Cultivation: I have an inventory

Chapter 88 The War Begins

After the introduction of the alchemist Zhu Youlong, Xiao Changqing quickly understood the situation.

Taohuafang is the "next door" of Nanshanfang, and the distance is not particularly far.

With the speed of the late-stage Qi Refining cultivator driving the flying boat, if you hurry up, you may arrive in five or six days.

It takes just over ten days to go back and forth.

Compared with Luoxia Sect, and even some sects and immortal cities in the belly of Dayu Xiuxian Realm, which take several months to travel, it is much closer.

As for the fact that the Sun family in Taohuafang is the strongest family, it is better to say that Taohuafang is the territory of the Sun family!

Because Taohuafang has only one foundation-building family, the Sun family.

It is rumored that the Sun family once came from the prosperous place in the belly of Dayu Xiuxian Realm, but later it fell apart for some unknown reason. Now the Sun family in Taohuafang is just a branch of the Sun family, the first powerful family, and moved here.

Taohuafang was very small at the beginning, and it was the Sun family that slowly grew bigger over the years.

The main method used by the Sun family to run Taohuafang is to occasionally auction Foundation Building Pills, which are rare and precious pills that cannot be bought even with money for the lower-level Qi Refining cultivators!

It is also because of the Foundation Building Pills that the Sun family has a stable position in Taohuawu. Not only do they have two Foundation Building cultivators, but they also have a guest official at the Foundation Building level!

So the Sun family has three genuine Foundation Building cultivators!

As for why the Sun family has connections in Liyang Xiancheng and knows a second-level top-grade alchemist, it is naturally due to the glory of the Sun family's ancestors.

The alchemists in Liyang Xiancheng owed a great favor to the Sun family's ancestors and promised to give the Sun family some pills, including Foundation Building Pills, every few years.

According to Zhu Youlong, the Sun family may not hold a Foundation Building Pill auction now, but they must have Foundation Building Pills in their inventory.

As long as Xiao Changqing can come up with the chips to impress the Sun family, I believe it is not difficult to exchange for a Foundation Building Pill.

As for the bargaining chips, for Xiao Changqing, a second-level talisman master, it is naturally the second-level talismans.

If there are enough second-level talismans, I believe the Sun family is willing to take out the foundation-building pills in exchange.

When it comes to this, Zhu Youlong and Ruan Qingzhu look at Xiao Changqing with envy.

This is the benefit of mastering the second-level skills!

Even if it is the foundation-building pill, there are many ways to get it.

If Zhu Youlong could advance to the second level of alchemy back then, it would not be difficult to build a foundation, and he would have piled up.

Of course, he is now over 60 years old and has no hope of building a foundation.

Ruan Qingzhu is only in her early 50s and has already reached the great perfection of Qi Refining, and there is still hope of building a foundation.

But although she was born in Baihua Valley, she was not valued because of her mistakes in her early years, and Baihua Valley could not give her the foundation-building pill.

Without the foundation-building pill, she dared not take that step rashly.


The current situation is turbulent. In the next two years, if the foundation-building pill is still hopeless, she will probably force herself to try even if the risk of failure is high.

"Thank you for telling me."

After Xiao Changqing talked about some details about Taohuafang and the Sun family, he turned around and said goodbye.

He decided to go to Taohuafang in three months.

In three months, his cultivation can basically reach the great perfection of Qi training, and it is time to impact the foundation-building realm; at the same time, in these three months, he must also prepare for the work and prepare enough second-level talismans to impress the Sun family to trade for the foundation-building pill.

Without the support of Luoxia Sect, Nanshanfang is short of resources. Now he doesn't have many second-level talismans on him, and he has to keep some for his own use.


What Xiao Changqing never expected was that before he was ready, Taohuafang was invaded by the evil cultivators of the Demon Sect and fell into dire straits.

Although the Sun family has a deep foundation, in addition to three cultivators in the early stage of foundation building, there are also many treasures. Taohuafang was not as helpless as Yinye Peak at the beginning and was quickly conquered.

But the situation of Taohuafang is not optimistic now.

