Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1030: Bullshit

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At night, Xuanhuang Group is discussing its speech plan urgently. Wang Ruiyang contracted temporarily in the hotel's conference hall and walked over to walk past.

What happened in the past day made Wang Ruiyang think of a headache. It's not just the "general" of the Ocean Group-even "Zhou Tiangong" has been made public, and it has a hidden taste behind it.

Wang Ruiyang was 100% sure that the Ocean Group had a problem, but he did not know where the problem was. This feeling is very painful-Wang Ruiyang somewhat doubted his wisdom.

In addition, the video materials played by the Ocean Group and the display screen seem to be extraordinary.

There are too many things exposed by the Ocean Group, and many of them make Wang Ruiyang feel at a loss.

Next to it, the experts of Xuanhuang Group were discussing, but everyone's eyes were mostly focused on Wang Ruiyang.

It has been more than a year since Wang Ruiyang joined the Xuanhuang Group. The time may not be very long, but Wang Ruiyang's ability to show has already been recognized by everyone. Therefore, this time also Wang Ruiyang led the team.

Maybe it’s almost a repair, but at this moment, wisdom is more important.

Wang Ruiyang was under great pressure and thought for a long time. Wang Ruiyang dragged several important personnel, mainly representatives of all parties, to discuss tomorrow's plan together.

The situation is so urgent that even Wang Ruiyang has to take the initiative to say that he is a bit unable to start now-with insufficient information, he cannot make a correct decision.

Everyone discussed all night, until 7 o'clock the next morning, and finally finally made a decision: we also fully disclosed the practice of the gold body, and at least five exercises!

At present, what Wang Ruiyang can probably determine is that the Ocean Group is expanding its influence in order to make what Zhang Hao said before the "United Nations"!

Therefore, the Ocean Group must not be allowed to specialize.

As for more, it cannot be considered for the time being.

At the beginning of the exchange meeting, Wang Ruiyang encountered a problem: data presentation.

The material demonstration of the Dayang Group uses a computer and a large display screen; the Xuanhuang Group's information obviously cannot use these equipments. Even if I borrowed the computer from the Ocean Group, the information was too late to be converted into computer information.

But it doesn't matter, Pharaoh naturally has a way. The method of direct spelling simulates the way of slide projection, and it also displays six planes, which are larger and more gorgeous, and show the time of the 10-minute exercise method.

Then there is the explanation, of course, the focus is on the question of the realm of kingship.

The time passed quickly, and the Xuanhuang Group explained the three exercises in one day. The main reason is that there is no entrance ceremony today, so there is plenty of time.

But when the meeting was about to adjourn in the early morning hours, some people asked a sharp question.

This is a problem of loose cultivation, "Mr. Wang, we have a problem. Everyone has been saying that the way of practicing gold body is a trick. Maybe it is relatively easy to get started, and the early progress is fast, but wait until the later practice to advance. It is more difficult.

Many masters of the Xuanhuang world and the realm of kingly realm come from blood and fight to survive.

As practitioners, we are not afraid of difficulties or death. However, if such a huge and even cruel price is paid, the results of the practice will be incomparable to the law. Where is the significance of this practice? "

The scene was calm again. Facing endless gaze, Wang Ruiyang also had a feeling of numbness in his scalp.

Fortunately, Pharaoh is also prepared. Just listen to Wang Ruiyang saying slowly and calmly: "Cultivation resources! The first is the problem of practice resources.

The practice of the golden body path is the least dependent on the practice resources! Theoretically, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can enter the realm of kingliness if you take the medicine in disorder.

In addition, we have found a brand-new exercise "Tongtian". The practice is still in translation for the time being, and it is a bit difficult to translate, but that is exactly the case. We believe that this practice has the potential to transcend the current state. That is the realm of immortal gold body and not bad gold body.

The next level, we temporarily named "Tongtian realm"! "

It is not so easy to be fooled by individual repairs, "But Mr. Wang and the Ocean Group did not say that there is a practice of the next level, but only that they have done some research.

I don’t want to doubt the Xuanhuang Group, but by contrast, we believe in the Ocean Group more. "

Wang Ruiyang groaned, and he finally wanted to understand what the problem was-honor, credibility, word of mouth! Yes, in contrast, the Ocean Group is more credible. The Xuanhuang Group is nothing more than a strategic alliance established in a hurry.

