Cultivation: I have an inventory

Chapter 11 Major Events in Lingfu Pavilion

"Finally, I have reached the third level of Qi Refining!"

Feeling the much stronger mana in his body, Xiao Changqing smiled.

This breakthrough, in addition to the accumulation of his predecessor over the years, is also due to the great success of Changchun Gong in the past half month!

This half month of practice is almost more effective than the hard work of the past year!

This is also because the spiritual energy in the shantytown is too weak.

If it is in a place with sufficient spiritual energy, the time for breakthrough may be halved!

"In this way, the middle stage of Qi Refining will not be too far away. After I move to the D-level cave, it will take at most a few months to break through again and get rid of the identity of the lowest level of Qi Refining cultivator."

Xiao Changqing calculated his own cultivation progress.

Becoming a cultivator of the middle stage of Qi Refining, although still at the bottom in Nanshanfang, at least his status has improved a little.

Especially for Xiao Changqing now, it is of great help.

The most obvious is that the cultivation level has improved, the mana and the soul have increased, so the number of talismans he draws every day will also increase!

Next month, his salary will also increase accordingly!

For a talisman master, how many talismans can be drawn every day is not only related to the level of talisman skills, but also a major factor in cultivation.

"In the first half of the month, I couldn't directly show the realm of the six basic talismans. I had to hide my shortcomings and deliberately increase the failure rate of the three talismans, the evil-breaking talisman, the fireball talisman, and the protective talisman. If I follow my previous work efficiency, the salary next month, even if it can exceed the guaranteed 20 low-grade spirit stones, it is estimated that it will not be too much, just two or three more."

"Take advantage of this opportunity of a breakthrough in cultivation to reasonably increase the success rate and show the bosses a little "shock."

When Xiao Changqing was in the "defense" before becoming a regular employee, he only showed the attainments of the first three basic talismans in front of the shopkeeper Hong Jiantao, and he was not sure about the caliber of the last three.

After half a month of hard research, and coincided with a breakthrough in cultivation, the talisman skills have improved. While it is reasonable, it can also let the shopkeeper see that he has made rapid progress and his potential has been estimated to be improved again.

After all, Xiao Changqing deliberately concealed his incompetence before, not to make himself look like a mediocre person, but to fear that his sudden progress would be abnormal and difficult to explain.

His goal is not to be satisfied with becoming a formal member of the Lingfu Pavilion. He wants to climb up step by step and become a Lingfu Pavilion exclusive talisman master, or even a higher level.

The higher the status, the greater the power, and the more resources you get.

If you keep hiding your incompetence, your path will become narrower and narrower, and you will eventually be blocked.


Another half a month later.

It has been a month since Xiao Changqing became a regular employee of the Lingfu Pavilion.

Today is the day to pay salaries.

If nothing goes wrong, he can get 29 low-grade spirit stones today!

After his cultivation broke through to the third level of Qi training, his magic power and soul were enhanced, and the number of talismans he drew every day increased by 20%. In addition, he deliberately showed his talent and raised the success rate of the last three basic talismans, so his turnover rate rose sharply in the second half of the month.

It exceeded the minimum guarantee and reached nearly 30 low-grade spirit stones.

Originally, Xiao Changqing thought that his rapid progress would impress others and attract a lot of attention and attention. Maybe he would be listed as a special talisman master for key seed training in advance.

As a result, the Lingfu Pavilion paid very little attention to him.

Because in the past half month, two more important events happened in Lingfu Pavilion.

The first and most exciting thing was that Lu Qiu, the special talisman master with the best talisman skills in Lingfu Pavilion, successfully made a second-level talisman wind and thunder talisman!

Making a second-level talisman means that the talisman master has been promoted to a second-level talisman master!

Even if the success rate is still very low now, he is already a real second-level talisman master.

The success rate is nothing more than strengthening practice and slowly improving proficiency.

