Dong Family Secret Room.

Three skinny old men with gray hair sat cross-legged on a mat, eyes closed and motionless, with a weak breath, seemingly without any life. As the door of the secret room opened, a ball of bright yellow flame fell into the flame pool, and the originally dark secret room was instantly illuminated.

"Shen'er greets the three ancestors."

Dong Shen entered the secret room and greeted them respectfully.

The auras of the three skinny old men gradually became stronger, as if they had come back to life. An unpleasant sound like the friction of rusty gears slowly sounded:

"When people get old, they don't want to move."

"It's my fault for disturbing the ancestor's meditation." Dong Shen knelt on the ground, "It's true that Wang Fu has left Luoyu Sect, and the ancestor needs to make a decision."

"Since he has left the sect, send the family members to surround and kill him."

Seeing that the ancestor was a little unhappy, Dong Shen hurriedly spoke:

"What the ancestor doesn't know is that Wang Fu has taken the foundation-building pill and his cultivation has broken through the thirteenth major perfection of Qi Refining. Moreover, he has accepted the task of monitoring the secular dynasty of Daxia this time. In addition to him, there is also a person with the same cultivation as him, the person in the family who has reached the thirteenth major perfection of Qi Refining... …There are only three people, and I am afraid that the mission will fail, so I asked the ancestor for instructions. "

"The thirteen major perfections of Qi Refining... Foundation Building Pill..." The leading old man snorted angrily, "Humph, Luoyu Sect would rather give the Foundation Building Pill to a waste with five elements and mixed spiritual roots than to give it to our affiliated cultivation families. It's really hateful."

"This matter must be kept secret. Dong Yue and Dong Chang who are in Luoyu Sect must not act rashly. Dong Xing, you go and move around."

After the voice fell, the old man on the left in a black robe slowly raised his head, nodded and said in a hoarse voice:

"Don't worry, second uncle, it's just the Qi Refining Realm, you can't escape from my palm."

"Don't take it lightly because it is related to the rise of my Dong family." The leading old man reminded.

The old man called Dong Xing slowly stood up from the futon, walked down the platform with a hunched back, and stared at Dong Shen with a pair of eagle eyes:

"Let's go."

"Grandmaster Dong Xing, this is the magic weapon mother-child tracking plate sent back by Uncle Dong Yue of Luoyu Sect. Wang Fu is carrying the magic weapon's beads, which can be used to find Wang Fu within a hundred miles." Dong Shen took out a magic weapon that looked like a five-inch stone plate from his storage bag and handed it to Dong Xing respectfully.

"A hundred miles of tracking? That's enough."

Dong Xing waved his sleeves, and the magic weapon disappeared. Then the whole person turned into a trail of residual images like a ghost and disappeared in an instant.



The Great Xia Imperial City is called Xiadu, a towering city located in the northeast of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Wang Fu and Jiang Yan drove the flying magic weapon all the way, stopping and starting, and finally arrived at Xiadu after less than half a month.

"The secular city is not like the world of immortals. Try not to show your magic in front of mortals, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble. We can just pretend to be secular martial artists."

Jiang Yan has been doing missions outside for many years and has a lot of experience in traveling in the world. Wang Fu can't compare. If you can't use magic, you can't fly. Jiang Yan took Wang Fu to buy a horse in the city to use as a means of transportation.

This was Wang Fu's first time riding a horse. He was very unfamiliar with it, but fortunately he quickly adapted to it. After all, it was an ordinary horse. Wang Fu showed a little momentum and the horse was obedient.

Seeing that Wang Fu quickly adapted to the ordinary horse, Jiang Yan was a little disappointed. He still wanted to see Wang Fu make a fool of himself. Since he didn't have this good fortune, he would quickly do business. He said:

"Let's go to Yuanyang Tower first. The people from Wanfamen should be waiting for us."

"Yuanyang Tower? This name is quite strange."

Wang Fu thought the name was very good.

