Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1013: out of control

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"It's chaotic!" At night, Zhang Hao listened to the news broadcast and discussed the next changes with the senior management of the Ocean Group and the countermeasures.

The Ocean Group discussed, of course, not just the mercenary guild. In fact, the mercenary guild's affairs can only be counted as a minor link.

What the Ocean Group wants to discuss is the issue of globalization.

Because the masters of the French phase are flying everywhere, and the explosive development of radio and aircraft technology, in less than three years, the signs of world integration have emerged.

However, it is not ‘development integration’ but ‘chaos integration’. This is really the result of a drama.

Nowadays, the influence and commerce of Ocean Group are all over the world, and some things must be carefully considered and considered, and considered again. Of course, the bold should be bold.

Now for the Ocean Group, the biggest confusion is not the war between the Xuanhuang Group and Hetu World. In fact, the outbreak of war has created a huge market for the Ocean Group.

For the Ocean Group, the biggest confusion is that the world gradually begins to show regional opposition!

The new strategic alliance formed by the Ocean Group, Qixia Country, Tiandu School, etc. is booming; and this will inevitably arouse the vigilance of others.

In fact, the strategic alliances of the past, that is, free break, Tianmo, etc., are also rapidly developing and expanding. The Ming dynasty developed rapidly in recent years because they joined the strategic alliance.

At present, the strategic alliance with the Ocean Group as the core, a total of 11 main members, are the Ocean Group, Qixia Country, Tiandu School, Mingjiao, Xuanzhenism, Xianyinzong, Xuanmingjiao, Zhenwujiao, Liang Dynasty, Daluo Zong and Nine Pylons.

In addition, there is about one-third of the area of ​​Xuanhuang World in the west.

However, the Strategic Alliance already has the Freedom School, the Devil Sect, the Lifeless Tianluo Church, the majority of the Kunlun Island, the Hidden Earth State and the Most Earthly State, the Ming Dynasty, the Morning Earth Island, and the Dragon Dragon on the Candle Dragon Island Teach etc. Even recently Xuanhuang Group is approaching this alliance.

There are also some neutral forces, mainly the Motu Continent and the Hetu World; but everyone is neutral and there is no alliance.

The reason why the Moorland is neutral is because... this is a colony. Before the strategic alliance and strategic alliance invaded together, the Moorland was now almost in a semi-colonial state.

In the world of Hetu, under the tremendous external pressure, they want to keep warm in groups.

In short, in the current state, the strategic alliance has consciously developed into the largest alliance in the world. The number of members and land area is almost three times that of the strategic alliance.

Fortunately, the current strategic alliance has advantages in technology, industry and commerce. Especially in the Ocean Group, Qiqizhiqi; the country of Qixia and Tiandu sent the two parties far ahead, and the Xuanzhenism and Mingjiao were dazzling.

In short, for the Ocean Group, the current world pattern is in danger of getting out of control. Facing the pressure of survival, coupled with the drive of ambition, the strategic alliance is becoming dangerous.

In terms of strategic alliances, the level of industry and science and technology of the Xiaoyao faction surpasses that of the Xuanzhenism, and is only inferior to the Qixia country and the Tiandu faction.

As everyone unites, technology becomes more and more borderless. Because there is more communication, the technology of the strategic alliance is developing rapidly.

In addition, now that there is regional confrontation, business communication is gradually stumbling. Dayang Group's global business exchanges also began to experience problems.

For these reasons, the Ocean Group has now a series of actions: let go of the mercenary guild!

The mercenary guild that has lost the restraint of the Ocean Group will soon be chaotic, sweeping the world like a storm.

At the meeting, Bai Yutang analyzed a series of plans to everyone: "After several years of training, the Mercenary Guild has gathered most of the world's masters. Once these masters are out of control, I think everyone can think of the results.

Ten years ago, because of the emergence of artificial God technology, the master of God became widespread. At that time, there was a robbery around the master of Huashen.

The same is true right now. It's just that the current mess is no longer a single master, but a mercenary group, an organized collective of masters.

After several years of training, the mercenary regiment has possessed a powerful combat effectiveness and excellent intelligence system.

Of course, if you want the Mercenary Guild to really get on the right track, you also need to use such an opportunity to complete the purification. After the storm, there will be a real mercenary guild! "

The senior executives of the Ocean Group nodded. Everyone sitting here to discuss is not an international event, but the fundamental interests of the Ocean Group. Don’t look at the fact that the Ocean Group continues to show various moral standards outside, but everyone knows that the interests of the confrontation between large forces are fundamental.