Like Xiao Changqing, Lu Qiu also joined Lingfu Pavilion halfway and was not a direct disciple of the sect behind Lingfu Pavilion.

The only difference from Xiao Changqing is that Lu Qiu is really gifted in the art of talismans. He quickly stood out as soon as he entered the Spiritual Talisman Pavilion, was directly promoted to a regular employee, and was cultivated by the shopkeeper Hong Jiantao.

In less than three years, he achieved two consecutive jumps, from a casual cultivator who knew nothing about talisman skills to an exclusive entry-level talisman master of the Spiritual Talisman Pavilion!

Now, Lu Qiu has been in the Spiritual Talisman Pavilion for fourteen years, and his cultivation has also been improved from the fourth level of Qi Refining to the ninth level of Qi Refining. His talisman skills are no less than those of the shopkeeper Hong Jiantao, and he has become one of the "top" talisman masters of the Spiritual Talisman Pavilion.

Although some people have long expected that it will be a matter of time for Lu Qiu to become a second-level talisman master with his talent, this speed is still a bit fast.

After becoming a second-level talisman master, for a casual cultivator, it is like a carp leaping over the dragon gate!

Because from a strategic point of view, a second-level talisman master, or any second-level "technician", is much greater than an ordinary foundation-building cultivator!

Even in the Jindan Sect, a second-level talisman master is a treasure.

So when Lu Qiu became a second-level talisman master, the small Nanshanfang could no longer accommodate this "dragon". The Luoxia Sect, the sect behind the Lingfu Pavilion, immediately sent out the foundation-building elders to Nanshanfang to invite him back to the sect.

In addition to the elders sent by the sect, those foundation-building cultivators and foundation-building families in Nanshanfang who usually stood in the clouds and high above all sent people to congratulate him and invite Lu Qiu to the banquet.

The second thing is that another little-known "genius talisman master" in Lingfu Pavilion, who never entered the ranks, successfully drew the first-level talisman and was promoted to the exclusive talisman master of Lingfu Pavilion.

Being promoted to the first-level talisman master is considered a big shot in the Qi Refining Realm, but in the eyes of the sect and the foundation-building cultivators in Nanshanfang, it will not cause any waves.

The reason why this matter amazed everyone in Lingfu Pavilion and caused a sensation is because there are additional conditions.

The cultivator who was promoted to the first-level talisman master is a beautiful female cultivator.

The female cultivator is named Jiang Jiyue. She has a very good personality and is approachable. Whether it is the exclusive talisman master in the pavilion or the temporary errand, she has the same attitude and is easy to talk to.

After Jiang Jiyue broke through the first-level talisman master, she also invited everyone in the pavilion to drink spiritual drinks, including temporary workers, and no one was left out. There were more than 60 cultivators.

Xiao Changqing also got a chance to drink a cup.

After this dinner, dozens of low-grade spirit stones were spent.

So for the Lingfu Pavilion, especially the temporary workers at the bottom, Jiang Jiuyue becoming a first-level talisman master made them happier than Lu Qiu becoming a second-level talisman master.

After all, Lu Qiu becoming a second-level talisman master had nothing to do with them, that was something the upper level considered.

Jiang Jiuyue's breakthrough benefited everyone.

With these two major events, Xiao Changqing's slight display of brilliance was nothing, and was easily covered up.

"Why do you feel a little disappointed?"

Xiao Changqing didn't have to show off.

He was just ready to accept the storekeeper Hong Jiantao's summons again to ask him why he had made such rapid progress. He had thought of a coping strategy and excuse in his mind, but was directly ignored.

Storekeeper Hong Jiantao probably didn't have the energy to notice him at all.

It made him feel a little disappointed.

However, thinking that he would be paid soon, Xiao Changqing felt happy again.

Don’t worry, don’t worry…

Wait until the spirit stones are collected, then move and find the third piece of equipment!

As his cultivation and talisman skills improve, he will be able to enjoy the same treatment that Lu Qiu and Jiang Jiuyue enjoy sooner or later.

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