Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1043: Still good mother

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Time passed quickly, and in a flash came the spring of Tianyuan 19 years.

Zhang Hao stood on the top floor of the new headquarters' high-rise office, overlooking a brand-new city, a more modern and even sci-fi city.

Here is the Suncheon Mansion, once the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

However, with the exception of the imperial palace of the Ming Dynasty and the residences of a few representative nobles, officials, and masters, the rest of the city has been flattened. A completely modern city has risen here.

The headquarters of the Ocean Group naturally moved here. The former Ninghe City became the Western Office of the Ocean Group, a bit of a taste of accompany.

As for the imperial palace that had been used by the dynasty, it has been developed into a tourist area and is completely open to the outside world. The once solemn emperor's palace was completely knocked down by dust and was completely open to the people.

The emperor’s system lost its mystery and flourished, and the traces of the Ming dynasty were also blown away by rain and wind in just three quarters.

Dayang Group's new headquarters building is 1108 meters high.

Around the headquarters building, there are other central buildings:

The administrative center of the Principality of the East China Sea, up to 1036 meters;

The new research center of Dayang Group is 1024 meters;

The new practice center is as high as 1001 meters;

The medical center is 1000 meters;

Dayang Group Commercial Center is 999 meters.

There are also newly added education centers up to 1,076 meters.

The high design of these buildings has some symbolic meaning. The additional 108 meters from the headquarters symbolize the 108 numbers of Tiangang; the administrative center 36 represents Tiangang, and Tianxingjian is constantly striving for self-improvement; the number of 1024 in the center of the Academy of Sciences is just one byte of the computer technology of the Ocean Group-the most mature computer of the Ocean Group Technology is still binary.

The practice center represents a hundred feet of pole head, so it is just a bit early.

The medical center wants to show perfection.

As for the commercial center, it is actually second only to the headquarters of the Ocean Group. After all, Dayang Group is a commercial group. But the reason for this design is also a little vigilant: it is too late.

Business is very important and capital is critical, but all business and capital operations require scientific and technological progress to support it, and masters are needed to **** it.

Then there is the education center. The number 76 represents earth evil, which is actually extended to mean down to earth. The height of the education center is second only to the height of the headquarters of the Ocean Group.

Standing in front of the window, Zhang Hao quietly looked at the bustling world.

However, in three quarters, Ocean Group has firmly established itself in the Land of Morning Earth. The remaining ideas here cannot withstand the impact of the tens of thousands of masters of the Ocean Group, the prosperous industry and commerce of the Ocean Group, and the more free and open ideological trend.

In the distance, a huge wide-body airliner took off. The latest passenger aircraft can transport 560 people at a time, and the fastest speed can reach three times the speed of sound-usually the maximum speed is 2.6 times the speed of sound. The fuel tank equipped with storage technology can support the aircraft to travel around the world.

This speed is much slower than previous fighter jets and small passenger airplanes. However, the current world is generally stable and peaceful, and a large number of ordinary people have begun to travel around the world. Such low-cost wide-body passenger aircraft also have a huge market.

If you are rich or in a hurry, you can also take a super-high-speed passenger plane. The number of passengers on such passenger aircraft is less than 100, but the speed can reach 8 times the speed of sound-usually can be maintained at 7.6 times the speed of sound. It is almost the highest speed of the master of the law, not counting the speed of escape at any cost.

If you still feel that the speed is not enough, you can take the newly researched super-high-speed aerospace testing machine-with the nature of research, but the finished product will also be open to the public. At present, the highest speed of operation can reach 18 times the speed of sound, almost twice the highest speed of the French master.

It's just a pity that because the speed is too fast, it will cause the formation of the storage technology to be unstable, so the current maximum flight time of this aircraft is 90 minutes; considering safety issues, the maximum flight time is 80 minutes, and then it will be reduced to subsonic speed Find a place to land.

But even in 80 minutes, there are enough 43,000 kilometers to fly between any two continents; if planned, they can also fly across continents.

If there is another air refueling, the distance is farther. In fact, the air refueling technology has been adopted by the ASEAN military; but for civilian use, there are certain risks.

Zhang Hao slightly adjusted his gaze, and at the edge of the city, an eight-lane railway extended to the horizon, and a wide-body train was flying.

A large number of high-tech construction teams are operating in the fringe areas of the city. With the intervention of the top-down administrative order of the Ocean Group, everyone consciously catalyzed the progress and application of science and technology. In just three quarters, many excellent technologies have emerged.

At this time, the entire Suncheon Mansion, and even the entire Chentu Chau, and even the whole world have turned into super construction sites. In an unprecedented wave of construction, various technologies have sprung up.

Standing in front of the window, Zhang Hao quietly watched and thought quietly.

Suddenly, the "Big Brother Brick" in Zhang Hao's work...cough, the latest research of the handheld wireless phone, rang. Or, this can already be called a ‘mobile phone’.

The new phone also has caller ID. What is shown above is the word "big wife".

