Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 798: turn against each other

"Hahaha~ Good disciple, your strategy really worked." Zang Lingzi flew from the outside and landed beside Ling Qing.

Reaching out and patted his shoulder, a powerful mana controlled the murderous aura in his body.

Looking at He Xiangu, he smiled and said, "I used the Zhuxian Sword to forcibly capture He Xiangu's soul to refine the sword, which was really too public.

Or is it more appropriate at this time to kill her quietly, no one can think of it. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the two severing swords on Lingqing's body flew out, and they were about to slash at He Xiangu.

Lingqing was suppressed by him with all the mana at this time, unable to move at all, and could only watch helplessly as He Xiangu was about to die under his sword.

"It turned out to be true." He Xiangu looked at the broken sword flying out of Lingqing, her complexion changed greatly.

This sword was clearly the same as the Sword of Immortal Execution that had taken her soul before, and she had seen this sword before, and it was the one that Ling Qing came to save her from breaking.

"You are indeed the apprentice of the Heaven-reaching Demon.

I didn't expect you to be even worse than Lu Dongbin, to be in the company of demons.

I'm going to kill you today to save you from harming the world in the future. "

After all, she didn't care about the injuries on her body, she used a sword to kill Lingqing.

"Good disciple, hurry up and make this sword for your master." Zang Lingzi slapped Lingqing.

He couldn't help flying towards He Xiangu.

From He Xiangu's point of view, it was he who was going to kill herself with a sword, and she didn't hold back anymore.

Xuannvjian stabbed Lingqing's chest with the idea of ​​​​killing.

Zang Lingzi smiled when he saw it, controlled Lingqing to avoid the key point, and let the Xuannv sword pierce Lingqing's chest.

Lingqing couldn't speak, she could only signal He Xiangu to leave quickly.

When He Xiangu saw his eyes, she didn't think she meant to kill her, and she was in a mess.

In his hand, he wanted to slash horizontally with a sword, and the sword that slashed Lingqing into two parts slowed down.

But that Zhu Xian's Broken Sword did not hesitate, and chopped at He Xiangu.

"Stop Daoqing!" Tieguai Li and the others, who were attracted by Zang Lingzi's demonic energy, exclaimed when they saw this.

Lu Dongbin's flying sword was extremely fast, and with a single sword, Zhu Xian's broken sword was knocked into the air.

Han Zhongli took a precious fan in his hand and flew Lingqing, Zhang Guolao took a step forward and caught the injured He Xiangu.

Tieguai Li Ze slapped the gourd and released the true fire of Samadhi to burn the Tibetan Lingzi.

Zang Lingzi dodged and avoided the true fire of Samadhi, and caught Lingqing who was fanned away.

He took back the Zhuxian Broken Sword, which was thrown away by Lu Dongbin, into Lingqing's hands.

He looked at Tieguai Li, Han Zhongli, Zhang Guolao, and Lu Dongbin who were standing in front of him.

Looking at He Xiangu, who was being protected by Lan Caihe, she sneered: "Unfortunately, I didn't expect you to come so quickly.

"Fairy Wood"

However, He Xiangu was caught in my apprentice's killing sword qi, and I'm afraid it's not far from death.

Although she couldn't use her soul to sacrifice the sword, but the Eight Immortals went to one of them, I see how you can defeat me?


Zang Lingzi took Ling Qing and left with a big smile.

"Don't run!" When Lan Caihe saw it, he was about to chase after Zang Lingzi.

"Come back, don't chase after the poor bandits, it's important to save Xian Gu." Han Zhongli pulled him back.

"But Daoqing is still in his hands?" Lan Caihe said anxiously.

Han Zhongli and the others looked at each other, but did not speak, not even Lu Dongbin.

"You don't believe in the nonsense of the Tongtian demon, right?" Lan Caihe said in surprise when he saw everyone's reaction: "Daoqing is the reincarnation of Emperor Donghua, how could he be the apprentice of the demon?"

"You're not good enough, you can't detect it." Tieguai Li poured out an elixir and fed it to He Xiangu, then sighed and said, "We just did the math.

It turned out that Daoqing was the reincarnation of Emperor Donghua, and it was the Tongtian demon who used his magic tricks to blind the eyes of the immortals.

Let everyone think that he is the reincarnation of Emperor Donghua, so that he can take the opportunity to break into our interior. "

Now that Zang Lingzi no longer needs Lingqing to be reincarnated as Emperor Donghua, and the plan has reached the last step, he will naturally not cover it up for him.

Instead, he deliberately pushed the previous plan to the front of Tieguai Li and the others.

At this time, Tieguai Li and others naturally knew the details.

"Is it true?" Lan Caihe looked at Lu Dongbin. After all, if Lingqing was fake, he must have known.

He Xiangu, who took a sigh of relief, also looked at Lu Dongbin regardless of what she said earlier.

"Daoqing is indeed not the reincarnation of Emperor Donghua, I am." Lu Dongbin glanced at everyone and took a deep breath.

"How could this be? That said, Daoqing is really a disciple of the Heaven-reaching Demon.

Did he really want to kill Xian Gu? "Lan Caihe said in disbelief.

"Although I don't want to admit it, that's the truth." Han Zhongli sighed.

"No, it was born to me and his compatriot. I don't believe that he is really so vicious." Lu Dongbin shook his head.

He has been with Ling Qing for the longest time, and he believes that he still knows something about Ling Qing.

Judging from his previous actions, he did not believe that Lingqing was deliberately deceiving everyone.

"There must be something hidden in this."

"Speaking of which, there are indeed a lot of strange things." Han Zhongli couldn't help but start to reflect.

