Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 227: Blocking is worse than sparse

"Forget it!"

Li Zixuan continued with a flick of his sleeves.

"Now Pindao is seeking divine magic under the orders of the saints, and I also understand in my heart when I think about it.

All of you are here by fate.

However, although there is a predestined treasure, it does not necessarily have a predestined basis. You should know the difference.

But if there is income, if it can be entrusted to His Majesty the Emperor, the glory and wealth will be enjoyed endlessly since then.

Not only that, but it can also benefit family members and shine on the lintel.

However, if it is concealed and not reported, once discovered, the nine clans will be arrested immediately, and the sea will be searched and arrested, so that you will never have peace.

Did you understand? "

After saying that, he looked sharply at the people in front of him.

Everyone's heart trembled when he saw him, but Wang Fu patted his chest and said.

"Relax, don't worry, as for me and other contemptible people, the magic recipe of the gods is obtained, I'm afraid there is no blessing to endure it. . .

How to get the grace of saints?

I hope that the saint will live forever, and the holy bow will always be there! "

The rest of the people came back to their senses and quickly assured.

"But if you get a little bit of harvest, you must report to the real person, and ask the real person to reward him."

"It's very, very good! It's very, very good!"

"I hope that the saint will live forever, and the holy bow will always be there!"

It is said that there are not a few people who really have such thoughts in the crowd.

I think that my family has been ordinary all my life, and I am lucky enough to be able to participate in this Xianfu treasure hunt.

I don't dare to think too much about what Mr. Tongxuan inherits. I just want to be able to pick up some leftovers and cook them coldly, and I can live better than before.

Now I have the guarantee of the world-famous Dazheng in front of me.

If you think about it, if you really get something, are you afraid that you will not have the inexhaustible glory and wealth in the future?

Of course, there are those who are willing to be ordinary and pursue glory.

But there are also those who are pretentious and unwilling to live below others for a long time.

It's just that they aren't stupid and don't jump out when they don't get the benefit.

Hence the crowd of responders all at once.

Zixuan Zhenren also knew very well what everyone was thinking.

However, blocking is worse than sparseness. Forcibly blocking it will only be counterproductive, causing everyone to join forces to resist themselves.

Now that it is tempting to profit, even if someone really gets the chance, they can't avoid the eyes of everyone in Xianfu.

At that time, there will always be some people who will come to Gaomi for today's promise.

After leaving the Immortal Mansion, with the power of the imperial court, he can still take it back.

Master Zixuan nodded, turned around and led the two Taoist boys, walking across the pavilion towards the cliff.

As soon as he came to the edge of the cliff, he saw a yellow jade lotus platform that kept rolling in the clouds and floated to his feet.

When he stepped on it, the lotus platform supported him and fell straight into the sea of ​​clouds.

This topaz lotus flower was made by Lingqing with some turbid essence, and it was refined in conjunction with the prohibition in the mountains, and it was specially used for greeting and sending.

The rest of the people also followed suit when they saw it, and they fell towards the middle of the valley, being supported by the blossoming yellow jade lotus platforms.

Wei Zimo and Ying Sanniang, as well as Zhang Tiejian, who came in last, also mixed in and followed, not conspicuous at all.

A group of people rode the lotus platform through the clouds and mist for a while, and then landed at the foot of the cliff.

There is a large stone platform here, and there is also a stone tablet with the words "Wan Beast Garden" written on it.

Only then did they take a closer look at the situation around them.

I saw the cliffs behind and on both sides straight into the sky, the middle plain is vast, the jungle is lush, the strange rocks are abrupt, the stream is flowing, and the scenery is different.

At this time, the Hulu Mountain that I saw on the cliff has disappeared.

It's just that there are many wild beasts and raptors in the jungle and grassland in front of you, and the rubble beach is crowded with poisonous insects and alien species.

There are fish, shrimp, turtles, and turtles in the water pool, and strange birds and beasts are raised in the silt swamp.

However, although these animals are majestic and magnificent, they all flash with a phantom light, which can make everyone see that they are not real beasts.

"Really, is this place?"

It was Wang Fu, who had stood in front of Master Zixuan before, and asked him after looking around again.

"It's called Ten Thousand Beasts Garden, and it's supposed to be used to breed that kind of special animal talisman."

As the real Zixuan said, he said to the boy beside him.

"Yichen, you go find a bird and beast to try."

"It's the master!"

The boy who followed Zixuan Zhenren to the left with the sword hanging from his left shoulder responded.

He looked around, flicked the whisk in his hand, and suddenly several animals flew towards him as if bound by ropes.

Yichen caught it, checked it out, and scattered one of the white rabbits into a talisman and fell into his palm.

The rest turned into light spots and disappeared in his flick.

He held the talisman in his hand and carefully sensed it.

Luck's body mana was input into it, and it was seen to be released.

It turned into a lifelike white rabbit and jumped at his feet.

In addition to making him feel connected, there is also a simple method of sacrificing and refining talismans that emerged in his heart.

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At the same time, he also knew the various abilities of this talisman.

This is specially prepared by Lingqing, in order to prevent the person who obtains the talisman, and will not sacrifice the method and use of the talisman.

After digesting this information for a while, Yichen turned around and said one by one to Master Zixuan.


Master Zixuan nodded lightly, turned around and said to everyone.

"You have also seen it, most of the beasts in this garden are just magical illusions, but there are also beast talismans hidden in them.

You can measure your own abilities by yourself, if there are no extraordinary means.

Finding one or two beast talismans in it is a reward.

If you want to ask for more, you can only see your own abilities.

Pindao has to go one step ahead. "

Having said that, he took the two Dao Boys to ride the and flew towards the depths of the valley.

After he left, Wei Zimo and Ying Sanniang, who were hiding in the crowd, breathed a sigh of relief.

Just following behind this Dazheng, the two of them have been in a state of fear, for fear of being discovered, they didn't even dare to say a private word.

Now that he was gone, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What about Quan Anguo and Monk Zhigu? Wouldn't it be the first step?"

Ying Sanniang glanced around and whispered to Wei Zimo.

"It's possible, we should hurry.

If Master Zixuan got it, there is a 50% chance of presenting it to His Majesty.

But if the two of them get it, I'm afraid there is not even a 10% chance. "

The two said, taking advantage of the commotion caused by the sudden departure of Zixuan Zhenren, they quietly left everyone and walked towards the valley.

There are also many people who think the same as them, all of them are confident in their own abilities.

However, Zhang Tiejian kept mixing in the crowd calmly, and did not leave in a hurry.

"Everyone! Everyone!"

During a commotion, Wang Fu stood up to draw everyone's attention to himself, and then said.

"Everyone has heard what the real person just said, and now those who have the ability and ambition are almost gone.

The ones who are left are the contented people. We just want to get some means of the fairy family, and we don’t expect any magical recipes.

I can't wait to work together to find a rune for everyone.

Wouldn't it be much better than fighting alone and fighting each other?

Am I right? "

PS: The follow-up content has been changed. This chapter will be sorted out first, and another chapter will be published in the afternoon. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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