Including some small shops, which are opened by some small family forces, but they will also be supervised and protected by Wugu.

The task of the guard team is not only to expel the troublemakers, but also to supervise the shops and forces in the market.

To ensure that fairness and justice can be achieved to a certain extent, the interests of shops can be guaranteed, and the interests of monks can be protected.

It is precisely because of Zhou Daocheng's strict rules that the development of Wugu Market is unusually stable. Many monks are willing to settle here and rely more and more on this market.

And this is exactly what Zhou Daocheng hopes to see.

The development of a market is definitely not a matter of fishing in Heze. If you just want to make a fortune and leave, and try your best to suppress the shops and monks inside, you will not be able to go far.

Just like the former Baihe Market, it eventually forced out a Wugu Market, and its own development was also greatly affected. Zhou Daocheng would never allow such a thing to happen in Wugu.

It is the influence of various factors that makes the current Wugu Market so lively, and a large number of monks and forces are willing to stay here.

Zhou Daocheng walked slowly on the street, looking at everything in front of him, and his mood was still very good.

The more prosperous the market is, the higher his annual income will naturally be. With the support of a large number of spirit stones, his strength will inevitably increase rapidly, so the Wugu Market is the foundation for improving his strength.

After a round, Zhou Daocheng came to another industry of his own-the slave trading market.

Now, in the entire Wugu Market, Zhou Daocheng only operates three assets.

The first is Tianchi Xianju, which is the largest income. It can harvest tens of thousands of spirit stones every year. It is also one of the signature shops in the entire Wugu Market.

The second is the auction, but it will not be opened on a daily basis. After all, it is not an easy thing to open an auction, and it requires a lot of preparation.

The third is the slave trading market.

The slave trading market is not entirely operated by Zhou Daocheng alone. If it is a large market, there are many small shops in it, and you can trade freely in it.

On the one hand, Zhou Daocheng is the actual controller of the slave trading market. He will tax all transactions. Whether slaves enter the market or leave the market, they must pay a part of the spirit stones.

On the other hand, he also runs a slave market, selling and buying some of the better slaves for use within the market.

After all, it is a huge market, and there are many places that need people.

Generally speaking, slaves who have no talent for cultivation but have good looks and smart brains will be sent to Tianchi Xianju to work.

Or, some will be sent to the auction venue to train some service talents for the auction, and those with excellent looks can also be trained to become auctioneers.

As for slaves with spiritual roots and certain talents, especially children, Zhou Daocheng will arrange people to collect them.

In the world of cultivating immortals, people who can become cultivators are still of great value.

If they have five spiritual roots, they are the weakest group of talents. They can cultivate, but at most they can only cultivate to the late stage of Qi Refining.

For this kind of people, Zhou Daocheng will specially collect them and teach them the knowledge of planting spiritual medicines and raising spiritual birds, but they are also the simplest knowledge, such as using Ganlin technique to water, preparing fertilizer liquid, etc.

In the future, they can be responsible for the planting of spiritual medicines or the raising of spiritual birds.

The best of them can be sent to the "Spiritual Beast Garden" of the "Spiritual Medicine Garden" to take care of higher-quality spiritual medicines and monsters.

Those with weaker talents can take care of ordinary spiritual plants in the future, such as first-level low-grade spiritual grains.

Because Zhou Daocheng has discovered that the Wugu Market is extremely short of spiritual grains, an important resource, he can completely expand the scale of planting and plant a large number of them around the Wugu.

Of course, in addition to these children with weaker talents, there are occasionally cultivators with four or three spiritual roots.

The number is extremely rare. Since the opening of the trading market, only three cultivators with four spiritual roots and one cultivator with three spiritual roots have appeared.

These three cultivators with four spiritual roots were fought over by everyone as soon as they appeared, and were finally bought by different forces.

Zhou Daocheng also bought one of them with his own strength and sent it directly to the hunting team.

Although the talent is not particularly high, if it is cultivated from a young age, it should be able to barely reach the ninth level of Qi Refining when it is about 50 years old.

Moreover, children who have been cultivated from a young age will definitely be more reliable to use, and their loyalty will definitely be higher.

As for the child with three spiritual roots, it is said that he was found in a village destroyed by evil cultivators and then sent to Wugu Market.

When he flowed into the slave market, Zhou Daocheng was in seclusion and had no chance to take him down. As a result, he was bought by the "Wang Family" and became an intern talisman master.

Zhou Daocheng was very regretful about this. He lost a cultivator with three spiritual roots. If he had cultivated him with all his strength, there would be a certain probability that he would break through the foundation.

In the past, the Zhou family often had descendants with four spiritual roots and three spiritual roots, but in the next few decades, it should be difficult to see them.

After all, there are not many people left in the Zhou family now. Most of them are old people and children. The younger generation is not involved in the development of the family. Where do they have time to talk about love?

The only one who may reproduce is Zhou Daocheng, who got married early, but there has been no sign of having children.

Therefore, Zhou Daocheng also wants to collect a few children with good spiritual roots for the Zhou family to avoid the Zhou family being in a period of transition.

This time, he also walked around the slave market and found that there were indeed more and more slaves here, and the quality was gradually improving. Many monks with spiritual roots began to appear.

Although there were fewer children with spiritual roots, there were many monks with cultivation.

Ignoring all the mortal slaves, Zhou Daocheng focused on the monks, looking for slaves with good quality.

It can be seen that some of the cleaner and thinner ones should be people from small families and small forces, who were exterminated when fighting with the enemy and were finally captured.

There were also some seriously injured and rough ones, who should be monks who lost in the fight between hunting teams. These people are generally stronger and have good talents.

Zhou Daocheng focused on these two categories, which are the most likely groups of people to have talents.

After a stroll, Zhou Daocheng finally found a pair of slave monks with good quality in his own shop.

But he was also a little helpless. He had worked hard to walk around, but in the end, what he was looking for was actually in his own shop.

They were a pair of twin sisters, in their early 20s. Their looks were not absolutely beautiful, but they were extremely delicate, and were considered top-notch in the slave market.

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