Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 199: Accumulate merit and morality

When the treasure pond is completed, gurgling water vapor gathers and condenses into nectar and falls into the pond.

This is the nectar of heaven and earth, the water of eight merits.

The eight merit waters gathered in the pool of seven treasures exude a variety of rhymes such as roundness, moisturization, luster, and clarity.

Later, there was another golden rain sprinkled in the sky, and the talisman seeds planted in the pond were nourished by this merit water and the golden rain.

Gradually, buds are born, branches are scattered and leaves are scattered, and a golden lotus grows from time to time.

Its nature is as strong as gold and as pure as a lotus.

"This lotus flower is based on your own merits and virtues, and is formed by gathering the merits and virtues of all directions.

In the future, when you walk in the mortal world, you should accumulate merits and virtues, cultivate a kind heart, and cultivate the golden lotus.

Naturally, it can produce pure nectar and nourish the yin body.

At that time, if the lead is washed away, it may not be possible to regenerate the negative yang and reshape the fairy fetus. .

Later, Pindao will naturally teach you how to cultivate merit and virtue.

At the same time, don't forget to condense the seven treasures and gather the eight virtues. "

As the golden light is like rain and the water vapor is like mist, the quality of the nourishing lotus platform increases more and more, and until all of them are transformed into eight-level golden lotus, the merits and virtues are extraordinary.

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On the lotus petals, there are drops of nectar condensed, and it falls on the lotus platform and condenses into a human shape with a little spiritual light.

At the same time, the more the seven treasures gather, the more the treasure pond expands, and the eight virtues grow along with it like water.

And the golden lotus in the pond also has lotus seeds bursting out, falling into the pond and taking root and sprout, spreading branches and leaves, and as the treasure pond grows, the pond is full of bloom.

The man drank the nectar, and he became more and more pure and perfect, agile and lively.

when! when! when!

Lingqing held a stone chime in his hand and spoke mysteriously.

"The seven treasures are collected to make a treasure pond, and the eight virtues are transformed into true water.

Bury a true spirit seed, and it will naturally grow into a golden lotus flower.

Condensing the nectar together with the aura, washes away the radiance of the splendor.

The group of yin was stripped away and turned into pure yang, and a fairy child sitting on a golden lotus was raised. "

For a while, not only Xiaoqian and the others were fascinated by it.

Even Yan Chixia, who has her own cultivation method, couldn't help but be excited and sighed at the wonderful method.

Mu Jingrou, who had never seen the mysterious method of the mysterious door, even had her eyes shining, her intuition was shocked, and her radiance was radiant.

Although Zhu Guang can see the depth of the exercises, he knows that his intention to draw cakes is to become a human being and immortal.

But this method was created by Lingqing's own family, and it would be shameless to use it to inherit the family.

Except for the "White Bone Ghost Method" in his hands, there is no method that can be passed down.

But it is really difficult to spread this method to the outside world. After all, not everyone can be immune to the influence of this evil method like him.

At that time, if the rumor was inhuman, he would have to be implicated by it.

Therefore, he couldn't help thinking to himself, whether he should learn Lingqing and leave some methods for his own Taoism.

This can block the mouth of the family, and secondly, it can also take the opportunity to sort out what he has cultivated.

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, after a while, after everyone calms down.

Ling Qing swept away the talisman in front of him with a flick of the dust.

Regardless of Xiaoqian and the others feeling lost in their hearts, they continued.

"Since this method is called merit and talisman, it is naturally based on merit and talisman.

Now that I have talked about the fundamental spiritual talisman method of self-cultivation, I will talk about the merit method next.

One is the root and the other is the means.

However, the two complement each other. Without spiritual symbols, the foundation will not exist, and without merit, the function will not be obvious. "

When the others heard the words, their spirits were immediately lifted. Now that they heard the magic talisman, they only felt that it was extremely mysterious, and it was the time when they were eager to seek the Tao.

Hearing that Lingqing was about to start talking about the merit law, he naturally focused his attention, for fear of missing something.

"Merciful virtues, merits and virtues, it is natural to have merits and virtues in order to be meritorious.