The attack of the evil cultivators is very fierce, and Taohuafang is in danger and may be overturned at any time.

Fortunately, Luoxia Sect and Baihua Valley responded very promptly this time and quickly helped Taohuafang arrange reinforcements.

But now the war between Dayu Xiuxian World and the evil cultivators of the Demon Sect has not officially started, and the major Jindan Sects cannot easily intervene now.

So Taohuafang was asked to solicit reinforcements from several nearby Xiuxianfangs.

Nanshanfang, as the nearest market to Taohuafang, is naturally within the scope of the target for assistance.

Moreover, Nanshanfang has Cao Hao and Xiao Changqing in charge, and there are many cultivators in the market, and the safety factor is much higher than that of other markets, so the number of recruits is the largest.

It is not forced conscription.

When Taohuafang asked for help to recruit monks, they were very generous and did not restrict the cultivation level of the monks. As long as they signed up and dared to go, they would take them all, even those in the early stage of Qi Refining!

And the most important thing is that even if they are in the early stage of Qi Refining, they will be rewarded with five low-grade spirit stones if they dare to fight the enemy after arriving at the battlefield!

If they can kill the evil cultivators, there will be extra rewards!

Five low-grade spirit stones, this is not a small amount for most of the cultivators in the early stage of Qi Refining.

Just like Xiao Changqing at the beginning, he only had two low-grade spirit stones a month!

As for the cultivators in the middle and late stages of Qi Refining, if they go to Taohuafang to participate in the war, the rewards will be even greater.

The Sun family gave a series of reward lists, in addition to spirit stones, there are also various magic weapons and elixirs.

If the military exploits are great enough, the foundation-building pill is also on the reward list!

Ranked first!

In this way, although the monks are also afraid of death and cherish their lives very much, few monks can resist such a generous donation of money from the Sun family!

In the world of immortality, spiritual stones are much more important than ordinary money.

There are so many monks who risk their lives for the sake of spiritual stones!

What's more, there is also the Foundation Establishment Pill that all Qi Refining Realm monks most covet!

You must know that in normal times, casual cultivators in the Qi Refining Realm without background have no chance to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill. However, this war has become a great opportunity in the eyes of many cultivators!

If they grasp it, it might be their chance to advance to foundation building!

When the three large flying boats used by Taohuafang to recruit monks arrived at Nanshanfang, and the list of recruitment rewards and redemption rewards was announced, enough people were recruited in just one day!

And in the end, the casual cultivators at the bottom of the shanty towns in the early stage of Qi refining simply gave them away if they couldn't fit them in. Only the monks in the middle and late stages of Qi refining took them.

The number exceeds nine hundred people!

Even the high-ranking monks living in Yizi Cave Mansion, more than ten people responded to the call!

Jiayidong Mansion.

When recruiting monks in Taohuafang, Cao Hao, the head of the Cao family, came to visit Xiao Changqing.

The two exchanged views on the matter to see how to deal with it.

"The Sun family's move is really too cruel. They only want to strengthen the defense of his Taohuafang, but they don't think that our Nanshanfang will be in danger after it is weakened." Cao Hao said angrily.

While talking, he observed Xiao Changqing's expression.

"Yes. Who says it's not!" Xiao Changqing was also a little worried.

Originally, he planned to go to Taohuafang some time later to see if he could buy the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Now, the Sun family announced directly to the outside world that they indeed had the Foundation Establishment Pill, and it looked like there was more than one pill.

But if you want to get the Foundation Building Pill from them, then go to Taohuafang to help resist the invasion of the Demon Cult and kill the evil cultivator!

The more you kill, the higher the reward.

As long as you can kill twenty evil cultivators at the late stage of Qi refining, or more than five evil cultivators at the ninth level of Qi refining, you can get a Foundation Building Pill!

This condition directly persuaded Xiao Changqing to quit.

It's not that he thinks he's not strong enough, but he doesn't want to take risks.

Especially since my identity is so special and my reputation is so great, I might have already been on the red list of evil cultivators, and I would be besieged when I go there.

