At this time, he was holding one in one hand, and he was chanting a ghost incantation sticky in his mouth.

Then he folded his hands together, and merged the two soul orbs, one black and one white.

For a while, the black and white were constantly changing and turbulent, and finally cooperated with a black and white light ball.

After a while, when the profound light stabilized, this impermanent ghost was completely transformed.

Next, he took it away, and took out the gourd that sealed the green plague ghost.

Uncover the talisman above and let it out.

The true spirit of this green plague ghost has been captured by it, and it has entered the cycle of reincarnation with those ghost soldiers.

Now only a demented ghost remains, without sanity.

Zhu Guang used it as the main material, and placed it in the center of the large formation together with the water fan and fire pot he got earlier.

Then he looked at Ling Qing and said. .

"This time with you and me, I use Mingguang Baoyan as yang fire, and you use the innate energy to transform the real water into the yin water.

In this way, both water and fire can help, cultivate its own power of wood plague, and train it into a long-lived ghost king. "


Lingqing nodded after listening to his instructions, the Xiantian Qi he cultivated is the Qi that is the source of all things.

Not only can it be muddy, but it can also generate all things.

The yin water derived from it is naturally no problem.

The two started the great formation with their own mana in turn, and then Zhu Guang presided over the altar.

Charge the yin sha ghost power with black and red attributes into the main formation, shake the water fan and fire pot, and stimulate its mighty power.

Then he put the green plague ghost into the fire pot and fanned it with a water fan.

Such a combination of water and fire quenched the impurities in his body and turned them into a cloud of blue-gray ghost liquid.

Next, Zhu Guang cast a spell and summoned him, making him take shape and turning him into a long-lived ghost king.

I saw him:

He wears a gilt helmet with sun and moon on his head, his blue face and fangs are arrogant, he wears a water and fire blue silk robe, and he wears a wooden armor with scattered green awns.

With a fire pot and a water fan hanging from the waist, hundreds of plagues and thousands of plagues can be contained and released. Water and fire can both refine yin and yang.

Seeing the end of the practice, Zhu Guang dismantled the altar, dismantled the magic circle, and took it back.

The Aoki Ghost King immediately turned into an indigo orb, with a red and a black streamer chasing it.

The divine light on it is splendid, more than three points higher than the horse-faced **** general bone pills he had first trained.

But it is of course, after all, the horse-faced general is only the skeleton of an ordinary spirit beast.

How can it match the body of a ghost general who has been practicing for many years.

Not to mention that Zhu Guang made up the impermanent ghosts and gods, and practiced the longevity ghost king, and he was very happy.

On the other hand, Wang Boming and Ning Caichen have been concentrating on studying for the future, and they are approaching the exam period.

The two packed their bags early and prepared to go to Jinhuafu City for the test.

After more than half a month, the two returned to the mountain with a smile.

"Congratulations, congratulations to the two high schools!"

Lingqing led everyone to greet the two of them. Seeing the smiles on their faces from afar, he immediately congratulated them.

The others also congratulated when they saw it.

"Happy and happy together, it is all thanks to the concern of Guanzhu and you, so that we can concentrate on studying.

Now that I can win it, it's not disappointing. "

Ning Caichen bowed to everyone and said with a smile.

Han Chuang has been studying hard for more than ten years, isn't it for this moment?

Now that I have achieved something, when I return to my hometown in the future, I will be able to have a clear conscience in front of my mother and Jing's wife.

In this era, no matter whether the system is broken or not, even if it is based on favoritism and cheating, people are selected.

That can also be said to be out of the quagmire.

Moreover, this person is not only treated extraordinary, can be exempted from rent and pay, and does not worship an official.

They will also be eligible to participate in the general examination next year, and if they will be named in the high school natural gold list again at that time.

Even if he fails to win, he still has the qualifications to be an official.

This step alone can be described as a leap forward, and it is even more different from the cloud and mud before.

I have only heard of poor and sour scholars, Master Juren.

I have never heard of any Juren who are still poor.

Here you can see the difference.

After welcoming the two of them into the hall, Lingqing instructed Zhiyu to hold a celebration feast for the two of them.

After a feast, it is not necessary to say that everyone is happy, even if Lingqing and the woman in Guanzhong do not drink.

For this reason, they also sent people to buy a lot of good wine from the city.

Yan Chixia is a person who loves wine, but it is not easy for him to hold a bottle of wine and drink hard when he sees everyone not drinking.

