Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1078: Roaring Cannon

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At the space base, Zhang Hao was followed by Zhou Xueyao, Li Yuanyuan, Hua Baixiang, and Zhang Xiaoning, a family quietly enjoying the tranquility and vastness of space.

In the distant space, three white light spots are approaching. Behind the three white spots, dragged a long tail.

Zhang Xiaoning was observing with a telescope. After a while, he turned to look at Zhou Xueyao, "Mom, all three ice planets have evaporated. After Venus, will it disappear?"

Zhou Xueyao chuckled: "It just looks serious. In fact, the vaporized vapors are very few and almost negligible. Those vapors are also very thin. Even a hundred times thinner than the atmosphere."

"Why is it so obvious?"

"Because the background of space is pure and black, and because these vapors quickly condense into ice crystals in space, they can refract sunlight.

Unlike the atmosphere on Uranus, it is just a gas state. "

"Oh... like cold fog?"

"Yes, like cold fog!"

"Which part of the planet loses mass will cause a slight change in orbit?"

"So there is still an engine on it, it will be adjusted slightly." Zhou Xueyao patiently educated Zhang Xiaoning.

Zhang Hao looked at the scene with a smile. Next to it, Li Yuanyuan leaned against Zhang Hao and gently stroked her lower abdomen. Li Yuanyuan recently consolidated the cultivation practice in the later period of the deity period, and finally became pregnant.

Li Yuanyuan’s practice qualifications are not very good. Although he was accepted by Tang Chenying as a disciple, he practiced Wuxian’s practice, but later found that Wuxian’s practice was a bit similar to that of the gold body, which was a coincidence; this practice can be formed The power of the stage of transformation is strong, but there is no way to go behind.

Li Yuanyuan had to rebuild it, and it was only recently that Xiuwei was consolidated before finally preparing to conceive future generations.

As for the flowers and passion, they have rushed to the virtual realm of the cave all the way, and it is the highest cultivation of the three girls. Zhou Xueyao is now the realm of the French phase.

But Hua Baixiang is still not prepared to have a child. After they are ready to break through the hole, they will go to the next level and return to the real stage.

There are four major stages of spiritual practice. Before the infancy, it belongs to refining gas; the offspring bred before the infancy may have better qualifications, but they are mortals after all.

The three realms of divinity, dharma, and dongxu belong to the refining spirit and divinity; children born after the divine period need three years to conceive, and the child is born with innate physique and divine foundation!

After the hole is empty, there are three states of returning to truth, pure yang, and returning to the empty, which belong to the stage of "refining the **** to return to the empty". It is foreseeable that the offspring bred at this stage will be more powerful. Xuanhuang Civilization's existing data also shows this.

But correspondingly, the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult and costly it is to want to breed offspring.

Um, far away. In short, Zhang Hao enjoys the current environment; as a man, even for this family, he must develop and grow desperately.

Thinking about it, Zhang Hao looked into the distance and looked in the direction of the Astrological Constellation and the Celestial Constellation. In the vast sky, only the stellar light flashed faintly.

I don’t know where the Red River Civilization Exploration Fleet is now. Has Super Life Eternal escaped the pursuit of the Red River civilization? Is the error induced by Eternity effective before?

The feeling that this fate cannot be held in his own hands makes Zhang Hao feel very bad. Now, in addition to the dull development, the only thing that can be done is to pray, and pray for the Red River civilization to find itself later.

This sense of powerlessness reminds Zhang Hao of an inexplicable madness.

Having come to this world for so many years, Zhang Hao is most anxious about this matter. Can only wait passively, without even any news. But I just know that there is such a tyrannical super civilization that will eradicate the Xuanhuang civilization. It may come at any time!

This is not the pressure mountain, but the pressure planet...the space age, we have to keep pace with the times!

And these pressures, it is difficult for Zhang Hao to tell others. In fact, everyone is under such pressure, but others can pin their hopes on Zhang Hao and Dayang Group. And Zhang Hao?

Can only bear it!

After Zhou Xueyao and others had seen the telescopes one by one, Zhang Hao came to the telescope to watch the distant ice planet.

Previously Zhang Hao only saw photos, which were left by astronauts. In addition, small satellites left in orbit around the asteroid and detectors fixed on the asteroid surface were taken.

But now, the small satellites in the asteroid orbit are gone. The squirting water vapor rushed out of the orbit a little bit, and now the small satellite has completely released itself.

The probe fixed on the surface of the asteroid still works, but there are also many conditions that are not perfect.

You can see through the telescope that the three snow worlds are slowly spinning forward. The frontmost asteroid is the clearest. The surface of the ice and snow world is bumpy, with a thin, almost imperceptible atmosphere, which is transpiring water vapor.

But these ice planets have too little gravity and no magnetic field protection to keep the atmosphere. So under the sunlight, the ice layer is disappearing little by little.

