Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 208: Temple of Exploration

Remember [New] for a second,! Lingqing sensed that the undercurrent was about to surge in the city, and it would soon spread to the mountains, so she simply did not go to the city.

Flicking the dust in his hand, he entered the woods and headed for the mountain.

I plan to follow the map first and take that opportunity as soon as possible.

The province was involved in it, involuntarily, and missed the opportunity.

When there are no worries, it is better to make other plans according to the situation.

As he moved forward, the surrounding thorns and branches swayed spontaneously, showing him a path.

And the feet seem to be walking at will, but there is never a time when one foot is empty.

Even if there are potholes where he falls, when he falls, there will be branches and leaves swaying in the wind that happen to fall there, paving the way.

After two days in the mountains, I finally followed the map and found the place marked on the map.

But this place is not a no-man's land. .

Ling Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and he took out the bark and checked the position shown on the map.

He looked at the slightly dilapidated, but still populated mountain temple in front of him.

"I don't know when this opportunity was buried.

How come a mountain temple has been erected now, and it is not shown on the map?

And shouldn't this be what the dungeon information said, the unresolved Longshan Temple?

But that's not right, there is clearly a **** in this temple. "

The mountain temple in front of you is not the common three-foot temple with no doors and no windows.

It was a three-room tile-roofed house, with a thatched hut on each side, surrounded by a circle of low walls, and the hut on the east was occupied by people.

Behind the temple is a cliff, and the temple hall is built against the wall.

According to the map, the burial opportunity lies in the secret cave in the cliff behind the temple.

Lingqing opened the eyes of the truth, looked at the temple, and found that there was a white beam of light above the temple.

It's just that there is a faint hint of red and gray mixed in it.

The red color is the sign that this **** has started to work and is promoted to the **** of red edict.

And the gray color is a sign that he is either injured or has karma.

However, for mountain gods, it is normal to have karma.

After all, this kind of clergy of prestige will bring some of this.

As long as its qi does not turn black, it proves that its virtue is not too bad.

Ever since the divine authority was transformed into a talisman into the body, Lingqing has the ability to observe the divine aura.

Of course, with his current personality, he can see at most the clergy of the red edict, and he can't see it further.

Now this God is not beyond his power.

As for the secret cave in the cliff, there is no clue at all.

Ling Qing put away the bark and looked at the surrounding mountains.

I deliberately took a closer look at a few nodes.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark again, he walked to the front of the temple.

At this time, the courtyard door was closed, and he raised his hand and patted it.

"Bang bang bang!"


Hearing the knock on the door, an old but firm voice came from the hut on the east side.

Then walked out a strong old man with gray hair in hunting suit.

Seeing Lingqing dressed as a Taoist through the low wall, he opened the courtyard door with a creak and said to him.

"It turned out to be a Taoist priest, the old man greeted him."

Said and bowed his hands.

"The old man is polite, but Pindao missed the time to go down the mountain because he was greedy for the scenery in the mountains.

Want to spend the night in a precious place, I wonder if it is possible? "

Lingqing put the whisk on his arm, bowed his hand in return, and asked.

He just stayed on the sidelines for a long time and watched, except to explore its reality and set up measures to prevent accidents.

Just to wait until evening to knock on the door.

This Longshan Mountain is originally a deep mountain, and there are many wild animals, and there are not many beasts such as jackals, tigers and leopards.

There are often some scholars and hunters who go into the mountains to play and hunt.

This old man often received such people, and at this time, he looked at Ling Qing, although he was tall and strong.

But the skin is delicate, and it really doesn't look like a Taoist who lives in the wind and sleeps.

However, in the past, he also met many sons and brothers, dressed up as Taoists to make fun of leisure.

So when I saw Ling Qing, I didn't have any doubts, thinking that he was like this too.

He just shook his head secretly and opened the door to let him in.

"Come in, I've seen a real Taoist old man who sleeps in the wind, but he doesn't look like you.

I don't know if I bring a guard when I go out to play, there are so many beasts in this mountain. "

"Thank you for taking it in, but Pindao is a true Taoist, and he thinks that he has some means of protecting himself."

Ling Qing thanked him and followed behind him into the door.

"You said yes."

As the old man spoke, he led him to the hut on the west side of the main hall and opened the door.

"On the mountain, there are only two rooms except for the temple of the mountain god.

The old man lives in one room, and this room is often used to entertain others. If the Taoist priest is not too shabby, he should live here. "

"Wherever, the poor Taoist is a monk, but he is satisfied with a tile to cover his body.

Moreover, the old man Lai is kind-hearted and willing to take him in, so there is no reason to dislike him. "

Ling Qing quickly waved his hand and said.

The old man saw that he did not have the kind of arrogant command of the son, and knew that even if he was not a Taoist priest, he was a sympathetic one.

"That's fine, as long as the Daoist doesn't dislike it, I'll make a meal later, and I'll call the Daoist again."

Seeing Lingqing's response, he nodded and turned to the east of the hall, except for the same thatched hut.

He also built a simple shed with a stove.

Lingqing watched him busy, said that he was tired, and then looked at the main hall of the mountain **** with the door closed, and turned around and entered the room.

The room was very small and dark, and there was a wooden bed on the left of the door.

There are only two bluestones on the right side to be used as stone tables and benches, which are indeed very crude.

And now the sky outside is still bright, but the inside of the house is like night.

However, Lingqing didn't mind, so he swept the bed with his sleeves.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on it, closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart.

'I don't know what the chance is? Is it a **** or something else?

Or the inheritance left by Mr. Tongxuan.

If it is other, I don't know if the mountain **** has found it?

If he was robbed first, it would only mean that his chances were insufficient, so he had no choice but to give up. ’

As for the mountain god, I think it should be this mountain **** at this time.

However, the coffin has not yet been concluded, and there is still a risk of falling by the wayside.

And from the copy information, it seems that the inheritance of the Mountain God has attracted many people to come.

And there is a team sent by the emperor to find immortals.

At that time, the mountain will be turbulent.

Lingqing looked at the time of the dungeon again, but it could only stay for half a year at most.

It is tonight to see if I can talk to that mountain god, and find out what the chance is.

At that time, we will look at the situation and then decide whether to withdraw from the whirlpool, or participate in it.

After making up his mind, Lingqing began to practice breathing.

After a while, the old man called him to dinner.

The old man's surname was Guo, and Fanjian Lingqing got to know him by name, knowing that he was a hunter in the village at the foot of the mountain when he was young.

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After getting old, because of the sudden death of his wife and children, he came to the mountain to be a temple blessing in despair.

After dinner, the old man Guo went to the temple, saying that he wanted to make offerings to the mountain god.

"Although the Taoist priest can rest in peace, the temple is protected by the mountain god, and the wild beasts and lone ghosts in the mountains do not dare to attack."

"Lao Lao is here."

Ling Qing smiled and watched the old man go out the door, and his smile suddenly faded.

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