However, the first-level high-grade purple-armored swallowing spirit ants usually have a main job of guarding the queen and protecting the safety of the ant nest.

So their images are completely different. Their bodies are stronger and their sizes are much larger, but this is not the point.

Zhou Daocheng was surprised to find that their carapace had not changed at all and had a rounded arc, making it more suitable for defense.

Moreover, their mouthparts and forelimbs are obviously stronger and should be used for fighting.

These discoveries made Zhou Daocheng's excited hands tremble slightly. These changes seemed insignificant, but they played a vital role in future development!

This means that the purple-armored swallowing spirit ants will have an unlimited future!

If possible, the purple-armored spirit-devouring ants used for logistics and resource collection will evolve capabilities in this area to achieve higher efficiency.

The purple-armored spirit-devouring ants used for fighting, guarding, and exploration will also evolve corresponding abilities.

Even if they want to adapt to the fire environment, they will gradually acquire fire attributes according to their own thinking.

This is not just thinking, but also the ability in their blood. They have stronger adaptability and more variable survivability.

Now it is only the first level low-grade. If it grows to the second level or even the third level, these characteristics will become more and more obvious.

After discovering these secrets, Zhou Daocheng became more confident about the future of the purple-armored spirit-devouring ant colony.

If everything goes well, it will take at most 2 to 3 years before the spirit-swallowing ant colony can begin to reproduce first-level, high-grade spirit-swallowing ants on a large scale.

At the same time, second-level spirit-devouring ants can also be reproduced with difficulty. In terms of overall strength, they should be similar to the spirit-devouring ant colonies that were once wiped out.

At that time, we can cooperate with Zhou Daocheng to protect Wugu from being invaded by monsters.

After Zhou Daocheng left some first-order high-grade spiritual honey, he carefully exited the ant nest.

Then, we went to the "Elixir Garden" in the north of Wugufang City.

As soon as I entered it, I was attracted by the vibrant scene with lush foliage.

Although the "Spiritual Beast Garden" is also decorated with many spiritual plants, after all, only a small part is used for decoration.

But the "Elixir Garden" is completely different. It is already full of various elixirs and plants, and it is lush and lush.

Coupled with several quaint small houses nearby, it adds a bit of life.

Zhou Daocheng turned around and found that his elder brother Zhou Daobai was not here. He should be stationed in Fang City recently to be wary of incoming second-level monsters.

Therefore, there are only four children living here in the "Elixir Garden" now.

Zhou Daoyuan and Lin Changshu, one of them was practicing and the other was studying formations. They lived a typical otaku life and didn't even notice Zhou Daocheng's arrival.

Only Zhou Daoxiu was practicing sword skills outside. When he saw Zhou Daocheng approaching, he hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "Brother Six, why are you here? Come in and sit down!"

Although Zhou Daoxiu is still young, he is mature and mature, greeting him like a little adult.

Zhou Daocheng smiled, waved his hand to signal not to enter the room, and asked: "Tao Xiu, what kind of sword skills are you practicing? Why haven't Brother Six seen this before?"

Zhou Daoxiu scratched his head and said: "It's not a powerful sword technique, I just thought about it casually."

Zhou Daocheng looked surprised and joked: "Think about it by yourself? Are you going to create a knife spell by yourself?"

Zhou Daoxiu looked embarrassed, but he still said seriously: "What's wrong with this? Uncle Yueshan's sword skills are not suitable for me. They are too crude and straightforward. They just rely on strength to chop randomly, which is not in line with my understanding of sword skills!"

"Oh? Do you still have your own understanding of sword skills?" Zhou Daocheng asked with a smile.

Zhou Daoxiu thought for a moment, and with a straight and determined face, he said seriously: "I think sword skills should be combined with strength and skill. It is not just a matter of opening and closing, but every move must be purposeful, rhythmic, and fast. !”

"Moreover, sword skill lies in precision, not in quantity. If you swing your sword randomly, no matter how many chops you make, it will be meaningless. If you refine it to the extreme, everything is contained in one sword. As long as you pay attention to the timing, one sword is stronger than a hundred swords! "

Initially, Zhou Daocheng only listened with curiosity, but after only listening to a few words, his expression changed.

Because Zhou Daoxiu is not talking nonsense, but truly has his own understanding, his own thoughts, and his own knowledge of sword techniques.

This is an extremely valuable thing!

Many people have used the knife all their lives and think they have gone a long way on this road, but in fact they still can't figure out the way.

He just followed the example of his predecessors and imitated other people's sword skills, but he never learned the essence of it.

Meng Yueshan is this type of person. When he first entered the world of immortality, the first magical weapon he used was a knife.

He usually uses sword weapons when fighting monks and monsters.

After decades of training, you have given him superb sword skills, with great open and close skills, and majestic momentum. Although he has not specifically learned sword spells, his power is very impressive.

However, in Zhou Daoxiu's eyes, Meng Yueshan's swordsmanship is just strength, without rules or techniques.

Zhou Daocheng knows Zhou Daoxiu's character very well. He is not a proud person, and he does not like to make random judgments. Since he said this, it is indeed sincere.

And I don’t have any selfish motives, I just do what I think in my heart.

"Tao Xiu, then show me the moves you just thought about, and let Brother Six have a look."

Zhou Daoxiu nodded, his childish face full of seriousness, he raised the long knife in his hand and demonstrated a few simple moves.

Zhou Daocheng frowned slightly, carefully checked the deep meaning, and soon realized that it was unusual.

If you just look at the moves, there is nothing unusual, and it even looks extremely ordinary, nothing special.

Strictly speaking, it is far inferior to Meng Yueshan's gorgeous and exquisite swordsmanship. It looks like a beginner, just simple chopping, slashing, stabbing, etc.

But if you look closely, you will find that each move is very complicated, and it seems to contain deep meaning. Although it is still very immature, it does have some tricks.

The knife is very slow, but it seems to have strong power.

But not long after, Zhou Daocheng's face showed a touch of embarrassment, because he was surprised to find that he himself didn't seem to understand it.

He knows nothing about swordsmanship and has never touched it.

Not to mention swordsmanship, he doesn't know other fighting skills. After all, since he started to venture out, his fighting methods are all the same: that is, formation plus power.

The formation is the main means of combat, and the power "Wu Tu Kun Yue Gong" protects itself and has an indestructible defense.

As for his comprehension, it was mostly used in formations and cultivation.

So for a field he had never touched before, he could only barely see that Zhou Daoxiu's swordsmanship was unusual, but he couldn't tell what was so unusual about it.

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