This merit is merit, and virtue is virtue, because the methods of achievement are different and different.

The so-called clear mind is merit, seeing nature as virtue, is the first merit.

There are also self-cultivation as merit and preaching as virtue, which is the universal merit.

There are also good deeds, good intentions, and virtues, which can be called incense merits.

There is also meritorious deeds in conformity with the heavens, and virtues in compliance with the Tao, which are the merits of this world.

Although the merits are different, the original restoration is all merits, and they are all cultivation.

The fundamental purpose of the world's cultivation of merit is still to cultivate oneself.

Therefore, this clear mind and view of nature should be the first merit and the fundamental merit law.

The meritorious talisman practice is the first merit of clear mind and nature.

Away from this foundation, any kind of merits and virtues that one cultivates is nothing but arrogant talk.

Without merit, how can we save all sentient beings?

How can sentient beings reciprocate with kindness?

What is the good day, what is the way?

Without merits and virtues, how can merits and virtues be attached?

Remember, merit is good deeds, and virtue is good reward.

There is good deeds and good deeds to have good deeds and good rewards.

All merit is self-cultivation, and this is true merit. "

Lingqing explained all kinds of merits one by one, and stopped to let them digest and absorb.

Don't ask them to be able to understand immediately, just need to know that when making meritorious deeds, you should first establish your own merits, and when cultivating morality, you should first cultivate your own virtue.

Staying from the root is the right way.

After waiting for a while, I saw that what they should have realized has already realized, and those who have not realized it will not realize for a while.

"You just need to write it down carefully, and you will understand it later.

Now that the various merits and virtues have been explained, the next step is to teach you how to cultivate the merits and virtues of incense.

After all, you still need to walk in the world in the future, do good deeds to repay your sins, and cultivate a kind heart to cleanse your heart from dirt.

These two methods are the quickest way to see merit. "

However, there is one good deed, and there are four virtues.

It is divided into yang virtue, yin virtue, merit and merit.

Have good deeds, understand one's own heart, and have merits and virtues to achieve;

There is good deeds, and there are demands, and there are blessings in return;

There is good deeds, known to the people, that is, there is a descending of yang virtue;

There are good deeds, people do not know, there must be a dark accumulation of evil virtues.

Whatever you do, you will be rewarded.

Whether it is the merits of Pudu, the merits of incense, or the merits of heaven, you need to start from yourself and accumulate your own merits.

Possess merit and virtue, and then spread the good way to others and lead them to be kind.

Only in this way can we save others, only then can we receive kindness in return, only then can we be able to follow the way of the future, only then can we achieve merit and see virtue.

Puduzhigong talks about saving people's misfortunes and leading them to goodness.

Protect yourself from external demons.

And the virtue of incense is to benefit people, take their piety and kindness as virtue.

The so-called good deeds and virtues accumulate the incense merits, and at the same time, there are more blessings.

If you save one person, you will be protected by the kindness of one person. This is a virtue.

If you save ten thousand people, you will naturally be able to receive the blessing of ten thousand people.

With this incense, the merits and virtues are in the body, that is, it can be successful in disasters, and there will be no disasters.

If we talk about the merits of accumulating incense and fire, we still need to be proficient in Buddhism.

Although Taoism has a saying of accumulating 3,000 external powers and 800 virtues, it is more about self-cultivation.

The Buddhist incense golden body can be said to be the real universal law.

Lingqing obtained the Faming Monk's Treasure Scripture, and naturally he also learned a bit, and Taoism itself also has the method of incense.

Among his methods of transforming gods, there is also the method of becoming gods through faith.

So he also sorted out several means of merit and protection, and passed it on to everyone.

There are secret methods of avoiding robbery, the golden body of merit, the magic lamp of merit, the umbrella of merit and so on, and the method of condensing the instruments.

Among them, the most suitable for everyone is the method of the golden lotus of merit.

It can not only protect one's life and protect the body, but also be invincible;

The most important thing is that it is compatible with Xiaoqian and others' own exercises and lotus platforms. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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