Even if his strength is really superior, he still can't withstand the attacks of evil cultivators.

The reason why he asked for the foundation-building pill was just in case his life was in danger during the foundation-building process. If he took risks and fought for the foundation-building, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse?

‘If it doesn’t work, then I will have to rely on myself to forcibly build the foundation. ’

Xiao Changqing thought to himself.

"Master Xiao Fu, why don't you give feedback to Luoxia Sect and stop letting Taohuafang come to our Nanshanfang to recruit monks. Nanshanfang is so close to Taohuafang. If the evil cultivators later find that Taohuafang is not easy to eat, they will If they find that our Nanshanfang is weakened and turn around to besiege Nanshanfang, wouldn't we suffer a disaster?" Cao Hao asked tentatively.

Xiao Changqing glanced at it, spread his hands and said: "To be honest, Master Cao, I have already mentioned it to our Lingfu Pavilion, Shopkeeper Wu. But Shopkeeper Wu said that this is an order directly issued by the sect, and no one can stop it..."

Cao Hao sighed after hearing this.

This matter is indeed difficult to handle.

Luoxia Sect and Baihua Valley definitely don’t want Taohuafang to fall.

Even if you demolish the east wall to repair the west wall, it is a last resort. You cannot watch Taohuafang fall.

As for persuading the monks in Nanshanfang to stay and not go to Taohuafang to fight for their lives, neither the Cao family nor Xiao Changqing have any capital to persuade them?

How could they get so many spiritual stones as a reward?

Where can I get the Foundation Establishment Pill?

The monks in Nanshanfang are free to come and go, and no one is in charge of them.

After waiting for a while, Cao Hao began to discuss serious matters: "Taohuafang is a lesson learned from the past, although Nanshanfang has not been invaded yet. But once the evil cultivator takes action, there will be no warning, and we should take precautions in advance. I don't know Xiao How many second-level talismans does the Talisman Master have in his hands now? Can he sell some? If he is a late-stage Qi Refining monk in Nanshanfang, most of them can have second-level talismans as a trump card. Although they are not as good as those of the foundation-building monks, they can be used in sneak attacks if they are used properly. , and can also threaten the monks in the early stages of foundation building."

Xiao Changqing thought for a while and then said: "Luoxia Sect did not transport the second-level talisman materials to Nanshanfang during this period. You, Master Cao, should also know. So the number of second-level talismans in my hand is not large, but for the sake of To support the defense of Nanshanfang, I am willing to take part..."

Now that the plan to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill from the Sun family of Taohuafang has come to nothing, he can indeed sell part of it in addition to the talismans he needs.

Anyway, just support Nanshanfang's defense, which also increases his own security.

"Great!" Cao Hao was very surprised.

Although the second-level initial talisman is not a strategic item like the Foundation Establishment Pill, its role in wartime is no worse than the Foundation Establishment Pill!

Although he persuaded the Supreme Elder of the Cao family not to underestimate Xiao Changqing, he must learn from the lesson he had when he underestimated Mu Renjie.

But in fact, in his heart, his views were similar to those of the Supreme Elder of the Cao family.

He doesn't think that its own strength is so strong that it can really threaten the later stage of foundation building.

But his status as a second-level Talisman Master can indeed come in handy!

Based on this alone, Xiao Changqing's role will not be much worse than that of him in the middle stage of foundation building!

So Cao Hao was willing to give up the Jiayi Cave Mansion and cooperate with Luoxia Sect's plan to promote Xiao Changqing as the number one in Nanshanfang, but he had no dissatisfaction or resentment in his heart.

On the contrary.

If the evil cultivator really attacked Nanshanfang, he would not really let Xiao Changqing rush to the front line of the battlefield. He would also focus on protecting Xiao Changqing and prevent Xiao Changqing from being in danger.

He needed Xiao Changqing to be alive to provide Nanshanfang with a continuous supply of second-level talismans.

He himself could not use it, but many members of the Cao family in the late stage of Qi Refining could use it, and a large number of cultivators in the Yi-shaped Cave Mansion could also use it!

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