Cultivation: I have an inventory

Chapter 69 Weird Evil Cultivator (3rd update)

It was urgent, Lin Ziyu rushed into the house and forgot to knock on the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door, she saw a red-faced scene, which made her stunned. Her brain was blank for a moment, and the words she wanted to say were stuck.

After reacting, she hurried out and closed the door.

A year ago, she had already given her body and mind to Xiao Changqing and had physical contact with him.

At the same time, she also thought that her sister Lin Zixi should be like her earlier. Since she decided to be the master's concubine, she should be worthy of the name.

She also created many opportunities to match them up secretly.

But Lin Zixi's personality is different from hers after all. She is much more ambitious and ambitious. She believes that even if she is a concubine, she must prove her value, otherwise she will become a commodity that can be thrown away at will. Even if she takes good care of the master in terms of food and daily life, she will not have a high position in the other's heart.

So in the past year, Lin Zixi accepted Xiao Changqing's status as a concubine and was devoted to him, but she still wanted to fight for it and devoted herself to the business of Guangjulou.

And the master Xiao Changqing, for some reason, did not really "move" Lin Zixi.

Lin Ziyu never thought that the two would do such a thing in the room secretly today.

Of course, seeing this scene, she was happy in her heart except that she couldn't react and was shy for a while.

The two sisters can finally go hand in hand.

Lin Ziyu closed the door and left, and Xiao Changqing and Lin Zixi in the room naturally had no way to continue.

Seeing Lin Ziyu's panic when she came in just now, it was obvious that something was wrong.

After Lin Zixi stood up from Xiao Changqing's arms with a red face, Xiao Changqing smacked his lips, savored it, and then coughed: "Ziyu, come in."

"I... I'll go out first."

Even though Lin Zixi was bold and thick-skinned, she couldn't stay any longer. After her sister came in, she lowered her head and ran away.

Lin Ziyu secretly regretted it, thinking that if she had known earlier, she shouldn't have come to disturb at this time. Half an hour later... No, an hour later!

The master and his sister were done.

"What happened?"

Hearing Xiao Changqing's question, Lin Ziyu came back from the charm and said seriously: "Master, Zhu Danshi is asking for a meeting outside the door. He said that there is something urgent that needs your help."

"Zhu Danshi? I'll go out right away."

Xiao Changqing was a little surprised to hear this.

After meeting Master Zhu Youlong at an exchange meeting a year ago, the two of them lived in adjacent caves, so they had more opportunities to meet each other, and they became completely familiar with each other.

In addition, one of them was a first-class top-grade master of alchemy, and the other was a first-class top-grade master of talismans. They were of equal status and had something to use for each other, so it was natural for them to get along very happily.


The two of them had communicated a lot in the past year, but Master Zhu had never "asked" him.

Moreover, with Master Zhu's status and identity, what else could he do in Nanshanfang that he needed his help with?

With doubts, Xiao Changqing met Master Zhu, who looked anxious, in the courtyard of the cave.

"Master Xiao, you must help this time!" When Zhu Youlong saw Xiao Changqing, he immediately stepped forward and held his hands, and it seemed that he had encountered a big trouble.

"What difficulties did Master Zhu encounter? Don't worry, talk slowly, and I will definitely help you wherever I can." Xiao Changqing comforted.

"It's not me who is in trouble, it's Qingzhu... It's not Qingzhu either! It's Qingzhu's son who is in trouble and urgently needs the Calming Spirit Talisman and the first-level Breaking Evil Talisman!"

Zhu Youlong was so anxious that his logic was a little confusing.

After a while, Xiao Changqing finally understood what was going on.

Master Zhu Dan did not encounter any difficulties himself, but his confidante, Ruan Qingzhu, the owner of Baibaolou, whose son's life was in danger, urgently needed the Calming Spirit Talisman and the first-level Breaking Evil Talisman to save his life.

The Breaking Evil Talisman is one of the six basic talismans, and can be drawn by talisman masters who are not in the first level.

But the Breaking Evil Talisman also has an upgraded version, and its power can reach the late first level.

In the Lingfu Pavilion, not only Xiao Changqing but also several talisman masters can draw the first-level Breaking Evil Talisman.

But the Calming Spirit Talisman, before in the entire Nanshanfang, only Lu Qiu, the Lu Fu Master, could draw it.

But Lu Qiu had left Nanshanfang for many years, and now only Xiao Changqing, who "inherited" Lu Qiu's legacy, can draw it.

Even Wu Qingquan, another first-class talisman master in the Lingfu Pavilion, did not master the skill of this talisman.

That's why Zhu Youlong came to Xiao Changqing for help.

"I don't have the entry-level evil-breaking talismans and calming talismans in stock. Moreover, these two talismans are the talismans required by our shopkeeper Zhou recently. They must be handed in every day and sent back to the sect after a while..." Xiao Changqing frowned slightly.

Zhu Youlong hurriedly pleaded: "Good brother, then please draw a few evil-breaking talismans and calming talismans right now. How many spiritual stones do you want? I will never bargain. Moreover, in the future, if you need me, or need the Baibao Tower, just ask!"

They no longer call each other fellow Taoists, but call each other brothers in a hurry.

It can be seen how anxious Zhu Youlong is now.

He is indeed very concerned about the shopkeeper Ruan.

If you didn’t know, you would have thought that it was his son whose life was in danger.