Mei Qianyun listened and slowly asked, "Then I have a question. We allowed the mercenary guild to establish contact with various local forces. Will that make the mercenary guild be used by local countries in various offices around the world? Requisition? Use?"

"Basically impossible!" Bai Yutang said categorically, "Because, from the very beginning, we injected a poison of thought into the mercenary guild: absolute freedom!

Absolutely free thinking, with the mercenary character's ruthless character, hey, I hope that a country can conquer these guys.

In fact, the branches of the mercenary guilds in various regions are deeply rooted in the local area, and once the mercenaries are organized, they can even contend with the local state power!

Coupled with the idea of ​​absolute freedom, I believe that almost no country will wait to swallow these mercenaries!

This is one of the ultimate goals of our original mercenary guild. "

Recently, Mu Yingying, who presided over the business exchanges of Dayang Group, also said: "That mercenary chaos and regional confrontation will have a huge impact on Dayang Group's business channels."

"But the Ocean Group has secretly built a commercial channel!" Bai Yutang continued, "That is, the mercenary guild! Mercenaries may be chaotic, but mercenaries also have their own needs.

Even if all mercenaries are turned into robbers, they need to sell channels of stolen goods, they need to purchase and supply channels. The mercenaries will spontaneously maintain these things! There will even be a large number of business groups, nobles, etc., who secretly participate in it because of their interests.

Just like the establishment of the West Kunlun 30,000 years ago, the current mercenary guild is the West Kunlun in the new era. However, the West Kunlun is based on loose repairs, and the mercenary guild is built on mercenaries and mercenary regiments!

Considering all this, a chaotic world has more benefits for the Ocean Group.

Taking advantage of technology, our products do not worry about the market. On the contrary, because of chaos, it will hinder the development of industry and commerce such as strategic alliances.

This world is always tolerant to the strong. "

Zhang Hao sat in the northern throne, not speaking very much, but nodded from time to time.

With regard to changes in the world pattern and responses, the Ocean Group has held discussions for more than three days. To sum it up in one sentence: take the initiative to cause chaos, and then take the chestnut in the fire, plus robbery while the fire is on. Then when others are in a hurry, they develop quickly.

Well, the next development direction of Ocean Group is high technology.

On the fourth day of the meeting, Dayang Group started to discuss the development plan of industry, commerce, technology and people's livelihood.

Needless to say, the Feitian plan is to upgrade all kinds of war weapons. The new nuclear power plant plan, needless to say. There are also various technologies, funds, exchanges and cooperation in the stock market.

There is also a new education plan. In terms of spiritual practice, education, and people's livelihood, Dayang Group has formally determined a new strategic strategy: On the side of Dayang Group, the title of "citizen" has officially appeared.

The qualification to obtain citizenship is: to receive a full high school education and obtain a graduation certificate, at least 18 years old, to achieve Jindan period!

This condition sounds a bit harsh. However, the actual situation is that the current education system of the Ocean Group has basically achieved this. Now the high school graduates of Dayang Group can basically reach the Jindan period. Therefore, there is basically no resistance to the implementation of this condition.

In addition, it is the supercomputer project. More precisely, it is the fourth generation of computer technology.

Integrated chip technology should be within 200 nanometers. At the same time making mobile phones-200 nanometer chip technology, can already make relatively good, practical function mobile phones.

Supercomputer technology has been proposed two years ago, but after more than two years of groping, it has finally been achieved so far.

In particular, the information obtained from Eternal has greatly promoted the development of computer architecture and software. By the way, the remaining parties of the strategic alliance also received the information left by eternity, but without guidance, they would not understand at all.

In addition to computers, it is materials. If nothing else, just talking about the various materials used to launch the rocket, we must study it well.

The meeting of the Ocean Group took place for a full ten days. Finally, the Ocean Group published a content of the meeting through the newspaper: Citizen!

As soon as the news became public, it caused an uproar. At least 18 years old, graduated from high school, and graduated from Jindan, all three are indispensable. In particular, this Jindan period of cultivation, returned to 20 years, that can serve as the patriarch of a family. At this time, it turned out to be just one of the conditions for adulthood.

Also announced at the same time is the Dayang Group’s new EFA plan. Ocean Group once again increased investment in education, increased supervision and improved the education environment.

It is not a secret to have the ocean medicine base of Ocean Group. The Ocean Group will further expand the development of marine medicinal materials base.