Ocean Group has led the arrival of a new era, and the whole world is influenced by Ocean Group.

The Xuanhuang Group has just been established, and its real influence has not even rushed out of the Xuanhuang world, nor has it officially operated the earthlike world.

But to understand this, Wang Ruiyang still smiled, "Thanks to this Daoyou for asking questions. But this is beyond the scope of this exchange meeting. I can only say, please wait and see!"

I do not deny, but I will not admit it! Wang Ruiyang was a little proud. However, after triumph, it is bitter: there is a long way to go! More importantly, we really don’t have any of these exercises~ I also want to see the research of the Ocean Group~

After saying this, Wang Ruiyang left without looking back-there is something, let's talk about acridine tomorrow.

Soon came the third day. Xuanhuang Group explained all the five exercises in the evening. Then enter the question section.

This time Lao Wang learned to be clever, and only explained the practice-related things-I came to prestige and prestige, just to compete with Dayang Group. Let’s set up the United Nations, we have to do the same!

How big is the world, how can you make the Ocean Group specialize in it?

In addition, Wang Ruiyang focused on instilling this information to everyone: compared to the Fa-phase route and the Yangshen route, the practice of the golden body route is relatively simple, and the life expectancy is not reduced; in addition, the golden body route requires less practice resources, immortality or something A little spare is enough, the main practice resource is spirit stone or aura.

Then there is the issue of bottlenecks. The Fa-phase approach and the Yang-shen approach, which value empathy, and blindness as soon as they encounter a bottleneck, unless one's own realm is elevated, or there is an epiphany. In short, it is not easy.

But the golden body approach is simple, go desperately! Go fight! Go on an adventure! As long as you are not timid, we can break through the bottleneck with courage.

This is also the case. The practice of the golden body approach pays less attention to qualifications, and more attention to heart and courage.

After all, the golden body approach has more than 100,000 years of practice experience!

In addition, there is another advantage of the golden body approach. Comprehension practitioners can directly transfer to the golden body exercises without downgrading. This is also an advantage that cannot be ignored, and some introverts who have entered the bottleneck are excited!

Not to mention, after a night of consideration, Wang Ruiyang's performance was even more compelling. For a time, Xuanhuang Group has gained a great reputation.

The exchange meeting entered the fourth day. The morning of the fourth day was a special session of the Ming dynasty, explaining the practice of the Yangshen route, and the afternoon was a special session of the Song Dynasty of the Hetu World, explaining the practice of the innate route.

After several years of precipitation, everyone's exercises began to mature and began to improve. If you don't consider the problem of the virtual state of the hole, the methods of the four methods are not trivial.

Both the Fa-phase approach and the Yangshen approach are direct ways to advance through cultivation. They all have high requirements for cultivation, but they are powerful after cultivation. For the time being, because of the more practice of the law, and the suppression of the national group, the Ocean Group, everyone more respects the method of law.

But the Yangshen approach is no different. At present, the Yangshen approach claims to have passed 108 steps to touch the last state of the four realms of spiritual practice: refining the virtual and combining the Tao.

In short this slogan is very loud. But the well-informed people knew that even the Xuanhuang civilization of that year, the highest cultivation practice was only stuck in the middle period of refining the gods. So rational people scoff at the Ming Dynasty's hide. However, there are still many greedy people, and the cowhide is blowing too loudly!

There is also a congenital approach, which is the way of martial arts practice. The innate approach is claimed to be easier to get started-the entry of martial arts practice seems to be easier than the golden body way. And the innate way is not discounted, after entering the innate can master martial arts supernatural powers.

Mastered the innate masters of martial arts magical powers, in the case of melee combat, masters of the same level of golden body path, dharma, and Yangshen path.

In the case of long-range battles, it is not as good as the Fa-phase approach or the Yangshen approach.

Even after congenital, the Song dynasty also released the saying of "Nine Layers of Heaven". After the congenital and the ninth chongtian, after passing the ninth chongtian, we directly broke the void-the practice of the virtual combination and the like, weak burst! What's the matter, it's a lot of worry to break directly!

In short, this golden body path, Yangshen path, innate path, one by one, is a high-profile one.

