The effects are mainly divided into two parts.

First, when combining with a woman, running the secret method can help improve strength and even break through the realm.

Zhou Daocheng then realized that he could successfully break through to the late stage of Qi Refining, most likely because of the effect of the secret method!

The second effect is that in the process of running the secret method, due to the combination of yin and yang, a trace of innate purple gas with the power of creation will be bred.

Zhou Daocheng carefully checked and found that there was indeed a very tiny wisp of purple gas in the dantian, which was not affected by his own spiritual energy and was extremely mysterious.

According to the secret method, the innate purple gas is extremely creative and is an extremely precious treasure between heaven and earth. It can give spirituality to natural materials and treasures and improve their quality.

Zhou Daocheng has not tried it yet, so he doesn't know much about it.

However, the sun and moon meridians also have great limitations.

First of all, the process of accumulating innate purple gas is very difficult.

If the two parties combine for the first time, they will directly accumulate a strand of innate purple gas, just like this time.

However, if they combine again in the future, the amount of innate purple gas born will be very weak, and it will take a long time to accumulate a strand again.

Secondly, there are strict requirements for talent. Not every woman can successfully produce an innate purple qi when you combine with her for the first time.

According to the secret method, if you want to produce innate purple qi when you combine with her for the first time next time, you must find a woman with higher talent than Zhao Yunzhi.

After reading the information, Zhou Daocheng was stunned for a while, and was a little at a loss.

This kind of secret method has a sense of impropriety, which is really against ethics and morality.

Although the way of cultivating immortals pays attention to wealth, friends and land, everything goes too far, once you fall into desire, it is an evil practice.

After knowing the specialness of this secret method, Zhou Daocheng's first reaction was not excitement, but a palpitation.

Then he immediately checked his thinking and mentality, and after confirming that there was no abnormality, he breathed a sigh of relief.

If this secret method affects the mind, it will definitely not be used in the future. Even if there is no effect at all, you must be cautious to avoid going astray.

"I really didn't expect that I could get such a big gain from a small jade slip!" Zhou Daocheng couldn't help but sigh, but he was more vigilant.

Especially when he thought of Zhao Yunzhi outside the practice room, he couldn't help but feel sad.

If the two lived together, how could these secrets be hidden?

Killing to silence them?

Zhou Daocheng hurriedly shook his head and put aside this unrealistic idea, thinking that it was not necessary to do so for the time being.

While he was thinking, the communication stone on his waist suddenly emitted a light.

"Hmm? Grandfather asked me to go back to Tianchi Mountain?"

The information came from the head of the Zhou family, Zhou Changyi, who was also Zhou Daocheng's great grandfather.

Zhou Daocheng had some guesses about why the head of the family wanted to find him.

The Zhou family protected the Zhao family and asked him to marry Zhao Yunzhi as a concubine, which meant offending the Ma family.

This matter was very serious. Although he was not the decision maker, as the protagonist of this matter, it was difficult to completely avoid it.

Zhou Daocheng put away the jade slip and walked out of the practice room.

Zhao Yunzhi was already dressed, her cold face was a little pale, and her appearance was a little haggard.

"The head of the family asked us to go over there." Zhou Daocheng said calmly.

Zhao Yunzhi nodded slightly, combed her hair, followed Zhou Daocheng, and walked out of the wooden house.

She was only 24 years old, still a girl, but she had lost some of her immaturity and had a more gentle and elegant temperament.

Looking at the young man in front of her, Zhao Yunzhi had a complicated expression, unwilling, humiliated, resentful, helpless, resigned... all mixed together.

Under pressure from the Ma family of Hongfeng Lake, the Zhao family was like a candle in the wind and could no longer withstand any blows, so they resorted to this desperate measure and became the concubine of the Zhou family of Tianchi Mountain.

But for Zhao Yunzhi, a proud daughter of heaven, a genius with two spiritual roots, who had been the center of attention since childhood, wasn't this another tragedy?

Zhou Daocheng noticed Zhao Yunzhi's emotions, but didn't say much.

It's useless to persuade many things. For the sake of family inheritance, there are too many things that have to be done. Which family doesn't have a family history that is worth singing and crying about?

The Zhao family has it, and the Zhou family has it too.

After packing up, Zhou Daocheng took Zhao Yunzhi back to Tianchi Mountain.

Tianchi Mountain, meeting hall on the mountainside.

“Meet the great grandfather!” Zhou Daocheng pushed the door open and bowed respectfully.

“No need to be polite, sit down with Yunzhi.” The old man on the first seat was reading the scroll in his hand, his voice was low and old, but steady and powerful.

Zhou Daocheng was neither humble nor arrogant, and led Zhao Yunzhi to sit down at the side.

The person in front of him was the current head of the Zhou family, the eldest of the Chang generation, and Zhou Daocheng’s grandfather, and a peak powerhouse of the ninth level of Qi Refining.

He is one of the most powerful people in the Zhou family now, except for the foundation-building powerhouse.

This time, the head of the family was responsible for protecting the Zhao family and marrying Zhao Yunzhi as a concubine for Zhou Daocheng.

After a moment, Zhou Changyi put down the scroll in his hand, his eyes were as calm as an ancient well, and when he looked at Zhou Daocheng, a slight fluctuation suddenly appeared.

"Daocheng, have you made a breakthrough?"

Zhou Daocheng was shocked. He didn't expect that his great grandfather could see through his strength with just one glance.

Not daring to be negligent, Zhou Daocheng quickly responded: "Yes, great grandfather, I felt the bottleneck loosened a few days ago, and I successfully broke through to the seventh level of Qi Refining yesterday."

"Not bad!" Zhou Changyi nodded slightly, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

The Zhou family's Dao generation is not gifted, with the highest being three spiritual roots, and no one with extraordinary talent or the prospect of breaking through the foundation.

Zhou Daocheng, in this generation of the family, has performed well. He is calm and introverted, mature at a young age, and has always been the focus of the family's training.

Zhou Changyi asked a few more questions, all about the trivial matters of daily cultivation.

Zhou Daocheng was sweating in his heart, but based on the memory in his mind, he was able to answer fluently without revealing any flaws.

After speaking, Zhou Changyi took a sip of tea, looked at Zhao Yunzhi below, and suddenly said: "Zhao Yunzhi, the outer room has prepared some spiritual cakes and spiritual tea. Go and try if it suits your taste and take some back later."

Zhao Yunzhi immediately understood when she heard it.

Zhou Changyi was sending her away because he had something private to talk about with Zhou Daocheng, so he left tactfully.

When there were only two people left in the conference room.

Zhou Changyi looked at Zhou Daocheng, put away the smile on his face, and asked seriously: "Daocheng, what do you think about this woman and the Zhao family's affairs?"

Zhou Daocheng's heart trembled, and after a moment of consideration, he answered seriously: "Of course I will follow the family's arrangements. I think the family elders must have thought deeply about making such a decision, so there is no need for Daocheng to worry too much!"

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