Just looking for a drink or two while playing around.

Now I am happy to be able to drink freely, and I pull Wang Boming and Ning Caichen two new masters to drink.

Wang Boming has been in battle for a long time, and he is not afraid.

Zhu Guang is also a playful person, looking at Pang Bai and looking like a good child.

However, before he entered the Dao, he was also a frequent visitor to Fengyuechang, drinking like water.

The three of them are delicious, Lingqing and Faming, and Xiaoqian and others can say it well.

The three of them would never pull them to irrigate, but Ning Caichen was different.

He is one of the celebrants this time, so naturally he can't escape. In addition, this person is in good spirits when it comes to happy events.

He also deliberately indulged, and for a while, he was drunk and dizzy.

It was not until the evening of the second day that he woke up, but as soon as he woke up, he was dragged by Yan Chixia and the three of them for a feast.

For three days in a row, the wine in the view was gone.

Yan Chixia and Zhu Guang also had a good time drinking, and he was relieved.

When he woke up, he saw that the sun had reached three poles. He came to the window, squeaked, and pushed it away.

With a warm and slightly cool breeze blowing, the spirit is much clearer.

Thinking of the experience of the past few days, he couldn't help but rubbed his forehead with a wry smile.

"It's really not right for a momentary wanderlust to cause me to be awake for three days."

Just as he looked at the scenery outside, let go of his spirit and regained his mind, he suddenly heard a clear call from outside the door.

"Master Ning, have you ever woken up?"

He quickly opened the door and saw a woman waiting outside the door with a washbasin towel.

"How can you trouble the girl, Xiaosheng can do it himself."

Seeing this, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to take it.

Now that the township exam has passed, and he is already in high school, naturally he does not have to suffer in that hard-working bookstore.

Therefore, he moved back to Guanzhong with Wang Boming and stayed there.

It's just that when he was at home in the past, his mother was old, Jing's wife was sick, and the family was poor, and he didn't even have a book boy.

He didn't have to worry about the chores, but he was used to such trivial things as washing up.

Now that I see someone serving me, I am not used to it for a while.

"Where is the son, now the son is in high school, it is already a master, and you will get used to it in the future."

The woman dodged, put the water basin on the basin stand, handed him a wet towel, and said with a smile.

"There is work and work!"

Ning Caichen took it with embarrassment, wiped his face hastily, and then washed his hands in person.


Seeing him like this, the woman couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling, and said with the basin.

"By the way, Dr. Wang instructed that if the son wakes up, he can go to the bookstore to find him."

"It's such a laborious girl."

Ning Caichen's face became solemn when he heard the words, and he bowed his hands.

The woman returned the salute and walked away with a smile.

Ning Caichen packed up his mood, turned around and went out the door to find Wang Boming.

From time to time in the bookstore, I saw him and bowed.

"Well sir!"

"Sit down!" Wang Boming poured him a cup of tea and said.

"I was asked to teach you about your practice the day before yesterday, but I was just preparing for the exam at the time, so I didn't mention it again because I was afraid that you would be distracted.

Now is a good Now that you have learned it, with your knowledge, you will be able to make a little success when you have the exam next year.

At that time, after two big exams, you will definitely gain a lot. "

"Thank you sir!"

Ning Caichen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and bowed to thank him.

"It doesn't have to be that way, because you are well-versed in your studies, not someone who only knows how to study hard."

Wang Boming helped him up and said again.

"It is also your destiny to join us all the way and lift them together.

Furthermore, this method of mine is also compatible with people. If I can get peaches and plums all over the world, it will be of great benefit to my practice. "

Wang Boming's practice is called "The List of Examinations".

Whether you are taking the test yourself or setting a question to test others.

You can gain something from it, improve your knowledge, and increase your cultivation.

And no matter the more successful teachers and students are, the more feedback there will be, so he does not hesitate to include them and teach them to others.

Of course, he didn't pass it on to everyone, and if he failed an important test, he would naturally lose his way to progress.

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He was willing to pass on Ning Caichen because he had withstood the test during this time.

In addition, he also assisted in revising Qi Song, nourishing Haoran's righteousness, and using it to keep righteousness and ward off evil spirits.

Now that the decision has been made, Wang Boming invited Lingqing and others to witness, officially including Ning Caichen as a disciple, and set the name.

Then, taking advantage of the great victory in the autumn exam, he guided him to the beginning of his practice.

With the help of Zhongju's success, the foundation was laid. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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