Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1049: Off topic

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Will Dahe Zhao explain the core exercises of the Ocean Group?

The answer is: impossible!

Although the Ocean Group has been very generous and has disclosed a lot of information, technology, materials, etc., it does not mean that the Ocean Group has to take out its own underwear-this is called no brains.

Zhang Hao and the senior executives of the Ocean Group are well aware that they must occupy a leading position, so some things cannot be'openly'.

Only when the Ocean Group holds the leading position can the world's resources be arranged as a whole. Otherwise, the world will inevitably be divided. The senior executives of the Ocean Group, or Zhang Hao, are well aware of human inferiority.

As long as the Ocean Group has chips in hand, it can command the world. But if the Ocean Group is really completely selfless and open to all their thoughts, then someone will inevitably jump out and say: Ocean Group you are wrong, you should listen to me, we will do better!

Therefore, whether it is the practice or the science, although the Ocean Group has made a lot of disclosure, the core is still in its own hands.

Perhaps this is also one of the inferior roots of mankind: no matter how dangerous the situation is, you have to keep everything in your own hands. Those released can be regarded as another kind of bait.

Therefore, this time the practice explained by Zhao Dahe was actually derived from the masters of the Ocean Group in the past three months.

In the three-month period, among the Ocean Group, Zhang Hao, Bai Yutang, Li Wei, Nan Xiaoyun, Huang Wentian, Fu Yun, Du Gu Junjie and others all broke through the virtual realm of the cave in succession.

Of course, the price is that in the past three months, the Ocean Group has launched 12 spaceships, and 10 of them are occupied by the people of the Ocean Group. The remaining two, a total of four person times, before it was the turn of the outsider, you still need to buy expensive ‘boat tickets’.

This ticket is linked to the virtual state of the cave, and the cost is collected by the space center for research funding-at least to the outside.

And because more than 80% of the rights in the research base and almost all high-tech Yajiu are in the hands of the Ocean Group, then the rules and the so-called final interpretation power are naturally in the hands of the Ocean Group.

In short, because there are so many virtual masters of holes, everyone can make a deduction based on "Zhou Tiangong", it is easy to get the second hole virtual method.

Of course, considering long-term development, Ocean Group does not want to cut off everyone's future. Therefore, the new Dongxu Kungfu was developed on "Small Zhou Tiangong". There are some gaps with Dayangong's "Zhou Tiangong", but it will never affect everyone's future.

It should be said that what the Ocean Group did was just right.

Therefore, this Dongxu exchange meeting is a little strange. Zhao Dahe first met with you, and then scattered countless jade slips from high altitude. These are new "Xiaozhou Tiangong" recorders that include the virtual state of the cave.

This scene is like grabbing wedding candy. It’s just that there are a lot of people. Zhao Dahe took the lead, and the masters of the Ocean Group sprinkled more than ten kilometers from the sky for half an hour, spilling almost 30 million jade slips.

Because this is a Dongxu exercise, Zhao Dahe gave everyone two days to read. However, he didn't leave the scene. It was here and everyone was discussing with the left and right.

Thanks to the open environment created by the Ocean Group, everyone can really discuss it together.

The masters of the Ocean Group are also constantly patrolling the sky, on the one hand to maintain law and order, on the other hand to record everyone's discussion-as long as it is useful.

As the so-called one person is short and two persons are long, so many people discuss, often have some unique insights, these are very precious.

Although the Ocean Group is revealing new exercises to the world, it is also using people's thinking to check for gaps. In the discussions of more than 20 million practitioners who are at least Yuanying, there are so many flashing points that only the discussants themselves will not notice.

Soon, at noon on March 3, Zhao Dahe appeared again and began to explain directly:

This time, "Xiaozhou Tiangong" is based on "Xiaozhou Tiangong", referring to Imperial Beast, Gu Gu and Wai Dan, plus innate power, Yangshen power and gold body power. Of course, I also borrowed a lot of Xuanhuang civilization information.

In a word, the exercise method is no problem, and this exercise method will also be implemented within the Ocean Group.

Someone asked: What exercises did Senior Zhao practice?

Zhao Dahe said: We have perfected it based on "Zhou Tiangong". The effect of this practice is slightly stronger than that of "Little Zhou Tiangong", but it is more professional.

As soon as the word "professionalism" came out, it raised a huge question: what the **** is this?

When we practice the exercises, we don’t pay attention to qualifications, perceptions, resources, environment, supplementary materials, notes, etc. The first time we heard about ‘professionalism’-isn’t this a technical term?

Zhao Dahe chuckled and explained: The practice itself is also a kind of high technology, and the problems can not be explained in three words. I can only guarantee that for most ordinary people, practicing "Xiao Zhou Tian Gong" is more appropriate.

