The second formation to be arranged is the earth defense formation.

Although the difficulty is slightly increased, after all, after practicing the "Wu Tu Kun Yue Gong", the control of the earth attribute is stronger and the understanding is more thorough, so it is easier to arrange.

But at this time, Zhou Daocheng faced a new problem!

That is, the underground cave is too narrow and there is not enough space to arrange the earth defense formation.

So Zhou Daocheng could only dig and dig up the hard soil around, and expand several rooms outward without destroying the overall soil structure.

These additional spaces can not only be used to arrange formations, but also to increase the daily living area.

In the core area closest to the spiritual spring, Zhou Daocheng left it all to the purple air green spirit bamboo and black pattern lotus. The quality of these two spiritual plants is high enough and suitable for growing in an environment with high spiritual energy concentration.

In the future, if you encounter other second-level spiritual plants, you can also plant them near the spiritual spring. The surrounding soil quality is very high. It is a natural spiritual field and can grow a lot of crops.

Or some spiritual fish, spiritual clams, spiritual shrimps, etc., if they can be cultivated in the diluted spring water of the spiritual spring, they can also bring a considerable income.

Or use it yourself, which is also very beneficial to the improvement of strength.

At the edge of the underground cave of the spiritual spring, closest to the central area, Zhou Daocheng opened a practice room of about 20 square meters, with a concentration of spiritual energy at the peak of the first-grade upper grade.

If you practice directly next to the spiritual spring, the concentration of spiritual energy is as high as the second grade, which is too high for Zhou Daocheng to absorb.

The concentration of spiritual energy of the first-grade upper grade is also very rich, and it is absorbed faster, which is more beneficial to the improvement of strength.

Therefore, practicing in this range is also the final choice of Zhou Daocheng after careful consideration, multiple tests and measurements.

Next to the training room, several other types of rooms were added:

For example, a warehouse for storing daily necessities and training resources; a small spiritual field for growing crops; a bedroom for rest; a cellar for brewing Yuehua wine; a formation room for learning formations...

Almost on the original basis, another circle of rooms was added around the underground cave space, expanding the overall area a lot.

In this way, there is enough space to arrange the formation.

As the earth defense formation was arranged, the yellow spiritual energy emerged, slowly condensed under the power of the formation pattern, and distributed around the underground cave in a translucent state.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to detect the existence of the formation. Only when outsiders enter this atmosphere will they be directly excluded by the earth defense formation.

The last falling rock formation is also a formation of earth attribute, and Zhou Daocheng already has experience, so it is not very difficult to arrange it.

When the three formations completely covered the underground cave, Zhou Daocheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and a sense of security came naturally, and the heart that had been hanging for a long time was also put down.

At the same time, the blessing of the three new formations not only enhances the safety of the underground cave, but also makes the spiritual energy more concentrated, so that the concentration of spiritual energy here is higher and not easy to be discovered by others.

When Zhou Daocheng finished all this and was about to practice, the communication stone in his arms suddenly rang.

"Hey, is the second grandfather here?"

Zhou Daocheng's eyes moved, and he stood up and left the underground cave, returned to the island, and rowed to Zhou Daobai's island.

The second elder Zhou Changping led the hunting team out hunting. He happened to pass by Bailin Lake and came to check by the way. While letting the team rest, he also brought some family news that needed to be informed to the three people.

This is actually normal. The communication stone has a range limit. It cannot be used beyond a certain range. Therefore, Zhou Daocheng and the other two have been unable to communicate with the family for a long time.

If there is important information, it can only be conveyed through the second elder Zhou Changping. It happened that the second elder was hunting in the nearby area and occasionally passed by here, which was more convenient.

Zhou Daocheng did not dare to delay and rowed a small boat to the island in the center of Bailin Lake.

When they arrived, the second elders Zhou Changping and Zhao Yunzhi were already on the island.

"Second elder!" Zhou Daocheng greeted respectfully.

Zhou Changping stroked his graying beard and smiled, "Hahaha Daocheng is here too. I haven't seen you three for a few months. It seems that you three are very busy! I see that crops have been planted on Yunzhi and Daobai islands. It seems that everyone has their own ideas for future development!"

Zhou Daobai, Zhao Yunzhi, and Zhou Daocheng all scratched their heads and smiled.

Although it was not a life-and-death competition, after all, they took on the task of the head of the family and were stationed in an important resident of the family. Naturally, they had to do their best to strive to earn more wealth for the family. So the three of them also tried their best.

When sailing over, Zhou Daocheng had passed by Zhao Yunzhi's island and saw from a distance that several mulberry trees had been transplanted on it.

With just a slight guess, he had guessed Zhao Yunzhi's idea.

Zhao Yunzhi's Zhao family has a silkworm breeding technique, which can use silk to make a high-quality magic weapon.

This kind of inner lining robe is thin and tough, not only comfortable to wear, but also has strong defensive power. It is well-known in the market and is often in short supply.

The Zhao family also relied on this technology to quickly become rich and stand out among the Qi refining families in a short period of time.

But later, the siege of the Ma family caused the Zhao family's business to plummet, so that the income dropped sharply.

Now, Zhao Yunzhi can bring this technology to the Zhou family, which is definitely a pleasant surprise.

At the same time, it can also be seen that Zhao Yunzhi is determined, which is to show his attitude to the Zhou family.

If this technology can be used to harvest a large amount of spiritual stones for the Zhou family, Zhao Yunzhi's status in the Zhou family will also rise accordingly.

For a family, such precious and unique technologies have extraordinary value and significance. It is definitely not easy for Zhao Yunzhi to take the initiative to take them out.

It is even possible that this behavior will offend the Zhao family behind her and make her be stabbed in the back by the Zhao family.

Zhou Daocheng believes that Zhou Changping, the second elder of the family, has a more thorough understanding of these principles, so he is so happy.

As for his eldest brother Zhou Daobai, Zhou Daocheng saw when he landed on the island that the more than ten acres of spiritual fields on the island had been irrigated into first-level medium-quality spiritual fields and planted with an unknown spiritual plant.

Although it is not certain what kind of species it is, the value is beyond doubt and it will definitely not be too low.

Zhou Daocheng couldn't help but sigh that if he hadn't found the spiritual spring eye and had no formation to assist, he would probably not be as good as the other few people.

But now, the final result is unknown!

At this time, after a few simple greetings, the second elder Zhou Changping also brought the topic back to the content of this time.

"You have been away for a few months, and you may not know much about the situation at home. Because of Yunzhi's incident, the Ma family has officially declared war on the Zhou family, and the action is not small..."

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