This is not because he is going to extremes, but because the characteristics of the "Wu Tu Kun Yue Gong" make him feel that this way of fighting is more cost-effective.

Since he has practiced the "Wu Tu Kun Yue Gong", his offensive ability is doomed to be seriously insufficient, so it is better to make up for his shortcomings and further use his own characteristics to strengthen his defense.

As for the means of attack, other methods can be used to make up for it, and the formation is a very good choice.

It is precisely because of his terrifying defense that he can resist the "Breaking Flame Knife" of the ninth-level Qi Refining man and then retreat unscathed.

Others only saw his layout and saw his strategy of putting himself in a desperate situation and luring the enemy deep into his heart, but only the dead ninth-level Qi Refining cultivator knew how strong Zhou Daocheng's defense was.

In addition to spirit stones, materials, magic tools, elixirs, etc., Zhou Daocheng found a surprising item in Qi Yunxiao's storage bag after searching.

"This is... the inheritance of alchemy?!"

Looking at the book in front of him, Zhou Daocheng's eyes lit up.

It records in detail the process of refining elixirs, the selection and refining of medicinal materials, and several elixir recipes, which can prove the value of this book.

Even Zhao Yunzhi, who left indifferently, was attracted back by this book, with a surprised look on her face.

After some inspection, Zhou Daocheng found that this should be the formation inheritance of the Qi family of Mo Yunshan, but it was not a complete inheritance.

The complete elixir inheritance of the Qi family should be able to reach the second-level middle grade or above, and the highest-quality elixir recipe in the book in front of him is only the first-level upper grade.

Moreover, the number of elixir recipes is pitifully small, with only 6 kinds.

Among them, three first-level lower-grade ones are Qi-nourishing elixir, Qi-replenishing elixir, and blood-clotting elixir.

Two first-level middle-grade ones are Qi-blood elixir and Rejuvenating elixir.

One first-level upper grade is the condensing elixir.

There is no doubt that they are all the most common elixir, and their functions are mainly divided into two types, restoring mana and treating injuries.

The only gratifying thing is that this elixir book has complete introductory knowledge of elixir, which should be used to train novice alchemists.

Meng Yueshan was full of surprise, and couldn't help but say: "Great, this is actually a set of elixir inheritance, we can be self-sufficient in elixir in the future."

Zhou Daocheng glanced at him and asked: "You come to learn alchemy?"

Meng Yueshan blinked, scratched his head and said: "I'm over 40, I don't have this brain, I can't learn it."

"Lin Yuan, you are young."

Lin Yuan shook his head like a rattle, and quickly refused: "I have three spiritual roots of water, wood and gold, which are not suitable for alchemy."

Zhou Daocheng also shook his head helplessly. Alchemists and weapon refiners also have considerable requirements for spiritual roots. The most suitable ones are gold and fire spiritual roots, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The two looked at Zhao Yunzhi and greeted a plain sentence: "Water and wood spiritual roots."

Oh, in the end, he has a fire spiritual root.

However, he has already gone a long way in formation, and has made considerable achievements, so it is naturally impossible for him to turn to learning alchemy.

As for learning two skills at the same time, it is also impossible. Every cultivator has limited energy and time to learn skills.

Zhou Daocheng put most of his energy on cultivation and a small part on formations, which is already very strenuous. If he continues to learn alchemy, it may seriously affect the improvement of his strength.

"Sir, I remember Qin Lie seems to have a fire spirit root." Lin Yuan suddenly said.

Zhou Daocheng's eyes lit up, but after thinking about it, he shook his head with some regret: "Qin Lie is too old, it's a bit strenuous to learn."

Meng Yueshan looked strange and reminded carefully: "Sir, Qin Lie is not really old, he is 30 years old, he just looks older."

"Yes, it should be because he has done too many bad things and aged prematurely." Lin Yuan echoed.

Zhou Daocheng looked at Lin Yuan helplessly, always feeling that if he continued to speak so freely, he would be beaten sooner or later.

However, the two people's proposals also gave Zhou Daocheng some ideas. If Qin Lie is really suitable, he can be trained. The requirements are not high. Just train a first-level alchemist.

Many first-level elixirs are essential for cultivation. Whether it is to restore mana or repair injuries, they are indispensable on weekdays. If you go to Baihefang City to buy them, it will not only consume a lot of spirit stones, but also the journey is very long, which is extremely inconvenient.

"Then let's go back and try."

After sorting out the harvest this time, the sky was already dawn. The four of them took a simple rest for a while and then set off on the return journey.

After learning about Zhou Daocheng's terrifying strength, Zhao Yunzhi was no longer in a hurry to sell the silk inner armor.

How could a formation master who has his own power, leads many eighth-level Qi Refining masters, and is proficient in formations be short of spirit stones?

Moreover, these hidden means have far more potential than imagined. How could he still think about competing for the position of the head of the Zhou family?

Zhao Yunzhi had previously thought that Zhou Daocheng chose the smallest island and stayed on it every day without going out. He must be a person without ambition and was not capable of competing with his two brothers.

As a Taoist partner, she still needed to find a way to assist Zhou Daocheng to prevent him from not being able to take out the most basic 1,300 spirit stones in the end and losing too badly.

But now it seems that she was just overthinking.

The means and scheming that Zhou Daocheng showed this time, as well as the hidden strength, made Zhao Yunzhi feel amazed and even incomprehensible.

Looking at Zhou Daocheng who had returned to peace and laziness, Zhao Yunzhi couldn't help but have a thought in her mind: If he had maintained his previous domineering attitude, it might not be unacceptable.

Returning to Bailin Lake, seeing the rippling lake, everyone's uneasy hearts calmed down.

It is inevitable to worry when going out. After returning to their own cave, they will relax physically and mentally, and their sense of security will also increase a lot.

Looking at this beautiful lake, Zhou Daocheng secretly made up his mind that he must make this place of shelter as solid as a rock, so that it can develop for a long time in the future.

Especially after this sneak attack, it is necessary to prepare as many formations as possible to prevent encountering such a situation again.

If it were not for the protection of [Splitting Gold Formation] and [Golden Vine Formation], he would definitely be in danger this time.

He has secretly made up his mind to stay in Bailin Lake and the valley as much as possible in the future, reduce the frequency of going out, and focus on developing and strengthening his strength.

If there is a situation where he has to go out, it is better to leave it to Meng Yueshan and Lin Yuan to complete it. The two are casual cultivators, and they are more experienced in going out alone, and it is not easy to attract the enemy's prying.

This experience also made Zhou Daocheng's behavior much more stable.


The boat rowed to Zhao Yunzhi's island, Zhou Daocheng smiled and said: "Aunt Yunzhi, the beautiful growing time is coming to an end, see you next time."

But after saying that, Zhao Yunzhi didn't move, staring at Zhou Daocheng quietly, and said lightly: "Why don't you take me to your island to have a look?"

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