If you want to practice "Zhou Tiangong", first of all, you must be proficient in astronomy, understand the running rules of the sun, moon and stars, and master the 28 stars. And this is just the foundation.

In addition, you must understand why the stars exercise so much. For example, why does the moon hover around us, what kind of power does it do, and how does it work? If the moon is farther and closer, what effect will it cause?

Zhao Dahe said a lot, but there are many that are not pointed out: in fact, it is scientific literacy. However, Zhao Dahe nagged a lot, and said a lot, but he didn't point the core.

But everyone also understood: "Zhou Tiangong" needs professional support. Many people are confused when they listen-it seems to be understood, but they turn their eyes at the various astronomical problems that Zhao Dahe said.

Let's talk about it like this, no one asks more. Dayang Group took the initiative to publish an apparently good hole virtual exercise method, and everyone was basically satisfied.

The exercises have been explained for almost two days, and probably the problems have been clarified. But gradually, everyone's problems began to favor other aspects. For example, space.

Now everyone has fully accepted the current situation. The hydrogen balloons floating in the sky were all detonated and landed by the Ocean Group; at this time, it was the satellites in orbit that contacted Global Communications. In just three months, Ocean Group arranged more than 30 satellites in space. Includes satellites in synchronous orbit.

Thanks to Zhang Hao's guidance, the Xuanhuang Civilization material translated by everyone, plus the masters of the French phase can walk freely in a short time, allowing space technology to develop rapidly.

However, there are only a few who can enter space today. Moreover, all who have broken through the realm of cave voids have all entered space. Therefore, everyone firmly believes that the realm of cave voids is the threshold of life in space. Only by entering space can you become a master of void voids.

Yes, they just think that they can get rid of the shackles on the ground as long as they step into space-although they don't know what the shackles are.

This is a wrong idea, but there is no way. Only by further development and popularization of science can we really understand the problem.

But no matter what, everyone is very concerned now: When can I enter space?

On some issues in space, Zhao Dahe can explain. But when it comes to some professional issues, especially the space issues planned by the Ocean Group, Zhang Xinhan can only be pulled out.

In the face of everyone's inquiry, Zhang Xinhan said very simply: The purpose of the Ocean Group and the World Aerospace Research Center is to send everyone to space as soon as possible; but limited to technology, cost and other issues, it is currently planned that the following people can enter space:

First, those who can afford a ferry ticket. 20 million Ling Yuan a ticket, no discount.

Secondly, those who are willing to work in space have at least three years of work, and there is a certain danger; if they run away if the work time is not reached, the world will pursue them. This work, including construction, security, etc., but also requires certain professional knowledge.

Third, scientific research personnel. Needless to say, this must have qualified professional knowledge, and such personnel are basically here at the space center, no need for outsiders to think.

Finally, Zhang Xinhan drew a pie for everyone: The Space Center is planning to build a space base. Maybe it won't take long for everyone to settle in space.

Many people cheered and it sounded good.

However, some rational people pointed out: How much does this cost?

Zhang Xinhan said: We are improving the technology, and the cost will be minimized as much as possible; the specific amount is temporarily uncertain, because the technology is still being developed.

But one thing is that there are currently four towers under construction at the same time, which is expected to be completed in three months. Large-scale launches will be possible by then, and costs are expected to be shared and reduced by at least 30%. But more depends on the actual situation.

Space research is complex, and there are too many costs that are difficult to calculate directly and can only be estimated roughly.

But as soon as this topic started, it couldn't stop. Everyone is now yearning for space issues. Not only the progress of science and technology, but also the progress of practice. Some people say that if you can get a 20 million ferry ticket, can you borrow it?

Zhang Xinhan had to contact Zhang Hao for a while, and he quickly gave a reply: This, for the time being, may not work.

In the face of turbulent sentiment, Zhang Xinhan had to explain carefully: Now the sale of boat tickets is to provide funds for aerospace research; and loan funds are relatively difficult to operate. A few loans are okay, and if there are more, Lvzhou Bank does not release as many loans.

In fact, in the past, Green Boat Bank, including all large banks in the world, only gave a note to the loan itself; everyone took this note to trade.

In fact, the principal of a dollar can be loaned 100 yuan or even more after the operation is completed. Such a lever operation is actually not a secret long ago. Of course, no one took the initiative to disclose. Zhang Xinhan will not make it public, but with a brief explanation, it is enough to show that the loan is not suitable.

Aerospace research needs real money, not digital games such as loans.

But just as Zhang Xinhan was about to leave, someone suddenly shouted, "I heard that the Ocean Group is about to launch a spaceship to the moon recently. Is this true?"

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