After collecting the spiritual spring liquid, Zhou Daocheng returned to the island along the passage. He first checked the Yuehua wine brewed earlier. After three months of precipitation, the wine aroma began to appear, but the quality was not yet at its best.

However, Zhou Daocheng was not prepared to wait any longer and planned to sell it directly for spiritual stones.

"If the Yuehua wine can be exchanged for enough spiritual stones, it is better not to show the spiritual spring liquid as much as possible. Otherwise, it is too dangerous with my strength. If someone with ulterior motives targets me, I am afraid that I will be killed." Zhou Daocheng was secretly alert and had made a decision in his heart.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not show that you have spiritual spring water in front of everyone.

After counting the 30 jars of Yuehua wine and putting them all in the storage bag, he rowed away from the island.

Half a month's journey passed in a flash.

Because it was the first time to go there and I was not familiar with the route, I was delayed for a few days on the road and arrived at Baihefang City for nearly 20 days.

Zhou Daocheng came in a hurry, looking at the tall and simple bluestone city wall in front of him, with traces of historical erosion, as if it had come across a long time, solemn and prosperous.

On the tall and majestic city gate, there were four heavy and gilded characters - Baihefang City!

After paying a spirit stone, Zhou Daocheng walked into the market, and saw shops lined up on both sides of the street, with all kinds of shops, teahouses, wine shops, pill shops, magic weapon pavilions... all compactly arranged together.

The sound of discussion, hawking, shouting... was endless, showing the prosperity and prosperity here everywhere.

Zhou Daocheng adhered to the principle of being careful and low-key, walked cautiously on the street, and looked around at the shops here.

The main purpose of this visit was to buy materials, but the premise of buying materials was to have spirit stones. So the most urgent thing was to sell Yuehua Brewing and raise a sum of spirit stones first.

There were many restaurants here, and there were a lot of people bustling and the atmosphere was hot and noisy, but this was not Zhou Daocheng's goal.

Large restaurants like this, although they have a great demand for alcoholic beverages, are unlikely to purchase idle spiritual wines. They have special suppliers or can brew spiritual wines themselves.

So Zhou Daocheng went straight to a grocery store. The store was not big and there were not many people, but the store looked very old, so it seemed that there were many stores.

"What do you need, sir? Do you need to buy cultivation resources or sell materials?" The shopkeeper smiled and asked enthusiastically.

Zhou Daocheng did not say much, and took out a small pot of Yuehua wine and handed it over.

The other party understood, took the wine pot calmly, sniffed it carefully, and his expression changed slightly: "First-grade middle-grade spirit wine? The quality is pretty good, and the spiritual energy is also sufficient. Do you plan to sell it?"

"Give me an estimate."

"Although this spirit wine is of good quality, the taste is not mellow enough. I think it has just been brewed. How about one catty for 4 low-grade spirit stones?"

Zhou Daocheng frowned and snorted coldly: "This price is too low. Even the most ordinary first-grade middle-grade spirit wine can be sold for five per catty. A low-grade spirit stone, a high-quality one can be sold for ten spirit stones, why is it that I only have four spirit stones? "

The old shopkeeper smiled and patiently explained: "Young friend, you don't know that this kind of scattered spirit wine brewed at home is not easy to sell because of the small quantity and unknown materials, so the price is indeed lower."

Zhou Daocheng's expression was slightly relieved. He also understood this situation. Spirit wine is like elixir. If it has a long history and comes from a big store with a reputation guarantee, it will naturally sell better.

But if it is an elixir made by a small family, even the elixir formula is not clear, and there may be problems after taking it, so the price will naturally be lower.

Zhou Daocheng thought for a while and said, "If I supply this kind of spirit wine for a long time, and the quality will be better in the future, can we negotiate the price?"

"Long-term supply?" The old man pondered for a moment and asked, "How much spirit wine do you have? How much can you provide every year in the future?"

"I have 30 catties now, and I can supply 300 catties every year in the future." Zhou Daocheng was straightforward. 300 catties was the amount he could guarantee, and he could even have some left for himself.

"300 catties?!"

The old man was shocked and raised his voice slightly, as if he didn't expect Zhou Daocheng to provide such a large amount. "Young friend, you are not joking."

"Of course."

The old shopkeeper fell into deep thought again, and after a long time, he said, "This time I will buy it at the price of five spirit stones per catty. If you can really supply 300 catties of spirit wine every year in the future, and the quality is better, I will buy it at a higher price. How about it?"

"No problem."

Zhou Daocheng knew that doing business should be viewed from a long-term perspective. There is no need to be too fussy in the early stage. Sustainable development is the key.

After the two sides reached an agreement, Zhou Daocheng sold all 30 kilograms of Yuehua wine, and exchanged for a total of 150 low-grade spirit stones.

Then, Zhou Daocheng went directly to the material shop.

This time, he planned to buy three sets of array materials, namely the cloud array, the falling stone array, and the earth defense array. The quality of the three arrays is all first-level low-grade, providing the effects of concealment, attack, and defense respectively, and the effect is better when used together.

Moreover, before leaving, he had calculated in advance that the price of materials for these three arrays is generally lower than that of the spirit gathering array, and only 120 low-grade spirit stones are needed in total.

Although prices will fluctuate, the difference will not be very large.

For safety reasons, Zhou Daocheng went to three material shops separately and purchased the required materials separately. In the end, he consumed 125 spirit stones, which was a little more than the budget, but still within an acceptable range.

The remaining 25 spiritual stones can just be used to buy seeds.

When Zhou Daocheng came to the spiritual plant seed shop, he looked at the dazzling array of seeds, which had many qualities and types, and different uses and values. He couldn't help but feel a little entangled.

At present, he has many channels to earn spiritual stones. On the one hand, he can sell Yuehua wine, on the other hand, he can also sell some diluted spiritual spring liquid, and even after he is familiar with the formation, he can sell the formation plate.

Therefore, when choosing spiritual plants, he doesn't need to consider the income of spiritual stones, but only needs to choose spiritual plants that can help improve his strength.

After all, for now, the foundation of everything is still strength. If you can't build a foundation, your future prospects will inevitably be limited.

After a careful selection, Zhou Daocheng set his sights on three kinds of seeds.

The first one, Jingyu Lingmi, is a first-grade upper-grade spiritual grain. It is crystal clear like jade and rich in extremely strong spiritual energy. If a cultivator in the Qi training period eats it for a long time, it can effectively improve the speed of cultivation.

The second type is the Earth Essence Grass, a first-grade, earth-attributed spiritual grass with a relatively rich earth-attributed energy, which can assist the cultivation speed of earth-attributed cultivators.

If it grows in an area with rich spiritual energy, it may also bloom and bear fruit, and grow more precious earth essence fruits, which will be of great help to improve your strength in the future.

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