"There is still a cave in this cave?"

Ling Qing said in surprise, while looking at the scene in front of him curiously.

I saw that the top of the head was not made of rocks, but like a valley, casting a skylight.

At the foot of the cave door is a stone platform, separated by a deep ravine, and only connected by a rattan bridge in the middle.

Although this bridge is only a hundred or ten paces away, when Lingqing brings his eyesight to the extreme, he can see that it is extraordinary.

This bridge is a bridge of trials. If you enter according to the Aoki Spirit Transformation Art, you will be tested step by step from the moment you set foot on this bridge.

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You cannot cross this bridge unless you pass through it layer by layer.

If it is forced to come, I am afraid that it is to touch the cave protection formation, and it will not be possible to break the big formation.

And Lingqing came in according to the law, so he didn't have to be so troublesome, and he came over easily.

Further in, there is a stone platform with a width of more than 100 acres.

Most of it is occupied by spiritual roots and exotic grasses, mostly ginseng and Huang Jing, and there is a giant tree in the center. .

There is a tree hole under it, which should be the resting place of the owner of the cave.

Ling Qing didn't care about anything else, and walked to the big tree.

The height of this tree is only more than 100 meters, and its crown covers about 100 meters, but its trunk diameter is 100 meters thick.

There are three layers of soil steps in front of the cave, and the entrance of the cave is blocked by green vines.

He stepped up, and just wanted to lift the ivy, when he heard a bang, a blue light flashed over the ivy and swayed it away.

Lingqing played again according to the previous hand tricks, and sure enough, it opened to both sides like a bead curtain, revealing the details inside.

The trunk of this tree is not small, and its area is only slightly smaller.

Opposite the entrance of the hole is a wooden table, and in front of the table is a futon. In addition to an incense burner, there is also a wooden ball on the table.

Lingqing glanced left and right again, and found that there was nothing else except a couch and an empty museum rack on the left and right.

That incense burner is just an ordinary incense burner, and the material it is made of at most is slightly better, and there is nothing special about it.

But the wooden ball is a little different.

Lingqing picked it up and took a closer look, and found that the wooden **** were not integrated, but a concentric ball.

Also known as Ghost Worker Ball, it means ghostly craftsmanship.

In addition to a solid ball in the middle, there are still nine layers that overlap.

Each layer has different patterns, various colors of plants and trees, and each layer has a door carved with the emperor sitting inside the door, which is sane.

The carvings are exquisite and the scenery is vivid.

However, if it is put on the case, it can't be really a piece, can it?

He looked at it for a while and didn't see any way. After playing with it for a while, he didn't see any change after playing according to the magic formula.

After thinking about it, he took out the sapphire bark that Senior Brother Zhang gave him.

However, as soon as he took it out, he saw that it and the wooden ball in his hand burst into green light at the same time.

Then it suddenly escaped from his hand, collided with each other, and a burst of intense light erupted.

The shaking made him hurriedly turn his head to avoid it, and put a layer of shield in front of him with the turbid essence essence.

When the light faded away, he turned his head and saw the wooden ball floating in front of him.

But at this time, it has become much larger, with the wooden ball in the middle as the center, and it keeps spinning.

The interval between layers of wooden **** has become much larger, and the patterns on each layer of **** can be clearly seen.

Lingqing entered into it one by one the hand tricks he had learned from the sapphire bark.

Immediately, the wooden ball disappeared in front of him in a flash, and emerged from his dantian.

After making a circle around the Lingfu Profound Altar, it fell within the Xiantian Qi of the upper altar and turned slowly.

At the same time, a method appeared in Ling Qing's mind.

"Sui Xingyuanjing, Mujing Xuanlang Dongyang's ye, there are nine doors in the star, nine sharp edges in the door, and the sharp light hangs down nine million feet.

Every door has a Qing Emperor to prepare a door, guarded by the Central Qing Huang Zhenjun.

In the center, there is Shiyang Shangzhenqing Huangdaojun, who ruled within Weixing, guarded the nine gates, and transported Qingguang Liufeng to illuminate the truth of the upper and lower. "

Its name is "Jiu Ling Changsheng Chaoqing Emperor Jade Canon".

After a while, when Lingqing sorted out this practice, he also understood its intention.

This method is also a longevity treasure scripture, specializing in the practice of green wood aura, and condensing the nine doors and nine emperors.

Then, with the true spirit as the Qing emperor, the nine emperors ascended to the throne and became immortals.

After practising this scripture, in addition to his true spirit transforming into Qing Huang Shangzhen, sitting in the central Suixing.

It is still possible to practice the avatars of the Nine-Dao Qing Emperor and divide them into the Nine-Qing Sect.

The "Green Wood Transformation Technique" on the previous cave door is the introductory method of this method.

Ling Qing stopped looking at the Dharma door, swept the clean ivy futon in front of him, sat on it and began to think.

Nowadays, there are more and more exercises at home.

Among them, the Druid inheritance can be said that it can be roughly divided into four by its four branches, and they can be understood in order.

Although there are many spells, they also have an end, and many of them have been transformed into talismans.

In addition to the fundamental method of restraining the spirit, concentrating the mind, and merging the gods

There are still complicated chapters on the transformation of the gods, and there are many methods in them. So far, he has only practiced a magic art.

The rest are only slightly involved.

What's more, the various kinds of authority that can be restrained by the method of restraining the spirit are infinite.

If any authority is given up, it is enough to make people follow the way, set foot in the way of God, and create a god.

Then there is his own fundamental method, "Xiantian Yiqi Zhenjing".

Although he chose the talisman method of the talisman, the other four ways of Qi, Qi, Pill, and Formation were still passed down by Senior Brother Wan.

Inherited by Druids, spiritualizing the divine law, the innate scriptures of qi.

Any one of these three inheritances is enough for one person to comprehend.

If you want to go forward with three heads, I am afraid that in the end, you will lose sight of one and lose the other, and you will waste your time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now it is also a loss of the innate magic, which is able to accommodate all things.

And when he built the foundation at the beginning, he used the method of building the foundation of the Spiritual Talisman Profound Altar to integrate the three methods into one.

As long as the dharma door is gradually integrated, the three paths can be unified with the innate energy.

At that time, one qi can be used as a spiritual symbol to spread all kinds of laws, and all kinds of methods can be condensed to conform to one qi.

However, even so, he only opened the natural and wild ways with the Druid.

Yu Shuling Huashen has only learned the restraining method, the concentrating method, and the refining technique, and at the same time, he has only condensed the authority of the two gods.

As for the One Classic of Qi, I only learned one of the fundamental Talismans.

Now that I haven't finished and learned my own skills, I have come to another "Jiu Ling Longevity Chaoqing Emperor Jade Canon" that can become an immortal.

This method is also quite vast and mysterious.

Among the Aoki Spirit Transformation Techniques alone, the spirit transformation techniques of spiritual plants and spirit talismans are used.

It is also enough to become a non-secret technique of a side sect.

Not to mention that the nine emperors and nine emperors will be condensed, and Chao Gong Zhenling will become the supreme method of Qing Huang.

In other words, this method is indeed not as profound as the "Xiantian Yiqi Zhenjing", and the mana it cultivates is not as good as Xiantian Yiqi.

But after all, it is also a supreme method that leads directly to the Avenue of Heavenly Immortals.

Brother Zhang, what realm have they reached?

How can this kind of celestial method be freely given to each other?

But when I thought about the master's name, my heart was relieved.

A method of this level is a supreme secret method for people like Ling Qing.

But for them, it should be just a way to get started.

After all, he can't live forever, and he's nothing but ordinary people. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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