However, before using it on the Soul Devouring Ants, Zhou Daocheng still needs to make some other attempts.

He first led the innate purple qi out of his body and tried to absorb it himself.

If he succeeded, he might be able to further improve his talent and strength, which would bring greater value and be more practical than cultivating the Soul Devouring Ants.

Unfortunately, after many attempts, there was no effect.

His own body did not react to the innate purple qi at all. It just wandered in his body and could not be absorbed.

"Is it because I am the breeder of the innate purple qi that I cannot absorb it?"

Zhou Daocheng was a little confused, so he found Zhou Daoyuan who was practicing.

Using the same method, he tried to integrate the innate purple qi into Daoyuan's body, but unfortunately the result still disappointed him.

The situation was the same as in his own body. The purple qi just wandered in his body and could not be absorbed deeply at all.

Zhou Daocheng sighed and had no choice but to give up this idea.

Returning to the underground cave again, Zhou Daocheng excitedly brought the innate purple qi close to the queen ant.

The innate purple energy fluctuated slightly, and soon turned into thousands of tiny threads, which quickly merged into the queen ant's body.

The queen ant chirped softly, and her breath also changed slightly, and a layer of light purple halo appeared on the surface of her body.

Zhou Daocheng understood that this was the process of the queen ant absorbing the innate purple energy. After completely absorbing this power, the queen ant would also change.

It was just unclear what kind of changes would happen to the queen ant?

Level improvement? Potential enhancement? Or other aspects of improvement?

The absorption time lasted for five hours.

It was not until noon the next day that the purple halo on the queen ant slowly dissipated and completely merged into her body.

The queen ant itself also underwent a huge change, which made Zhou Daocheng open his eyes wide to check.

First of all, the queen ant's shell, which was originally a dark and shiny luster, but now a layer of purple mysterious lines appeared in the shell.

This made the shell more tough and the breath more powerful, as if it was more difficult to break.

Moreover, after a simple trial, Zhou Daocheng found that the current carapace can prevent the invasion of flames to a great extent, and the defense ability has been greatly improved.

The mouthparts of the queen ant have also become as tough as magic weapons, and the combat ability has been further improved.

In addition, the strength and physical fitness of the queen ant seem to have been strengthened, much stronger than the other second-level soul-devouring ant.

However, the queen ant's strength did not last too long. If it wants to truly become a queen ant, it must give up its own powerful strength and transform into a queen ant dedicated to reproduction.

And the special abilities it has after the change of innate purple qi will also be passed on to its descendants through blood, breeding a new soul-devouring ant colony!

After only one day, the queen ant began to transform.

She shed her hard shell and transformed into a fat body, truly becoming the queen ant in an ant colony.

When Zhou Daocheng saw this scene, he knew that the reproduction of the soul-devouring ant colony was about to begin.

However, it still takes a lot of time to develop into a powerful tribe.

Zhou Daocheng opened up a new spirit beast room in the underground cave, with an area of ​​about 20 square meters, which was specially used to place the spirit swallowing ant queen and to breed the spirit swallowing ants.

At the same time, he also took out a part of the second-level spirit honey and fed it to the weak queen ant to help it recover as soon as possible and enter the breeding period as soon as possible.

The male spirit swallowing ant has been tied up because Zhou Daocheng did not use the spirit secret method to control it.

But now, with the appearance of the queen ant, Zhou Daocheng can directly control this male spirit swallowing ant through the queen's ability.

After putting it into the spirit beast room together, Zhou Daocheng no longer cares about it. After all, he doesn't know how the ant colony should reproduce.

Moreover, Zhou Daocheng still has a lot of things to do.

On the one hand, the spiritual fertile soil in the ant nest needs to be collected and transported in time. This kind of high-quality soil-like natural treasure has extremely high value.

On the other hand, the water-repellent stone promised by the Spirit Snake Sect also needs to be transported back as soon as possible, which may be of great use.

Finally, for the development of the family, Zhou Daocheng plans to send a batch of spirit honey back.

The Zhou family is now in a state of disrepair. With the death of Zhou Yonghan, the "Yong" generation of the Zhou family has completely withdrawn from the stage of history and become a thing of the past.

As the backbone of the "Chang" generation, there are not many people left now because of the death of the elders.

The "Shou" generation is not prosperous to begin with. Not only are there fewer people, but the overall strength is also very weak. Zhou Shourong, the only "Shou" generation elder who has reached the ninth level of Qi training, also died while escorting the foundation-building pill.

Therefore, the most important thing for the Zhou family now is to cultivate the "Dao" generation!

The newborn child represents a new hope and also implies that a new era for the Zhou family is coming.

However, in order to buy the foundation-building pill, the family has almost exhausted all the resources in the family and is no longer able to cultivate offspring.

At most, they can catch some white-scaled sea bass and use the fish meat to make food to barely improve the child's physique.

If they are more extravagant, they can also take some fish eggs. Apart from this, there is nothing else that can be supplied.

It can be said that the foundation-building pill overdraws the family's foundation and heritage, and while maintaining the present, it overdraws the future potential.

However, once this batch of spiritual honey is supplied, everything will change.

There is only 1.5 liters of the second-level low-grade spiritual honey, so Zhou Daocheng naturally couldn't bear to give it away, so he kept it for himself.

Although there are 8.5 liters of first-grade high-quality spiritual honey, Zhou Daocheng needs to use this quality of spiritual honey himself.

Moreover, he also needs to allocate a part of it to cultivate the power of Shanhai Sect and supply the newly bred soul-devouring ant queen.

Therefore, only the first-grade medium-quality spiritual honey was sent back to the family, 30 liters were sent back, and 10 liters were kept for himself.

The first-grade medium-quality spiritual honey can be slightly reduced in quality after being diluted with spiritual springs, which is just suitable for younger clan members to eat.

Moreover, Zhou Daocheng is least distressed about this quality of spiritual honey, because as the soul-devouring ants multiply, the first spiritual honey that can be brewed is the first-grade medium-low quality, which can be replenished soon.

The task of transporting spiritual honey was given to Zhao Yunzhi, after all, no one else could arrange it.

By the way, Zhou Daocheng also gave Zhao Yunzhi a small can of first-grade medium-quality spiritual honey as a travel fee, and also thanked her for her great contribution to the innate purple energy, which was just enough to replenish her body.

The collection of fertile spiritual soil was handed over to Lin Yuan, Huang Zhuo and others.

Lin Yuan was responsible for escorting them to the ant cave, while Huang Zhuo and other seventh-level Qi Refining cultivators were mainly responsible for mining and transportation.

As for the purchase of water-repellent stones, Meng Yueshan contacted the Spirit Snake Sect.

Now, the two forces have just gone through a close cooperation, and the relationship is in the honeymoon period, so they get along very well.

In the purchase of water-repellent stones, Meng Yueshan was also given a great discount, and there was almost no plan to make money.

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