"Previously, we all calculated that Daoqing and Dongbin were the reincarnations of Emperor Donghua, and all the immortals in the sky also thought so.

He even took him to the Tusita Palace, and Laojun talked with him alone for a long time.

It is indeed possible to say that the Tongtian demon can deceive us, but how can it deceive Laojun? "

"Yes." Tieguai Li also recalled it and said, "Do you remember, Daoqing has said many times that we have made a mistake.

If he was really sent by the Tongtian Demon, how could he deliberately reveal such a big flaw? "

"But he also said that he has a master, and he has not yet worshipped Brother Zhongli as his teacher." He Xiangu couldn't help but said, "Also, I can see clearly that his sword is the Sword of Immortal Execution.

If he is not the apprentice of Tongtian Demon, how can he practice the Immortal Execution Sword? "

Lan Caihe retorted: "Maybe he is really the apprentice of the Heaven-reaching Demon, but he can't see his master's actions, and maybe he doesn't want to join forces with him?"

"This is all your guess." Zhang Guolao looked at him and said, "But it's too late to say anything now.

He has already left with the Tongtian demon, and we have no way to ask.

If we meet again in the future, I am afraid that we will inevitably meet in battle. "

"I'm going to find him and ask him clearly." He Xiangu struggled to get up and said.

Seeing her being brave, Zhang Guolao quickly held her down and said, "Oh, you can't protect yourself now, you just went to die.

Besides, what's the use even if we catch up together? Now that the Eight Immortals are uneven, we are not opponents of the Heaven-reaching Demon at all. "

"Guo Lao is right, the most important thing for us now is to heal your injury.

The Tongtian Demon is so serious that we can't help being careless. Tieguai Li also comforted.

Then everyone took He Xiangu back to Xiaoyaoju to heal her injuries.

It's also because she is arrogant, and she deserves a disaster.

First, because he was deceived by Chunying, in a fit of rage, he wanted to seek revenge for the pangolin and was killed by him.

Divine Soul suffered for seven days, and his mind was a little unstable because of the murderous aura.

And because of the affair between Lu Dongbin and Peony Fairy, he was angry in his heart, and he acted arrogantly and made trouble with Lingqing's grace and righteousness, and drew swords to face each other.

Now he is still injured by Lingqing's Immortal Execution Sword Qi.

Although Lingqing's sword energy has not been truly refined, it has been nurtured for a long time with the power of the spirit dragon.

Coupled with the combination with the killing power collected by Zang Lingzi, its power should not be underestimated.

If this sword energy is allowed to rage in the body, it is impossible to say that Xiangu He will really be wiped out by it, and her body will die.

Lingqing was taken by Zang Lingzi, and came to the main altar of Tongtian Sect with lightning speed.

The situation on his side is also bad.

First, the heart of the Tao was taken advantage of by the love demon, and then the love demon was hurt by He Xiangu's words, and he was internally injured by the backlash.

Zang Lingzi deliberately made him suffer from He Xiangu's sword, to increase his hatred for He Xiangu and the Eight Immortals.

Although this sword did not pierce the heart, it was not far behind.

In the end, when he was fanned by Han Zhongli, the Xuannv sword inserted in his chest almost cut off half of his body.

Anyone with such an injury would have died a long time ago, but with Zang Lingzi on the side, it would be difficult for Ling Qing to die even if he wanted to.

Zang Lingzi placed Lingqing in the quiet room where he practiced the exercises, fed him a few pills, and cast a spell to make a bowl of Dharma water.

In his mouth, he silently cursed and sprayed it on Lingqing's body, and in an instant, the terrifying wound was reconciled as before.

The internal injuries in the body have also healed by half.

The rest was caused by the backlash of his inner demon, and the medicine stone was useless.

"You have a good rest here, let's talk when your injury heals." Seeing that Zang Lingzi had rescued him, he called Chun.

Pointing at Lingqing, he said to her, "Place your young master well."

"Yes, Sect Master!" Chun responded and ordered Ling Qing to be carried and sent to a courtyard.

A few more banshees were invited to wait on the side, and no matter what Lingqing asked, he agreed.

If you can't do it, come find her.

"Young Master, these little demons, you can make do with it first, and if you have any requirements, just ask.

Tsubaki left first. Chun bowed to Ling Qing, saw that he had no other orders, and explained to a few little demons before turning around and leaving.

Lingqing is also thinking about how to act in the future.

Now the love demon in the body is hurt by He is in love and hate, and I compete with myself.

At this time, although there was no repression by the Immortal Execution Sword, he had no time to usurp Ling Qing's mind.

In addition, Lingqing has recovered his Dao Heart and suppresses it, so don't worry about it for a while.

As for He Xiangu's beheading and hurting him, and the angry words he said, he didn't hold any grudges.

Everyone has a time when their emotions get out of control.

He Xiangu had just suffered a calamity, and although she regained her soul, she was consuming too much in the Sword of Immortal Execution.

Before he recovered, he experienced the exile of Peony Fairy again, and his mind fluctuated too much.

It's normal to feel out of control for a while.

As for Zang Lingzi's acting in such a play, he is not worried if he wants to turn against the Eight Immortals.

Although the Eight Immortals have their own shortcomings, they are not indistinguishable from right and wrong.

In addition, there is Master Xuandu above Heavenly Court. He knows his details, and he knows it better than Zang Lingzi.

As long as the misunderstanding can be clarified, there will be no insoluble contradiction between him and the Eight Immortals.

It's just that what he is thinking about now is not how to get rid of Tongtian Sect, get rid of Tibetan Lingzi, and return to Xiaoyaoju to meet other people.

But the purpose of coming to this world.

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