"Nothing strange. Xiadu, as the most prosperous and wealthy capital of the Great Xia Kingdom, has everything. In addition to the Yuanyang Tower, there are also the Qingfeng Tower and the Yingxian Tower... It's just that the Yuanyang Tower is the secular industry of the Xianmen." Jiang Yan's face was calm and unperturbed.

Riding on tall horses, the two galloped through the streets of the city and soon arrived at a five-story exquisite attic.

It was the Yuanyang Tower.

The two handed the horses to the waiter of the restaurant, and after revealing their identities to the shopkeeper, they came to the highest point of the Yuanyang Tower under the respectful guidance of the shopkeeper.

"Go down and get some good wine and food."

Jiang Yan waved his hand to send the shopkeeper away, and then he and Wang Fu walked to the window of the attic, where a man and a woman were tasting spiritual tea.

"Finally here, the mission is over and we can go back to the Xianmen." The man nodded gently to the woman, and then stood up and looked at Wang Fu and the others.

Smiling and bowing:

"But you are the senior brother who will take over my husband and I's supervision of the Great Xia royal family?"

Wang Fu and Jiang Yan looked at each other and replied:

"Wang Fu of Luoyu Sect."

"Jiang Yan of Luoyu Sect."

"Hello, both of you."

"Haha... my husband and I have been waiting for a long time," the man came forward, quite cheerful. The woman beside him was not as beautiful as a beauty, but gentle and generous. "My younger brother Guo Donglai, this is my wife Yin Yun."

"Hello, my senior brothers." Yin Yun smiled slightly and bowed.

"You're welcome."

Wang Fu smiled. Neither he nor Jiang Yan expected that they would be dealing with a couple. The world of immortal cultivation is not like the secular world. Not many people can become Taoist couples. The life span of an immortal cultivator is linked to his cultivation. The higher the realm, the longer the life span. No one wants to see his lover leave him because of the end of his life span.

This is very easy to give rise to demons.

Guo Donglai flipped his hand and a jade token with the word "Supervision" engraved on it appeared. He looked at Wang Fu and the others with an apologetic look on his face:

"This is the token for the six major immortal sects to monitor the task. Please show my wife and I the identity token of Luoyu Sect. After confirmation, I will hand over the monitoring token to you two."

"It should be."

Wang Fu and Jiang Yan knew the rules. This is also to prevent malicious cultivators from pretending to be monitors and breaking the rules set by the six major immortal sects thousands of years ago.

The two took out their identity tokens. After Guo Donglai and Yin Yun checked, they handed the monitoring token to them.

"My two senior brothers, since the handover is completed, my wife and I will return to the immortal sect to report."

"Goodbye." The couple bowed.

Wang Fu and Jiang Yan returned the greeting: "Goodbye."

Guo Donglai and Yin Yun left, and the shopkeeper of Yuanyang Tower also came up with wine and food. After putting the wine and food away, he quietly retreated without saying a word. It is obvious that the shopkeeper knows the limits.

Yuanyanglou is indeed a famous restaurant in the summer capital. The dishes are fresh and delicious. Wang Fu and his wife couldn't help but feast on them, especially the most famous Yuanyang fish in Yuanyanglou, which was quickly eaten.

After eating and drinking, the two looked out the window at the world and rested for a while.

"It is said that the people of Wanfamen are very arrogant, but Guo Donglai and his wife are humble and polite, which is inconsistent with the rumors." Wang Fu said while picking his teeth.

Jiang Yan shook his head:

"You are wrong. I have met many people from Wanfamen. They are the most arrogant among the six major sects. They are always domineering. Guo Donglai and his wife are the exception."

"It seems that you, Jiang, have suffered a loss at the hands of Wanfamen?" Wang Fu joked. Seeing Jiang Yan nod, his face changed immediately, "Don't worry, I will help you get back next time."

"It's just Wanfamen..."

"Wanfamen is the strongest among the six major sects. It is rumored that the supreme elder of Wanfamen is a great man in the late Nascent Soul stage. He is terrifyingly powerful and the strongest cultivator in Daxia." Jiang Yan spoke seriously.

Wang Fu was speechless.

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