Seeing that Xiao Changqing was still a little hesitant, Zhu Youlong said quickly: "Shopkeeper Zhou, don't worry, I know the rules of your Lingfu Pavilion do not allow the talisman master to sell the talisman privately. You are not helping to draw the evil-breaking talisman and the calming talisman today. It's to earn spiritual stones, but to save lives. I believe Shopkeeper Zhou won't say anything. Even if he really wants to pursue it and feels that this matter is inappropriate, Qingzhu and I will come to the door in person tomorrow to explain to Shopkeeper Zhou. Even if the shopkeeper doesn’t give me and Qingzhu face, he won’t say anything for the sake of Baibaolou and Baihua Valley.”

Seeing that the other party has talked to this extent, and Baihua Valley and Luoxia Sect have always had a good relationship, I believe Zhou Changkong will give him face.

So Xiao Changqing agreed and asked Lin Ziyu to quickly make preparations for drawing the talisman.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xiao Changqing asked again about what danger Ruan Qingzhu's son encountered and why he continued to use advanced evil-breaking talismans and calming talismans to save lives.

When Zhu Youlong saw Xiao Changqing agreeing to help, his hanging heart finally relaxed, and he briefly told how the incident started.

It turns out that for some unknown reason, the relationship between Ruan Qingzhu and her son Ruan Bufan was not very harmonious.

After the conflict between mother and son a few years ago, Ruan Bufan left Nanshanfang in anger and went further south than Nanshanfang, to a Xiuxianfang city on the real edge of the Dayu Xiuxian world, Silver Leaf Peak.

There is also a Baibaolou branch of Baihuagu Industry in Yinyefengfang City. Ruan Qingzhu asked the storekeeper of Baibaolou in Yinyefeng to take care of his son.

But just half a month ago, Silver Leaf Peak was actually attacked by the evil cultivator of the Demon Cult. The monks suffered numerous casualties, and some of the foundation-building monks in Fang City also died.

However, Ruan Bufan's injury was not due to evil cultivators.

As the property of Jiedan Sect, Baibao Tower is well-informed and has wide channels.

When the evil cultivators first laid siege to Fangshi, they predicted in advance that nothing could be done and Silver Leaf Peak could no longer hold on, so they quickly evacuated with their belongings and important members.

Ruan Bufan encountered a strange incident on his way from Silver Leaf Peak to Nanshanfang. He was suspected of being possessed by evil spirits and his vitality was severely damaged.

Even now that I have returned to Nanshanfang, I still can't get rid of this state. I am still in shock and have nightmares. If I don't get treatment, I am afraid that I will not die soon.

In this case, taking elixirs and spiritual objects will not help much. Advanced evil-busting talismans and calming talismans are the most effective.

"The devil's evil cultivators are so terrifying. After falling under their evil spell, you can't get rid of it even though you are thousands of miles away?"

Xiao Changqing's eyes widened when he heard this, a little unbelievable.

Both the predecessor of this body and himself have never left Nanshanfang in these years. They don't actually know much about the world of immortality, and they are not much different from ordinary low-level casual cultivators.

It was also this year that I moved into Yizi Cave Mansion and got to know a group of high-level monks from Nanshanfang, and I started to know more.

But we still don’t know much about the evil cultivators.

All I know is that the methods of evil cultivators are cruel, and some techniques and techniques require the lives of mortals and even monks as sacrifices.

"I don't know." Zhu Youlong shook his head and said with some palpitations: "As far as I know, the methods of ordinary foundation-building evil cultivators are not so unpredictable. Maybe what Qingzhu's son encountered this time was not an evil cultivator..."

Xiao Changqing was stunned, "If it's not an evil cultivator, what else could it be?"

Zhu Youlong couldn't explain why.

At this time, Lin Ziyu had prepared all the materials for drawing the talisman, and Xiao Changqing did not ask any more questions, letting Master Zhu take a rest while he went to draw the talisman.

With Xiao Changqing's current attainments as a second-level talisman master, and the fact that his soul has reached the strength of thirty feet after his cultivation has been upgraded to the ninth level of Qi Refining, it is very simple to draw a first-level talisman, and he will not feel tired or tired, and the success rate is almost the same. It can reach 100%.

However, Xiao Changqing was a little uneasy and frowned.

After hearing what happened to Shopkeeper Ruan's son Ruan Bufan, I also thought of the turmoil he had sensed in recent years, as well as Zhou Changkong's requirement that half of his daily talismans be advanced evil-breaking talismans and calming talismans...

Xiao Changqing felt a little uneasy for no reason.

He doesn't think it's a coincidence.

I'm afraid that the Luoxia Sect sensed something in advance and knew some news, so they had such a large demand for evil-breaking charms and calming charms.

Fortunately, Xiao Changqing's cultivation has reached the ninth level of Qi Refining, and he is only one step away from building the foundation. He has spent his weakest time.

Coupled with his powerful soul, a dozen second-level talismans on his body, and the killer dragon chanting technique, his ability to protect himself is strong enough.

"However, I will also save more evil-destroying talismans and calming talismans next, and keep them for later use..."

Xiao Changqing secretly planned in his heart.

Since the Luoxia Sect is in large demand for these two kinds of talismans, and now Ruan Bufan needs these two kinds of talismans to save his life, it means that these two kinds of talismans can be of great use in some weird and critical moments!

Save more and be prepared.

ps: Chapter 3, 9,000 words delivered! Continue to stay up late coding, Chapter 4 will be very late, everyone will read it when you get up tomorrow morning. The author is handicapped and his coding speed is too slow.

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