Ocean Group once again attracted the attention of the world.


The Ocean Group continues to move, but the world has also undergone drastic changes.

The Mercenary Guild finally split. The split occurred in two ways. On the one hand is the division of the senior mercenary guild.

The high level of the Mercenary Guild is divided into three parts.

Part of it is composed of free mercenaries and mercenary regiments, which can be called free mercenaries;

Part of it is a strategic alliance, which can be called an alliance mercenary;

Part of it is a strategic alliance, which can be called an alliance mercenary.

In particular, it should be pointed out that among the free mercenaries and the alliance mercenaries, you can easily buy various materials from the Ocean Group; when the representatives of the alliance mercenaries communicate with the Ocean Group, the Ocean Group’s reply is: did not listen Say there is such a existence!

In response from the Ocean Group, the Confederate mercenary-related people jumped violently, but they were helpless. Without the support of the Ocean Group, there will be no nanometer iron, fairy spirit, which is a terrible thing.

This is the strength of the Ocean Group!

The second division of the mercenary guild is the division of regions: the mercenary guild divisions of various regions have begun to sweep away from the front door. Without the influence of the Ocean Group, without the maintenance of Fu Yun's reputation, and the increasing maturity of the mercenary guild divisions around the world, it is completely expected to be out of control.

It was the Jintao mercenary regiment from Lin Jintao who really pushed the division of the mercenary guild to the top.

On February 18, Tianyuan, 18th, Hetu World issued a super reward mission at the Mercenary Guild: blocking all maritime exchanges of the Xuanhuang Group. All ships communicating with the Xuanhuang Group are in the range of attack.

Hetu World offers a reward of 1.5 billion psyches, and it takes the channel of the Green Boat Bank of the Ocean Group. Through the Oasis Bank, the wealth was injected into the mercenary guild, and Lvzhou Bank had someone to supervise the wealth.

According to the reward, every time the Xuanhuang Group’s ‘1 ton’ of ocean transportation is knocked out, you can get a reward of 100 yuan.

The current tonnage of medium and large-sized ocean-going ships is about 50,000 tons. If you kill a ship, the reward is 5 million psychic!

This reward is generous and attracts worldwide attention.

Just three days later, Dayang Group time, which is now the international standard time, at 23:00 on the 21st, the Jintao Mercenary Corps announced that it would sink and capture a caravan of the Ming Dynasty. A total tonnage of 220,000 tons, including two 30,000-ton battleships!

As for the wealth of robbery... it was not made public.

At 10:00 a.m. on the 23rd, international time, Oasis Bank paid 22 million commissions to the Jintao mercenary group through the mercenary guild’s free mercenaries. According to the rules of the Mercenary Guild, a 1% management fee is charged-not by Green Boat Bank, but by the Mercenary Guild.

In the end, the commission received by the Jintao mercenary regiment was 21.78 million yuan.

But the reason why the Jintao mercenary regiment became famous was that they not only received commissions, but also changed hands to sell the two captive warships to Hetu World, with a total value of 30 million Ling Yuan!

A 30,000-ton class warship of the Ocean Group still sells for more than 90 million psychic yuan; but others' warships have no such value.

On the morning of the 24th, the Ming Dynasty issued a reward to the Jintao mercenary regiment, 30 million psychic yuan; but the Jintao mercenary regiment did not care, and even contacted the media through radio.

On the 25th, more than 50 important newspapers in the world, including the "Ocean Daily", even the Ming Dynasty's own newspaper, published the arrogant declaration of the Jintao mercenary group:

To be the most rewarded in the world... The Marine Mercenary Corps!

In addition, the total value of the material we intercepted last time was also 13 million psychic yuan, and it was sold to Hetu World. There are also various secret passbooks, spirit stones, etc., with a total value of about 8 million.

The power of role models is endless. Seeing that the Jintao mercenary regiment changed hands was more than 70 million yuan of income, and other mercenary regiments were also jealous.

The wealth of more than 70 million top-grade spirit stones, this is almost the annual fiscal revenue of a medium-industrial country in the current era!

The Jintao mercenary regiment had no more than 5,000 troops, but it took less than ten days!

By March 5, Lvzhou Bank issued a statement: a total of 1.2 commissions were paid; on behalf of Xuanhuang Group, 1.2 million tons of shipping traffic was destroyed.

Xuanhuang Group's newly developed industry and commerce have been hit hard!

The world is in an uproar.

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