"I have asked someone to estimate that according to normal standards, the net income that a small island can bring in a year is about 1,000 spirit stones, but my requirement for you is 1,300 spirit stones. As for how to earn these spirit stones, it is something you need to consider yourself."

"My requirement is that you must hand in 1,300 low-grade spirit stones at the end of each year."

"If there are any extra, you can accumulate the remaining spirit stones, whether to buy resources for cultivation or continue to purchase industries, but I will make a comprehensive judgment on your abilities after three years."

"The same goes for you, Zhao Yunzhi. Although you are not a member of my Zhou family, I will also give you this opportunity, but the judging standard will be higher than that of others. I hope you are prepared."

Zhao Yunzhi was not very excited, but thought about these words seriously, frowning slightly.

"Finally, there is Dodge. From now on, you will be responsible for managing the Zhou family's Hundred Equipment Pavilion. The standard is also 1,300 spirit stones. After three years, you three will be comprehensively evaluated."

When all the requirements were said, the clansmen stopped talking.

Since the head of the family has arranged everything, it means that it is not a spur-of-the-moment decision, but has been carefully considered.

Zhou Changyi has been the head of the family for decades, and everyone knows his character. If he makes such a decision, it is definitely not something that others can easily change.

And more importantly, when everyone carefully tasted Zhou Changyi's arrangement, they found that it was not so difficult to accept.

Especially on the point of Zhao Yunzhi, everyone was worried before whether Zhou Changyi would really give her the foundation-building quota.

But after just listening to the rules, there was no such concern.

First of all, the final comprehensive judgment is entirely determined by Zhou Changyi's subjective consciousness.

Could he really leave the Zhou family and choose an outsider?

In essence, among these four people, Zhou Daocheng and Zhao Yunzhi are naturally at a disadvantage.

Zhou Daobai, the eldest of the Dao generation, has the widest network of resources, and the fifth elder Zhou Changhai is his grandfather, and the seventh elder Zhou Shourong is his uncle. The resources he has are far beyond the reach of others.

Zhou Daoqi, the most talented weapon refiner of this generation in the family, this title alone is enough to bring him a huge advantage.

For a family, letting a clan member with immortal cultivation skills break through the foundation-building period will definitely bring greater value.

After breaking through to the foundation-building period, there is a high probability that he will become a second-level weapon refiner, and he will have a longer lifespan and can continue to bring a lot of wealth to the family.

Therefore, Zhou Changyi also had his own selfish motives in arranging Zhou Daoqi, arranging him in the shop in Sifang Market.

The net income of Zhou's Baiqi Pavilion in a year is definitely more than 1,300 spirit stones, and it is likely to be more than 1,500, and there is a lot of oil and water, and the income is very stable.

There are also family elders who stay in the shop all year round to support. With their help, Zhou Daoqi naturally has a huge advantage and almost no possibility of losing.

After thinking carefully and figuring it out, everyone already understood what the head of the family meant.

Such an arrangement actually showed Zhou Changyi's attitude: Zhou Daoqi and Zhou Daobai were actually the ones he preferred.

Zhao Yunzhi was clear-headed. Although she knew that she didn't have much chance, she still accepted it calmly.

For her, even if she couldn't get the chance to break through the foundation, this opportunity was of great significance.

At least it gave her the opportunity to work hard and a way to obtain cultivation resources. As long as she developed well enough, she could accumulate a lot of resources.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yunzhi suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but smile bitterly: This Zhou family patriarch's means are really amazing.

Giving oneself an illusory hope not only makes oneself more identified with the Zhou family, but also makes oneself willing to make money for the Zhou family and hone other children in the family. It really kills three birds with one stone.


The ancestor worship just ended.

Zhou Daocheng received the official notice from the patriarch: within three days, set off for Bailin Lake immediately.

Bailin Lake is the name of this new settlement. It has been completely divided into one of the Zhou family settlements, and named Bailin Lake according to its specialty white-scaled perch.

Looking at the notification letter in his hand, Zhou Daocheng felt that the world was unpredictable. He had just settled down for a short time, and he had to start running again.

But on second thought, this matter has a hundred benefits and no harm.

Bailin Island is far away from Tianchi Mountain, about half a month's journey, and it is in the depths of uninhabited and undeveloped wilderness, and the location is more hidden.

Full of security!

At that time, just find a small island to settle down, whether it is planting purple air green spirit bamboo or arranging a gathering spirit formation to assist in cultivation, there is no need to worry about being discovered.

As for the four-person competition?

Others can't see through the head of the family, but he sees it clearly. No matter how hard he tries, he will definitely not get the chance to build the foundation.

As for the position of the head of the family? Looking at the head of the family working day and night and looking old before his time, you know this is not a good job. It's too late to hide, so how can you rush to work like a slave?

When Zhou Daocheng was thinking, a smiling voice suddenly sounded: "Sixth brother, you will soon become a competitor. Do you have any plans? Let me steal them!"

"Brother Daobai." Zhou Daocheng also smiled and shook his head helplessly: "Brother, your method of stealing intelligence is to just ask directly?"

"Hahaha, isn't it very clever?" Zhou Daobai laughed heartily and put his arm around his shoulders affectionately, without any unfamiliarity at all.

The Zhou family is a small family with only a few members, so the relationship between the younger generations is very close, almost like full brothers.

Although it is a competition, where can we compete? They are all working hard for the family inheritance.

The two chatted and laughed for a while, and Zhou Daobai suddenly became serious and asked: "Daocheng, tell me honestly, do you also want to compete for the qualifications to build a foundation?"

Zhou Daocheng was stunned for a moment and replied: "Brother, why did you say this?"

Zhou Daobai sighed and said helplessly: "I'm just worried that fighting for a foundation-building qualification will ruin the friendship between brothers! I don't know what the head of the family thinks, but... ugh!"

After hearing this, Zhou Daocheng smiled and comforted: "Brother, don't worry, there is no suspense about who this Foundation Establishment Pill will eventually belong to."

"how do I say this?"

"As a weapon refiner, fourth brother's cultivation talent is as good as ours, so he must be the most suitable candidate. I guess this is also what the family elders mean."

Hearing what Zhou Daocheng said, Zhou Daocheng did not show any doubts. Instead, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"It turns out that you see it so clearly. It's useless for me to worry about it, brother! But don't be discouraged. Although there is no hope for the Foundation Establishment Pill, you will be the head of the family. Brother Daobai will personally assist you, and you will definitely be able to develop the family. grow."

Hearing what Zhou Daobai said, Zhou Daocheng couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. This is the friendship in the family, simple and pure.

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