Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 213: Enlightened good way

"What are you panicking about? Grandpa, I even lost the position of the Lord God, and you still think that you can occupy the position of God and not let go?"

Guo Ning was heartbroken by their quarrel, widened his eyes, and shouted angrily.

"Don't be noisy, the noisy grandpa is upset!"

The other ghosts and gods froze when they heard the words, and silently found their seats and sat down, bowing their heads and saying nothing.

They were all sealed by Guo Ning, so they knew a lot about his grandfather, the mountain god.

Although he often used theocracy to do good deeds and never killed many lives, he was really not a merciful Lord.

As long as it doesn't delay him in sacrificing the divine seal, good and evil are entirely up to his will.

Ling Qingxing's method, he naturally knows what the consequences will be.

At this time, he has been watching in secret.

Seeing Guo Ning suppress the situation, he immediately knew what to do.

Looking at Guo Ning alone, Lingqing has said before that "the good go up and the evil go down".

If he can still use his ordinary body to command a group of ghosts and gods who still have a **** in his body, he will know his lustful and majestic methods in the past. .

It seems that the ghosts and gods of this mountain will be good or evil in the future, or they will have to fall on him.

As long as he can do evil and follow good, the rest of the group will only follow suit, and it is impossible for him to go against him.

After Lingqing had a plan in his heart, he waved the dust in his hand, opened the door of the side hall, and said loudly.

"You all come in!"

When the people in the hall heard the words, they looked at each other and then looked at Guo Ning.

After he got up, they followed behind.

When he came to the main hall, he saw that Ling Qing, who was sitting on the throne, was very majestic and did not dare to look at it for a long time.

"I'll see Grandpa Mountain God!"

"Forget it, Pindao didn't intend to be this mountain god."

Seeing them like this, Lingqing waved the dust in his hand, swept them a somersault, and rolled to the ground.

"The name of the poor Daoist is Daoqing. In the future, you can just call the Daoist who is clear."

A group of ghosts who fell from the altar looked at each other, and Guo Ning was the first to shout.

"I've waited to see Daoqing Xianchang!"

"I've been waiting to meet Daoqing Xianchang!!"

The other demons also woke up like a dream and shouted.

"Well, sit down."

Lingqing knew that they didn't figure out their own temperament, and they didn't dare to call out people in a daze.

So don't force it, wave your hand to sit down.

Guo Ning and others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and thanked them.

After they recommended Guo Ning to sit on the left hand seat, and then sat down according to the previous seat.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Ling Qing spoke again.

"In the past, this priesthood was not conferred by the heavenly court, second, it was not conferred by the imperial court, and third, it was not made by the people.

It is only because Guo Ning got this divine seal by chance that you have this divine creation.

Some of the constraints of heaven, the legal system of the dynasty, and the people's will are lessened.

Therefore, only in order to obtain a higher position of the gods, but do not know how to worship the heavens and the earth, and benefit the living beings.

Furthermore, because of temporary greed and plotting against believers, it goes against God's way.

Although most of the people who were conspiring to be in the wrong place, they eventually fell into the wrong path.

It's not that the perpetrator cannot be punished, but that the punishment should be clearly ordered and impartial.

Instead of imposing punishment for their own selfish desires. "

"I waited and knew I was wrong!"

Seeing him say this, Guo Ning and others respectfully replied regardless of whether they recognized it or not.

Speaking of which, their kind deeds and acts of kindness are no different from those of Mu Jingrou, Xiaoqian and others who had been saved by Lingqing before.

All have selfish intentions.

But the difference is still the effort on the mind.

Lingqing strength, Xiaoqian and others are out of kindness, and they take the blood and essence of people with bad intentions out of selfish desires.

Although they saved a lot of people in the past, they did not carry their own merits, so the merits were vain.

Although it can bless for a while when the disaster is imminent, it is still a kiln head soil embryo.

Moreover, there is still some difference between seeking immortals and being gods.

Immortal Dao can be reckless, as long as he does not follow the Dao of Heaven and does not violate the morality of good and evil in his heart, even if he destroys a city or destroys a country, it will not harm his practice.

Of course, Xian Dao Guisheng is the most playful person in the world, and few of them are willing to be infected with the red dust killing karma.

In the end, being a **** must be limited, and when conferred by heaven, one must follow the iron law of heaven;

If you are enshrined in a dynasty, you must follow the laws of the dynasty;

To receive the wishes of the people, one must rely on the incense of the hearts of the people.

Although Guo Ning and others were not granted by heaven or by a dynasty.

However, when he built a temple, he naturally had to receive incense, and according to the wishes of the people, it would have nothing to do with the people and spirits.

With their previous hearts and natures as gods, one day they will be devoured by this incense, and the disaster will not be far away.

Lingqing saw their attitude and knew that they didn't understand the difference, so she said patiently.

"Doing good deeds with disgust, although there are merits and virtues, in the end, it is to look at flowers in the mirror, and when dust is covered, they will escape; if you look at the moon in the water, when waves arise, they will disperse.

Since you are willing to do good deeds for the sake of the throne, you are also willing to ask for a long term.

Then you might as well get rid of evil thoughts and send out good intentions.

By doing good deeds with kindness in this way, the natural merits are boundless and the blessings extend.

Even if you suffer a catastrophe in the future, you will have the protection of the heavens and the human heart to avoid disasters.

Even if you meet people like Pindao as you are today, you will respect your merits and be courteous.

But if you want something, as long as you don't violate the morality of the poor Taoist heart, you will also be willing to help.

This is the principle of getting more help and less help.

In the end, the way of Shinto is to Taoism tomorrow, to observe good and evil, to follow the general trend, to do good deeds, and to save good in order to be able to prosper and rise step by step. "

According to Guo Ning's mind and understanding, he naturally understood the difference.

Therefore, after listening to Lingqing's words, he was suddenly enlightened and enlightened.

"Thank Xianchang for teaching! Thank you for teaching!"

The rest of the demons also shouted when they saw it.

Of course, there are those who understand, but those who don't understand are just slipping along.


Ling Qing looked at them like this and nodded with satisfaction.

Regardless of whether it is for profit or benefit, as long as you can have good intentions but evil thoughts, that is a good start.

A thug who kills and commits all kinds of evil, because one day his kindness develops, he abandons his former life.

Incognito and devout devotion to good deeds, from then on to build bridges and pave roads, build tents and provide porridge, and help the poor and endure hardships, then it is also a lot of merit.

Even if an incident occurs one day, the merits and demerits cannot be equalized, and when the deeds end, they will be blessed by merits and virtues, and the future will be bright.

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Even if people don't forgive them and scold them for their faults and degrade their merits, the gods will not deceive their hearts or forget their merits.

This is also the reason why Lingqing asked Mu Jingrou, Xiaoqian and others to repay their past sins while accumulating merit and cultivating kindness.

No matter what other people are like, just ask God not to sin and self to not sin, naturally sins will dissipate, and merit will always be there.

It's just that people are unpredictable in the end, and more difficult to last.

He said that he had a good heart, but Lingqing didn't dare to believe it completely, and he had to test it.

Therefore, the Longshan Divine Seal beside him turned into an illusory talisman and fell in front of all the ghosts in the hall. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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