Zhang Hao picked up his phone, and before he could speak, Zhou Xueyao's voice floated: "Come back, Ning Ning is about to be born."

Zhang Hao froze for a moment, then grabbed the phone and rushed out: "I will go back immediately!"

Ning Ning is the child of Zhang Xiaoning, Zhang Hao and Zhou Xueyao. However, when Tianyuan was born in November 16th, it was just a meat ball, or a flesh, or flesh, but now everyone prefers the word flesh.

Later, everyone predicted that the flesh may also take three years to train. Therefore, the "expected date" is actually this winter. I don't want to be officially born in spring.

It can only be said that there is not much experience in the past for fertility at the level of God. Many have been born in recent years, because of the technology and role models of the Ocean Group, all births are born, but these births are all in pregnancy.

At present, only the children of Zhang Hao and Zhou Xueyao are the first to be conceived—in other words, Zhang Hao has no experience at all, and the rest are waiting for the technology of the Ocean Group.

Zhang Hao hurried home, here is the East of Suncheon Mansion, a prosperous but quiet living area.

The prosperity is because this is the high-level living area of ​​the Ocean Group, and the area is huge; there are many shopping malls here, but those who can open shopping malls here must undergo strict inspections.

Speaking of tranquility, because there are almost no buildings above five floors, most of them are three or two floors, with green trees and flowers.

In the southern location, it is the highest school of the Ocean Group-Beidou University, to be precise the new campus of Beidou University; everything in the old campus of Beidou University is slowly migrating.

Zhang Hao returned home, but saw Zhou Xueyao, Li Yuanyuan, Hua Baixiang, and Zhou Xueyao's disciple Miao Xiaoyu and more medical staff, looking nervously at the center. Of course, there are maids.

In the center, a round basin with a diameter of about 1.5 meters... well, it is an alternative baby cot, with a white tender meat ball in the center. After more than two years of gestation, the meat ball has grown to about 70 cm.

But at this time, the meat ball is becoming transparent, and occasionally one of them is curled up. It’s just that because the surface is fluctuating, it doesn’t look real.

Zhang Hao came in and called out softly.

Suddenly, the children inside looked up and turned to look at Zhang Hao's position, a pair of big eyes full of joy; but the eyes were a little golden.

At the next moment, the child suddenly stretched out his arms, the surface of the flesh shattered suddenly, and then turned into stars under the impact of energy.

Among them, a huddled child emerged in midair.

At this time, it can be seen that this is a little boy.

However, the change did not stop. The shards of flesh suddenly hovered around, circling around the child for a long time, and finally turned into a white armor.

The style of the armor is very similar to that of the Ocean Group, but the overall appearance is porcelain white with a little ruddy-quite a feeling of white and red.

There are lines on the surface of the armor, but looking closely at these lines is plausible-it looks like a formation of the armor, but it is actually just a decorative effect, no effect of the formation.

The armor is formed, and the child is standing in the sky, about the age of an ordinary child, six or seven years old.

The little guy looked left and right, suddenly jumped to Zhang Hao: "Dad hugs..."

Zhang Hao reached out his hand and didn't want the little guy to turn around in a vacuum. He threw himself down in the arms of Zhou Xueyao next to him and grinned: "It's still my mother."

Zhang Hao waved his hand and waved to the medical staff around him, "Let's go out first. Everyone receives a red envelope of ten thousand yuan."

The maid also retreated and prepared red envelopes for everyone. On the scene were Zhang Hao, Zhou Xueyao, Li Yuanyuan, Hua Baixiang, and Zhang Xiaoning who was just born.

Zhang Hao embraced Zhou Xueyao in front, squeezing the little guy in the middle.

The little guy twisted uncomfortably before turning his head to smirk: "Neither dad."

Zhang Hao touched the little guy's head, but turned out to be short, and by the way felt the little guy's foundation. Coupled with the performance just now, Zhang Hao is very pleased to find that the foundation of the little guy is indeed the foundation of the God of God-this only represents physical fitness.

In fact, the little guy has not built a foundation. However, the true Yuan energy in the body has already exceeded the Yuan infant period, and the purity has reached the period of God.

Think about it, too, for more than two years, I don’t know how many geniuses I have swallowed.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao couldn't help saying happily: "Yes! When he grows up, he must be an upright man."

"Hee hee!" the little guy laughed immediately, "I want to be as great as dad."

Zhou Xueyao also said happily: "Really good."

But the little guy continued to say: "I want to marry six... no, 12 wives."

Zhang Hao: ...

Zhou Xueyao: ...

Hua Baixiang laughed with a sneer, "Sure enough, it's a dragon, a tiger, a tiger, it's good, it's ambitious."

The little guy immediately looked at the probe: "Auntie is good."

"Okay, okay!" Hua Baixiang stretched out her hands: "Let Auntie hug."

"Oh... Mother will be angry..."

Zhou Xueyao also reacted at this time, scolding the ear of the little guy and reprimanded: "At a young age, practice first! You are not allowed to fall in love with the state of the law, you know not!"


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