orders, which is equivalent to being completely dead. "

"It's been so long ago that I can't remember many things clearly. I vaguely remember that tens of thousands of years ago, for some reason, I placed myself in the 'Heavenly Magic Pearl'. I relied on my natal Dragon Bone White to prevent my mind from being wiped out by this pearl, and I used the spirit of the weapon to Now tens of thousands of years have passed, although my natal dragon bone has become one with this bead, my sanity is still maintained by the dragon bone. If not, tens of thousands of years without practice, the years would have completely wiped me out. Lost."

After Xiao Bailong said this, a jade light flashed from his body, and a huge aura suddenly rose from his body.

Wang Fu's heart trembled, and he immediately showed a vigilant look. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness poured into the "Tian Huan Bead". If the little white dragon had any bad intentions, he would use this bead to balance it.

"You don't have to be so alert. You are now the master of the 'Tian Huan Pearl', so I can't use any means against you. My dragon body is very weak now and it's not convenient to use, so I just transformed into a human form." Xiaobai Longwang After taking a look at Wang Fu, a cold voice came from his mouth.

After Wang Fu heard this, he was slightly startled, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The aura exuding from the little white dragon at the moment was not much weaker than him.

After the little white dragon finished speaking, the dragon's body immediately bloomed with dazzling jade light, and then spun and turned into a small whirlwind. When Wang Fu saw this, he subconsciously took two steps back.

Then, he saw the little white dragon's body swell in the whirlwind of jade light, and quickly changed, and a graceful figure was vaguely visible.

The jade light faded away, and a beautiful, somewhat unreal woman in a white jade dress came out. Wang Fu looked closely and found that the vertical pupils of the opponent's eyes had disappeared and turned into a pair of clear black pupils, but there were a pair of small jade dragon horns on both sides of his forehead.

In addition, this woman has a tall and slender body, delicate and white appearance, just like a human woman, and her elegant behavior is full of an indescribable unique charm. She is simply more gentle, sober and refined than ordinary ladies.

A pair of bare smooth jade feet gently stepped on the white jade ground. The woman bowed slightly, and the two white jade lights on her chest trembled, making Wang Fu couldn't help but look sideways at her.

If it weren't for the pair of jade horns on his forehead, who would have known that the other party was the legendary dragon?

"Dragon Girl Ao Yu, I met Taoist friend."

The tone of the little white dragon who turned into a dragon girl seemed to become softer and more charming. After she stood up, she raised her head and smiled sweetly at Wang Fu.

Even though Wang Fu had good concentration, he couldn't help but lose his concentration slightly at this moment. After a few breaths, he spoke with a normal expression:

"Is this an illusion, or your true appearance?"

"Fellow Daoist, you are holding the 'Heavenly Illusion Pearl', and you should have the answer in your heart. I should have reached the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul when I was alive. I have survived two transformation disasters, one of which shed my dragon body and the other shed my dragon scales. Now I only have this pair of dragon horns. But I am now a weapon spirit, and after tens of thousands of years, my cultivation has fallen to the late stage of the Golden Core. I don't know if I still have the chance to survive the final third transformation disaster." The woman who turned into a dragon girl and called herself Ao Yu lowered her head and sighed quietly, her eyes full of dejection.

After hearing this, Wang Fu nodded slightly and no longer doubted the authenticity of the other party's appearance.

Then Ao Yu looked up at Wang Fu, and a cold voice came slowly:

"Fellow Daoist has an extraordinary mind, which Ao Yu has never seen in his life. Now that fellow Daoist has refined the 'Heavenly Illusion Pearl', Ao Yu, as the spirit of this pearl, has to serve fellow Daoist as the master."

"I know that fellow Daoist has many doubts in his heart, and Ao Yu will think about it for a while..."

After Ao Yu finished speaking, he bowed slightly, then frowned and continued to speak.

"I believe you also know that once the spirit of any demon, ghost, spirit or ghost is refined into a weapon spirit, it should lose its mind and can only be driven by the weapon it inhabits. Although I am a dragon, I am no exception. If it were not for the protection of my natal dragon bone, the one standing in front of you now would be just an emotionless puppet. However, in that case, you would not be able to obtain the 'Heavenly Illusion Pearl', haha... Even if I have preserved my mind, I have lost a lot of memories after tens of thousands of years, and even the memory of how I became a weapon spirit is vague. I can only vaguely remember that I am from the white dragon clan, my name is Ao Yu, and I have forgotten most of the things in my life." As she spoke, Ao Yu lifted the hem of her skirt, raised her exposed smooth jade feet, and walked a few steps lightly and carefully, as if she was recalling the meaning of her first transformation tens of thousands of years ago.

"White dragon clan? Are there many types of dragons?" Wang Fu raised his eyebrows and spoke curiously.

"That should be it. My memory is incomplete, but there seems to be a faint golden dragon figure in the depths of my memory." Ao Yu frowned and said thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Wang Fu also knew that asking the other party about his life would not give him any clues.

"Okay, since your memory is incomplete, I won't ask any more questions, but you have to tell me the cause and effect of what happened in the White Jade Hall." Wang Fu narrowed his eyes and asked again.

Hearing Wang Fu's somewhat cold voice, Ao Yu looked up and gave him a cold look:

"What else is there to say."

"For some reason, this 'Heavenly Illusion Pearl' fell to the center of this mountain range, and although I am a spirit, I am restricted by the restrictions of this pearl itself. The spirit of the spirit cannot come out and has been trapped here for tens of thousands of years..."

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