In fact, in the vicinity of the orbit of Uranus, the energy of direct sunlight is very considerable; especially these ice planets will take almost one year to reach near Venus, during which time the light will continue to increase.

According to calculations by Ocean Group researchers, these ice planets will eventually lose about 5% of their mass, completely evaporated by sunlight.

The main reason is that the boiling point of water is related to atmospheric pressure. These ice planets have almost no atmosphere and low gravitation. When the water temperature reaches 4°, they can boil and evaporate.

Even large amounts of water sublimate directly from the ice.

From a distance, these ice planets are very beautiful, with a little fog on the surface, dragging a tail of millions of kilometers behind. Occasionally in the tail, there will be a flash of rainbow.

But as the telescope multiples were adjusted, the surface of the ice planet gradually became clearer. The surface is bumpy, and there are even black rocks and mud. That is the impurities left after the ice layer evaporates.

Especially where there are black rocks or mud, the ice layer evaporates extremely quickly, like scars left on the surface of the planet.

Zhang Hao frowned slightly, and the water evaporated from these three ice planets felt a bit much. Water is an indispensable important medium in temporary industrial production, and it is also an important substance to reduce the temperature of Venus.

Moisture itself is also an important component of the planet’s life.

After watching it for a while, Zhang Hao pulled out his phone and dialed Shen Minghai's phone. "Xiao Shen, I just saw that the three ice planets have a lot of water evaporation. In space, water is a precious resource.

See if you can send someone to the next seal or something. "

Upon hearing such a simple request, Shen Minghai agreed without saying anything.

Set a seal only. Although the largest diameter of these three ice planets is up to 1800 kilometers, it is only 1800 kilometers. Once the surface area of ​​a medium country on Uranus was larger than the surface area of ​​this planet.

For the current Ocean Group, setting up such a seal is basically not difficult. Get some spirit stone, and then throw the master of the void to the planet, and it will be solved in two or three days.

And for the masters of these holes, there is no need to prepare for a living system. Just need to get a shuttle to pick up.

In less than three hours, a brand-new space plane of the Ocean Group directly took off from the ground, carrying more than 60 masters in the imaginary phase of the cave and the phase of the phase, plus the flag, the top grade spirit stone, etc., directly rushed into space; and then directly accelerated towards Three asteroids flew away.

Seven days later, sixty people landed on three asteroids and began to lay out simple seals. This seal does not need to be strong, it is enough to cover the sun, and it can be maintained for a year.

Compared to previous seals, it is hundreds of years at a time, and a one-year seal is really not too difficult.

Moreover, these seals do not need to be connected together, they can be constructed one by one, and do not require a complete seal, as long as the water loss is reduced.

Soon, patches of ice seals appeared on these asteroids. These seals form ice surfaces, reflecting most of the sunlight; even a little sunlight can heat the ice on the planet's surface, but only a little water evaporates.

Half a month later, the three ice planets became three reflective prism planets; and the tail dragging behind the planets also completely disappeared. It's just that at this time, the three asteroids have been staggered from the astronomical star, and the distance is getting farther and farther. Only professional astronomical telescopes can capture their trajectories.

The space plane only returned one and a half months after departure. It was only a month and a half, and this time the masters consciously opened the True Element Shield, and the Ocean Group also issued a magic weapon for temporary protection. No radiation problems occurred.

After that, the distance between the three asteroids and the Uranus gradually widened and they could not be seen directly.

But after waiting for almost 9 months, the three asteroids dragged their short tails closer to Uranus. But at this time, the three asteroids are very close to the orbit of Venus, and gradually catch up with Venus.

The seals on the asteroids began to fail in large numbers; the three spacecraft that kicked the asteroids out of orbit, set off again, and had already caught up with the asteroids. Under the command of the Space Command Center, fine-tuning of the asteroid began.

In the corner of the Dawning space base, and in the observation room of the Venus Discovery Command Center, representatives from all over the world gathered again. But for the time being, it was mainly representatives of science and technology.

And 20,000 kilometers away from the Dawn, the starry sky artillery has started to ignite and accelerate, and gradually got rid of the gravitational force of Tianyuanxing.

According to the plan, the starry sky artillery will enter the sun synchronous orbit. The so-called sun synchronous orbit means that the ‘sun, starry sky artillery, and Tianyuanxing’ will always maintain three points and one line.

Of course, it can also be arranged in such a way as "sun, celestial star, starry sky cannon", just adjust the orbit height.

But this time, the star cannon's target is three small ice planets that are beginning to approach Venus, so the first arrangement is adopted.

Seven days later, the starry sky cannon was in place and the inspection began.

The spacecraft has also readjusted the asteroid's flight and orbit. The first asteroid is rushing towards Venus.

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