So on the fifth day, within the scope of the Ocean Group, a private newspaper published a joke on the front page:

A cow was carrying a calf, grazing down, and suddenly a bull ran past. The cow was shocked: Is there a butcher?

The bull answered: No, there are braggers!

As soon as the cow heard it, he ran away. The bull was stunned and asked: What are you running for?

The cow replied: There is bragging compared to bragging!

Not wanting the Mavericks to run up, the Bull asked curiously. The calf replied: There are calves!

The circulation of this newspaper is not small, and it is very famous in the west of the Fertile Land and the northwest of the Turtle Land. All waited until 8 o'clock on the fifth day, when the meeting started, there was almost a newspaper on the scene, and many people laughed at it.

Someone said: This is the Xuanhuang Group; the bragging is compared to the Ming Dynasty; the calf is the Song Dynasty.

Someone asked, what about the Ocean Group?

Everyone burst into laughter and said: That was the butcher who didn't show up! This cowhide blows no matter how hard, after all, it is not as good as a hunter's gun.

In short, the meeting on the fifth day was very lively. Also, after the first four days, everyone gained a lot. The current four major practice methods in the world are fully explained and compared horizontally, providing the most intuitive reference for all practitioners.

Especially for those who are in the late stage, peak, or other similar realm of the deification, let them have a clear understanding of the future practice. This is of great significance to them.

I don't know how many people broke through on the spot. There are even a handful of people who try to change the practice method on the spot.

This is also the case, there are more and more people on the scene. Now, many people are already flying in the air, and there is no place to pin on the ground.

But today, it is even more exciting. Because, the Ocean Group will publicly explain the above relevant information.

But everyone also feels a little upset. Xuanhuang Group, Ming Dynasty, Song Dynasty, one can blow one by one, this leather has almost been blown.

Everyone now basically has their own judgment: most of the so-called Gongxu, Tongtian, Jiuzhongtian or similar realm techniques do not exist.

It must be said that this is also the means of the Ocean Group. At first, Zhang Hao was really worried that the whole world would be crazy about being blown away by the "dongxu" method, and finally caused uncertain results.

However, as the Xuanhuang Group and the Ming Dynasty bragged, Zhang Haolin made a move, and the Song Dynasty also blew a few words in the past-Dayang Group and the Song Dynasty, that is, Hetu World, just reached a research agreement on the innate and legal issues. Song The dynasty did not mind sending a favor.

That's it, there was the joke above.

However, everyone still pays attention to the problem of hollowness.

After madness, reason finally revealed. Instead, everyone looked forward to the news from the Ocean Group.

Among all kinds of attention, Zhang Hao brought a large number of people to the podium again. However, Zhang Hao did not immediately say that, instead, the entourage around Zhang Hao brought out piles of new books from the storage space. The books are very thick and many, and soon the books will pile up.

Zhang Hao finally said, "You guys, this is the journal. In the past four days, all the exercises, explanations, and questions and answers have been sorted out, and they were published last night. The first batch was printed with 140,000 copies. After everyone registered the information, You can get it for free.

In the next three days, there will be three million copies, which can be collected here.

In the future, it is planned to print ten million copies, which will be placed in Beidou University, International Library, Dayang Group Headquarters and other places. After you register the news, you can receive it for free.

Ocean Group will do its utmost to promote the progress and development of the world and guide the world's peace and hope.

Now you can get it. In the morning, we will summarize and sort out the questions of the previous four days. Starting at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, Dayang Group will explain the problem about Dongxu. "

There are not many things in the morning. What the Ocean Group has to do is just brush the sense of presence and take away the glory of the previous four days. No matter how much effort the Xuanhuang Group and the Ming Dynasty have made, this stall is built by the Ocean Group !

At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the scene was silent.

Zhang Hao didn't show up. Li Wei, the first master recognized by the Ocean Group, walked slowly with white hair.

I don't know how many people narrowed their eyes when they saw Li Wei. Although Li Wei looked plain, everyone seemed to see a lone wolf, roaring in the desolate night. Dangerous breath came across.

It is said that the expert knows whether it is there or not. This Li Wei just showed his breath a little bit, so that everyone on the scene had an extraordinary feeling.

Everyone's mind almost coincided with this idea: This person is not simple, I am afraid that I have already touched the threshold of Dongxu?

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