"The villain Ren Dawei pays homage to the four immortals and wishes them great blessings and longevity."

The village chief fell to the ground and shouted loudly.

Other villagers also bowed to the ground.

"I wish the immortal great blessings and longevity..."

Obviously, this is not the first time that the villagers of Renjia Village have done such a thing.

"Village chief, please get up and take us to the scene of the incident. Others don't have to follow." Tan Shanyuan stretched out his hand slightly, and invisible force helped Ren Dawei up.

"Don't worry, Immortal, I understand." Ren Dawei immediately called many villagers to leave, leaving only two smart-looking young men to follow.

"All immortals, please come with me."

"Well, tell me what happened in Renjia Village from beginning to end, down to the smallest details." Tan Shanyuan said.

"Wait a minute." Village Chief Ren was about to speak when he was interrupted by Sun Liang, "Tan Shanyuan, you investigate here yourself while I go look around."

Tan Shanyuan frowned. He just wanted to complete the task as soon as possible and return to his life. He didn't want to cause any complications. However, Sun Liang had the skills and abilities. He could not restrict this guy's actions. He could only nod in agreement: "Pay attention to safety. If there is anything, I will call you."

Sun Liang waved his hand without looking back.

"Xiao Cheng, take the immortal for a walk." Village Chief Ren quickly called to a young man beside him. The young man nodded with a smile and quickly followed.

Watching Sun Liang leave, Tan Shanyuan just asked him not to cause trouble. He looked at Ren Dawei and said, "Village Chief Ren, please continue."

Wang Fu and Dong Xin beside him also looked at Ren Dawei. As for where Sun Liang went, Wang Fu had no control over it.

"Hey..." Village Chief Ren sighed, and then he said, "This matter has to start a month ago..."


As the sun sets and night falls, a thunder pierces the sky, followed by rain pouring down, dissipating the heat of midsummer.

A fair-skinned scholar carrying a suitcase and cage was walking quickly in the rain with an oil lamp that flickered on and off. Suddenly he saw a flickering light not far away, and he couldn't help but speed up in joy.

Lightning shook the sky, and the sudden light illuminated the stone monument on the roadside behind the scholar, Renjia Village.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

The scholar's voice was soft and weak, knocking on the nearest courtyard door, and soon there were footsteps. It was a middle-aged woman.

The woman looked the scholar up and down, and saw that the scholar was carrying a heavy suitcase and cage on his back. She immediately understood that this was a candidate who was going to the imperial capital to take the exam. "Young master, come in quickly. The rain has wet your clothes, so I'm afraid you may catch a cold."

"Thank you, Auntie." The scholar wiped the rain off his face and followed the woman through the courtyard and into the brightly lit room.

"You're welcome, young master. I think you are going to the imperial capital to take the exam. There are a few candidates in our village, but it's a pity that you have been gone for a few days. Otherwise, you can still be with the young master." The woman brought it with a smile. A bowl of ginger soup, "Come on, wet your clothes, drink a bowl of ginger soup quickly to avoid catching a cold."

Without enough time to say thank you, the scholar put down the basket behind him and quickly took the steaming ginger soup. Holding the pottery bowl in his small hands, he blew on the edge of the bowl with his small mouth, first tentatively touched his lips, and then took a few big sips of the ginger soup. It entered the belly.

My stomach suddenly felt warm.

"Let me get you some clothes to change first. It's not good to wear something wet all the time." The woman smiled kindly, turned around and entered the inner room. After a while, she took out a set of clothes and came out, "This belongs to my man. Don’t worry, young master, the clothes are clean and not dirty.”

The soaked clothes stuck to his body. The scholar felt uncomfortable all over. He didn't care about anything else at the moment. He just hesitated and took the clothes handed over by the woman, "Thank you, aunt, I still have a few taels of silver in the box..."

"What kind of money are you asking? A piece of clothing is not worth a few cents. Auntie is not helping you just for money." The woman shook her head with a smile on her face, "No one has trouble when going out, not to mention that the young master is still a candidate who is rushing to take the exam. There are also students in our village who are going to the imperial capital. If the young master goes to high school in the future, we will also take advantage of him. "

"Go change your clothes first and go to my room."

"Yes." The scholar was moved and entered the inner room.

The furnishings in the house are simple, with an unobstructed view, and an oil lamp illuminates the entire house.

The scholar thought for a while, locked the door, looked around, and then carefully took off the clothes that made him extremely uncomfortable.

Under the clothes, a thick white cloth wrapped around the chest...

Outside the courtyard, a middle-aged man carrying a hoe came back from the heavy rain. As soon as he opened the courtyard door, he saw the inner room was brightly lit. Under the soft lights, a graceful figure was looming.


The man swallowed hard, not caring that he was still standing in the pouring rain.

"You have such a damn good figure, the front is curved and the back is curved. Is this my girl?"

Even the heavy rain could not extinguish the fire in the parched man's heart. He put down the hoe inadvertently and tiptoed quietly to the side of the house. When he looked through the gap, his eyes widened.

He swallowed his saliva one after another until the man in the house opened the door wearing familiar clothes.

"It's so damn beautiful... If I could touch it, it would be worth dying for."

After washing his face with rainwater, he calmed down after a while. The man shouted loudly outside the door: "My mother, I'm back."

In the house, the woman was talking to the scholar about how it was a pity that her daughter had married away from home, otherwise she would have to introduce her to the scholar, when she heard her husband's voice outside the house.

"My man is back."

"Uncle is back?" The scholar stood up.

When the door was opened, the tall figure of the man appeared. The scholar felt his eyes darken, and the uncle he had never met was in front of him.

"Mother, who is this?" The man looked at the thin scholar, but his head was full of spring scenery he saw outside the house.

"This is the young master who went to the imperial capital to take the exam. It rained heavily, so I welcomed him into my house." The woman smiled and took a handkerchief to wipe the rain off the man's body.

"I meet the uncle, sorry to bother you." The scholar took a step back and then greeted him.

"So that's the case. It's a small matter. The young master can stay here and wait until the rain stops." The man laughed heartily, but his eyes never left the scholar's body, constantly looking up and down.

"Mother, clean up our daughter's room for this young master. I'm going to take a bath in the backyard."

"If you say so, it would have been cleaned up long ago." The woman threw the towel at the man and scolded him with a smile.

The man scratched his head and went straight to the backyard to take a bath.

The scholar was relieved to see this. He always felt that the uncle looked at him in a strange way.

"Young master, come with me and rest for a night."

Then the scholar went to her daughter's former room under the guidance of the woman.

There were thunders at night and heavy rains fell continuously until the early hours of the morning.

A thin figure tiptoed and carried a box on his back and quietly left the yard where he had stayed for a night.

It was the scholar.

The scholar did not sleep all night and always felt that the uncle looked at him with ill intentions. So, as soon as the rain stopped, he left two taels of silver on the table and left without saying goodbye.

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