Zhou Daocheng said seriously: "Yunzhi, I, Mr. Zhou, have acted openly and aboveboard throughout my life and never lied!"

The mist is lingering, the moon is misty, and the night is dark tonight...

30 minutes later.

His breathing was slightly heavy and his voice was nasal, "You seem to have a lot of cultivation problems that you have accumulated..."

"I am a person who sincerely seeks the truth. It is normal to study the exercises and practice diligently every day. It is normal to have more problems and confusions. How much older are you than me? Zhou must thank Zhao Yunzhi for his generous teaching!" Zhou Daocheng said in a sincere tone. .

Zhao Yunzhi took a deep breath, his chest rose and fell continuously before he suppressed his emotions. After a while, he said helplessly: "Cultivation is the right path..."

"I understand, but I really can't come here often. I'll come back to communicate with you next time when I'm confused again!"


Zhao Yunzhi couldn't help but rolled his eyes and kicked Zhou Daocheng out of bed:

"I'm telling you not to come here!"

Zhou Daocheng didn't care, he stood up with a smile and started to put on his clothes. Although he couldn't completely ignore the affairs between men and women, he was not a greedy person.

Moreover, the two parties are Taoist lovers, and it is okay to get together occasionally. This is human nature.

"Miss Yunzhi, do you have any needs for your cultivation recently?"

Zhao Yunzhi frowned: "Didn't we already..."

Zhou Daocheng quickly interrupted: "I mean serious cultivation."

"You fucking know it's not serious?" Zhao Yunzhi said angrily. He simply wrapped himself in a thin coat and gauze skirt, put on his hair full of black hair, got off the bed with a slightly tired look, and walked out of the small wooden house he built.

Zhou Daocheng followed him out. The island was larger and the aura on the island was richer. And because it was in the center of the lake, the fog was thicker. Looking around, it was shrouded in layers of thick fog, hazy in the night. And silence.

On the island, the spiritual fields are already full of crops. The first-level low-grade spiritual fields are planted with a kind of mulberry tree. Zhou Daocheng doesn't know what kind it is, but it should be the specialty of the Zhao family, and the velvet silkworms especially like it.

The white mulberry grown in the first-level mid-level spiritual field is exactly the kind that I went out to find before. It has been planted now and is growing very well.

However, Zhao Yunzhi's main development direction is not to grow spiritual plants for sale, but to breed velvet silkworms.

Zhao Yunzhi walked in the cool night breeze and came to the planted mulberry trees. He said with some worry: "Gu mulberry has a long growth life. Even if the environment here is very good, it is still too difficult to grow and mature in a short time." "

"Gu mulberry?" Zhou Daocheng thought thoughtfully. Although he had never heard of this kind of mulberry tree, he also knew that the time for planting tree-like spiritual plants was generally not short, and most of them took decades or more.

Although this is only a first-grade low-grade mulberry tree, it is not easy to fully mature within a year or two.

"Don't your Zhao family have a unique growth liquid to accelerate ripening?"

Zhao Yunzhi shook his head: "There is only the growth liquid of Bai Mulangkui, and Gu Mulang is grown naturally. At most, it can be equipped with some general growth liquid, but the price is relatively high."

"Isn't there any way to accelerate ripening?"


Zhao Yunzhi straightened his hair, turned around and said, "But I heard that there was an underground exchange meeting in Baihefang City recently, and there were three mature mulberry trees in it, but I don't know the details."

"Private communication meeting? Is it reliable?"

"Not sure, but you can try."

Zhou Daocheng's eyes moved slightly: "So are you planning to go to Baihefang City recently?"

"Are you going with me?"

Zhou Daogong shook his head decisively: "No! I still have to practice."

He just came back from Baihefang City a few days ago. The journey back and forth takes more than half a month. How can he have time to run there again?

However, it would not be a good idea to refuse directly. After all, you have just lifted your pants and haven’t covered your body yet. If you eat and drink, it will be easy for people to criticize you.

After thinking for a few seconds, Zhou Daocheng still accepted the matter: "Well, don't go to Baihefang City yourself. The journey takes nearly a month. You might as well practice here and I'll find someone to help you. Take a look, if there is Gu Sang, just bring it back for you."

Zhao Yunzhi raised his soft eyes and showed a smile of success: "I'm sorry to trouble you, it's good to have someone under me."

Zhou Daocheng shook his head helplessly, and then he realized that Zhao Yunzhi had no intention of going by himself at all. He was trying to trick Meng Yueshan and the others!

"Okay, I'll bring it to you when it arrives." Zhou Daocheng stretched and planned to row back to the island. Although he had only been here for more than half an hour, he was really tired.

As soon as I got on the boat, I heard a cold voice from behind: "If you come again next time, please remember to inform us in advance."

Zhou Daocheng returned to the underground cave and looked at the extra wisp of innate purple energy emerging from his body, his face full of joy.

Although there is still a long way to go before forming a complete innate purple energy, as long as you continue to work hard, work conscientiously, and often talk and practice confusion, you will succeed sooner or later.

He has already felt the benefits of the innate purple energy. The quality of the purple energy green bamboo has recently reached the second-level low-grade.

Moreover, the spiritual energy formed when breaking through to a new realm made the environment of the entire underground cave even better, and even vaguely improved Zhou Daocheng's cultivation level by a few points.

Coupled with the benefits of running "Sun and Menstruation" today, he has just reached the middle stage of the seventh level of Qi training and is already approaching the late stage of the seventh level of Qi training.

Zhou Daocheng has a very clear plan for himself, that is, cultivation and formation will go hand in hand, and the two will complement each other.

《Wu Tu Kun Yue Gong》relies on time. It is practiced step by step. Although the speed is not fast, it is steady.

On the contrary, the formation needs to be accelerated. The purple spirit bamboo has broken through to the second level, which is more than enough for setting up the first-level top-grade [Bi Ling Sword Formation].

Moreover, the other Bi Ling bamboo shoots have also reached the middle grade. The shells of the bamboo shoots gradually broke open and turned into emerald green bamboo.

It is expected that it will soon reach the first-level top grade and meet the conditions for setting up the formation.

Compared with the formations such as the falling stone formation and the golden knife formation that are sold, the [Bi Ling Sword Formation] is more powerful. Zhou Daocheng intends to keep it for self-defense, and use it with his own strong defense to enhance his strength.

However, in order to refine the first-level top-grade [Bi Ling Sword Formation Plate], Zhou Daocheng's formation technology is still far from enough. The most important thing now is to stabilize his own technology at the first-level middle grade.

Thinking like this, Zhou Daocheng collected his drifting thoughts, looked at the formation book in front of him, and studied the first-level medium-quality [Thorn Vine Formation] carefully.

The large number of yellow thorn vines planted means that this formation will need to be refined and sold for a long time in the future.

The next morning.

Zhou Daocheng finished a night of formation learning and felt extremely tired mentally and physically.

"It seems that it is still very necessary to supplement food and sleep. I can't stay up late like this in the future."

Rubbing his sore eyebrows, Zhou Daocheng went to the valley early. There are still many things to deal with today.

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