"So what?" Ma Hongtu's eyes were sinister, and the atmosphere instantly froze.

"Haha, what Ma Daoyou did was really eye-opening. In this case, there is no need for our cooperation to continue."

"Terminate the cooperation?" Ma Hongtu sneered: "That's fine, Tiemu Mountain will be half for each of us, and the Ma and Chen families will not owe each other anything."

Chen Zhaonian's face turned pale when he heard this: "You are dreaming. It has been agreed before that Tiemu Mountain belongs to my Chen family. Do you want to go back on your word?"

"Humph, before is before. Tianchi Mountain was emptied, leaving my Ma family with nothing. Am I working for you for nothing?"

Chen Zhaonian snorted coldly: "The distribution has been agreed before. It is your own choice. Who can you blame for this?"

Ma Hongtu's face was gloomy: "Are you really unwilling to give in? Aren't you afraid of turning against my Ma family?"

"Regarding the matter of Tiemu Mountain, Chen has made up his mind. Ma Hongtu, I hope you will think twice before acting!"

After a few words from both sides, the atmosphere instantly froze and was as cold as ice.

The cooperation between the two parties was not because of the good relationship between the Ma and Chen families, but for the same purpose.

The Chen family had coveted Tiemu Mountain for many years, but had never been able to seize it, and had many frictions with the Zhou family, so when the Ma family found them to join forces, they agreed without hesitation.

And their goal was only to seize Tiemu Mountain.

As for the Ma family, they had already had a grudge against the Zhou family, and with the incident of Zhao Yunzhi as the fuse, they had long been at loggerheads.

But now, after a few words, Ma Hongtu's true nature was revealed, and the relationship between the two sides instantly dropped to the freezing point.

No one knew what the two talked about, but they only knew that in the end, the Ma family killed people and slaughtered mortals, and the Chen family left angrily and terminated the cooperation.


A few days later.

Zhou Daobai returned to Tianchi Mountain, intending to transport the remaining Zhou family mortals to Shenlin Mountain.

However, as soon as he returned to the foot of the mountain, he was stunned in place, and the scene in front of him came into his eyes and hit his heart hard.

The ground was full of corpses lying everywhere, and the dried thick blood seeped into the soil, dyeing the surrounding soil blood red, and the strong smell of blood rushed into the nose.

Tiny mosquitoes flew in the air, gathering around the gradually smelling corpses, including young and strong, old and weak, women and children, and children...

His eyes trembled, and he looked at this former homeland again. Tianchi Mountain, which was like a fairyland, was now full of smoke and miasma.

Resentment and anger squeezed in his heart, and Zhou Daobai could no longer bear it. His heart-wrenching roar echoed in Tianchi Mountain.

"Ma Hongtu, Chen Zhaonian, the hatred of slaughtering my Zhou family will not end until death!"

Zhou Daobai looked at the tragic scene in front of him, his eyes full of bloodshot, and he was stunned for dozens of minutes.

Finally, a big fire ignited the entire Tianchi Mountain, including nearly ten villages at the foot of the mountain, along with the cold corpses and all the hatred, all burned in the flames!

The fire burned for three days and three nights, with no sign of stopping, and it intensified until everything was burned to ashes.

Deep Forest Mountain!

As the new residence of the Zhou family, a large number of Zhou family members have gathered.

A total of 70,000 Zhou family mortals have been transferred here, and some flat valleys have been found nearby to rebuild villages for resettlement.

The Zhou family cultivators all gathered in Deep Forest Mountain, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

After this defeat, the family lost nearly 50 members in total.

These included three ninth-level elders of Qi Refining, the entire hunting team, and all the members stationed in Tiemu Mountain.

In addition, when Zhou Daoqi and Zhou Shouyun and others were transporting magic tools, they were also attacked, and eight members were killed or injured.

Nowadays, there are only less than 100 members who have really returned to Deep Forest Mountain. The prosperous Zhou family has instantly regressed more than 50 years.

The reduction of the number of members is still secondary. The most fatal thing is the death of the top masters, which has greatly reduced the foundation of the Zhou family.

At present, there are only four elders left in the family: the eldest elder Zhou Changyi, the fourth elder Zhou Changyan, the sixth elder Zhou Changguang, and the seventh elder Zhou Shourong.

Zhou Daobai, whose strength has reached the ninth level of Qi Refining, has naturally become the eighth elder of the family, which is a shot of confidence for the clan members.

But even so, the atmosphere of grief has not dissipated, and anger and resentment have long been buried deep in the heart, especially after learning about the massacre in Tianchi Mountain, the atmosphere is even more depressing.

Everyone has put all their efforts into cultivation, just waiting for one day to completely end the hatred of tens of thousands of Zhou family members!

However, in the short term, the focus of the family will still be on development. The damage this time is too great, and the family has long been overwhelmed and urgently needs to recuperate.

The location of the deep mountains and forests is extremely hidden, and the geographical environment is excellent. Although it is not as good as Tianchi Mountain, it can barely maintain the next development.

This time, in order to better conceal and remember the pain of losing his home, the head of the family did not choose to build a house.

Instead, a large number of cultivation caves were directly dug out in the mountain where the spiritual vein is located for family members to live in.

Now, the spiritual liquid from the spiritual spring of Tianchi Mountain has been integrated into the spiritual veins, directly raising the quality of the spiritual veins to the lower second grade, and the spiritual energy around has become much richer.

The empty hillsides and valleys around have all been reclaimed as spiritual fields to plant various spiritual plants needed for life, striving to be self-sufficient here.

The cultivation resources moved from Tianchi Mountain were not all stored, but most of them were distributed to the clan members to improve their strength.

The family needs fresh blood and strong strength to regain the lost confidence.

The clan members spent almost all their thoughts on cultivation, and more and more people began to retreat.

But the path of cultivation is a long thing after all, which requires day after day of persistence. How can you break through smoothly with just passion?

But such a strong momentum also gave the elders a glimmer of hope.

In Shenlin Mountain, a simple stone cave was dug out. The luminous stone illuminated the not-so-wide space. A total of seven people gathered here.

They were five elders, plus Zhou Daocheng and Zhou Daoqi, representing the pillars of the Zhou family today and the hope for the future.

The head of the family, Zhou Changyi, still sat in the first seat, his expression was as calm as ever, but his old face was added with a hint of oldness and haggardness.

"Brother, how is the clan leader?" Sixth Elder Zhou Changguang asked cautiously.

Zhou Changyi was silent for a moment, and then said: "The clan leader can still hold on for a while, but his life span has come to an end. Everyone should be prepared."

Everyone fell silent, and heavy pressure was on everyone's shoulders.

Among the crowd, Zhou Changyi was the only one who had the most stable mood. He said calmly: "There is no need to think too much about these things. The most important thing now is the development of the family. Now there are only two bases left, and the family power has shrunk completely. What do you think?"

The fourth elder Zhou Changyan pondered for a moment and spoke first: "Our Zhou family started by refining instruments. This is the field we are best at. I think we should still focus on refining instruments in the future."

But after saying this, everyone's faces did not show a relieved expression, but were still full of solemnity.

It is precisely because the Zhou family is a family of refining instruments and has a lot of experience in the magic instrument industry that they understand more clearly how difficult this road is for the current Zhou family.

The sixth elder Zhou Changguang spoke calmly: "Everyone should understand that if you want to earn spirit stones by selling magic instruments, there are three indispensable conditions, namely, refiners, refining materials, and sales channels, but we cannot meet the other two points except the first point."

Hearing this, everyone's face was gloomy and a little frustrated.

The Zhou family now only has the inheritance of formations and a small number of formation masters.

As for the formation materials, most of them were obtained from Tiemu Mountain, and a small part was obtained from the market.

Now that Tiemu Mountain has been lost, it is equivalent to losing the biggest capital for refining magic tools. It is really difficult for a good cook to cook without rice.

The biggest sales channels in the past were Sifang Market and Luyuan Market. Now the shops in the two markets have been sold, so naturally there is nowhere to sell.

In other words, even if the shops do not sell, the Zhou family dare not show up in the market easily. Once they are discovered by the Ma family and the Chen family, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, Zhou Daocheng fell into deep thought this time. Perhaps he has a very suitable channel in his hands.

But he has to consider whether this channel is suitable for today's writers.

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